path: root/dblib/common/src/main/java/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/mbeans-descriptors.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'dblib/common/src/main/java/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/mbeans-descriptors.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/dblib/common/src/main/java/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/mbeans-descriptors.xml b/dblib/common/src/main/java/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/mbeans-descriptors.xml
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--- a/dblib/common/src/main/java/org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/mbeans-descriptors.xml
+++ /dev/null
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- openecomp
- ================================================================================
- Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 AT&T
- ================================================================================
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- -->
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- <mbean name="TomcatJDBCPool"
- description="Provides per diagnostic metrics and notifications for JDBC operations"
- domain="tomcat"
- group="jdbc"
- type="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource">
- <attribute name="className"
- description="Fully qualified class name of the managed object"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="size"
- description="The number of established connections in the pool, idle and in use"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="idle"
- description="The number of established connections in the pool that are idle"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="numIdle"
- description="Same as the idle attribute"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="active"
- description="The number of established connections in the pool that are in use"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="numActive"
- description="Same as the active attribute"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="poolSweeperEnabled"
- description="Returns true if the pool has a background thread running"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="url"
- description="The JDBC url for this connection pool"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="driverClassName"
- description="The JDBC driver class for this connection pool"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="defaultAutoCommit"
- description="The JDBC auto commit setting for new connections"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="defaultReadOnly"
- description="The JDBC read only setting for new connections"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="defaultTransactionIsolation"
- description="The JDBC transaction isolation setting for new connections"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="connectionProperties"
- description="The connection properties that will be set for new connections. Format of the string will be [propertyName=property;]*"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="defaultCatalog"
- description="The JDBC transaction isolation setting for new connections"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="initialSize"
- description="The number of connections opened at pool startup"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="maxActive"
- description="The maximum number of open connections"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="maxIdle"
- description="The max number of idle connections"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="minIdle"
- description="The minimum number of open connections"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="maxWait"
- description="The time to wait in milliseconds before a SQLException is thrown when a connection is requested"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="validationQuery"
- description="The query to run during validation"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="validationQueryTimeout"
- description="The timeout in seconds before a connection validation queries fail"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false" />
- <attribute name="testOnBorrow"
- description="True if validation happens when a connection is requested"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="testOnReturn"
- description="True if validation happens when a connection is returned"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="testWhileIdle"
- description="True if validation happens when a connection is not in use (idle)"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis"
- description="Sleep time for background thread in between pool checks"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="numTestsPerEvictionRun"
- description="Not in use"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="minEvictableIdleTimeMillis"
- description="Minimum amount of time a connection stays idle before it is evicted"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed"
- description="Returns true if one can retrieve the actual JDBC connection"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="removeAbandoned"
- description="Returns true if connection in use can be timed out"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="removeAbandonedTimeout"
- description="Timeout in seconds for connections in use"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="logAbandoned"
- description="If true, stack trace will be recorded and printed out for timed out connection"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="loginTimeout"
- description="Not in use"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="name"
- description="The name of the connection pool, will be used in the ObjectName of the actual pool"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="password"
- description="For security purposes,this doesn't return anything"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="username"
- description="The username used to open connections"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="validationInterval"
- description="If larger than zero than validation will only occur after the interval milliseconds has passed"
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="initSQL"
- description="A SQL executed once per connection, when it is established"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="testOnConnect"
- description="Validate connection after connection has been established"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="jdbcInterceptors"
- description="The interceptors configured for this pool"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="jmxEnabled"
- description="Register the pool with JMX or not"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="fairQueue"
- description="a fair queue is being used by the connection pool"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="abandonWhenPercentageFull"
- description="Connections that have been abandoned isn't closed unless connections in use are above this percentage"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="maxAge"
- description="Time in milliseconds to keep this connection alive even when used"
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="useEquals"
- description="Set to true if you wish the ProxyConnection class to use String.equals and set to false when you wish to use == when comparing method names"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="useLock"
- description="If true, use a lock when operations are performed on the connection object"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="false"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="suspectTimeout"
- description="Timeout in seconds for connection that suspected to have been abandoned"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="rollbackOnReturn"
- description="If autoCommit==false then the pool can terminate the transaction by calling rollback on the connection as it is returned to the pool"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="false"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="commitOnReturn"
- description="If autoCommit==false then the pool can complete the transaction by calling commit on the connection as it is returned to the pool"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="false"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="alternateUsernameAllowed"
- description="If true, getConnection(username,password) is allowed"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="dataSource"
- description="Data source that is injected into the pool"
- type="javax.sql.DataSource"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="dataSourceJNDI"
- description="The JNDI name for a data source to be looked up"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="useDisposableConnectionFacade"
- description="If true, connection pool is configured to use a connection facade to prevent re-use of connection after close() has been invoked"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="false"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="logValidationErrors"
- description="Log errors during the validation phase to the log file"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="false"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="validatorClassName"
- description="The name of validator class which implements org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.Validator interface"
- type="java.lang.String"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="waitCount"
- description="The number of threads waiting for a connection"
- type="java.lang.Integer"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="propagateInterruptState"
- description="If true, propagate the interrupt state for a thread that has been interrupted"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="false"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad"
- description="If true, ignore error of connection creation while initializing the pool"
- type="java.lang.Boolean"
- is="true"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="borrowedCount"
- description="The total number of connections borrowed from this pool"
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="createdCount"
- description="The total number of connections created by this pool"
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="returnedCount"
- description="The total number of connections returned to this pool"
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="releasedCount"
- description="The total number of connections released from this pool"
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="reconnectedCount"
- description="The total number of connections reconnected by this pool."
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="removeAbandonedCount"
- description="The total number of connections released by remove abandoned."
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <attribute name="releasedIdleCount"
- description="The total number of connections released by eviction."
- type="java.lang.Long"
- writeable="false"/>
- <operation name="checkIdle"
- description="forces a check of idle connections"
- impact="ACTION"
- returnType="void" />
- <operation name="checkAbandoned"
- description="forces a check of abandoned connections"
- impact="ACTION"
- returnType="void" />
- <operation name="testIdle"
- description="forces a validation of abandoned connections"
- impact="ACTION"
- returnType="void" />
- <operation name="purge"
- description="Purges all connections in the pool"
- impact="ACTION"
- returnType="void" />
- <operation name="purgeOnReturn"
- description="Purges connections when they are returned from the pool"
- impact="ACTION"
- returnType="void" />
- <operation name="resetStats"
- description="reset the statistics of this pool."
- impact="ACTION"
- returnType="void" />
- </mbean>