path: root/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-configuration.yaml.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-configuration.yaml.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b10845aaa..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-configuration.yaml.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Needed for logging purposes. To be populated by DevOps - currently dummy
-feFqdn: <%= @fe_host_ip %>
-# catalog backend hostname
-beHost: <%= @be_host_ip %>
-# catalog backend http port
-beHttpPort: <%= @catalog_port %>
-# catalog backend http context
-beContext: /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/upload/resources
-# catalog backend protocol
-<% if node[:disableHttp] -%>
-beProtocol: https
-<% else %>
-beProtocol: http
-<% end -%>
-# catalog backend ssl port
-beSslPort: <%= @ssl_port %>
-# threadpool size for handling requests
-threadpoolSize: 50
-# request processing timeout (seconds)
-requestTimeout: 1200
-# catalog ms (the host-port values need to be changed once it is deployed)
- protocol: http
- host: <%= node['FACADE_VIP'] %>
- port: <%= @facade_port %>
- healthCheckUri: "/healthCheck"
- path: "/uicache"
-# Determines the health check read timeout when invoking health check towards the LB (or BE whatever is configured):
-healthCheckSocketTimeoutInMs: 5000
-healthCheckIntervalInSeconds: 5
- enabled: <%= @basic_auth_flag %>
- userName: <%= @user_name %>
- userPass: <%= @user_pass %>
- hostFe: <%= @fe_host_ip %>
- <% if node[:disableHttp] -%>
- protocolFe: https
- portFe: <%= node['FE'][:https_port] %>
- <% else %>
- protocolFe: http
- portFe: <%= node['FE'][:http_port] %>
- <% end -%>
- healthCheckUriFe: "/onboarding/v1.0/healthcheck"
- hostBe: <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE_VIP'] %>
- <% if node[:disableHttp] -%>
- protocolBe: https
- portBe: <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE'][:https_port] %>
- <% else %>
- protocolBe: http
- portBe: <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE'][:http_port] %>
- <% end -%>
- -
- - &iv-user iv-user
- -
- - &user-id user-id
- -
- - &csp-attuid csp-attuid
- -
- - &csp-firstname csp-firstname
- -
- - &csp-lastname csp-lastname
- -
- - &iv-remote-address iv-remote-address
- -
- - &csp-email csp-email
-version: 1.0
-released: 2012-11-30
-# access restriction
- cookieName: "AuthenticationCookie"
- path: /
- domain: ""
- securityKey: <%= node['access_restriction_key'] %>
-# Connection parameters
- url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db
- poolSize: 17
-# Protocols
- - http
- - https
- enabled: false
- isProxy: true
- probeIntervalInSeconds: 15
- - DE
- - DCAE
- - External API
-#Space separated list of permitted ancestors
-permittedAncestors: <%= @permittedAncestors %>
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-jetty-rewrite.yaml.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-jetty-rewrite.yaml.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index e0862a5bfd..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-jetty-rewrite.yaml.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_3.dtd">
-<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
- <Ref refid="Rewrite">
- <Call name="addRule">
- <Arg>
- <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RedirectPatternRule">
- <Set name="pattern" type="String"/>
- <Set name="location">/sdc1</Set>
- </New>
- </Arg>
- </Call>
- </Ref>
- <!-- ===================== -->
- <!-- DefaultHandler config -->
- <!-- ===================== -->
- <Ref id="DefaultHandler">
- <Set name="showContexts">false</Set>
- </Ref>
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-onboarding-configuration.yaml.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-onboarding-configuration.yaml.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index beb774b4a9..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/FE-onboarding-configuration.yaml.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- pollingIntervalMsec: 2000
- selectionSize: 100
- beHost: <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE_VIP'] %>
- <% if node[:disableHttp] -%>
- beHttpPort: <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE'][:https_port] %>
- <% else %>
- beHttpPort: <%= node['ONBOARDING_BE'][:http_port] %>
- <% end -%> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/http-ini.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/http-ini.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2669032b..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/http-ini.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------
-# Module: http
-<%= @http_option %>
-### HTTP Connector Configuration
-## Connector host/address to bind to
-# jetty.http.host=
-## Connector port to listen on
-jetty.http.port=<%= @http_port %>
-## Connector idle timeout in milliseconds
-## Connector socket linger time in seconds (-1 to disable)
-# jetty.http.soLingerTime=-1
-## Number of acceptors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
-# jetty.http.acceptors=-1
-## Number of selectors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
-# jetty.http.selectors=-1
-## ServerSocketChannel backlog (0 picks platform default)
-# jetty.http.acceptorQueueSize=0
-## Thread priority delta to give to acceptor threads
-# jetty.http.acceptorPriorityDelta=0
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/https-ini.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/https-ini.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9999a4109b..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/https-ini.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------
-# Module: https
-### HTTPS Connector Configuration
-## Connector host/address to bind to
-# jetty.https.host=
-## Connector port to listen on
-jetty.https.port=<%= @https_port %>
-## Connector idle timeout in milliseconds
-## Connector socket linger time in seconds (-1 to disable)
-# jetty.https.soLingerTime=-1
-## Number of acceptors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
-# jetty.https.acceptors=-1
-## Number of selectors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
-# jetty.https.selectors=-1
-## ServerSocketChannel backlog (0 picks platform default)
-# jetty.https.acceptorQueueSize=0
-## Thread priority delta to give to acceptor threads
-# jetty.https.acceptorPriorityDelta=0
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/ready-probe.sh.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/ready-probe.sh.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index eb69f2e8c0..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/ready-probe.sh.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-health_check_http_code=$(curl -k --max-time 5 -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' <%= @protocol %>://<%= @port %>/sdc1/rest/healthCheck)
-if [ "$health_check_http_code" -eq 200 ]; then
- exit 0
- echo "Health check http status: $health_check_http_code"
- exit 1
diff --git a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/ssl-ini.erb b/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/ssl-ini.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c8bc187c..0000000000
--- a/catalog-fe/sdc-frontend/chef-repo/cookbooks/sdc-catalog-fe/templates/default/ssl-ini.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------
-# Module: ssl
-### TLS(SSL) Connector Configuration
-## Connector host/address to bind to
-# jetty.ssl.host=
-## Connector port to listen on
-jetty.ssl.port=<%= @https_port %>
-## Connector idle timeout in milliseconds
-# jetty.ssl.idleTimeout=30000
-## Connector socket linger time in seconds (-1 to disable)
-# jetty.ssl.soLingerTime=-1
-## Number of acceptors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
-# jetty.ssl.acceptors=-1
-## Number of selectors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
-# jetty.ssl.selectors=-1
-## ServerSocketChannel backlog (0 picks platform default)
-# jetty.ssl.acceptorQueueSize=0
-## Thread priority delta to give to acceptor threads
-# jetty.ssl.acceptorPriorityDelta=0
-## Whether request host names are checked to match any SNI names
-# jetty.ssl.sniHostCheck=true
-## max age in seconds for a Strict-Transport-Security response header (default -1)
-# jetty.ssl.stsMaxAgeSeconds=31536000
-## include subdomain property in any Strict-Transport-Security header (default false)
-# jetty.ssl.stsIncludeSubdomains=true
-### SslContextFactory Configuration
-## Note that OBF passwords are not secure, just protected from casual observation
-## See http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/configuring-security-secure-passwords.html
-## Keystore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
-<% unless @keystore_path.nil? || @keystore_path.strip.empty? -%>
-jetty.sslContext.keyStorePath=<%= @keystore_path %>
-<% end -%>
-## Truststore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
-<% unless @truststore_path.nil? || @truststore_path.strip.empty? -%>
-jetty.sslContext.trustStorePath=<%= @truststore_path %>
-<% end -%>
-## Keystore password
-<% unless @keystore_password.nil? || @keystore_password.strip.empty? -%>
-jetty.sslContext.keyStorePassword=<%= @keystore_password %>
-<% end -%>
-## Keystore type and provider
-# jetty.sslContext.keyStoreType=JKS
-# jetty.sslContext.keyStoreProvider=
-## KeyManager password
-<% unless @keystore_password.nil? || @keystore_password.strip.empty? -%>
-jetty.sslContext.keyManagerPassword=<%= @keystore_password %>
-<% end -%>
-## Truststore password
-# tp<%= @truststore_password %>end
-# kp<%= @keystore_password %>end
-<% unless @truststore_password.nil? || @truststore_password.strip.empty? -%>
-jetty.sslContext.trustStorePassword=<%= @truststore_password %>
-<% end -%>
-## Truststore type and provider
-# jetty.sslContext.trustStoreType=JKS
-# jetty.sslContext.trustStoreProvider=
-## whether client certificate authentication is required
-jetty.sslContext.needClientAuth=<%= !@truststore_password.nil? && !@truststore_password.strip.empty? %>
-## Whether client certificate authentication is desired
-# jetty.sslContext.wantClientAuth=false
-## Whether cipher order is significant (since java 8 only)
-# jetty.sslContext.useCipherSuitesOrder=true
-## To configure Includes / Excludes for Cipher Suites or Protocols see tweak-ssl.xml example at
-## https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/configuring-ssl.html#configuring-sslcontextfactory-cipherSuites
-## Set the size of the SslSession cache
-# jetty.sslContext.sslSessionCacheSize=-1
-## Set the timeout (in seconds) of the SslSession cache timeout
-# jetty.sslContext.sslSessionTimeout=-1
-## Allow SSL renegotiation
-# jetty.sslContext.renegotiationAllowed=true
-# jetty.sslContext.renegotiationLimit=5