path: root/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/modals/new-scheduler/new-scheduler.controller.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/modals/new-scheduler/new-scheduler.controller.js')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/modals/new-scheduler/new-scheduler.controller.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/modals/new-scheduler/new-scheduler.controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8f44c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/modals/new-scheduler/new-scheduler.controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+(function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ appDS2.controller("newSchedulerController", ["$scope", "$uibModal", "$uibModalInstance", "AaiService", "SchedulerService", "_",
+ "$log", "changeManagement", "$timeout", "$interval", "$filter", "VIDCONFIGURATION", "changeManagementService", newSchedulerController]);
+ function newSchedulerController($scope, $uibModal, $uibModalInstance, AaiService, SchedulerService, _, $log, changeManagement, $timeout, $interval, $filter, VIDCONFIGURATION, changeManagementService) {
+ var vm = this;
+ var pollpromise;
+ var init = function () {
+ vm.scheduler = {};
+ vm.schedulingInfo = {};
+ var callbackData = extractChangeManagementCallbackDataStr(changeManagement);
+ vm.vnfObject = changeManagement;
+ vm.schedulerObj = {
+ domain: 'ChangeManagement',
+ scheduleId: '',
+ scheduleName: 'VnfUpgrade/DWF',
+ userId: '',
+ domainData: [{
+ 'WorkflowName': vm.scheduler.policy,
+ 'CallbackUrl': '',
+ 'CallbackData': callbackData
+ }],
+ schedulingInfo: {
+ normalDurationInSeconds: '',
+ additionalDurationInSeconds: '',
+ concurrencyLimit: '',
+ policyId: '',
+ vnfDetails: [
+ {
+ groupId: "",
+ node: [],
+ changeWindow: [{
+ startTime: '',
+ endTime: ''
+ }]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ }
+ vm.schedulerObj1 = {
+ "domain": "ChangeManagement",
+ "scheduleName": "VnfUpgrade/DWF",
+ "userId": "su7376",
+ "domainData": [
+ {
+ "WorkflowName": "HEAT Stack Software Update for vNFs",
+ "CallbackUrl": "",
+ "CallbackData": "testing"
+ }
+ ],
+ "schedulingInfo": {
+ "normalDurationInSeconds": 60,
+ "additionalDurationInSeconds": 60,
+ "concurrencyLimit": 60,
+ "policyId": "SNIRO_CM_1707.Config_MS_Demo_TimeLimitAndVerticalTopology_zone_localTime.1.xml",
+ "vnfDetails": [
+ {
+ "groupId": "group1",
+ "node": ["satmo415vbc", "satmo455vbc"],
+ "changeWindow": [
+ {
+ "startTime": "2017-08-08T16:37:30.521Z",
+ "endTime": "2017-08-08T16:37:30.521Z"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ vm.format = 'yyyy/MM/dd';
+ vm.todate = new Date();
+ vm.checkboxSelection = 'false';
+ vm.fromDate = '';
+ vm.toDate = '';
+ vm.timeSlots = [];
+ vm.changeManagement = {};
+ vm.subscribers = [];
+ AaiService.getSubscribers(function (response) {
+ vm.subscribers = response;
+ });
+ vm.serviceTypes = [];
+ AaiService.getServices(function (response) {
+ vm.serviceTypes = response.data.service;
+ });
+ changeManagementService.getWorkflows()
+ .then(function (response) {
+ vm.workflows = response.data;
+ })
+ .catch(function (error) {
+ $log.error(error);
+ });
+ //TODO: Get the VNF names from backend dynamically
+ vm.vnfNames = [];
+ //TODO: Get the VNF types from backend dynamically
+ vm.vnfTypes = [];
+ AaiService.getLoggedInUserID(function (response) {
+ vm.userID = response.data;
+ });
+ vm.policys = [];
+ var policyName = JSON.stringify({
+ policyName: "SNIRO_1710.*",
+ configAttributes: {
+ service: "PlacementOptimizationPolicy"
+ }
+ });
+ SchedulerService.getPolicyInfo(policyName, function (response) {
+ vm.policys = response.data.entity;
+ });
+ };
+ vm.radioSelections = function (test) {
+ if (vm.checkboxSelection == "true") {
+ vm.fromDate = '';
+ vm.toDate = ''
+ }
+ }
+ vm.close = function () {
+ $uibModalInstance.close();
+ };
+ function convertToSecs(number) {
+ var totalSecs;
+ if (vm.selectedOption === 'hours') {
+ totalSecs = number * 3600;
+ }
+ else if (vm.selectedOption === 'minutes') {
+ totalSecs = number * 60;
+ } else {
+ totalSecs = number;
+ }
+ return totalSecs;
+ }
+ vm.submit = function () {
+ vm.schedulingInfo = {
+ scheduleId: vm.schedulerID,
+ approvalDateTime: '2017-08-08T16:37:30.521Z',
+ approvalUserId: "sy6266",
+ approvalStatus: 'Accepted',
+ approvalType: 'Tier 2'
+ };
+ var approvalObj = JSON.stringify(vm.schedulingInfo);
+ SchedulerService.getSubmitForapprovedTimeslots(approvalObj, function (response) {
+ if (response.status == 200) {
+ openConfirmationModal("Successfully Sent for Approval");
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ vm.reject = function () {
+ vm.schedulingInfo = {
+ scheduleId: vm.schedulerID,
+ approvalDateTime: '2017-08-08T16:37:30.521Z',
+ approvalUserId: "sy6266",
+ approvalStatus: 'Rejected',
+ approvalType: 'Tier 2'
+ }
+ var approvalObj = JSON.stringify(vm.schedulingInfo)
+ SchedulerService.getSubmitForapprovedTimeslots(approvalObj, function (response) {
+ if (response.status == 200) {
+ openConfirmationModal("Successfully sent for Rejection");
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ vm.schedule = function (myForm) {
+ $scope.$watch('fromDate', validateDates(myForm));
+ $scope.$watch('toDate', validateDates(myForm));
+ if (myForm.$valid) {
+ sendSchedulerReq()
+ }
+ };
+ function sendSchedulerReq() {
+ var changeWindow = [{
+ startTime: '',
+ endTime: ''
+ }];
+ vm.timeSlots = [];
+ var fromDate = $filter('date')(new Date(vm.fromDate), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ", "UTC");
+ var toDate = $filter('date')(new Date(vm.toDate), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ", "UTC");
+ changeWindow[0].startTime = fromDate;
+ changeWindow[0].endTime = toDate;
+ vm.schedulerObj.userId = vm.userID;
+ vm.schedulerObj.domainData[0].WorkflowName = changeManagement.workflow;
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo.normalDurationInSeconds = convertToSecs(vm.scheduler.duration);
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo.additionalDurationInSeconds = convertToSecs(vm.scheduler.fallbackDuration);
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo.concurrencyLimit = vm.scheduler.concurrency;
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo.policyId = vm.scheduler.policy.policyName;
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo['vnfDetails'][0].groupId = 'groupId';
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo['vnfDetails'][0].node = getVnfData(changeManagement.vnfNames);
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo['vnfDetails'][0].changeWindow = changeWindow;
+ if (vm.checkboxSelection == "true") { //When Scheduled now we remove the changeWindow
+ delete vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo['vnfDetails'][0].changeWindow;
+ }
+ vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo['vnfDetails'][0].changeWindow = changeWindow;
+ delete vm.schedulerObj.schedulingInfo['vnfDetails'][0].changeWindow;
+ var requestScheduler = JSON.stringify(vm.schedulerObj);
+ console.log(requestScheduler);
+ SchedulerService.getStatusSchedulerId(requestScheduler, function (response) {
+ vm.schedulerID = response.data.uuid;
+ vm.isSpinnerVisible = true;
+ if (vm.schedulerID) {
+ var scheduledID = JSON.stringify({scheduleId: vm.schedulerID});
+ seviceCallToGetTimeSlots();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function seviceCallToGetTimeSlots() {
+ SchedulerService.getTimeSotsForSchedulerId(vm.schedulerID, function (response) {
+ if (vm.checkboxSelection == "false") {
+ if (response.data.entity.schedule) {
+ var scheduleColl = JSON.parse(response.data.entity.schedule);
+ if (scheduleColl.length > 0) {
+ vm.timeSlots = scheduleColl;
+ vm.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ hasvaluereturnd = false;
+ $scope.stopPoll();
+ openConfirmationModal(response.data.entity.scheduleId + " Successfully Returned TimeSlots.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (vm.timeSlots.length == 0 && hasthresholdreached == false) {
+ pollpromise = poll(polltime, function () {
+ if (vm.timeSlots.length == 0) {
+ hasvaluereturnd = true;
+ seviceCallToGetTimeSlots()
+ }
+ else {
+ hasvaluereturnd = false;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ openConfirmationModal("Timeout error.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (response.data.entity) {
+ vm.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ openConfirmationModal(response.data.entity.scheduleId + " Successfully Ready for Schedule.")
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function openConfirmationModal(jobInfo) {
+ var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
+ templateUrl: 'app/vid/scripts/modals/alert-new-scheduler/alert-new-scheduler.html',
+ controller: 'alertNewSchedulerController',
+ controllerAs: 'vm',
+ resolve: {
+ jobInfo: function () {
+ return jobInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var hasvaluereturnd = true; // Flag to check
+ var hasthresholdreached = false;
+ var thresholdvalue = VIDCONFIGURATION.SCHEDULER_MAX_POLLS; // interval threshold value
+ function poll(interval, callback) {
+ return $interval(function () {
+ if (hasvaluereturnd) { //check flag before start new call
+ callback(hasvaluereturnd);
+ }
+ thresholdvalue = thresholdvalue - 1; //Decrease threshold value
+ if (thresholdvalue == 0) {
+ $scope.stopPoll(); // Stop $interval if it reaches to threshold
+ }
+ }, interval)
+ }
+// stop interval.
+ $scope.stopPoll = function () {
+ $interval.cancel(pollpromise);
+ thresholdvalue = 0; //reset all flags.
+ hasvaluereturnd = false;
+ hasthresholdreached = true;
+ vm.isSpinnerVisible = false;
+ }
+ function getVnfData(arrColl) {
+ var vnfcolletion = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < arrColl.length; i++) {
+ vnfcolletion.push(arrColl[i].name);
+ }
+ return vnfcolletion
+ }
+ function validateDates(form) {
+ if (vm.checkboxSelection == "false") {
+ if (form.startDate.$error.invalidDate || form.endDate.$error.invalidDate) {
+ form.startDate.$setValidity("endBeforeStart", true); //already invalid (per validDate directive)
+ } else {
+ //depending on whether the user used the date picker or typed it, this will be different (text or date type).
+ //creating a new date object takes care of that.
+ var endDate = new Date(vm.toDate);
+ var startDate = new Date(vm.fromDate);
+ form.startDate.$setValidity("endBeforeStart", endDate >= startDate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function extractChangeManagementCallbackDataStr(changeManagement) {
+ var result = {};
+ result.requestType = changeManagement.workflow;
+ result.requestDetails = [];
+ _.forEach(changeManagement.vnfNames, function (vnf) {
+ var data = {
+ vnfName: vnf.name,
+ vnfInstanceId: vnf.id,
+ modelInfo: {
+ modelType: 'vnf',
+ modelInvariantId: vnf.properties['model-invariant-id'],
+ modelVersionId: vnf.modelVersionId,
+ modelName: vnf.properties['vnf-name'],
+ modelVersion: vnf.version,
+ modelCustomizationName: vnf.properties['model-customization-name'],
+ modelCustomizationId: vnf.properties['model-customization-id']
+ },
+ cloudConfiguration: {
+ lcpCloudRegionId: vnf.availableVersions[0].cloudConfiguration.lcpCloudRegionId,
+ tenantId: vnf.availableVersions[0].cloudConfiguration.tenantId
+ },
+ requestInfo: {
+ source: vnf.availableVersions[0].requestInfo.source,
+ suppressRollback: vnf.availableVersions[0].requestInfo.suppressRollback,
+ requestorId: vnf.availableVersions[0].requestInfo.requestorId
+ },
+ relatedInstanceList: [],
+ requestParameters: {
+ usePreload: vnf.availableVersions[0].requestParameters.usePreload
+ }
+ };
+ var serviceInstanceId = '';
+ _.forEach(vnf['service-instance-node'], function (instanceNode) {
+ if(instanceNode['node-type'] === 'service-instance'){
+ serviceInstanceId = instanceNode.properties['service-instance-id'];
+ }
+ });
+ _.forEach(vnf.availableVersions[0].relatedInstanceList, function (related) {
+ var rel = related.relatedInstance;
+ var relatedInstance = {
+ instanceId: serviceInstanceId,
+ modelInfo: {
+ modelType: rel.modelInfo.modelType,
+ modelInvariantId: rel.modelInfo.modelInvariantId,
+ modelVersionId: rel.modelInfo.modelVersionId,
+ modelName: rel.modelInfo.modelName,
+ modelVersion: rel.modelInfo.modelVersion,
+ modelCustomizationName: rel.modelInfo.modelCustomizationName,
+ modelCustomizationId: rel.modelInfo.modelCustomizationId
+ }
+ };
+ if (rel.vnfInstanceId)
+ relatedInstance.instanceId = rel.vnfInstanceId;
+ data.relatedInstanceList.push({relatedInstance: relatedInstance});
+ });
+ result.requestDetails.push(data);
+ }
+ );
+ // _.forEach(changeManagement.vnfNames, function (vnfName) {
+ // if (vnfName && vnfName.version) {
+ // if (vnfName.selectedFile) {
+ // vnfName.version.requestParameters.userParams = vnfName.selectedFile;
+ // }
+ // result.requestDetails.push(vnfName.version)
+ // }
+ // });
+ return JSON.stringify(result);
+ }
+ init();
+ };
+ appDS2.directive('validDate', function () {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ require: 'ngModel',
+ link: function (scope, element, attrs, control) {
+ control.$parsers.push(function (viewValue) {
+ var newDate = model.$viewValue;
+ control.$setValidity("invalidDate", true);
+ if (typeof newDate === "object" || newDate == "") return newDate; // pass through if we clicked date from popup
+ if (!newDate.match(/^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/((\d{2})|(\d{4}))$/))
+ control.$setValidity("invalidDate", false);
+ return viewValue;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ })