BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUplift jetty to version 12.x.yadheli.tavares5 days
osloUpdate gitreview for oslo in xacml-pdprameshiyer273 months
newdelhiupdate references for newdelhi branchadheli.tavares9 months
montrealSet Montreal default branchliamfallon16 months
java-17Upgrade Java 17 in xacml-pdpFrancescoFioraEst18 months
londonSet references for london releaseliamfallon21 months
kohnUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/xacml-pdp to latest snapshotsliamfallon2 years
honoluluUpgrade xacml engine to 3.1.0jhh2 years
istanbulUpgrade xacml engine to 3.1.0jhh2 years
jakartaUpgrade xacml engine to 3.1.0jhh2 years
4.1.0commit 5b2cccf0b6...jenkins-releng5 weeks
4.0.1commit af1ff728c0...jenkins-releng3 months
4.0.0commit 95f88b9d9b...jenkins-releng8 months
3.1.3commit c12d25b70e...jenkins-releng10 months
3.1.2commit a839940fea...jenkins-releng10 months
3.1.1commit b67b5f6b2a...jenkins-releng12 months
3.1.0commit cb274c390f...jenkins-releng15 months
3.0.2commit 864d946e20...jenkins-releng16 months
3.0.1commit 5e5171b9a6...jenkins-releng16 months
2.8.2commit 1641cbf578...jenkins-releng22 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2020-09-09Release policy/xacml-pdp2.3.1jenkins-releng17-17/+17
2020-09-09Use released versions in xacml-pdpJim Hahn1-2/+2
2020-09-04point to 2.1.0 policy-alpine base - xacmlTaka Cho1-1/+21
2020-08-25Merge "Add new Match application to XACML"Jim Hahn14-4/+552
2020-08-25Add new Match application to XACMLPamela Dragosh14-4/+552
2020-08-21Changes to make XACML container crash with non zero exitCodea.sreekumar1-2/+7
2020-08-19Remove old cdap policy typePamela Dragosh3-23/+4
2020-08-18Fix sonar issue and add code coveragePamela Dragosh5-10/+92
2020-08-17Add new guard filter policy type featurePamela Dragosh12-35/+636
2020-08-14Cleanup unused imports and deprecated methodsPamela Dragosh2-6/+4