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-rw-r--r--docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-scheduling-job.pngbin0 -> 42845 bytes
5 files changed, 235 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/clamp-runtime-acm.rst b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/clamp-runtime-acm.rst
index a3c22e69..802e9a0e 100644
--- a/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/clamp-runtime-acm.rst
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/design-impl/clamp-runtime-acm.rst
@@ -349,46 +349,61 @@ PARTICIPANT_REGISTER
- A participant replica starts and send a PARTICIPANT_REGISTER message with participantId, replicaId and supported Element Types
- ACM-runtime collects the message from Message Broker by ParticipantRegisterListener
- if not present, it saves participant replica reference with status ON_LINE to DB
+- it sends PARTICIPANT_REGISTER_ACK to participant replica
- A participant sends PARTICIPANT_PRIME_ACK message in response to a PARTICIPANT_PRIME message
- ParticipantPrimeAckListener collects the message from Message Broker
-- It updates AC Definition to DB with PRIMED/DEPRIMED as status
-- If AC Definition is fully PRIMED, ACM-runtime sends sync message to all participants replica
+- It stores the message into the DB
+- MessageIntercept intercepts that event and adds a task to handle a monitoring execution in SupervisionScanner
+- Monitoring updates AC Definition to DB with PRIMED/DEPRIMED as status
+- If AC Definition is fully PRIMED, Monitoring sends sync message to all participants replica
-- A participant sends a scheduled PARTICIPANT_STATUS message with participantId, replicaId and supported Element Types
+- A participant sends a scheduled PARTICIPANT_STATUS message with participantId, replicaId and supported Element Types. Same message could be used by participant to update OutProperties of an AC instance/AC definition.
- ACM-runtime collects the message from Message Broker by ParticipantStatusListener
-- if not present, it saves participant replica reference with status ON_LINE to DB
+- If not present, it saves participant replica reference with status ON_LINE to DB
+- If the message contains OutProperties of an AC instance/AC definition it stores the message into the DB
+- MessageIntercept intercepts that event and adds a task to handle a monitoring execution in SupervisionScanner
+- Monitoring updates the AC instance/AC definition
+- Monitoring sends a sync message to all participants replica
- A participant sends AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_DEPLOY_ACK message in response to a AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_DEPLOY message. It will send a AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_DEPLOY_ACK - for each AC elements moved to the DEPLOYED state
- AutomationCompositionUpdateAckListener collects the message from Message Broker
-- It checks the status of all Automation Composition elements and checks if the Automation Composition is fully DEPLOYED
-- It updates the AC to DB
+- It store the message into the DB
- MessageIntercept intercepts that event and adds a task to handle a monitoring execution in SupervisionScanner
+- Monitoring checks the status of all Automation Composition elements and checks if the Automation Composition is fully DEPLOYED
+- Monitoring updates the AC instance to DB
+- If the Automation Composition is fully DEPLOYED Monitoring sends a sync message to all participants replica
- A participant sends AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_STATECHANGE_ACK message in response to a AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_STATECHANGE message. It will send a AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_DEPLOY_ACK - for each AC elements moved to the ordered state
- AutomationCompositionStateChangeAckListener collects the message from Message Broker
-- It checks the status of all Automation Composition elements and checks if the transition process of the Automation Composition is terminated
-- It updates the AC to DB
+- It store the message into the DB
- MessageIntercept intercepts that event and adds a task to handle a monitoring execution in SupervisionScanner
+- Monitoring checks the status of all Automation Composition elements and checks if the transition process of the Automation Composition is terminated
+- Monitoring updates the AC instance to DB
+- If the transition process is terminated, Monitoring sends a sync message to all participants replica
Design of monitoring execution in SupervisionScanner
Monitoring is designed to process the follow operations:
+- to elaborate the messages from participants
- to determine the next startPhase in a AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_DEPLOY message
+- to determine the next stage in a AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_MIGRATION message
- to update AC deployState: in a scenario that "AutomationComposition.deployState" is in a kind of transitional state (example DEPLOYING), if all - AC elements are moved properly to the specific state, the "AutomationComposition.deployState" will be updated to that and saved to DB
- to update AC lockState: in a scenario that "AutomationComposition.lockState" is in a kind of transitional state (example LOCKING), if all - AC elements are moved properly to the specific state, the "AutomationComposition.lockState" will be updated to that and saved to DB
+- to update AC subState: in a scenario that "AutomationComposition.subState" is in a kind of transitional state (example PREPARING), if all - AC elements are moved properly to NONE state, the "AutomationComposition.subState" will be updated to NONE and saved to DB
- to delete AC Instance: in a scenario that "AutomationComposition.deployState" is in DELETING, if all - AC elements are moved properly to DELETED, the AC Instance will be deleted from DB
- to retry AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_DEPLOY/AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_STATE_CHANGE messages. if there is an AC instance with startPhase completed, it will be moved to the next startPhase and retry a broadcast message with the new startPhase
-- to send sync message to all participants replica: in scenario where AC instance transition is fully completed
+- to retry AUTOMATION_COMPOSITION_MIGRATION messages. if there is an AC instance with stage completed, it will be moved to the next stage and retry a broadcast message with the new stage
+- to send sync message to all participants replica: in scenario where AC instance transition is fully completed or OutProperties has been changed
The solution Design timeout and reporting for all Participant message dialogues are implemented into the monitoring execution.
@@ -396,6 +411,27 @@ The solution Design timeout and reporting for all Participant message dialogues
- ThreadPoolExecutor executes the task
- set AC instance stateChangeResult in timeout, if ACM-runtime do no receive Act message before MaxWaitMs milliseconds
+Producer and Consumer and Scheduling job mechanisms
+To avoid conflicts, for example when an ACM-r pod is receiving a messages to change outProperties of an AC instance and other ACM-r pod is receiving a messages to change the status of an element of the same instance,
+Producer and Consumer and Scheduling job mechanisms has been implemented.
+With the Producer and Consumer mechanism, any ACM-r replica monitoring could elaborate a message independently from what ACM-r replica has fetched the message.
+Listeners of ACM-r will fetch messages from kafka and store to a message FIFO queue stored in DB.
+.. image:: ../images/acm-consumer-producer-messages.png
+Monitoring of a ACM-r replica will fetch messages from that queue.
+All Monitoring from different ACM-r pods are synchronized with Scheduling job to avoid to fetch messages related to same AC instance or AC definition at same time.
+InstanceIds and a compositionIds are generated with UUID as unique key and could be used as identificationId for messages.
+.. image:: ../images/acm-scheduling-job.png
+Edge case scenario: ACM-r pod has been terminated from Kubernetes
+Full elaboration of a monitoring for an AC instance or for a AC definition is protected by a transaction.
+If an ACM-r pod has been terminated from Kubernetes, the monitoring not full completed will be rollback from database.
+The monitoring job not completed wil be deleted after 200 seconds. All message of that AC definition or AC instance will processed by other monitoring.
Design of Exception handling
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/draw.io/acm-consumer-producer.drawio b/docs/clamp/acm/draw.io/acm-consumer-producer.drawio
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diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-consumer-producer-messages.png b/docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-consumer-producer-messages.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0076b16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-consumer-producer-messages.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-scheduling-job.png b/docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-scheduling-job.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ded9e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/clamp/acm/images/acm-scheduling-job.png
Binary files differ