path: root/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers')
2 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers/config.js b/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f861dd5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ECOMP Policy Engine
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+(function(angular) {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular.module('abs').provider('fileManagerConfig', function() {
+ var values = {
+ appName: 'Policy Editor',
+ defaultLang: 'en',
+ listUrl: 'fm/listUrl',
+ uploadUrl: 'fm/uploadUrl',
+ renameUrl: 'fm/renameUrl',
+ copyUrl: 'fm/copyUrl',
+ removeUrl: 'fm/removeUrl',
+ editUrl: 'fm/editUrl',
+ getContentUrl: 'fm/getContentUrl',
+ createFolderUrl: 'fm/createFolderUrl',
+ downloadFileUrl: 'fm/downloadFileUrl',
+ compressUrl: 'fm/compressUrl',
+ extractUrl: 'fm/extractUrl',
+ permissionsUrl: 'fm/permissionsUrl',
+ describePolicyUrl : 'fm/describePolicyUrl',
+ viewPolicyUrl : 'fm/viewPolicyUrl',
+ addSubScopeUrl : 'fm/addSubScopeUrl',
+ switchVersionUrl : 'fm/switchVersionUrl',
+ exportUrl : 'fm/exportUrl',
+ sidebar: true,
+ breadcrumb: true,
+ allowedActions: {
+ upload: true,
+ rename: true,
+ copy: true,
+ edit: true,
+ describePolicy: true,
+ createNewPolicy: true,
+ viewPolicy: true,
+ changePermissions: true,
+ compress: true,
+ compressChooseName: true,
+ extract: true,
+ download: true,
+ preview: true,
+ remove: true,
+ addSubScope : true,
+ switchVersion : true,
+ exportPolicy : true,
+ removePolicy : true
+ },
+ enablePermissionsRecursive: true,
+ compressAsync: true,
+ extractAsync: true,
+ isEditableFilePattern: /\.(txt|html?|aspx?|ini|pl|py|md|css|js|log|htaccess|htpasswd|json|sql|xml|xslt?|sh|rb|as|bat|cmd|coffee|php[3-6]?|java|c|cbl|go|h|scala|vb)$/i,
+ isImageFilePattern: /\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png|svg|tiff?)$/i,
+ isExtractableFilePattern: /\.(gz|tar|rar|g?zip)$/i,
+ tplPath: 'app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/templates'
+ };
+ return {
+ $get: function() {
+ return values;
+ },
+ set: function (constants) {
+ angular.extend(values, constants);
+ }
+ };
+ });
diff --git a/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers/translations.js b/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers/translations.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..394781cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecomp-sdk-app/src/main/webapp/app/policyApp/policy-models/Editor/src/js/providers/translations.js
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ECOMP Policy Engine
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+angular.module('abs').config(['$translateProvider', function($translateProvider) {
+ $translateProvider.translations('en', {
+ filemanager: 'File Manager',
+ language: 'Language',
+ english: 'English',
+ spanish: 'Spanish',
+ portuguese: 'Portuguese',
+ french: 'French',
+ confirm: 'Confirm',
+ cancel: 'Cancel',
+ close: 'Close',
+ upload_file: 'Import',
+ files_will_uploaded_to: 'Files will be uploaded to',
+ uploading: 'Uploading',
+ permissions: 'Permissions',
+ select_destination_folder: 'Select the destination folder',
+ source: 'Source',
+ destination: 'Destination',
+ copy_file: 'Copy file',
+ sure_to_delete: 'Are you sure to delete',
+ change_name_move: 'Change name / move',
+ enter_new_name_for: 'Enter new name for',
+ extract_item: 'Extract item',
+ extraction_started: 'Extraction started in a background process',
+ compression_started: 'Compression started in a background process',
+ enter_folder_name_for_extraction: 'Enter the folder name for the extraction of',
+ enter_folder_name_for_compression: 'Enter the folder name for the compression of',
+ toggle_fullscreen: 'Toggle fullscreen',
+ edit_file: 'Edit file',
+ file_content: 'File content',
+ loading: 'Loading',
+ search: 'Search',
+ create_folder: 'Add Scope',
+ create: 'Create',
+ folder_name: 'Folder name',
+ upload: 'Upload',
+ change_permissions: 'Change permissions',
+ change: 'Change',
+ details: 'Details',
+ icons: 'Icons',
+ list: 'List',
+ name: 'Name',
+ size: 'Size',
+ actions: 'Actions',
+ date: 'Date',
+ no_files_in_folder: 'No files in this folder',
+ no_folders_in_folder: 'This folder not contains children folders',
+ select_this: 'Select this',
+ go_back: 'Go back',
+ wait: 'Wait',
+ move: 'Move',
+ download: 'Download',
+ view_item: 'View item',
+ remove: 'Delete',
+ edit: 'Edit',
+ copy: 'Copy',
+ rename: 'Rename',
+ extract: 'Extract',
+ compress: 'Compress',
+ error_invalid_filename: 'Invalid filename or already exists, specify another name',
+ error_modifying: 'An error occurred modifying the file',
+ error_deleting: 'An error occurred deleting the file or folder',
+ error_renaming: 'An error occurred renaming the file',
+ error_copying: 'An error occurred copying the file',
+ error_compressing: 'An error occurred compressing the file or folder',
+ error_extracting: 'An error occurred extracting the file',
+ error_creating_folder: 'An error occurred creating the folder',
+ error_getting_content: 'An error occurred getting the content of the file',
+ error_changing_perms: 'An error occurred changing the permissions of the file',
+ error_uploading_files: 'An error occurred uploading files',
+ sure_to_start_compression_with: 'Are you sure to compress',
+ owner: 'Owner',
+ group: 'Group',
+ others: 'Others',
+ read: 'Read',
+ write: 'Write',
+ exec: 'Exec',
+ original: 'Original',
+ changes: 'Changes',
+ recursive: 'Recursive',
+ preview: 'Item preview',
+ open: 'Open'
+ });
+ $translateProvider.translations('pt', {
+ filemanager: 'Gerenciador de arquivos',
+ language: 'Língua',
+ english: 'Inglês',
+ spanish: 'Espanhol',
+ portuguese: 'Portugues',
+ french: 'Francês',
+ confirm: 'Confirmar',
+ cancel: 'Cancelar',
+ close: 'Fechar',
+ upload_file: 'Carregar arquivo',
+ files_will_uploaded_to: 'Os arquivos serão enviados para',
+ uploading: 'Carregar',
+ permissions: 'Autorizações',
+ select_destination_folder: 'Selecione a pasta de destino',
+ source: 'Origem',
+ destination: 'Destino',
+ copy_file: 'Copiar arquivo',
+ sure_to_delete: 'Tem certeza de que deseja apagar',
+ change_name_move: 'Renomear / mudança',
+ enter_new_name_for: 'Digite o novo nome para',
+ extract_item: 'Extrair arquivo',
+ extraction_started: 'A extração começou em um processo em segundo plano',
+ compression_started: 'A compressão começou em um processo em segundo plano',
+ enter_folder_name_for_extraction: 'Digite o nome da pasta para a extração de',
+ enter_folder_name_for_compression: 'Digite o nome da pasta para Compressão',
+ toggle_fullscreen: 'Ativar/desativar tela cheia',
+ edit_file: 'Editar arquivo',
+ file_content: 'Conteúdo do arquivo',
+ loading: 'Carregando',
+ search: 'Localizar',
+ create_folder: 'Criar Pasta',
+ create: 'Criar',
+ folder_name: 'Nome da pasta',
+ upload: 'Fazer',
+ change_permissions: 'Alterar permissões',
+ change: 'Alterar',
+ details: 'Detalhes',
+ icons: 'Icones',
+ list: 'Lista',
+ name: 'Nome',
+ size: 'Tamanho',
+ actions: 'Ações',
+ date: 'Data',
+ no_files_in_folder: 'Não há arquivos nesta pasta',
+ no_folders_in_folder: 'Esta pasta não contém subpastas',
+ select_this: 'Selecione esta',
+ go_back: 'Voltar',
+ wait: 'Espere',
+ move: 'Mover',
+ download: 'Baixar',
+ view_item: 'Veja o arquivo',
+ remove: 'Excluir',
+ edit: 'Editar',
+ copy: 'Copiar',
+ rename: 'Renomear',
+ extract: 'Extrair',
+ compress: 'Comprimir',
+ error_invalid_filename: 'Nome do arquivo inválido ou nome de arquivo já existe, especifique outro nome',
+ error_modifying: 'Ocorreu um erro ao modificar o arquivo',
+ error_deleting: 'Ocorreu um erro ao excluir o arquivo ou pasta',
+ error_renaming: 'Ocorreu um erro ao mudar o nome do arquivo',
+ error_copying: 'Ocorreu um erro ao copiar o arquivo',
+ error_compressing: 'Ocorreu um erro ao comprimir o arquivo ou pasta',
+ error_extracting: 'Ocorreu um erro ao extrair o arquivo',
+ error_creating_folder: 'Ocorreu um erro ao criar a pasta',
+ error_getting_content: 'Ocorreu um erro ao obter o conteúdo do arquivo',
+ error_changing_perms: 'Ocorreu um erro ao alterar as permissões do arquivo',
+ error_uploading_files: 'Ocorreu um erro upload de arquivos',
+ sure_to_start_compression_with: 'Tem certeza que deseja comprimir',
+ owner: 'Proprietário',
+ group: 'Grupo',
+ others: 'Outros',
+ read: 'Leitura',
+ write: 'Escrita ',
+ exec: 'Execução',
+ original: 'Original',
+ changes: 'Mudanças',
+ recursive: 'Recursiva',
+ preview: 'Visualização',
+ open: 'Abrir'
+ });
+ $translateProvider.translations('es', {
+ filemanager: 'Administrador de archivos',
+ language: 'Idioma',
+ english: 'Ingles',
+ spanish: 'Español',
+ portuguese: 'Portugues',
+ french: 'Francés',
+ confirm: 'Confirmar',
+ cancel: 'Cancelar',
+ close: 'Cerrar',
+ upload_file: 'Subir archivo',
+ files_will_uploaded_to: 'Los archivos seran subidos a',
+ uploading: 'Subiendo',
+ permissions: 'Permisos',
+ select_destination_folder: 'Seleccione la carpeta de destino',
+ source: 'Origen',
+ destination: 'Destino',
+ copy_file: 'Copiar archivo',
+ sure_to_delete: 'Esta seguro que desea eliminar',
+ change_name_move: 'Renombrar / mover',
+ enter_new_name_for: 'Ingrese el nuevo nombre para',
+ extract_item: 'Extraer archivo',
+ extraction_started: 'La extraccion ha comenzado en un proceso de segundo plano',
+ compression_started: 'La compresion ha comenzado en un proceso de segundo plano',
+ enter_folder_name_for_extraction: 'Ingrese el nombre de la carpeta para la extraccion de',
+ enter_folder_name_for_compression: 'Ingrese el nombre de la carpeta para la compresion de',
+ toggle_fullscreen: 'Activar/Desactivar pantalla completa',
+ edit_file: 'Editar archivo',
+ file_content: 'Contenido del archivo',
+ loading: 'Cargando',
+ search: 'Buscar',
+ create_folder: 'Crear carpeta',
+ create: 'Crear',
+ folder_name: 'Nombre de la carpeta',
+ upload: 'Subir',
+ change_permissions: 'Cambiar permisos',
+ change: 'Cambiar',
+ details: 'Detalles',
+ icons: 'Iconos',
+ list: 'Lista',
+ name: 'Nombre',
+ size: 'Tamaño',
+ actions: 'Acciones',
+ date: 'Fecha',
+ no_files_in_folder: 'No hay archivos en esta carpeta',
+ no_folders_in_folder: 'Esta carpeta no contiene sub-carpetas',
+ select_this: 'Seleccionar esta',
+ go_back: 'Volver',
+ wait: 'Espere',
+ move: 'Mover',
+ download: 'Descargar',
+ view_item: 'Ver archivo',
+ remove: 'Eliminar',
+ edit: 'Editar',
+ copy: 'Copiar',
+ rename: 'Renombrar',
+ extract: 'Extraer',
+ compress: 'Comprimir',
+ error_invalid_filename: 'El nombre del archivo es invalido o ya existe',
+ error_modifying: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar modificar el archivo',
+ error_deleting: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar eliminar el archivo',
+ error_renaming: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar renombrar el archivo',
+ error_copying: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar copiar el archivo',
+ error_compressing: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar comprimir el archivo',
+ error_extracting: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar extraer el archivo',
+ error_creating_folder: 'Ocurrio un error al intentar crear la carpeta',
+ error_getting_content: 'Ocurrio un error al obtener el contenido del archivo',
+ error_changing_perms: 'Ocurrio un error al cambiar los permisos del archivo',
+ error_uploading_files: 'Ocurrio un error al subir archivos',
+ sure_to_start_compression_with: 'Esta seguro que desea comprimir',
+ owner: 'Propietario',
+ group: 'Grupo',
+ others: 'Otros',
+ read: 'Lectura',
+ write: 'Escritura',
+ exec: 'Ejecucion',
+ original: 'Original',
+ changes: 'Cambios',
+ recursive: 'Recursivo',
+ preview: 'Vista previa',
+ open: 'Abrir'
+ });
+ $translateProvider.translations('fr', {
+ filemanager: 'Gestionnaire de fichier',
+ language: 'Langue',
+ english: 'Anglais',
+ spanish: 'Espagnol',
+ portuguese: 'Portugais',
+ french: 'Français',
+ confirm: 'Confirmer',
+ cancel: 'Annuler',
+ close: 'Fermer',
+ upload_file: 'Uploader un fichier',
+ files_will_uploaded_to: 'Les fichiers seront uploadé dans',
+ uploading: 'Upload en cours',
+ permissions: 'Permissions',
+ select_destination_folder: 'Sélectionné le dossier de destination',
+ source: 'Source',
+ destination: 'Destination',
+ copy_file: 'Copier le fichier',
+ sure_to_delete: 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer',
+ change_name_move: 'Renommer / Déplacer',
+ enter_new_name_for: 'Entrer le nouveau nom pour',
+ extract_item: 'Extraires les éléments',
+ extraction_started: 'L\'extraction a démarré en tâche de fond',
+ compression_started: 'La compression a démarré en tâche de fond',
+ enter_folder_name_for_extraction: 'Entrer le nom du dossier pour l\'extraction de',
+ enter_folder_name_for_compression: 'Entrer le nom du dossier pour la compression de',
+ toggle_fullscreen: 'Basculer en plein écran',
+ edit_file: 'Éditer le fichier',
+ file_content: 'Contenu du fichier',
+ loading: 'Chargement en cours',
+ search: 'Recherche',
+ create_folder: 'Créer un dossier',
+ create: 'Créer',
+ folder_name: 'Nom du dossier',
+ upload: 'Upload',
+ change_permissions: 'Changer les permissions',
+ change: 'Changer',
+ details: 'Details',
+ icons: 'Icons',
+ list: 'Liste',
+ name: 'Nom',
+ size: 'Taille',
+ actions: 'Actions',
+ date: 'Date',
+ no_files_in_folder: 'Aucun fichier dans ce dossier',
+ no_folders_in_folder: 'Ce dossier ne contiens pas de dossier',
+ select_this: 'Sélectionner',
+ go_back: 'Retour',
+ wait: 'Patienter',
+ move: 'Déplacer',
+ download: 'Télécharger',
+ view_item: 'Voir l\'élément',
+ remove: 'Supprimer',
+ edit: 'Éditer',
+ copy: 'Copier',
+ rename: 'Renommer',
+ extract: 'Extraire',
+ compress: 'Compresser',
+ error_invalid_filename: 'Nom de fichier invalide ou déjà existant, merci de spécifier un autre nom',
+ error_modifying: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la modification du fichier',
+ error_deleting: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la suppression du fichier ou du dossier',
+ error_renaming: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant le renommage du fichier',
+ error_copying: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la copie du fichier',
+ error_compressing: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la compression du fichier ou du dossier',
+ error_extracting: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant l\'extraction du fichier',
+ error_creating_folder: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la création du dossier',
+ error_getting_content: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la récupération du contenu du fichier',
+ error_changing_perms: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant le changement des permissions du fichier',
+ error_uploading_files: 'Une erreur est survenue pendant l\'upload des fichiers',
+ sure_to_start_compression_with: 'Êtes-vous sûre de vouloir compresser',
+ owner: 'Propriétaire',
+ group: 'Groupe',
+ others: 'Autres',
+ read: 'Lecture',
+ write: 'Écriture',
+ exec: 'Éxécution',
+ original: 'Original',
+ changes: 'Modifications',
+ recursive: 'Récursif',
+ preview: 'Aperçu',
+ open: 'Ouvrir'
+ });
+ }]);