path: root/csit/resources/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'csit/resources/tests')
40 files changed, 895 insertions, 958 deletions
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-common.robot b/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-common.robot
index 81924604..d88d16f8 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-common.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-common.robot
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
*** Settings ***
-Library Collections
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library json
-Library Process
+Library Collections
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library json
+Library Process
Resource common-library.robot
*** Keywords ***
- [Documentation] Deploy the policy in apex-pdp engine
- ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/policy_deploy.json
- ${postjson}= evaluate json.loads('''${postjson}''') json
- set to dictionary ${postjson['groups'][0]['deploymentSubgroups'][0]['policies'][0]} name=${policyName}
- ${postjson}= evaluate json.dumps(${postjson}) json
- ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
- PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch 202 ${postjson} null ${policyadmin}
+ [Documentation] Deploy the policy in apex-pdp engine
+ ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/policy_deploy.json
+ ${postjson}= evaluate json.loads('''${postjson}''') json
+ set to dictionary ${postjson['groups'][0]['deploymentSubgroups'][0]['policies'][0]} name=${policyName}
+ ${postjson}= evaluate json.dumps(${postjson}) json
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch 202 ${postjson} null ${policyadmin}
[Documentation] Send event to verify policy execution
Create Session apexSession http://${APEX_EVENTS_IP} max_retries=1
- ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/event.json
+ ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/event.json
&{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= PUT On Session apexSession /apex/FirstConsumer/EventIn data=${data} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ CheckLogMessage
Should Contain ${result} ${expectedMsg}
- [Arguments] ${eventStartTime} ${eventEndTime} ${eventsNo}
- [Documentation] Check that X amount of events were exeuted per second
+ [Arguments] ${eventStartTime} ${eventEndTime} ${eventsNo}
+ [Documentation] Check that X amount of events were executed per second
${eventTimeTaken}= Subtract Date From Date ${eventEndTime} ${eventStartTime}
${eventResult}= Set Variable ${eventTimeTaken * ${1000}}
${eventsPerSecond}= Set Variable ${${1000} / ${eventResult}}
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-test.robot b/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-test.robot
index 3989ec46..0de2b908 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-test.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/apex-pdp-test.robot
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
*** Settings ***
-Library Collections
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library json
-Library Process
+Library Collections
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library json
+Library Process
Resource common-library.robot
Resource apex-pdp-common.robot
*** Test Cases ***
- [Documentation] Runs Apex PDP Health check
- ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
- ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${APEX_IP} /policy/apex-pdp/v1/healthcheck 200 null ${hcauth}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
- Set Suite Variable ${pdpName} ${resp.json()['name']}
+ [Documentation] Runs Apex PDP Health check
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${APEX_IP} /policy/apex-pdp/v1/healthcheck 200 null ${hcauth}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ Set Suite Variable ${pdpName} ${resp.json()['name']}
- # [Tags] docker
- Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.native.apex.Sampledomain
- ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
- CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
- DeployPolicy
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 min 5 sec RunEventOnApexEngine
+ # [Tags] docker
+ Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.native.apex.Sampledomain
+ ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
+ CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
+ DeployPolicy
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 min 5 sec RunEventOnApexEngine
- Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.pnf.Test
- ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
- CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
- DeployPolicy
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
- GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec TriggerAndVerifyTestPnfPolicy apex-cl-mgt
+ Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.pnf.Test
+ ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
+ CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
+ DeployPolicy
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
+ GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt
+ TriggerAndVerifyTestPnfPolicy apex-cl-mgt
-# Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.vnf.Test
-# ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
-# CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
-# DeployPolicy
-# Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
-# GetTopic apex-cl-mgt
-# Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec TriggerAndVerifyTestVnfPolicy
+# Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.vnf.Test
+# ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
+# CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
+# DeployPolicy
+# Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
+# GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt
+# TriggerAndVerifyTestVnfPolicy apex-cl-mgt
- Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.pnf.metadataSet.Test
- ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
- CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
- ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/onap.pnf.metadataSet.Test.json
- CreateNodeTemplate /policy/api/v1/nodetemplates 201 ${postjson} 1
- DeployPolicy
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
- GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt2
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec TriggerAndVerifyTestPnfPolicy apex-cl-mgt2
+ Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.pnf.metadataSet.Test
+ ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
+ CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
+ ${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/onap.pnf.metadataSet.Test.json
+ CreateNodeTemplate /policy/api/v1/nodetemplates 201 ${postjson} 1
+ DeployPolicy
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
+ GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt2
+ TriggerAndVerifyTestPnfPolicy apex-cl-mgt2
- [Documentation] Verify policy-apex-pdp is exporting prometheus metrics
- ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
- ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${APEX_IP} /metrics 200 null ${auth}
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_deployments_total{operation="deploy",status="TOTAL",} 3.0
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_deployments_total{operation="deploy",status="SUCCESS",} 3.0
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_executions_total{status="SUCCESS",} 6.0
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_executions_total{status="TOTAL",} 6.0
- Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_event_executions{engine_instance_id="NSOApexEngine-*:0.0.1",}*
- Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_event_executions{engine_instance_id="MyApexEngine-*:0.0.1",}*
- Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_state{engine_instance_id=*,} 2.0*
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_event_executions
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_average_execution_time_seconds
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_last_execution_time_bucket
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_last_execution_time_count
- Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_last_execution_time_sum
- Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_last_start_timestamp_epoch{engine_instance_id="NSOApexEngine-*:0.0.1",}*E12*
- Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_last_start_timestamp_epoch{engine_instance_id="MyApexEngine-*:0.0.1",}*E12*
- Should Contain ${resp.text} jvm_threads_current
+ [Documentation] Verify policy-apex-pdp is exporting prometheus metrics
+ ${auth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${APEX_IP} /metrics 200 null ${auth}
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_deployments_total{operation="deploy",status="TOTAL"} 3.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_deployments_total{operation="deploy",status="SUCCESS"} 3.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_executions_total{status="SUCCESS"} 3.0
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_policy_executions_total{status="TOTAL"} 3.0
+ Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_event_executions{engine_instance_id="NSOApexEngine-*:0.0.1"}*
+ Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_event_executions{engine_instance_id="MyApexEngine-*:0.0.1"}*
+ Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_state{engine_instance_id=*} 2.0*
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_event_executions
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_average_execution_time_seconds
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_last_execution_time_bucket
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_last_execution_time_count
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} pdpa_engine_last_execution_time_sum
+ Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_last_start_timestamp_epoch{engine_instance_id="NSOApexEngine-*:0.0.1"}*E12*
+ Should Match ${resp.text} *pdpa_engine_last_start_timestamp_epoch{engine_instance_id="MyApexEngine-*:0.0.1"}*E12*
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} jvm_threads_current
*** Keywords ***
[Documentation] Send TestPnf policy trigger event to Kafka and read notifications to verify policy execution
[Arguments] ${topic}
- ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForPnfPolicy.json
+ ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForPnfPolicy.json
${resp}= Run Process ${CURDIR}/kafka_producer.py unauthenticated.dcae_cl_output ${data} ${KAFKA_IP}
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} ACTIVE VES event has been received. Going to fetch details from AAI.
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} SUCCESS Received response from AAI successfully. Hostname in AAI matches with the one in Ves event. Going to make the update-config request to CDS.
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} FINAL_SUCCESS Successfully processed the VES event. Hostname is updated.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} ACTIVE VES event has been received. Going to fetch details from AAI.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} SUCCESS Received response from AAI successfully. Hostname in AAI matches with the one in Ves event. Going to make the update-config request to CDS.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} FINAL_SUCCESS Successfully processed the VES event. Hostname is updated.
[Documentation] Send TestVnf policy trigger event to Kafka and read notifications to verify policy execution
[Arguments] ${topic}
- ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForVnfPolicy.json
+ ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForVnfPolicy.json
${resp}= Run Process ${CURDIR}/kafka_producer.py unauthenticated.dcae_policy_example_output ${data} ${KAFKA_IP}
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} ACTIVE VES event has been received. Going to fetch VNF details from AAI.
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} SUCCESS VNF details are received from AAI successfully. Sending ConfigModify request to CDS.
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} SUCCESS ConfigModify request is successful. Sending restart request to CDS.
- Run Keyword CheckLogMessage ${topic} FINAL_SUCCESS Successfully processed the VES Event. Restart is complete.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} ACTIVE VES event has been received. Going to fetch VNF details from AAI.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} SUCCESS VNF details are received from AAI successfully. Sending ConfigModify request to CDS.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} SUCCESS ConfigModify request is successful. Sending restart request to CDS.
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckLogMessage ${topic} FINAL_SUCCESS Successfully processed the VES Event. Restart is complete.
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas-3.robot b/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas-3.robot
index 1ceb9b77..c8fc2582 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas-3.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas-3.robot
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Healthcheck
Set Suite Variable ${pdpName} ${resp.json()['name']}
- [Documentation] Validate that a moderate complexity policity can be executed in less than 100ms and minimum 30 events triggered per second
+ [Documentation] Validate that a moderate complexity policy can be executed in less than 100ms and minimum 30 events triggered per second
Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.pnf.Test
${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ValidatePolicyExecutionAndEventRateLowComplexity
ValidateEventExecution ${eventStartTime} ${eventEndTime} 30
- [Documentation] Validate that a high complexity policity can be executed in less than 5000ms and minimum 0.6 events triggered per second
+ [Documentation] Validate that a high complexity policy can be executed in less than 5000ms and minimum 0.6 events triggered per second
Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.apex.pnf.metadataSet.Test
${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ ValidatePolicyExecutionAndEventRateHighComplexity
ValidateEventExecution ${eventStartTime} ${eventEndTime} 0.6
- [Documentation] Validate that a low complexity policity can be executed in less than 1000ms and minimum 3 events triggered per second
+ [Documentation] Validate that a low complexity policy can be executed in less than 1000ms and minimum 3 events triggered per second
Set Test Variable ${policyName} onap.policies.native.apex.Sampledomain
${postjson}= Get File ${CURDIR}/data/${policyName}.json
CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas.robot b/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas.robot
index 760bc348..e27f0da2 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/apex-slas.robot
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ Resource apex-pdp-common.robot
*** Test Cases ***
- [Documentation] Runs Apex PDP Health check
- ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
- ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${APEX_IP} /policy/apex-pdp/v1/healthcheck 200 null ${hcauth}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
- Set Suite Variable ${pdpName} ${resp.json()['name']}
+ [Documentation] Runs Apex PDP Health check
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${APEX_IP} /policy/apex-pdp/v1/healthcheck 200 null ${hcauth}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['code']} 200
+ Set Suite Variable ${pdpName} ${resp.json()['name']}
[Documentation] Validate that a moderate complexity policy can be executed in less than 100ms and minimum 10 events triggered per second
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ ValidatePolicyExecutionAndEventRateLowComplexity
CreatePolicySuccessfully /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.Apex/versions/1.0.0/policies ${postjson} ${policyName} 1.0.0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
- GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt
- ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForPnfPolicy.json
+ GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt
+ ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForPnfPolicy.json
${eventStartTime}= Get Current Date
${resp}= Run Process ${CURDIR}/kafka_producer.py unauthenticated.dcae_cl_output ${data} ${KAFKA_IP}
${eventEndTime}= Get Current Date
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ ValidatePolicyExecutionAndEventRateHighComplexity
CreateNodeTemplate /policy/api/v1/nodetemplates 201 ${postjson} 1
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 5 sec QueryPolicyStatus ${policyName} defaultGroup apex ${pdpName} onap.policies.native.Apex
- GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt2
- ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForVnfPolicy.json
+ GetKafkaTopic apex-cl-mgt2
+ ${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}/data/VesEventForVnfPolicy.json
${eventStartTime}= Get Current Date
${resp}= Run Process ${CURDIR}/kafka_producer.py unauthenticated.dcae_policy_example_output ${data} ${KAFKA_IP}
${eventEndTime}= Get Current Date
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/api-test.robot b/csit/resources/tests/api-test.robot
index 29c2fba4..e1b8fd47 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/api-test.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/api-test.robot
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Healthcheck
[Documentation] Retrieve all policy types
- FetchPolicyTypes /policy/api/v1/policytypes 37
+ FetchPolicyTypes /policy/api/v1/policytypes 38
[Documentation] Create an existing policy type with modification and keeping the same version should result in error.
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/common-library.robot b/csit/resources/tests/common-library.robot
index e0b1c0f1..89a9c726 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/common-library.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/common-library.robot
@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ PolicyAdminAuth
${policyadmin}= Create list policyadmin zb!XztG34
RETURN ${policyadmin}
+ [Arguments] ${domain} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${patchjson} ${params} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${domain}
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${domain} auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= PATCH On Session policy ${url} data=${patchjson} params=${params} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ RETURN ${resp}
[Arguments] ${domain} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} ${params} ${auth}
Log Creating session http://${domain}
@@ -20,6 +29,15 @@ PerformPostRequest
Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
RETURN ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${domain} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postyaml} ${params} ${auth}
+ Log Creating session http://${domain}
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${domain} auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/yaml Content-Type=application/yaml
+ ${resp}= POST On Session policy ${url} data=${postyaml} params=${params} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ RETURN ${resp}
[Arguments] ${domain} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${params} ${auth}
Log Creating session http://${domain}
@@ -52,6 +70,20 @@ CreatePolicy
${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_API_IP} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postjson} null ${policyadmin}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postyaml}
+ [Documentation] Create the specific policy
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequestWithYaml ${POLICY_API_IP} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postyaml} null ${policyadmin}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postyaml} ${keyword}
+ [Documentation] Trying to create policy with Invalid Data
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequestWithYaml ${POLICY_API_IP} ${url} ${expectedstatus} ${postyaml} null ${policyadmin}
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} ${keyword}
[Arguments] ${url} ${postjson} ${policyname} ${policyversion}
[Documentation] Create the specific policy
@@ -164,4 +196,4 @@ ValidatePolicyExecution
${resp}= QueryPrometheus ${url}
${rawNumber}= Evaluate ${resp['data']['result'][0]['value'][1]}
${actualTime}= Set Variable ${rawNumber * ${1000}}
- Should Be True ${actualTime} <= ${executionTime} \ No newline at end of file
+ Should Be True ${actualTime} <= ${executionTime}
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/acelement-usecase.yaml b/csit/resources/tests/data/acelement-usecase.yaml
index 937ed6e6..b727a68f 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/data/acelement-usecase.yaml
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/acelement-usecase.yaml
@@ -27,176 +27,6 @@ data_types:
type: string
required: true
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.EngineService:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- name:
- type: string
- description: Specifies the engine name
- required: false
- default: "ApexEngineService"
- version:
- type: string
- description: Specifies the engine version in double dotted format
- required: false
- default: "1.0.0"
- id:
- type: integer
- description: Specifies the engine id
- required: true
- instance_count:
- type: integer
- description: Specifies the number of engine threads that should be run
- required: true
- deployment_port:
- type: integer
- description: Specifies the port to connect to for engine administration
- required: false
- default: 1
- policy_model_file_name:
- type: string
- description: The name of the file from which to read the APEX policy model
- required: false
- policy_type_impl:
- type: string
- description: The policy type implementation from which to read the APEX policy model
- required: false
- periodic_event_period:
- type: string
- description: The time interval in milliseconds for the periodic scanning event, 0 means don't scan
- required: false
- engine:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.engineservice.Engine
- description: The parameters for all engines in the APEX engine service
- required: true
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.EventHandler:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- name:
- type: string
- description: Specifies the event handler name, if not specified this is set to the key name
- required: false
- carrier_technology:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.CarrierTechnology
- description: Specifies the carrier technology of the event handler (such as REST/Web Socket/Kafka)
- required: true
- event_protocol:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.EventProtocol
- description: Specifies the event protocol of events for the event handler (such as Yaml/JSON/XML/POJO)
- required: true
- event_name:
- type: string
- description: Specifies the event name for events on this event handler, if not specified, the event name is read from or written to the event being received or sent
- required: false
- event_name_filter:
- type: string
- description: Specifies a filter as a regular expression, events that do not match the filter are dropped, the default is to let all events through
- required: false
- synchronous_mode:
- type: boolean
- description: Specifies the event handler is syncronous (receive event and send response)
- required: false
- default: false
- synchronous_peer:
- type: string
- description: The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in synchronous mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode
- required: false
- synchronous_timeout:
- type: integer
- description: The timeout in milliseconds for responses to be issued by APEX torequests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in synchronous mode
- required: false
- requestor_mode:
- type: boolean
- description: Specifies the event handler is in requestor mode (send event and wait for response mode)
- required: false
- default: false
- requestor_peer:
- type: string
- description: The peer event handler (output for input or input for output) of this event handler in requestor mode, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode
- required: false
- requestor_timeout:
- type: integer
- description: The timeout in milliseconds for wait for responses to requests, this parameter is mandatory if the event handler is in requestor mode
- required: false
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.CarrierTechnology:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- label:
- type: string
- description: The label (name) of the carrier technology (such as REST, Kafka, WebSocket)
- required: true
- plugin_parameter_class_name:
- type: string
- description: The class name of the class that overrides default handling of event input or output for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied input or output class
- required: false
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.EventProtocol:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- label:
- type: string
- description: The label (name) of the event protocol (such as Yaml, JSON, XML, or POJO)
- required: true
- event_protocol_plugin_class:
- type: string
- description: The class name of the class that overrides default handling of the event protocol for this carrier technology, defaults to the supplied event protocol class
- required: false
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.Environment:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- name:
- type: string
- description: The name of the environment variable
- required: true
- value:
- type: string
- description: The value of the environment variable
- required: true
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.engineservice.Engine:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- context:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.engineservice.engine.Context
- description: The properties for handling context in APEX engines, defaults to using Java maps for context
- required: false
- executors:
- type: map
- description: The plugins for policy executors used in engines such as javascript, MVEL, Jython
- required: true
- entry_schema:
- description: The plugin class path for this policy executor
- type: string
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.engineservice.engine.Context:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- distributor:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.Plugin
- description: The plugin to be used for distributing context between APEX PDPs at runtime
- required: false
- schemas:
- type: map
- description: The plugins for context schemas available in APEX PDPs such as Java and Avro
- required: false
- entry_schema:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.Plugin
- locking:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.Plugin
- description: The plugin to be used for locking context in and between APEX PDPs at runtime
- required: false
- persistence:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.Plugin
- description: The plugin to be used for persisting context for APEX PDPs at runtime
- required: false
- onap.datatypes.native.apex.Plugin:
- derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
- properties:
- name:
- type: string
- description: The name of the executor such as Javascript, Jython or MVEL
- required: true
- plugin_class_name:
- type: string
- description: The class path of the plugin class for this executor
version: 1.0.0
derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
@@ -244,37 +74,6 @@ data_types:
type_version: 1.0.0
description: A sequence of REST commands to send to the REST endpoint
- onap.policies.Native:
- derived_from: tosca.policies.Root
- description: a base policy type for all native PDP policies
- version: 1.0.0
- name: onap.policies.Native
- onap.policies.native.Apex:
- derived_from: onap.policies.Native
- description: a policy type for native apex policies
- version: 1.0.0
- name: onap.policies.native.Apex
- properties:
- engine_service:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.EngineService
- description: APEX Engine Service Parameters
- inputs:
- type: map
- description: Inputs for handling events coming into the APEX engine
- entry_schema:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.EventHandler
- outputs:
- type: map
- description: Outputs for handling events going out of the APEX engine
- entry_schema:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.EventHandler
- environment:
- type: list
- description: Envioronmental parameters for the APEX engine
- entry_schema:
- type: onap.datatypes.native.apex.Environment
version: 1.0.1
@@ -536,601 +335,3 @@ topology_template:
version: 1.2.3
- name: onap.policy.clamp.ac.element.Http_SinkAutomationCompositionElement
version: 1.2.3
- policies:
- - onap.policies.native.apex.ac.element:
- type: onap.policies.native.Apex
- type_version: 1.0.0
- properties:
- engineServiceParameters:
- name: MyApexEngine
- version: 0.0.1
- id: 45
- instanceCount: 2
- deploymentPort: 12561
- engineParameters:
- executorParameters:
- parameterClassName: org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.executor.javascript.JavascriptExecutorParameters
- contextParameters:
- parameterClassName: org.onap.policy.apex.context.parameters.ContextParameters
- schemaParameters:
- Json:
- parameterClassName: org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.context.schema.json.JsonSchemaHelperParameters
- policy_type_impl:
- policies:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Policies
- version: 0.0.1
- policyMap:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: ReceiveEventPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- policyKey:
- name: ReceiveEventPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- template: Freestyle
- state:
- entry:
- - key: DecideForwardingState
- value:
- stateKey:
- parentKeyName: ReceiveEventPolicy
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: DecideForwardingState
- trigger:
- name: AcElementEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- stateOutputs:
- entry:
- - key: CreateForwardPayload
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: ReceiveEventPolicy
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: DecideForwardingState
- localName: CreateForwardPayload
- outgoingEvent:
- name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- outgoingEventReference:
- - name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- nextState:
- parentKeyName: 'NULL'
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.0
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: 'NULL'
- contextAlbumReference: []
- taskSelectionLogic:
- key:
- parentKeyName: 'NULL'
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.0
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: 'NULL'
- logicFlavour: UNDEFINED
- logic: ''
- stateFinalizerLogicMap:
- entry: []
- defaultTask:
- name: ForwardPayloadTask
- version: 0.0.1
- taskReferences:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: ForwardPayloadTask
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: ReceiveEventPolicy
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: DecideForwardingState
- localName: ReceiveEventPolicy
- outputType: DIRECT
- output:
- parentKeyName: ReceiveEventPolicy
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: DecideForwardingState
- localName: CreateForwardPayload
- firstState: DecideForwardingState
- tasks:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Tasks
- version: 0.0.1
- taskMap:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: ForwardPayloadTask
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ForwardPayloadTask
- version: 0.0.1
- inputEvent:
- key:
- name: AcElementEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- nameSpace: org.onap.policy.apex.ac.element
- source: Dmaap
- target: APEX
- parameter:
- entry:
- - key: DmaapResponseEvent
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: AcElementEvent
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: DmaapResponseEvent
- fieldSchemaKey:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- optional: false
- toscaPolicyState: ENTRY
- outputEvents:
- entry:
- - key: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- value:
- key:
- name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- nameSpace: org.onap.policy.apex.ac.element
- source: APEX
- target: Dmaap
- parameter:
- entry:
- - key: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- fieldSchemaKey:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- optional: false
- toscaPolicyState: ''
- taskParameters:
- entry: []
- contextAlbumReference:
- - name: ACElementAlbum
- version: 0.0.1
- taskLogic:
- key:
- parentKeyName: ForwardPayloadTask
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: TaskLogic
- logicFlavour: JAVASCRIPT
- logic: "/*\n * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================\n\
- \ * Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix. All rights reserved.\n * ================================================================================\n\
- \ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');\n\
- \ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the\
- \ License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n\
- \ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n\
- \ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\
- \ software\n * distributed under the License is distributed\
- \ OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License\
- \ for the specific language governing permissions and\n *\
- \ limitations under the License.\n *\n * SPDX-License-Identifier:\
- \ Apache-2.0\n * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================\n\
- \ */\n\nexecutor.logger.info(executor.subject.id);\nexecutor.logger.info(executor.inFields);\n\
- \nvar msgResponse = executor.inFields.get('DmaapResponseEvent');\n\
- executor.logger.info('Task in progress with mesages: ' + msgResponse);\n\
- \nvar elementId = msgResponse.get('elementId').get('name');\n\
- \nif (msgResponse.get('messageType') == 'STATUS' &&\n (elementId\
- \ == 'onap.policy.clamp.ac.startertobridge'\n || elementId\
- \ == 'onap.policy.clamp.ac.bridgetosink')) {\n\n var receiverId\
- \ = '';\n if (elementId == 'onap.policy.clamp.ac.startertobridge')\
- \ {\n receiverId = 'onap.policy.clamp.ac.bridge';\n\
- \ } else {\n receiverId = 'onap.policy.clamp.ac.sink';\n\
- \ }\n\n var elementIdResponse = new java.util.HashMap();\n\
- \ elementIdResponse.put('name', receiverId);\n elementIdResponse.put('version',\
- \ msgResponse.get('elementId').get('version'));\n\n var\
- \ dmaapResponse = new java.util.HashMap();\n dmaapResponse.put('elementId',\
- \ elementIdResponse);\n\n var message = msgResponse.get('message')\
- \ + ' trace added from policy';\n dmaapResponse.put('message',\
- \ message);\n dmaapResponse.put('messageType', 'STATUS');\n\
- \ dmaapResponse.put('messageId', msgResponse.get('messageId'));\n\
- \ dmaapResponse.put('timestamp', msgResponse.get('timestamp'));\n\
- \n executor.logger.info('Sending forwarding Event to Ac\
- \ element: ' + dmaapResponse);\n\n executor.outFields.put('DmaapResponseStatusEvent',\
- \ dmaapResponse);\n}\n\ntrue;"
- events:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Events
- version: 0.0.1
- eventMap:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: AcElementEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: AcElementEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- nameSpace: org.onap.policy.apex.ac.element
- source: Dmaap
- target: APEX
- parameter:
- entry:
- - key: DmaapResponseEvent
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: AcElementEvent
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: DmaapResponseEvent
- fieldSchemaKey:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- optional: false
- toscaPolicyState: ENTRY
- - key:
- name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- nameSpace: org.onap.policy.apex.ac.element
- source: APEX
- target: Dmaap
- parameter:
- entry:
- - key: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- fieldSchemaKey:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- optional: false
- toscaPolicyState: ''
- - key:
- name: LogEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: LogEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- nameSpace: org.onap.policy.apex.ac.element
- source: APEX
- target: file
- parameter:
- entry:
- - key: final_status
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: LogEvent
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: final_status
- fieldSchemaKey:
- name: SimpleStringType
- version: 0.0.1
- optional: false
- - key: message
- value:
- key:
- parentKeyName: LogEvent
- parentKeyVersion: 0.0.1
- parentLocalName: 'NULL'
- localName: message
- fieldSchemaKey:
- name: SimpleStringType
- version: 0.0.1
- optional: false
- toscaPolicyState: ''
- albums:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Albums
- version: 0.0.1
- albums:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: ACElementAlbum
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ACElementAlbum
- version: 0.0.1
- scope: policy
- isWritable: true
- itemSchema:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- schemas:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Schemas
- version: 0.0.1
- schemas:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- schemaFlavour: Json
- schemaDefinition: "{\n \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\"\
- ,\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \
- \ \"elementId\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \
- \ \"properties\": {\n \"name\": {\n \
- \ \"type\": \"string\"\n },\n\
- \ \"version\": {\n \"type\"\
- : \"string\"\n }\n },\n \
- \ \"required\": [\n \"name\",\n \
- \ \"version\"\n ]\n },\n \"message\"\
- : {\n \"type\": \"string\"\n },\n \"\
- messageType\": {\n \"type\": \"string\"\n \
- \ }\n },\n \"required\": [\n \"elementId\",\n \
- \ \"message\",\n \"messageType\"\n ]\n}"
- - key:
- name: SimpleIntType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: SimpleIntType
- version: 0.0.1
- schemaFlavour: Java
- schemaDefinition: java.lang.Integer
- - key:
- name: SimpleStringType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: SimpleStringType
- version: 0.0.1
- schemaFlavour: Java
- schemaDefinition: java.lang.String
- - key:
- name: UUIDType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: UUIDType
- version: 0.0.1
- schemaFlavour: Java
- schemaDefinition: java.util.UUID
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- keyInformation:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_KeyInfo
- version: 0.0.1
- keyInfoMap:
- entry:
- - key:
- name: ACElementAlbum
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ACElementAlbum
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 7cddfab8-6d3f-3f7f-8ac3-e2eb5979c900
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "ACElementAlbum:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ACEventType
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: dab78794-b666-3929-a75b-70d634b04fe5
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "ACEventType:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: da478611-7d77-3c46-b4be-be968769ba4e
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Albums
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Albums
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: fa8dc15e-8c8d-3de3-a0f8-585b76511175
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy_Albums:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Events
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Events
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 8508cd65-8dd2-342d-a5c6-1570810dbe2b
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy_Events:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_KeyInfo
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_KeyInfo
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 09e6927d-c5ac-3779-919f-9333994eed22
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy_KeyInfo:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Policies
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Policies
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: cade3c9a-1600-3642-a6f4-315612187f46
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy_Policies:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Schemas
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Schemas
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 5bb4a8e9-35fa-37db-9a49-48ef036a7ba9
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy_Schemas:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Tasks
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: APEXacElementPolicy_Tasks
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 2527eeec-0d1f-3094-ad3f-212622b12836
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "APEXacElementPolicy_Tasks:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: AcElementEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: AcElementEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 32c013e2-2740-3986-a626-cbdf665b63e9
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "AcElementEvent:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 2715cb6c-2778-3461-8b69-871e79f95935
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "DmaapResponseStatusEvent:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: ForwardPayloadTask
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ForwardPayloadTask
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 51defa03-1ecf-3314-bf34-2a652bce57fa
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "ForwardPayloadTask:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: LogEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: LogEvent
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: c540f048-96af-35e3-a36e-e9c29377cba7
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "LogEvent:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: ReceiveEventPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: ReceiveEventPolicy
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 568b7345-9de1-36d3-b6a3-9b857e6809a1
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "ReceiveEventPolicy:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: SimpleIntType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: SimpleIntType
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 153791fd-ae0a-36a7-88a5-309a7936415d
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "SimpleIntType:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: SimpleStringType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: SimpleStringType
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 8a4957cf-9493-3a76-8c22-a208e23259af
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "SimpleStringType:0.0.1"
- - key:
- name: UUIDType
- version: 0.0.1
- value:
- key:
- name: UUIDType
- version: 0.0.1
- UUID: 6a8cc68e-dfc8-3403-9c6d-071c886b319c
- description: Generated description for concept referred to by
- key "UUIDType:0.0.1"
- eventInputParameters:
- DmaapConsumer:
- carrierTechnologyParameters:
- carrierTechnology: KAFKA
- parameterClassName: org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.event.carrier.kafka.KafkaCarrierTechnologyParameters
- parameters:
- bootstrapServers: kafka:9092
- groupId: clamp-grp
- enableAutoCommit: true
- autoCommitTime: 1000
- sessionTimeout: 30000
- consumerPollTime: 100
- consumerTopicList:
- - ac_element_msg
- keyDeserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
- valueDeserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
- kafkaProperties: [ ]
- eventProtocolParameters:
- eventProtocol: JSON
- parameters:
- pojoField: DmaapResponseEvent
- eventName: AcElementEvent
- eventNameFilter: AcElementEvent
- eventOutputParameters:
- logOutputter:
- carrierTechnologyParameters:
- carrierTechnology: FILE
- parameters:
- fileName: outputevents.log
- eventProtocolParameters:
- eventProtocol: JSON
- DmaapReplyProducer:
- carrierTechnologyParameters:
- carrierTechnology: KAFKA
- parameterClassName: org.onap.policy.apex.plugins.event.carrier.kafka.KafkaCarrierTechnologyParameters
- parameters:
- bootstrapServers: kafka:9092
- acks: all
- retries: 0
- batchSize: 16384
- lingerTime: 1
- bufferMemory: 33554432
- producerTopic: policy_update_msg
- keySerializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
- valueSerializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
- kafkaProperties: [ ]
- eventProtocolParameters:
- eventProtocol: JSON
- parameters:
- pojoField: DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- eventNameFilter: LogEvent|DmaapResponseStatusEvent
- name: onap.policies.native.apex.ac.element
- version: 1.0.0
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.data-empty.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.data-empty.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..432476a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.data-empty.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "data": {
+ "system": {
+ "version": {
+ "build_commit": "",
+ "build_hostname": "",
+ "build_timestamp": "",
+ "version": "1.1.0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyfilter.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyfilter.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c7f8b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyfilter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "zoneB",
+ "policyFilter": ["has_ze_access"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["view"],
+ "log_id": "log1",
+ "datatypes": ["access", "user"],
+ "time_period": {
+ "from": "2024-11-01T09:00:00Z",
+ "to": "2024-11-01T10:00:00Z"
+ },
+ "zone_id": "zoneA"
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyname.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyname.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfa088b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyname.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "zoeB",
+ "policyFilter": ["has_zone_access"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["view"],
+ "log_id": "log1",
+ "datatypes": ["access", "user"],
+ "time_period": {
+ "from": "2024-11-01T09:00:00Z",
+ "to": "2024-11-01T10:00:00Z"
+ },
+ "zone_id": "zoneA"
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e7228dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "output": {
+ "has_zone_access": [
+ {
+ "access": "granted",
+ "user": "user1"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "policyName": "zoneB",
+ "statusMessage": "OPA Allowed"
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eac292e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "data": {
+ "round": "trail",
+ "vehicles": [
+ {
+ "owner": "user1",
+ "status": "available",
+ "type": "car",
+ "vehicle_id": "v1"
+ },
+ {
+ "owner": "user2",
+ "status": "in use",
+ "type": "bike",
+ "vehicle_id": "v2"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04478eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"onapName": "CDS","onapComponent": "CDS","onapInstance": "CDS","currentDateTime": "2025-01-17T08:26:41.857Z","currentDate": "2025-01-17","currentTime": "08:26:41.857Z","timeZone": "UTC","timeOffset": "+08:45","policyName": "vehicle","data": [{"op": "add","path": "/round","value": "trail"}]}
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-remove.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-remove.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4cac2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-remove.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDateTime": "2025-01-17T08:26:41.857Z",
+ "currentDate": "2025-01-17",
+ "currentTime": "08:26:41.857Z",
+ "timeZone": "UTC",
+ "timeOffset": "+08:45",
+ "policyName": "vehicle",
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "op": "remove",
+ "path": "/round"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c00e047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "data": {
+ "round": 578,
+ "vehicles": [
+ {
+ "owner": "user1",
+ "status": "available",
+ "type": "car",
+ "vehicle_id": "v1"
+ },
+ {
+ "owner": "user2",
+ "status": "in use",
+ "type": "bike",
+ "vehicle_id": "v2"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c45138c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDateTime": "2025-01-17T08:26:41.857Z",
+ "currentDate": "2025-01-17",
+ "currentTime": "08:26:41.857Z",
+ "timeZone": "UTC",
+ "timeOffset": "+08:45",
+ "policyName": "vehicle",
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "op": "replace",
+ "path": "/round",
+ "value": 578
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-create.yaml b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-create.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..759fc162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-create.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0
+ policies:
+ - abac:
+ type: onap.policies.native.opa
+ type_version: 1.0.0
+ properties:
+ data:
+ policy:
+ abac: 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
+ name: abac
+ version: 1.0.7
+ metadata:
+ policy-id: abac
+ policy-version: 1.0.7
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-deploy.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-deploy.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15c88261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-deploy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "policies": [
+ {
+ "policy-id": "abac",
+ "policy-version": "1.0.7"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-duplicate-create.yaml b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-duplicate-create.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..776b654b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-duplicate-create.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0
+ policies:
+ - abac:
+ type: onap.policies.native.opa
+ type_version: 1.0.0
+ properties:
+ data:
+ node.abac: 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
+ policy:
+ abac: 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
+ name: abac
+ version: 1.0.7
+ metadata:
+ policy-id: abac
+ policy-version: 1.0.7
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87c968bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ "data": {
+ "sensor_data": [
+ {
+ "humidity": "40%",
+ "id": "0001",
+ "location": "Sri Lanka",
+ "particle_density": "1.3 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "1000 mm",
+ "temperature": "28 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-26",
+ "windspeed": "5.5 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "45%",
+ "id": "0002",
+ "location": "Colombo",
+ "particle_density": "1.5 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "1200 mm",
+ "temperature": "30 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-26",
+ "windspeed": "6.0 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "60%",
+ "id": "0003",
+ "location": "Kandy",
+ "particle_density": "1.1 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "800 mm",
+ "temperature": "25 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-26",
+ "windspeed": "4.5 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "30%",
+ "id": "0004",
+ "location": "Galle",
+ "particle_density": "1.8 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "500 mm",
+ "temperature": "35 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-27",
+ "windspeed": "7.2 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "20%",
+ "id": "0005",
+ "location": "Jaffna",
+ "particle_density": "0.9 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "300 mm",
+ "temperature": "-5 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-27",
+ "windspeed": "3.8 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "55%",
+ "id": "0006",
+ "location": "Trincomalee",
+ "particle_density": "1.2 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "1000 mm",
+ "temperature": "20 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-28",
+ "windspeed": "5.0 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "50%",
+ "id": "0007",
+ "location": "Nuwara Eliya",
+ "particle_density": "1.3 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "600 mm",
+ "temperature": "25 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-28",
+ "windspeed": "4.0 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "40%",
+ "id": "0008",
+ "location": "Anuradhapura",
+ "particle_density": "1.4 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "700 mm",
+ "temperature": "28 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-29",
+ "windspeed": "5.8 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "humidity": "65%",
+ "id": "0009",
+ "location": "Matara",
+ "particle_density": "1.6 g/l",
+ "precipitation": "900 mm",
+ "temperature": "32 C",
+ "timestamp": "2024-02-29",
+ "windspeed": "6.5 m/s"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-resource-not-found.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-resource-not-found.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fd7170e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-resource-not-found.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "errorMessage": "Error in getting data - storage_not_found_error: /node/vehicle: document does not exist",
+ "policyName": "",
+ "responseCode": "resource_not_found"
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-create.yaml b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-create.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93af4a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-create.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0
+ policies:
+ - vehicle:
+ type: onap.policies.native.opa
+ type_version: 1.0.0
+ properties:
+ data:
+ node.vehicle: ewogICJ2ZWhpY2xlcyI6IFsKICAgIHsgInZlaGljbGVfaWQiOiAidjEiLCAib3duZXIiOiAidXNlcjEiLCAidHlwZSI6ICJjYXIiLCAic3RhdHVzIjogImF2YWlsYWJsZSIgfSwKICAgIHsgInZlaGljbGVfaWQiOiAidjIiLCAib3duZXIiOiAidXNlcjIiLCAidHlwZSI6ICJiaWtlIiwgInN0YXR1cyI6ICJpbiB1c2UiIH0KICBdCn0K
+ policy:
+ vehicle: 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
+ name: vehicle
+ version: 1.0.6
+ metadata:
+ policy-id: vehicle
+ policy-version: 1.0.6
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-deploy.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-deploy.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed275a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-deploy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "policies": [
+ {
+ "policy-id": "vehicle",
+ "policy-version": "1.0.6"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09148079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "data": {
+ "vehicles": [
+ {
+ "owner": "user1",
+ "status": "available",
+ "type": "car",
+ "vehicle_id": "v1"
+ },
+ {
+ "owner": "user2",
+ "status": "in use",
+ "type": "bike",
+ "vehicle_id": "v2"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-create.yaml b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-create.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47179c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-create.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0
+ policies:
+ - zoneB:
+ type: onap.policies.native.opa
+ type_version: 1.0.0
+ properties:
+ data:
+ node.zoneB: ewogICJ6b25lIjogewogICAgInpvbmVfYWNjZXNzX2xvZ3MiOiBbCiAgICAgIHsgImxvZ19pZCI6ICJsb2cxIiwgInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6ICIyMDI0LTExLTAxVDA5OjAwOjAwWiIsICJ6b25lX2lkIjogInpvbmVBIiwgImFjY2VzcyI6ICJncmFudGVkIiwgInVzZXIiOiAidXNlcjEiIH0sCiAgICAgIHsgImxvZ19pZCI6ICJsb2cyIiwgInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6ICIyMDI0LTExLTAxVDEwOjMwOjAwWiIsICJ6b25lX2lkIjogInpvbmVBIiwgImFjY2VzcyI6ICJkZW5pZWQiLCAidXNlciI6ICJ1c2VyMiIgfSwKICAgICAgeyAibG9nX2lkIjogImxvZzMiLCAidGltZXN0YW1wIjogIjIwMjQtMTEtMDFUMTE6MDA6MDBaIiwgInpvbmVfaWQiOiAiem9uZUIiLCAiYWNjZXNzIjogImdyYW50ZWQiLCAidXNlciI6ICJ1c2VyMyIgfQogICAgXQogIH0KfQ==
+ policy:
+ zoneB: 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
+ name: zoneB
+ version: 1.0.6
+ metadata:
+ policy-id: zoneB
+ policy-version: 1.0.6
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-deploy.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-deploy.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad5b3bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-deploy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "policies": [
+ {
+ "policy-id": "zoneB",
+ "policy-version": "1.0.6"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1d8e687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "data":{
+ "zone_access_logs":[
+ {
+ "access":"granted",
+ "log_id":"log1",
+ "timestamp":"2024-11-01T09:00:00Z",
+ "user":"user1",
+ "zone_id":"zoneA"
+ },
+ {
+ "access":"denied",
+ "log_id":"log2",
+ "timestamp":"2024-11-01T10:30:00Z",
+ "user":"user2",
+ "zone_id":"zoneA"
+ },
+ {
+ "access":"granted",
+ "log_id":"log3",
+ "timestamp":"2024-11-01T11:00:00Z",
+ "user":"user3",
+ "zone_id":"zoneB"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyfilter.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyfilter.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..223dddbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyfilter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "abac",
+ "policyFilter": ["viewable_sesor_data"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["read"],
+ "datatypes": ["location", "temperature", "precipitation", "windspeed"],
+ "time_period": {
+ "from": "2024-02-27",
+ "to": "2024-02-29"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyname.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyname.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1628bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyname.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "abc",
+ "policyFilter": ["viewable_sensor_data"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["read"],
+ "datatypes": ["location", "temperature", "precipitation", "windspeed"],
+ "time_period": {
+ "from": "2024-02-27",
+ "to": "2024-02-29"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3bd987d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "output": {
+ "viewable_sensor_data": [
+ {
+ "location": "Galle",
+ "precipitation": "500 mm",
+ "temperature": "35 C",
+ "windspeed": "7.2 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "location": "Jaffna",
+ "precipitation": "300 mm",
+ "temperature": "-5 C",
+ "windspeed": "3.8 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "location": "Nuwara Eliya",
+ "precipitation": "600 mm",
+ "temperature": "25 C",
+ "windspeed": "4.0 m/s"
+ },
+ {
+ "location": "Trincomalee",
+ "precipitation": "1000 mm",
+ "temperature": "20 C",
+ "windspeed": "5.0 m/s"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "policyName": "abac",
+ "statusMessage": "OPA Allowed"
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-pemit-policy.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-pemit-policy.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fadf05bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-pemit-policy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "abac",
+ "policyFilter": ["viewable_sensor_data"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["read"],
+ "datatypes": ["location", "temperature", "precipitation", "windspeed"],
+ "time_period": {
+ "from": "2024-02-27",
+ "to": "2024-02-29"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyfilter.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyfilter.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..290fd60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyfilter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "vehicle",
+ "policyFilter": ["user_has_vecle_access"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["use"],
+ "user": "user1",
+ "vehicle_id": "v1",
+ "attributes": ["type", "status"]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyname.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyname.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5f50b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyname.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "vehile",
+ "policyFilter": ["user_has_vehicle_access"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["use"],
+ "user": "user1",
+ "vehicle_id": "v1",
+ "attributes": ["type", "status"]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_input.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_input.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ea1638a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_input.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "vehicle",
+ "policyFilter": ["user_has_vehicle_access"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["use"],
+ "user": "user1",
+ "vehicle_id": "v1",
+ "attributes": ["type", "status"]
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_output.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_output.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6271b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "output": {
+ "user_has_vehicle_access": [
+ {
+ "status": "available",
+ "type": "car"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "policyName": "vehicle",
+ "statusMessage": "OPA Allowed"
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-input.json b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-input.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dca9cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/data/onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-input.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "onapName": "CDS",
+ "onapComponent": "CDS",
+ "onapInstance": "CDS",
+ "currentDate": "2024-11-22",
+ "policyName": "zoneB",
+ "policyFilter": ["has_zone_access"],
+ "input": {
+ "actions": ["view"],
+ "log_id": "log1",
+ "datatypes": ["access", "user"],
+ "time_period": {
+ "from": "2024-11-01T09:00:00Z",
+ "to": "2024-11-01T10:00:00Z"
+ },
+ "zone_id": "zoneA"
+ }
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/drools-applications-test.robot b/csit/resources/tests/drools-applications-test.robot
index 4ceb288b..61d77591 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/drools-applications-test.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/drools-applications-test.robot
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
*** Settings ***
-Library Collections
-Library String
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library Process
-Library json
+Library Collections
+Library String
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library Process
+Library json
Resource common-library.robot
*** Test Cases ***
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ Controller
[Documentation] Verify that the Policy topics policy-pdp-pap and policy-cl-mgt are available on kafka
- GetKafkaTopic policy-pdp-pap
- GetKafkaTopic policy-cl-mgt
+ GetKafkaTopic policy-pdp-pap
+ GetKafkaTopic policy-cl-mgt
- [Documentation] List the topics registered with TopicManager
+ [Documentation] List the topics registered with TopicManager
${resp}= PerformGetRequestOnDrools /policy/pdp/engine/topics ${DROOLS_IP_2} 200
Should Contain ${resp.text} policy-cl-mgt
Should Contain ${resp.text} policy-pdp-pap
Should Contain ${resp.text} dcae_topic
- [Documentation] List the features available in the drools engine
+ [Documentation] List the features available in the drools engine
${resp}= PerformGetRequestOnDrools /policy/pdp/engine/features ${DROOLS_IP_2} 200
Should Contain ${resp.text} "org.onap.policy.drools.lifecycle.LifecycleFeature"
Should Contain ${resp.text} "org.onap.policy.drools.apps.controlloop.feature.usecases.UsecasesFeature"
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ DeployXacmlPolicies
[Documentation] Deploys the Policies to Xacml
DeployPolicy deploy.xacml.policies.json
Sleep 5s
- @{otherMessages}= Create List deployed-policies onap.scaleout.tca onap.restart.tca
+ @{otherMessages}= Create List deployed-policies onap.scaleout.tca onap.restart.tca
AssertMessageFromTopic policy-notification onap.vfirewall.tca ${otherMessages}
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ VerifyDeployedXacmlPolicies
${resp}= GetDeployedPolicies
@{policies}= Create List onap.vfirewall.tca onap.scaleout.tca onap.restart.tca
FOR ${policy} IN @{policies}
- Should Contain ${resp.text} ${policy}
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} ${policy}
[Documentation] Deploys the Policies to Drools
DeployPolicy deploy.drools.policies.json
Sleep 5s
- @{otherMessages}= Create List deployed-policies operational.scaleout operational.restart
+ @{otherMessages}= Create List deployed-policies operational.scaleout operational.restart
AssertMessageFromTopic policy-notification operational.modifyconfig ${otherMessages}
@@ -121,68 +121,68 @@ VerifyDeployedDroolsPolicies
${resp}= GetDeployedPolicies
@{policies}= Create List operational.modifyconfig operational.scaleout operational.restart
FOR ${policy} IN @{policies}
- Should Contain ${resp.text} ${policy}
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} ${policy}
[Documentation] Executes VCPE Policy
- OnSet ${CURDIR}/data/drools/vcpeOnset.json
+ OnSet ${CURDIR}/data/drools/vcpeOnset.json
${policyExecuted}= Set Variable ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e
@{otherMessages}= Create List ACTIVE
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
@{otherMessages}= Create List ${policyExecuted} OPERATION
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Sending guard query for APPC Restart ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Sending guard query for APPC Restart ${otherMessages}
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Guard result for APPC Restart is Permit ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Guard result for APPC Restart is Permit ${otherMessages}
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=APPC,operation=Restart ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=APPC,operation=Restart ${otherMessages}
# @{otherMessages}= Create List OPERATION: SUCCESS actor=APPC,operation=Restart
-# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
# @{otherMessages}= Create List FINAL: SUCCESS APPC Restart
-# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
[Documentation] Executes VDNS Policy
- OnSet ${CURDIR}/data/drools/vdnsOnset.json
+ OnSet ${CURDIR}/data/drools/vdnsOnset.json
${policyExecuted}= Set Variable ControlLoop-vDNS-6f37f56d-a87d-4b85-b6a9-cc953cf779b3
@{otherMessages}= Create List ACTIVE
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
@{otherMessages}= Create List ${policyExecuted} OPERATION
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Sending guard query for SO VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Sending guard query for SO VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Guard result for SO VF Module Create is Permit ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Guard result for SO VF Module Create is Permit ${otherMessages}
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=SO,operation=VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=SO,operation=VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
@{otherMessages}= Create List ${policyExecuted} OPERATION: SUCCESS
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=SO,operation=VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=SO,operation=VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
@{otherMessages}= Create List ${policyExecuted} FINAL: SUCCESS SO
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt VF Module Create ${otherMessages}
[Documentation] Executes VFW Policy
- OnSet ${CURDIR}/data/drools/vfwOnset.json
+ OnSet ${CURDIR}/data/drools/vfwOnset.json
${policyExecuted}= Set Variable ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a
@{otherMessages}= Create List ACTIVE
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
@{otherMessages}= Create List ${policyExecuted} OPERATION
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Sending guard query for APPC ModifyConfig ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Sending guard query for APPC ModifyConfig ${otherMessages}
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Guard result for APPC ModifyConfig is Permit ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt Guard result for APPC ModifyConfig is Permit ${otherMessages}
- AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=APPC,operation=ModifyConfig ${otherMessages}
+ AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt actor=APPC,operation=ModifyConfig ${otherMessages}
# @{otherMessages}= Create List OPERATION: SUCCESS actor=APPC,operation=ModifyConfig
-# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
# @{otherMessages}= Create List FINAL: SUCCESS APPC ModifyConfig
-# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
+# AssertMessageFromTopic policy-cl-mgt ${policyExecuted} ${otherMessages}
*** Keywords ***
@@ -192,25 +192,25 @@ VerifyController
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()['usecases']} 1
- [Arguments] ${url} ${domain} ${expectedstatus}
- ${auth}= Create List demo@people.osaaf.org demo123456!
- Log Creating session http://${domain}
- ${session}= Create Session policy http://${domain} auth=${auth}
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
- ${resp}= GET On Session policy ${url} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
- Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
- RETURN ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${domain} ${expectedstatus}
+ ${auth}= Create List demo@people.osaaf.org demo123456!
+ Log Creating session http://${domain}
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${domain} auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= GET On Session policy ${url} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ RETURN ${resp}
- [Arguments] ${url} ${domain} ${file} ${folder} ${contenttype} ${expectedstatus}
- ${auth}= Create List policyadmin zb!XztG34
- ${body}= Get file ${folder}/${file}
- Log Creating session http://${domain}
- ${session}= Create Session policy http://${domain} auth=${auth}
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/${contenttype} Content-Type=application/${contenttype}
- ${resp}= POST On Session policy ${url} data=${body} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
- Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
- RETURN ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${domain} ${file} ${folder} ${contenttype} ${expectedstatus}
+ ${auth}= Create List policyadmin zb!XztG34
+ ${body}= Get file ${folder}/${file}
+ Log Creating session http://${domain}
+ ${session}= Create Session policy http://${domain} auth=${auth}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/${contenttype} Content-Type=application/${contenttype}
+ ${resp}= POST On Session policy ${url} data=${body} headers=${headers} expected_status=${expectedstatus}
+ Log Received response from policy ${resp.text}
+ RETURN ${resp}
[Arguments] ${file}
@@ -220,18 +220,18 @@ OnSet
RETURN ${resp.stdout}
- [Arguments] ${policyFile} ${contenttype}
+ [Arguments] ${policyFile} ${contenttype}
PerformPostRequest /policy/api/v1/policies ${POLICY_API_IP} ${policyFile} ${DATA} ${contenttype} 201
- [Arguments] ${policyName}
+ [Arguments] ${policyName}
PerformPostRequest /policy/pap/v1/pdps/deployments/batch ${POLICY_PAP_IP} ${policyName} ${CURDIR}/data/drools json 202
- [Arguments] ${topic} ${topicMessage} ${otherMessages}
+ [Arguments] ${topic} ${topicMessage} ${otherMessages}
${response}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 4 x 10 sec CheckKafkaTopic ${topic} ${topicMessage}
FOR ${msg} IN @{otherMessages}
- Should Contain ${response} ${msg}
+ Should Contain ${response} ${msg}
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/opa-pdp-common.robot b/csit/resources/tests/opa-pdp-common.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4eba43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/opa-pdp-common.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+*** Settings ***
+*** Keywords ***
+Is Variable Dictionary
+ [Arguments] ${variable}
+ ${is_dict}= Set Variable False
+ ${status} ${result}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${variable} data
+ Run Keyword If '${status}'
+ ... Set Variable ${is_dict}= True # It means it's a dictionary.
+ RETURN ${is_dict}
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/opa-pdp-test.robot b/csit/resources/tests/opa-pdp-test.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98e413c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/opa-pdp-test.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library Process
+Library json
+Resource common-library.robot
+Resource opa-pdp-common.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${OPA_PDP_HOST} /policy/pdpo/v1/healthcheck
+${url} /policy/pdpo/v1/decision
+${DATA_URL} /policy/pdpo/v1/data/
+*** Test Cases ***
+ [Documentation] Verify OPA PDP health check
+ PdpxGetReq ${OPA_PDP_HOST} <Response [200]>
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DATA_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.data-empty.json data
+ CreateOpaPolicy onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-create.yaml zoneB 1.0.3 201
+ DeployOpaPolicy onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-deploy.json zoneB
+ ${URL_CONTEXT}= Set Variable node/zoneB/zone
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-zone-output.json data
+ ValidatePolicyResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-input.json 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-policy-output.json
+ ValidateIncorrectPolicyNameResponse onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyname.json 400
+ ValidateIncorrectPolicyFilterResponse onap.policy.opa.pdp.decision.zone-incorrect-policyfilter.json 200
+ UndeployOpaPolicy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/zoneB 202
+ UndeployOpaPolicy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/zoneB 400
+ CreateOpaPolicy onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-create.yaml vehicle 1.0.3 201
+ DeployOpaPolicy onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-deploy.json vehicle
+ ${URL_CONTEXT}= Set Variable node/vehicle
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-output.json data
+ ValidatePatchDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add.json 204
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-add-output.json data
+ ValidatePatchDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace.json 204
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-replace-output.json data
+ ValidatePatchDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-remove.json 204
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-vehicle-output.json data
+ ValidatePolicyResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_input.json 200 onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle_output.json
+ ValidateIncorrectPolicyNameResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyname.json 400
+ ValidateIncorrectPolicyFilterResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.vehicle-incorect-policyfilter.json 200
+ UndeployOpaPolicy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/vehicle 202
+ UndeployOpaPolicy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/vehicle 400
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 404 onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-resource-not-found.json responseCode
+ ValidatePatchDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} onap.policy.opa.pdp.dyn-data-remove.json 400
+ CreateOpaPolicy onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-create.yaml abac 1.0.2 201
+ DeployOpaPolicy onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-deploy.json abac
+ ${URL_CONTEXT}= Set Variable node/abac
+ ValidateGetDynamicData ${DYNAMIC_URL} 200 onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-output.json data
+ ValidatePolicyResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-pemit-policy.json 200 onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-output.json
+ ValidateIncorrectPolicyNameResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyname.json 400
+ ValidateIncorrectPolicyFilterResponse onap.policy.policy.opa.pdp.decision.abac-incorrect-policyfilter.json 200
+ CreatePolicyDeployFailure onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-duplicate-create.yaml 406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE
+ UndeployOpaPolicy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/abac 202
+ UndeployOpaPolicy /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies/abac 400
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Documentation] Verify the response of Health Check is Successful
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${status}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${url} 200 null ${hcauth}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp} ${status}
+ [Documentation] Create a opa policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${policy_name} ${policy_version} ${expected_status}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ CreatePolicyWithYaml /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.opa/versions/1.0.0/policies ${expected_status} ${postjson}
+ [Documentation] Create a Failure opa policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${expected_status} ${keyword}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/onap.policy.opa.pdp.policy-abac-duplicate-create.yaml
+ CreateFailurePolicyWithYaml /policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.native.opa/versions/1.0.0/policies ${expected_status} ${postjson} ${keyword}
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy PAP to deploy a policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${policy_name}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} /policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies 202 ${postjson} null ${policyadmin}
+ Sleep 20sec
+ ${result}= CheckKafkaTopic policy-notification ${policy_name}
+ Should Contain ${result} deployed-policies
+ [Documentation] Runs Policy PAP to undeploy a policy
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${expected_status}
+ ${policyadmin}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ PerformDeleteRequest ${POLICY_PAP_IP} ${url} ${expected_status} ${policyadmin}
+ [Documentation] Validating the output for the policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${status} ${jsonfile1}
+ ${expectedStatus}= Set Variable ${status}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ ${expected_data}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile1}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${url} ${expectedStatus} ${postjson} abbrev=true ${hcauth}
+ ${response_data}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} output
+ ${expected_value}= Evaluate json.loads('''${expected_data}''') json
+ ${expected_output}= Get From Dictionary ${expected_value} output
+ Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${response_data} ${expected_output}
+ [Documentation] Validating the output for the policy
+ [Arguments] ${dyn_url} ${status} ${jsonfile1} ${json_key_name}
+ ${expectedStatus}= Set Variable ${status}
+ ${expected_data}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile1}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformGetRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${dyn_url} ${expectedStatus} abbrev=true ${hcauth}
+ ${response_data}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} ${json_key_name}
+ ${expected_value}= Evaluate json.loads('''${expected_data}''') json
+ ${expected_output}= Get From Dictionary ${expected_value} ${json_key_name}
+ ${is_dict}= Is Variable Dictionary ${response_data}
+ Run Keyword If ${is_dict}
+ ... Should Be Equal ${response_data} ${expected_output}
+ Run Keyword If not ${is_dict}
+ ... Should Be Equal As Strings ${response_data} ${expected_output}
+ [Documentation] Validating the output for the policy
+ [Arguments] ${dyn_url} ${jsonfile} ${status}
+ ${expectedStatus}= Set Variable ${status}
+ ${patchjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPatchRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${dyn_url} ${expectedStatus} ${patchjson} abbrev=true ${hcauth}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} ${expectedStatus}
+ [Documentation] Validating the output for the policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${status} ${jsonfile1}
+ ${expectedStatus}= Set Variable ${status}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ ${expected_data}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile1}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${url} ${expectedStatus} ${postjson} abbrev=true ${hcauth}
+ ${response_data}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} responseCode
+ ${expected_value}= Evaluate json.loads('''${expected_data}''') json
+ ${expected_output}= Get From Dictionary ${expected_value} responseCode
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${response_data} ${expected_output}
+ [Documentation] Validating the incorrect name output for the policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${status}
+ ${expectedStatus}= Set Variable ${status}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${url} ${expectedStatus} ${postjson} abbrev=true ${hcauth}
+ ${response_data}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} responseCode
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${response_data} bad_request
+ [Documentation] Validating the incorrect filter output for the policy
+ [Arguments] ${jsonfile} ${status}
+ ${expectedStatus}= Set Variable ${status}
+ ${postjson}= Get file ${CURDIR}/data/${jsonfile}
+ ${hcauth}= PolicyAdminAuth
+ ${resp}= PerformPostRequest ${POLICY_OPA_IP} ${url} ${expectedStatus} ${postjson} abbrev=true ${hcauth}
+ ${response_data}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} output
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${response_data} None
diff --git a/csit/resources/tests/xacml-pdp-slas.robot b/csit/resources/tests/xacml-pdp-slas.robot
index e3d2d910..98a44a80 100644
--- a/csit/resources/tests/xacml-pdp-slas.robot
+++ b/csit/resources/tests/xacml-pdp-slas.robot
@@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ WaitForPrometheusServer
[Documentation] Sleep time to wait for Prometheus server to gather all metrics
Sleep 1 minute
- [Documentation] Validate policy execution gauge using prometheus metrics
- ValidatePrometheusMetric pdpx_policy_decisions_created{application="optimization",status="permit", instance="policy-xacml-pdp:6969", job="xacml-pdp-metrics"} 1.8E9
- ValidatePrometheusMetric pdpx_policy_decisions_created{application="guard",status="not_applicable", instance="policy-xacml-pdp:6969", job="xacml-pdp-metrics"} 1.8E9
- ValidatePrometheusMetric pdpx_policy_decisions_created{application="monitoring",status="permit", instance="policy-xacml-pdp:6969", job="xacml-pdp-metrics"} 1.8E9
- ValidatePrometheusMetric pdpx_policy_decisions_created{application="naming",status="permit", instance="policy-xacml-pdp:6969", job="xacml-pdp-metrics"} 1.8E9
[Documentation] Validate policy decision counters using prometheus metrics
ValidatePrometheusMetric pdpx_policy_decisions_total{application="optimization",status="permit", instance="policy-xacml-pdp:6969", job="xacml-pdp-metrics"} 1