Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
The dependency upgrades in policy-parent caused some new sonars. In
particular, initMocks() has been deprecated - replaced with calls to the
Mockito Runner.
Issue-ID: POLICY-2914
Change-Id: Iaf10f676c380adb9785e836cb15792596b378e4e
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Addressed the issues:
- use of eq() in verify()
- remove @NamedQueries
- use computeIfAbsent()
Issue-ID: POLICY-2914
Change-Id: I265bc98f0f326e7b4ce86c25e68fc4859bd7fb02
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Addressed issues reported due to updates to the sonar rules:
- invoke only one method in a junit lambda
- complete the assertion
- add DOCTYPE to html
Issue-ID: POLICY-2650
Change-Id: Ib8b8a2e4736cc23849c0f7aef972ffa3365a3e00
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Addressed the following sonar issues:
- add parameters to types
- ObjectInputStream.readObject() is unsafe
Issue-ID: POLICY-2650
Change-Id: I41e1bd08643b04f409ce87c884cb0c28995e431b
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Addressed the following issues:
- unused imports
- unused method parameters
- use assertEquals, assertSame instead of assertTrue
- provide the parametrized type for this generic
Also fixed some checkstyle issues:
- removed blank lines between "import" groups
Issue-ID: POLICY-2650
Change-Id: I004bb650ac10c49ccd0fc405f6959896fec39f9b
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Addressed the following sonar issues:
- missing assertion in junit test case
- disable sonars about setAccessible() as it's required for jackson
- sleep in junit
- don't use wild-cards (e.g., "*") with java.util Pattern
- use re2j instead of java.util Pattern
- use String methods (e.g., startsWith())
- duplicate method bodies
- duplicate code in Coder classes
- string concatenation in logger calls
- UTF-8 encoding
- return primitive instead of boxed primitive
- add assertion to tests
- renamed support methods from doTestXxx to verifyXxx
- cognitive complexity
- use AtomicRef instead of volatile
- use specific Functionals (e.g., IntConsumer)
- function always returns the same value
- serializable vs transient
Issue-ID: POLICY-2305
Change-Id: I08eb7aa495a80bdc1d26827ba17a7946c83b9828
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Either log or rethrow
Use boolean expression
Add at least one test
Remove commented out code
Issue-ID: POLICY-2204
Change-Id: I4fdf31aea75303e4f49d25198eb3b12341995bfe
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Unused imports
Not enough arguments
Issue-ID: POLICY-2204
Change-Id: I6405cb697ea976096b1276e2291b1c73617d33b5
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Moved MyExec from actors package to policy-common/utils-test,
renaming it to PseudoExecutor.
Updated per review comment(s):
- declare "task" of type "Queue" instead of "LinkedList"
Issue-ID: POLICY-2363
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Change-Id: I40049ca52defecc4f3f7479470c28da58521866d
Some test drivers use javascript to evaluate expected results.
In java 8, the standard javascript engine was Nashorn, but that has
been deprecated. As the test scripts use a simple xxx.yyy.zzz notation,
decided to go with a small expression language, Apache JEXL, instead.
Issue-ID: POLICY-2324
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Change-Id: Iffff468a880c612bdb31da84964dfa4132fa15e3
Addressed the following deprecated items:
- "new Integer(xxx)"
- Observable/Observer
- Mockito.anyObject()
Added assertion to a junit test to address a sonar issue.
Did not address deprecated Nashorn javascript interpreter; that will be
done in a separate review.
Updated licenses.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1406
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Change-Id: I81fd158f831e01d5410d79898ced658285787d47
Several of the Gson and Jackson handlers take a GsonBuilder, which
they then configure with additional adapters prior to create a Gson
object that they subsequently use. The code has been modified so
that the constructors no longer take a GsonBuilder, thus eliminating
the side-effects that they had on the builders. Instead, a
configBuilder() method has been added to the handler classes that
makes it clear tht they modify the GsonBuilder.
This also has the advantage that classes that want a Gson object
configured per a given handler need only call that handler's
configBuilder() method; previously, they had to constructor the
handler and then retrieve its gson object.
Also updated a few tests to specify the HTTP "Accept" header to ensure
that return results are in yaml format.
Change-Id: I2ef98198041ff9f73913d01ee6ee14ecf20ba617
Issue-ID: POLICY-2081
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Enhance TestTimeMulti to support execution of tasks, whether
submitted via Timers or via Executors.
Change-Id: Ib5f216730b3b69028e9581052645370b827cd446
Issue-ID: POLICY-1968
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Moving ToStringTester to utils-test as thos module holds all test
related utilities. Keeping the original one for now as it will break
build for all the repos.
Will delete the original one after pointing all the dependent repos to
the new one.
Change-Id: I5f90b722452178e1e1a30d759679b8738dadfb65
Issue-ID: POLICY-1746
Signed-off-by: ramverma <>
Note: A number of these were identified, by SonarLint, in the Test
classes, which are not typically scanned by Sonar.
Removed unnecessary imports.
Removed unneeded "throws Xxx".
Replaced lambda with method references.
Replaced duplicate strings with constants.
Replaced try-fail-catch with assert-j methods to eliminate sonar
complaints about duplicate failure messages.
Added missing @Override annotations.
Use map.computeIfAbsent() where appropriate.
Also fixed some minor checkstyle issues.
Removed unneeded "volatile" declarations.
Replaced some if-else constructs with "?:" construct, per sonar.
Replaced Object.wait() with CountDownLatch.await(); according to sonar
(and javadocs), Object.wait() can return due to "spurious wakeups".
Fixed issue whereby CryptoUtilsTest wouldn't run in my Eclipse.
Change-Id: Ib6b71ed65662cfd6209400dac57ed69279bf29ec
Issue-ID: POLICY-1791
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
The logger appender that's used in junit tests was getting the
raw message, which still had "{}" place-holders in it. Fixed that.
Split a test method to avoid checkstyle error.
Change-Id: I57571d8717aaee4adb7df186fe156501e9cc669e
Issue-ID: POLICY-1444
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Fixed issues with GsonTestUtils:
- don't set static from within a non-static method
- don't throw generic RuntimeException
Resolved checkstyle issue.
Removed trailing spaces.
Change-Id: If0c85733f62a24b56088dc90aadd4b95b3a6c91a
Issue-ID: POLICY-1428
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Added test for Serializer to increase junit coverage.
Added tests for TestTimeMulti to increase junit coverage.
Sonar fixes for PropertyConfiguration:
- use equalsIgnoreCase
- use the exception
Updated license dates.
Some fixes for LoggerFactoryWrapper to address sonar issue - utility
classes should typically have a private constructor.
Change-Id: I8957e9673fe8371ecca7abbb7ece87b0d6f46c1a
Issue-ID: POLICY-1519
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Added JacksonHandler which provides jackson behavior in gson.
Also added classes to facilitate testing of gson serializations.
Added compareGson(xxx, Class).
Removed trailing spaces from some files.
Updated license dates.
Replaced incorrect constant with ${xxx} in json test file.
Fixed typo in test method name.
Change-Id: If05b654d76a4ffc88646f03334be82b32506f28f
Issue-ID: POLICY-1428
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Removed PolicyAssert from utils-test, as its functionality is
superseded by assertj.
Change-Id: Ie7620fea98cd368a8ce4f8511e8e88f291013cff
Issue-ID: POLICY-1392
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Change-Id: I73c186f181960ac7ac8cd985e55db1831963910f
Issue-ID: POLICY-1392
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Also fixed some bugs in the junit tests.
Renamed expectException() to assertThrows().
Added test cases.
Change-Id: I13dff0007e35c2d2521a4ca40bb65e6820416ed1
Issue-ID: POLICY-1148
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Also fixed new checkstyle error.
Change-Id: I2d2c2518f3f7da1a0ace8c32e10b4151d941bb6f
Issue-ID: POLICY-1148
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
The root pom.xml had a syntax error in a declaration. The suppressions
xml was not being found by the sub-modules. It was better to create a
copy in each of the sub-modules where we will not be fixing
abbreviations or the interface declarations in own java file.
Added specific checkstyle files for each submodule.
One interesting note for the InheritDoc tag. It seems that the mvn
compile has a bug that interprets these as missing a period after
the tag. Even though the parent interface has it correctly. It was
easier to just remove it than duplicate.
There are new JIRA's for that work to be done in Dublin.
Fixed some spacing in pom's.
Issue-ID: POLICY-1131
Change-Id: I5f845958ccefd50a3b7290662da43c994870f1f7
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Only throw one type of exception in Serializer.
Try to increase test coverage in Serializer.
Change-Id: I170de0ab727041aa42731c08d6cc454731d29a20
Issue-ID: POLICY-1130
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Removed calls to superclass methods so that appropriate
exceptions are thrown.
Better comments for new tests.
Removed @Ignore from tests.
Removed tabs from pom.
Change-Id: I97fa63951eed4c2ac5ce0a267d8da5134a2a1c71
Issue-ID: POLICY-1106
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Closed the ByteArrayXxxStreams.
Closed byte output stream, even if exception in object stream.
Change-Id: I3f779a5c0e6df3ac3496abe60a46e0696b4e261c
Issue-ID: POLICY-1106
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Cleared all the checkstyle in these 2 submodules.
Issue-ID: POLICY-881
Change-Id: I248e1894aebf549d5a4f8669a6466ec227d40b55
Signed-off-by: Pamela Dragosh <>
Change-Id: Ie060e45d2cda368ffbb5908b41594d7795bae40b
Issue-ID: POLICY-1045
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Issue-ID: POLICY-881
Signed-off-by: vamshi.nemalikonda <>
Change-Id: I4057306bec83a48921c90a081fb9752f663ee3b6
Issue-ID: POLICY-881
Signed-off-by: vamshi.nemalikonda <>
Change-Id: Idc0c088497b4a49789c3f0aedf034d380bd3af1c
Add some comments. Update license text.
Change-Id: I4cee208378c44d9730274aee337feb95f9026add
Issue-ID: POLICY-908
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Change-Id: Ifc70d9682317033fd98b43ba802f9fd1acf519a8
Issue-ID: POLICY-881
Signed-off-by: vamshi.nemalikonda <>
Change-Id: I80b05663e81648058f84aff5d5cda2deaa2d87c9
Issue-ID: POLICY-881
Signed-off-by: vamshi.nemalikonda <>
Removed checkstyle warnings in policy/common/utils-test
Issue-ID: POLICY-695
Change-Id: I9962b2f815d2c116f77475944bc17ea1cb0af539
Signed-off-by: mmis <>
Fixed sonar complaints about the testXxx_Yyy() methods in the
XxxTester classes. In most cases, they were renamed to testYyy().
The top-level method, test(), was not renamed so-as not to break
existing tests that already depend on it.
Renamed testStringConstuctor() to testString().
Change-Id: I00e8993c71fa9d9cb83bea82276d9706dd0e7c45
Issue-ID: POLICY-246
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Added EntityMgrCloser and EntityMgrTrans classes that will automatically
close/rollback the wrapped JPA classes. As a result, these classes can
be used in try-with-resource statements to ensure that the JPA
EntityTransaction is rolled back and the EntityManager is closed.
Add "build" section into pom to make it consistent with other poms
in common.
Changed scope to "provided" in utils pom for javax.persistence to
prevent clashes with other projects that depend on the utils project.
Changed scope to "test" in utils pom and to "provided" in utils-test
pom for junit.
Fixed license date in EntityTransCloser.
Fixed license titles in utils & utils-test source files.
Moved files from package xxx.test.jpa to package xxx.jpa, because they
are not test-specific classes.
Include exception when logging message in ThrowablesTester, hopefully
eliminating sonar complaint.
Change-Id: I531f20d93a679d4bb432c1d75c1feac0e334bc44
Issue-ID: POLICY-582
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Added ExtractAppender to provide a way for junit tests to capture
data sent to a logger.
Changed logback.version to 1.2.3 and moved the property to the
top-level pom.
Updated license date in top-level pom.
Refactored ExceptionsText, adding ErrorsTester and
ThrowablesTester classes to reduce sonar issues.
Change-Id: Ief7d08972bf4e7037b59c2afe4b77b252f2ad60a
Issue-ID: POLICY-582
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>
Added utils-test project to policy/common.
Modified integrity-audit and integrity-monitor to use the new
utils-test project to test the Exception subclasses.
Change-Id: If4a27cdb2351b7c49b084dbf287950172fa059cf
Issue-ID: POLICY-582
Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <>