path: root/policy-endpoints/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/common/endpoints/event/comm/bus/DmaapTopicSinkFactoryTest.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-06-12Apply simple sonar fixesJim Hahn1-1/+7
Note: A number of these were identified, by SonarLint, in the Test classes, which are not typically scanned by Sonar. Removed unnecessary imports. Removed unneeded "throws Xxx". Replaced lambda with method references. Replaced duplicate strings with constants. Replaced try-fail-catch with assert-j methods to eliminate sonar complaints about duplicate failure messages. Added missing @Override annotations. Use map.computeIfAbsent() where appropriate. Also fixed some minor checkstyle issues. Removed unneeded "volatile" declarations. Replaced some if-else constructs with "?:" construct, per sonar. Replaced Object.wait() with CountDownLatch.await(); according to sonar (and javadocs), Object.wait() can return due to "spurious wakeups". Fixed issue whereby CryptoUtilsTest wouldn't run in my Eclipse. Change-Id: Ib6b71ed65662cfd6209400dac57ed69279bf29ec Issue-ID: POLICY-1791 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2018-09-28Add junit coverage to rest of policy-endpoint busJim Hahn1-294/+55
Also extracted out common code from tests. Fix checkstyle issues. Be consistent in returning IllegalStateException when topic is not found by any Topic Factory. Added/updated some comments. Use better name for "validate" argument. Renamed test() to testDestroy(). Added NoopTopicPropertyBuilder. Renamed BusTopicTestBase to TopicTestBase. Change-Id: Id4c7ab9f2b5572dc5195b0da116e285c5e9b6f06 Issue-ID: POLICY-1148 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2018-09-27Add coverage for policy-endpoints busJim Hahn1-0/+403
Added license. Fix checkstyle warnings. Change-Id: I2279b8b80b3dc175583353ced3d71c3a5cc4f975 Issue-ID: POLICY-1148 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>