path: root/integrity-audit/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/ia/DbAudit.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'integrity-audit/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/ia/DbAudit.java')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/integrity-audit/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/ia/DbAudit.java b/integrity-audit/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/ia/DbAudit.java
index 9a73b79c..4e718a60 100644
--- a/integrity-audit/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/ia/DbAudit.java
+++ b/integrity-audit/src/main/java/org/onap/policy/common/ia/DbAudit.java
@@ -144,6 +144,23 @@ public class DbAudit {
Map<String, Set<Object>> misMatchedMap = new HashMap<>();
+ compareList(persistenceUnit, iaeList, myIae, classNameSet, misMatchedMap);
+ // If misMatchedMap is not empty, retrieve the entries in each misMatched list and compare
+ // again
+ recompareList(resourceName, persistenceUnit, iaeList, myIae, misMatchedMap);
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: Exiting");
+ }
+ return; // all done
+ }
+ private void compareList(String persistenceUnit, List<IntegrityAuditEntity> iaeList, IntegrityAuditEntity myIae,
+ Set<String> classNameSet, Map<String, Set<Object>> misMatchedMap)
+ throws IntegrityAuditException {
// We need to keep track of how long the audit is taking
long startTime = AuditorTime.getInstance().getMillis();
@@ -161,52 +178,7 @@ public class DbAudit {
Map<Object, Object> myEntries = dbDao.getAllMyEntries(clazzName);
// get a map of the objects indexed by id. Does not necessarily have any entries
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: Traversing iaeList, size=" + iaeList.size());
- }
- for (IntegrityAuditEntity iae : iaeList) {
- if (iae.getId() == myIae.getId()) {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: My Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME + iae.getResourceName());
- }
- continue; // no need to compare with self
- } else {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME + iae.getResourceName());
- }
- }
- // Create properties for the other db node
- Properties theirProperties = new Properties();
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_DRIVER, iae.getJdbcDriver());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_URL, iae.getJdbcUrl());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_USER, iae.getJdbcUser());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_PWD, iae.getJdbcPassword());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.SITE_NAME, iae.getSite());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.NODE_TYPE, iae.getNodeType());
- // get a map of the instances for their iae indexed by id
- Map<Object, Object> theirEntries = dbDao.getAllEntries(persistenceUnit, theirProperties, clazzName);
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: For persistenceUnit=" + persistenceUnit + ", clazzName=" + clazzName
- + ", theirEntries.size()=" + theirEntries.size());
- }
- /*
- * Compare myEntries with theirEntries and get back a set of mismatched IDs. Collect
- * the IDs for the class where a mismatch occurred. We will check them again for all
- * nodes later.
- */
- Set<Object> misMatchedKeySet = compareEntries(myEntries, theirEntries);
- if (!misMatchedKeySet.isEmpty()) {
- Set<Object> misMatchedEntry = misMatchedMap.get(clazzName);
- if (misMatchedEntry == null) {
- misMatchedMap.put(clazzName, misMatchedKeySet);
- } else {
- misMatchedEntry.addAll(misMatchedKeySet);
- misMatchedMap.put(clazzName, misMatchedEntry);
- }
- }
- } // end for (IntegrityAuditEntity iae : iaeList)
+ compareMineWithTheirs(persistenceUnit, iaeList, myIae, misMatchedMap, clazzName, myEntries);
// Time check
if ((AuditorTime.getInstance().getMillis() - startTime) >= DB_AUDIT_UPDATE_MS) {
@@ -239,9 +211,84 @@ public class DbAudit {
logger.debug("dbAudit: Doing another comparison; misMatchedMap.size()=" + misMatchedMap.size());
+ }
- // If misMatchedMap is not empty, retrieve the entries in each misMatched list and compare
- // again
+ private void compareMineWithTheirs(String persistenceUnit, List<IntegrityAuditEntity> iaeList,
+ IntegrityAuditEntity myIae, Map<String, Set<Object>> misMatchedMap, String clazzName,
+ Map<Object, Object> myEntries) {
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: Traversing iaeList, size=" + iaeList.size());
+ }
+ for (IntegrityAuditEntity iae : iaeList) {
+ if (iae.getId() == myIae.getId()) {
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: My Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME + iae.getResourceName());
+ }
+ continue; // no need to compare with self
+ }
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME + iae.getResourceName());
+ }
+ // get a map of the instances for their iae indexed by id
+ Map<Object, Object> theirEntries =
+ dbDao.getAllEntries(persistenceUnit, getTheirDaoProperties(iae), clazzName);
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: For persistenceUnit=" + persistenceUnit + ", clazzName=" + clazzName
+ + ", theirEntries.size()=" + theirEntries.size());
+ }
+ /*
+ * Compare myEntries with theirEntries and get back a set of mismatched IDs.
+ * Collect the IDs for the class where a mismatch occurred. We will check them
+ * again for all nodes later.
+ */
+ compareMineWithTheirs(myEntries, theirEntries, clazzName, misMatchedMap);
+ } // end for (IntegrityAuditEntity iae : iaeList)
+ }
+ private void compareMineWithTheirs(Map<Object, Object> myEntries, Map<Object, Object> theirEntries,
+ String clazzName, Map<String, Set<Object>> misMatchedMap) {
+ Set<Object> misMatchedKeySet = compareEntries(myEntries, theirEntries);
+ if (misMatchedKeySet.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Set<Object> misMatchedEntry = misMatchedMap.get(clazzName);
+ if (misMatchedEntry == null) {
+ misMatchedMap.put(clazzName, misMatchedKeySet);
+ } else {
+ misMatchedEntry.addAll(misMatchedKeySet);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates properties for the other db node.
+ * @param iae target DB node
+ * @return DAO properties for the given DB node
+ */
+ private Properties getTheirDaoProperties(IntegrityAuditEntity iae) {
+ Properties theirProperties = new Properties();
+ theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_DRIVER, iae.getJdbcDriver());
+ theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_URL, iae.getJdbcUrl());
+ theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_USER, iae.getJdbcUser());
+ theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_PWD, iae.getJdbcPassword());
+ theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.SITE_NAME, iae.getSite());
+ theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.NODE_TYPE, iae.getNodeType());
+ return theirProperties;
+ }
+ private void recompareList(String resourceName, String persistenceUnit, List<IntegrityAuditEntity> iaeList,
+ IntegrityAuditEntity myIae, Map<String, Set<Object>> misMatchedMap)
+ throws IntegrityAuditException {
+ Set<String> classNameSet;
+ long startTime;
classNameSet = new HashSet<>(misMatchedMap.keySet());
// We need to keep track of how long the audit is taking
startTime = AuditorTime.getInstance().getMillis();
@@ -267,53 +314,8 @@ public class DbAudit {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("dbAudit: Second comparison; traversing iaeList, size=" + iaeList.size());
- for (IntegrityAuditEntity iae : iaeList) {
- if (iae.getId() == myIae.getId()) {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: Second comparison; My Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME
- + iae.getResourceName());
- }
- continue; // no need to compare with self
- } else {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: Second comparison; Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME
- + iae.getResourceName());
- }
- }
- // Create properties for the other db node
- Properties theirProperties = new Properties();
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_DRIVER, iae.getJdbcDriver());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_URL, iae.getJdbcUrl());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_USER, iae.getJdbcUser());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.DB_PWD, iae.getJdbcPassword());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.SITE_NAME, iae.getSite());
- theirProperties.put(IntegrityAuditProperties.NODE_TYPE, iae.getNodeType());
- // get a map of the instances for their iae indexed by id
- Map<Object, Object> theirEntries =
- dbDao.getAllEntries(persistenceUnit, theirProperties, clazzName, keySet);
- /*
- * Compare myEntries with theirEntries and get back a set of mismatched IDs. Collect
- * the IDs for the class where a mismatch occurred. We will now write an error log
- * for each.
- */
- Set<Object> misMatchedKeySet = compareEntries(myEntries, theirEntries);
- if (!misMatchedKeySet.isEmpty()) {
- String keysString = "";
- for (Object key : misMatchedKeySet) {
- keysString = keysString.concat(key.toString() + ", ");
- errorCount++;
- }
- writeAuditSummaryLog(clazzName, resourceName, iae.getResourceName(), keysString);
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- for (Object key : misMatchedKeySet) {
- writeAuditDebugLog(clazzName, resourceName, iae.getResourceName(), myEntries.get(key),
- theirEntries.get(key));
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ errorCount += recompareMineWithTheirs(resourceName, persistenceUnit, iaeList, myIae, clazzName,
+ keySet, myEntries);
// Time check
if ((AuditorTime.getInstance().getMillis() - startTime) >= DB_AUDIT_UPDATE_MS) {
// update the timestamp
@@ -337,12 +339,61 @@ public class DbAudit {
+ " errors found. A large number of errors may indicate DB replication has stopped";
logger.error(MessageCodes.ERROR_AUDIT, msg);
+ }
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("dbAudit: Exiting");
+ private int recompareMineWithTheirs(String resourceName, String persistenceUnit, List<IntegrityAuditEntity> iaeList,
+ IntegrityAuditEntity myIae, String clazzName, Set<Object> keySet, Map<Object, Object> myEntries)
+ throws IntegrityAuditException {
+ int errorCount = 0;
+ for (IntegrityAuditEntity iae : iaeList) {
+ if (iae.getId() == myIae.getId()) {
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: Second comparison; My Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME
+ + iae.getResourceName());
+ }
+ continue; // no need to compare with self
+ }
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.debug("dbAudit: Second comparison; Id=" + iae.getId() + COMMA_RESOURCE_NAME
+ + iae.getResourceName());
+ }
+ // get a map of the instances for their iae indexed by id
+ Map<Object, Object> theirEntries =
+ dbDao.getAllEntries(persistenceUnit, getTheirDaoProperties(iae), clazzName, keySet);
+ /*
+ * Compare myEntries with theirEntries and get back a set of mismatched IDs.
+ * Collect the IDs for the class where a mismatch occurred. We will now write
+ * an error log for each.
+ */
+ errorCount += recompareMineWithTheirs(resourceName, clazzName, myEntries, iae, theirEntries);
+ return errorCount;
+ }
- return; // all done
+ private int recompareMineWithTheirs(String resourceName, String clazzName, Map<Object, Object> myEntries,
+ IntegrityAuditEntity iae, Map<Object, Object> theirEntries) throws IntegrityAuditException {
+ Set<Object> misMatchedKeySet = compareEntries(myEntries, theirEntries);
+ if (misMatchedKeySet.isEmpty()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ for (Object key : misMatchedKeySet) {
+ keyBuilder.append(key.toString());
+ keyBuilder.append(", ");
+ }
+ writeAuditSummaryLog(clazzName, resourceName, iae.getResourceName(), keyBuilder.toString());
+ if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+ for (Object key : misMatchedKeySet) {
+ writeAuditDebugLog(clazzName, resourceName, iae.getResourceName(), myEntries.get(key),
+ theirEntries.get(key));
+ }
+ }
+ return misMatchedKeySet.size();