path: root/external-schema-repo-generator/
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Diffstat (limited to 'external-schema-repo-generator/')
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+StndDefined schemas ConfigMap generator
+## Description
+StndDefined schemas Kubernetes ConfigMap generator is a Makefile with two targets running shell scripts: 'generate' and
+'install'. This Makefile may be used by VES Collector users to generate and install ConfigMap containing schemas
+and mapping file for stndDefined validation in VES pod. Additionally script creates file with snippets containing
+auto-generated configuration of volumes finally mounted in VES deployment. Process of generation of ConfigMap spec file
+is configurable via environment.config file.
+Generator files are available in oom/utils ONAP Gerrit repository under external-schema-repo-generator folder.
+## Requirements and limitations
+### Environment
+Target *generate* from Makefile requires stable internet connection to properly clone Git repositories.
+Target *install* should be ran on the RKE node, so it can create ConfigMap in the same Kubernetes environment as VES Pod
+is installed. It is possible to generate a spec in one environment and move it together with all ConfigMap generator
+files to the RKE environment.
+### Repository limitations
+When running the script branches from selected repository are being downloaded. Time of script execution depends mostly
+on repository size and number of schemas. All .yaml files from selected directory in Git repository will be considered
+as schemas and attached to ConfigMap spec.
+### Generator tool files integration
+It is recommended to consider files of this tool as a unity and not split them when moving generator through
+environments. Generator tool files that are required are:
+- Makefile
+- environment.config
+## Instruction
+### Parameters description
+Before running any target from Makefile, configuration in *environment.config* must be properly prepared. Description of
+the configurable properties is below.
+- **SPEC_CONFIGMAP_FILENAME** - Filename name of ConfigMap spec that will be generated.
+- **K8S_CONFIGMAP_NAME** - Kubernetes name of ConfigMap that will be generated and installed.
+- **SNIPPET_FILENAME** - Filename of snippet with autogenerated content that should be added to VES deployment.
+- **REPOSITORY_URL_HTTPS** - URL to remote Git repository which lets cloning repository via HTTPS.
+- **REPOSITORY_BRANCH** - Valid branch from selected Git repository which contains schemas desired to mount. Script
+accepts an array of branches from which schemas will be collected. To pass an array split branch names with space and
+cover list in quotation marks.
+- **SCHEMAS_LOCATION** - Path to schemas directory on selected Git repo. All YAML files from this repository will be
+considered as schema and added to ConfigMap.
+- **VENDOR_NAME** - Name of organisation delivering schemas, used only for naming of schemas destination directory in
+### Running commands
+To run ConfigMap spec generation as well as snippet file used for mounting ConfigMap to specific Deployment use:
+make generate
+To run ConfigMap installation in Kubernetes use:
+**NOTE**: Remember about running this command on RKE node.
+make install
+**NOTE**: It is possible that ConfigMap with selected K8S_CONFIGMAP_NAME already exists in Kubernetes. In such situation
+either regenerate spec with new K8S_CONFIGMAP_NAME or remove existing ConfigMap from Kubernetes and install spec again.
+To remove ConfigMap from Kubernetes use:
+kubectl -n onap delete configmap <CONFIGMAP_NAME>
+## ConfigMap validation
+After running the script ConfigMap spec file is generated in current working directory.
+Spec file can be manually validated via any text editor. The last file included in spec is schema-map.json file with
+mappings of external URLs to prepared local URLs.
+To check whether it has been created use command:
+kubectl -n onap get configmap | grep <CONFIGMAP_NAME>
+A ConfigMap with configured name should be visible on the list.
+## Mounting ConfigMap into VES Collector
+To mount created ConfigMap in VES, its deployment must be edited. It can be done with:
+kubectl -n onap edit deployment dep-dcae-ves-collector
+Snippets with content that should be added to VES deployment are generated in file with name setup in configuration file
+under SNIPPET_FILENAME property. No extra configuration in VES is needed when using them.
+**NOTE**: When using Vi text editor for deployment edition, correct input mode must be set to keep proper indentation
+when pasting snippets. Use ``:set paste `` to turn paste mode on. To close paste mode use ``:set nopaste``
+1. Add volumeMounts element
+ In spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts add new list element:
+ **NOTE**: spec.template.spec.containers[0] should be a container with the image:
+ **.
+ It should be the first container, but make sure that the correct container is being edited.
+ ```
+ volumeMounts:
+ - ...
+ - mountPath: /opt/app/VESCollector/etc/externalRepoCustom
+ name: custom-3gpp-schemas
+ ```
+ - mountPath - Directory context for schemas. **NOTE**: must be the same as configuration of VES Collector property
+ *collector.externalSchema.schemasLocation* in **. This property might be modified via Consul UI,
+ later after changes in deployment.
+ - name - Name of ConfigMap volume. Must be the same as set in the 2. step in *name* field.
+2. Add volumes element
+ In spec.template.spec.volumes add a new list element with all desired to mount schemas from ConfigMap in
+ *items* list. *key* are file names from generated previously spec and *path* is relative path from directory set up
+ in step 1 as *mountPath*.
+ Sample spec.template.spec.volumes content:
+ ```
+ volumes:
+ - configMap:
+ defaultMode: 420
+ items:
+ - key: schema-map.json
+ path: schema-map.json
+ - key: SA88-Rel16-faultMnS.yaml
+ path: 3gpp/rep/sa5/data-models/SA88-Rel16/OpenAPI/faultMnS.yaml
+ - ...
+ name: stnd-defined-configmap
+ name: custom-3gpp-schemas
+ - ...
+ ```
+ Fields description:
+ - name - Name of ConfigMap volume. Must be the same as set in the 1. step in *name* field.
+ - - name of installed Kubernetes ConfigMap described in K8S_CONFIGMAP_NAME configuration setting
+ - configMap.items[].key - name of mounted file from installed previously ConfigMap.
+ **NOTE**: Not every schema from ConfigMap must be listed in *items* (warning message will be logged on VES startup if
+ so), but mapping file named as described in MAPPING_FILE_NAME setting is required for correct stndDefined validation
+ in VES.
+ - configMap.items[].path: Relative path from *mountPath* from step 1 which describes location of schema location in
+ VES container.
+ **NOTE 1**: For correct schemas detection in VES Collector *path* of each schema must be the same as its localURL in
+ mapping file. Mapping file is included as the last file in generated ConfigMap spec.
+ **NOTE 2**: For correct mapping file detection in VES Collector its *path* must be the same as in property
+ *collector.externalSchema.mappingFileLocation* in **. This property might be modified via Consul
+ UI, later after changes in deployment.
+3. Save and close an editor, K8S will automatically detect changes, terminate old VES Pod and deploy new one with
+mounted ConfigMap. Correctness of new VES Pod initialization and mounting ConfigMap can be tracked using
+`kubectl -n onap describe pod <VES_POD_NAME>`.
+To check if mounted schemas and VES properties configuration are correctly aligned see logs of VES. Each schema which is
+present in mapping file, but is not detected by VES will be logged on application startup e.g.:
+2020-10-01 11:46:55.872 WARN 24 [ Thread-5] o.o.d.s.s.s.e.s.m.s.UrlMapperFactory : Local schema resource missing. Schema file with path /opt/app/VESCollector/etc/externalRepoCustom/3gpp/rep/sa5/MnS/tree/master/OpenAPI/5gcNrm.yaml has not been found.
+2020-10-01 11:46:55.872 WARN 24 [ Thread-5] o.o.d.s.s.s.e.s.m.s.UrlMapperFactory : Mapping for publicURL ("") will not be added to validator.
+To see logs of VES use:
+kubectl -n onap logs <VES_POD_NAME>