
Cert service

General description

More information about the project and all its functionalities you can find under the wiki page: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/OOM+Certification+Service

Project consists of three submodules: 1. oom-certservice-api 2. oom-certservice-client 3. oom-certservice-post-processor

Detailed information about submodules can be found in README.md in their directories.

Project building

mvn clean package

Install the packages into the local repository

mvn clean install

Building Docker images and install packages into local repository

mvn clean install -P docker
make build

Generating certificates

There are example certificates already generated in certs/ directory. In order to generate new certificates, first remove existing ones. Then execute following command from certs(!) directory:


Running Docker containers from docker-compose with EJBCA

Docker-compose uses a local image of certservice-api and make run-client uses a local image of certservice-client Build docker images locally before running docker compose command.

1. Build local images
make build
2. Start Cert Service with configured EJBCA
make start-backend
3. Run Cert Service Client
make run-client
4. Stop Cert Service and EJBCA
make stop-backend

OOM CertService CSITs

CSIT repository


How to run tests locally

  1. Checkout CSIT repository
  2. Configure CSIT local environment
  3. Inside CSIT directory execute
sudo ./run-csit.sh plans/oom-platform-cert-service/certservice

Jenkins build


Sonar results


Maven artifacts

All maven artifacts are deployed under nexus uri:


Docker artifacts

All docker images are hosted under nexus3 uri:


How to release containers
