path: root/kubernetes/portal-ng/components
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
7 days[COMMON] Adjust the minimum resource settingsAndreas Geissler1-2/+2
2024-10-01portal-ng chart updateFiete Ostkamp21-85/+251
2024-07-05[COMMON] Fix Kyverno PoliciesAndreas Geissler2-2/+2
2024-05-23[PORTALNG] Update preferences and history versionsFiete Ostkamp4-4/+4
2024-05-18[PORTALNG] Dns resolver ip not configured in portal-ng-ui chartFiete Ostkamp1-0/+1
2024-05-17[OOM] File mount missing in portal-ng-ui chartFiete Ostkamp1-0/+3
2024-05-14[PORTALNG] Support readonly file system in portal-ng-uiFiete Ostkamp7-0/+168
2024-05-06[COMMON] Fix Kyverno policy violations in common/mongodbFiete Ostkamp2-2/+2
2024-04-11[PORTALNG] Remove hardcoded /auth from the keycloak urls in bffFiete Ostkamp4-4/+4
2024-04-05[PORTAL-NG] Publish preferences and history chartsFiete Ostkamp21-0/+678
2024-04-02[PORTAL-NG] Ui is exposed on wrong portFiete Ostkamp2-7/+6
2024-03-20[COMMON] Make imagePullSecrets configurableAndreas Geissler2-4/+2
2023-12-07[PORTAL-NG] Publish ui and bff charts in OOMFiete Ostkamp26-0/+2371