path: root/kubernetes/common/postgres-legacy/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-02-22Drop support for postgres-legacy common chartKrzysztof Opasiak4-314/+0
2020-02-01[ONAP-wide] Replace .Release.Name with common.releaseKrzysztof Opasiak4-12/+12
2019-12-17[COMMON] Use deployment for postgresqlSylvain Desbureaux4-0/+314
='#n74'>74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226
*** Settings ***
Documentation   Policy Closed Loop Test cases

Resource        ../stack_validation/policy_check_vfw.robot

Library    String
Library    Process
Library    ONAPLibrary.Templating    WITH NAME    Templating
Library    ONAPLibrary.Utilities

*** Variables ***
${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE}        /pdp/createPolicy
${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE_PUSH}        /pdp/pushPolicy
${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE_DELETE}        /pdp/deletePolicy
${RESOURCE_PATH_GET_CONFIG}    /pdp/getConfig
${CREATE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE}    policy/closedloop_configpolicy.jinja
${CREATE_OPS_TEMPLATE}    policy/closedloop_opspolicy.jinja
${PUSH_POLICY_TEMPLATE}   policy/closedloop_pushpolicy.jinja
${DEL_POLICY_TEMPLATE}   policy/closedloop_deletepolicy.jinja
${GECONFIG_VFW_TEMPLATE}    policy/closedloop_getconfigpolicy.jinja

# 'Normal' number of pg streams that will be set when policy is triggered

# Max nslookup requests per second before triggering event.

${CONFIG_POLICY_NAME}    vFirewall

# VFW low threshold
${Expected_Severity_1}    MAJOR
${Expected_Threshold_1}    300
${Expected_Direction_1}    LESS_OR_EQUAL

# VFW high threshold
${Expected_Severity_2}    CRITICAL
${Expected_Threshold_2}    700
${Expected_Direction_2}    GREATER_OR_EQUAL

# VDNS High threshold
${Expected_Severity_3}    MAJOR
${Expected_Threshold_3}    200
${Expected_Direction_3}    GREATER_OR_EQUAL

*** Keywords ***
VFW Policy
    Log    Suite name ${SUITE NAME} ${TEST NAME} ${PREV TEST NAME}
    Initialize VFW Policy
    ${stackname}   ${generic_vnfs}    ${server_id}    ${service_instance_id}    ${customer_name}    ${uris_to_delete}=   Orchestrate VNF vFW closedloop
    Policy Check FirewallCL Stack    ${stackname}    ${VFWPOLICYRATE}
    Delete VNF    ${None}     ${server_id}    ${customer_name}    ${service_instance_id}    ${stackname}    ${uris_to_delete}

VDNS Policy
    Initialize VDNS Policy
    ${stackname}   ${generic_vnfs}    ${server_id}    ${service_instance_id}    ${customer_name}    ${uris_to_delete}=   Orchestrate VNF vDNS closedloop
    ${dnsscaling}=   Policy Check vLB Stack    ${stackname}    ${VLBPOLICYRATE}
    Delete VNF    ${None}     ${server_id}    ${customer_name}    ${service_instance_id}    ${stackname}    ${uris_to_delete}

Initialize VFW Policy
     Get Configs VFW Policy

Initialize VDNS Policy
    Get Configs VDNS Policy

Get Configs VFW Policy
    [Documentation]    Get Config Policy for VFW
    ${getconfigpolicy}=    Catenate    .*${CONFIG_POLICY_NAME}*
    ${configpolicy_name}=    Create Dictionary    config_policy_name=${getconfigpolicy}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${GECONFIG_VFW_TEMPLATE}    ${configpolicy_name}
    ${get_resp} =    Run Policy Get Configs Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_GET_CONFIG}   ${output}
    Should Be Equal As Strings   ${get_resp.status_code}  200
    ${config}=    Catenate    ${get_resp.json()[0]["config"]}
    ${thresholds}=    Get Variable Value      ${config["content"]["tca_policy"]["metricsPerEventName"][0]["thresholds"]}

    # Extract object1 from Array
    Should Be Equal    ${thresholds[0]["severity"]}    ${Expected_Severity_1}
    Should Be Equal As Integers   ${thresholds[0]["thresholdValue"]}    ${Expected_Threshold_1}
    Should Be Equal   ${thresholds[0]["direction"]}    ${Expected_Direction_1}

    # Extract object2 from Array
    Should Be Equal    ${thresholds[1]["severity"]}    ${Expected_Severity_2}
    Should Be Equal As Integers   ${thresholds[1]["thresholdValue"]}    ${Expected_Threshold_2}
    Should Be Equal   ${thresholds[1]["direction"]}    ${Expected_Direction_2}

Get Configs VDNS Policy
    [Documentation]    Get Config Policy for VDNS
    ${getconfigpolicy}=    Catenate    .*MicroServicevDNS*
    ${configpolicy_name}=    Create Dictionary    config_policy_name=${getconfigpolicy}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${GECONFIG_VFW_TEMPLATE}    ${configpolicy_name}
    ${get_resp} =    Run Policy Get Configs Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_GET_CONFIG}   ${output}
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${get_resp.status_code}  200
    ${config}=    Catenate    ${get_resp.json()[0]["config"]}
    ${thresholds}=    Get Variable Value      ${config["content"]["tca_policy"]["metricsPerEventName"][0]["thresholds"]}

    # Extract object1 from Array
    Should Be Equal    ${thresholds[0]["severity"]}    ${Expected_Severity_2}
    Should Be Equal As Integers   ${thresholds[0]["thresholdValue"]}    ${Expected_Threshold_1}
    Should Be Equal   ${thresholds[0]["direction"]}    ${Expected_Direction_3}

Teardown Closed Loop
    [Documentation]   Tear down a closed loop test case
    [Arguments]    ${customer_name}    ${catalog_service_id}    ${catalog_resource_ids}
    Terminate All Processes
    Teardown VNF    ${customer_name}    ${catalog_service_id}    ${catalog_resource_ids}
    Log     Teardown complete

Create Config Policy
    [Documentation]    Create Config Policy
    ${randompolicyname} =     Create Policy Name
    ${policyname1}=    Catenate   com.${randompolicyname}
    ${CONFIG_POLICY_NAME}=    Catenate    ${policyname1}
    ${configpolicy}=    Create Dictionary    policy_name=${CONFIG_POLICY_NAME}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${CREATE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE}    ${configpolicy}
    ${put_resp} =    Run Policy Put Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE}  ${output}
  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${put_resp.status_code}   200

Create Policy Name
     [Documentation]    Generate Policy Name
     [Arguments]    ${prefix}=ETE_
     ${random}=    Generate Random String    15    [LOWER][NUMBERS]
     ${policyname}=    Catenate    ${prefix}${random}
     [Return]    ${policyname}

Create Ops Policy
  [Documentation]    Create Opertional Policy
    ${randompolicyname} =     Create Policy Name
  ${policyname1}=    Catenate   com.${randompolicyname}
  ${dict}=     Create Dictionary    policy_name=${policyname1}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${CREATE_OPS_TEMPLATE}    ${dict}
    ${put_resp} =    Run Policy Put Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE}  ${output}
    Log    ${put_resp}
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${put_resp.status_code}   200

Push Ops Policy
    [Documentation]    Push Ops Policy
    [Arguments]    ${policyname}    ${policytype}
    ${dict}=     Create Dictionary     policy_name=${policyname}    policy_type=${policytype}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${PUSH_POLICY_TEMPLATE}     ${dict}
    ${put_resp} =    Run Policy Put Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE_PUSH}  ${output}
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${put_resp.status_code}   200

Push Config Policy
    [Documentation]    Push Config Policy
    [Arguments]    ${policyname}    ${policytype}
    ${dict}=     Create Dictionary     policy_name=${policyname}    policy_type=${policytype}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${PUSH_POLICY_TEMPLATE}     ${dict}
    ${put_resp} =    Run Policy Put Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE_PUSH}  ${output}
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${put_resp.status_code}   200

Delete Config Policy
    [Documentation]    Delete Config Policy
    [Arguments]    ${policy_name}
    ${policyname3}=    Catenate   com.Config_BRMS_Param_${policyname}.1.xml
    ${dict}=     Create Dictionary     policy_name=${policyname3}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${DEL_POLICY_TEMPLATE}     ${dict}
    ${put_resp} =    Run Policy Delete Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE_DELETE}  ${output}
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${put_resp.status_code}   200

Delete Ops Policy
    [Documentation]    Delete Ops Policy
    [Arguments]    ${policy_name}
    ${policyname3}=    Catenate   com.Config_MS_com.vFirewall.1.xml
    ${dict}=     Create Dictionary     policy_name=${policyname3}
    Templating.Create Environment    cl    ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
    ${output}=   Templating.Apply Template    cl    ${DEL_POLICY_TEMPLATE}     ${dict}
    ${put_resp} =    Run Policy Delete Request    ${RESOURCE_PATH_CREATE_DELETE}  ${output}
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${put_resp.status_code}   200

Orchestrate VNF vFW closedloop
  [Documentation]    VNF Orchestration for vFW
  Log    VNF Orchestration flow TEST NAME=${TEST NAME}
  ${tenant_id}    ${tenant_name}=    Setup Orchestrate VNF    ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER}    SharedNode    OwnerType    v1    CloudZone
    ${uuid}=    Generate UUID4
  ${vf_module_name_list}   ${generic_vnfs}    ${server_id}    ${service_instance_id}    ${catalog_resource_ids}   ${catalog_service_id}    ${uris_to_delete}=  Orchestrate VNF   ETE_CLP_${uuid}    vFWCL      vFWCL   ${tenant_id}    ${tenant_name}
  ${customer_name}=    Catenate    ETE_CLP_${uuid}
  [Return]  ${vf_module_name_list}   ${generic_vnfs}    ${server_id}    ${service_instance_id}    ${customer_name}    ${uris_to_delete}

Orchestrate VNF vDNS closedloop
  [Documentation]    VNF Orchestration for vLB
  Log    VNF Orchestration flow TEST NAME=${TEST NAME}
  ${tenant_id}    ${tenant_name}=    Setup Orchestrate VNF    ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER}   SharedNode    OwnerType    v1    CloudZone
    ${uuid}=    Generate UUID4
  ${vf_module_name_list}   ${generic_vnfs}    ${server_id}    ${service_instance_id}    ${catalog_resource_ids}   ${catalog_service_id}    ${uris_to_delete}=  Orchestrate VNF   ETE_CLP_${uuid}    vLB      vLB   ${tenant_id}    ${tenant_name}
  ${customer_name}=    Catenate    ETE_CLP_${uuid}
  [Return]  ${vf_module_name_list}   ${generic_vnfs}    ${server_id}    ${service_instance_id}    ${customer_name}    ${uris_to_delete}

VFWCL High Test
  [Documentation]    Test Control Loop for High Traffic
        [Arguments]    ${pkg_host}
  Enable Streams V2    ${pkg_host}   10
        Log   Set number of streams to 10
  :FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    12
  \   Sleep  15s
  \   ${resp}=   Get List Of Enabled Streams V2   ${pkg_host}
        \   ${stream_count}=   Set Variable   ${resp['stream-count']['streams']['active-streams']}
        \   Log   Number of streams: ${stream_count}
        \   Exit For Loop If   '${stream_count}'=='5'
        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${stream_count}   5

VFWCL Low Test
  [Documentation]    Test Control Loop for Low Traffic
        [Arguments]    ${pkg_host}
  Enable Streams V2     ${pkg_host}   1
        Log   Set number of streams to 1
  :FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    12
  \   Sleep  15s
  \   ${resp}=   Get List Of Enabled Streams V2   ${pkg_host}
        \   ${stream_count}=   Set Variable   ${resp['stream-count']['streams']['active-streams']}
        \   Log   Number of streams: ${stream_count}
        \   Exit For Loop If   '${stream_count}'=='5'
        Should Be Equal As Integers  ${stream_count}   5

VFWCL Set To Medium
  [Documentation]    Set flows to Medium to turn off control loop
        [Arguments]    ${pkg_host}
  Enable Streams V2    ${pkg_host}   5