path: root/kubernetes/sdc/components/sdc-onboarding-be/resources/config/onboarding-config/onboarding_configuration.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/sdc/components/sdc-onboarding-be/resources/config/onboarding-config/onboarding_configuration.yaml')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/components/sdc-onboarding-be/resources/config/onboarding-config/onboarding_configuration.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/components/sdc-onboarding-be/resources/config/onboarding-config/onboarding_configuration.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..665d891c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/components/sdc-onboarding-be/resources/config/onboarding-config/onboarding_configuration.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ # catalog backend protocol
+ catalogBeProtocol: {{ if .Values.global.disableHttp }}https{{- else }}http{{- end }}
+ catalogBeHttpPort: {{ (.Values.global.BE).http_port }}
+ catalogBeSslPort: {{ (.Values.global.BE).https_port }}
+ catalogBeFqdn: sdc-be.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}
+ # do not remove the "" from catalog_notification_url. it is escaping % characters coming from AUTO.json
+ catalogNotificationUrl: {{ .Values.ONBOARDING_BE.catalog_notification_url | quote }}
+ pollingIntervalMsec: 2000
+ selectionSize: 100
+ beHost: sdc-onboarding-be.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}
+ beHttpPort: {{ .Values.ONBOARDING_BE.http_port }}
+ cassandraHosts: [ {{ .Values.global.sdc_cassandra.serviceName }}.{{ include "common.namespace" . }} ]
+ cassandraPort: {{ .Values.cassandra.cassandra_port }}
+ localDataCenter: {{ .Values.global.sdc_cassandra.dataCenter }}
+ reconnectTimeout: 30000
+ socketReadTimeout: {{ .Values.cassandra.socket_read_timeout }}
+ socketConnectTimeout: {{ .Values.cassandra.socket_connect_timeout }}
+ authenticate: true
+ username: {{ .Values.cassandra.cassandra_user }}
+ password: {{ .Values.cassandra.cassandra_password }}
+ ssl: {{ .Values.config.cassandraSslEnabled }}
+ truststorePath: {{ .Values.JETTY_BASE }}/etc/truststore
+ truststorePassword: {{ .Values.cassandra.truststore_password }}
+ securityKey: MlB1WHFpSHNVTWdJZU1PcQ==
+ maxSessionTimeOut: 86400000
+ sessionIdleTimeOut: 3600000
+ cookieName: "AuthenticationCookie"
+ path: /
+ domain: ""
+ isHttpOnly: true
+ # redirect variable name from portal.properties file
+ redirectURL: "redirect_url"
+ excludedUrls: [ '/.*' ]
+ onboardingExcludedUrls: [ '/.*' ]
+ enabled: {{ .Values.basic_auth.enabled }}
+ userName: {{ .Values.basic_auth.user_name }}
+ userPass: {{ .Values.basic_auth.user_pass }}
+ excludedUrls: "/v1.0/healthcheck"
+ ignoreManifest: false
+ storageType: NONE # NONE, MINIO
+ endpoint:
+ host:
+ port: 9000
+ secure: false
+ credentials:
+ accessKey: "login"
+ secretKey: "password"
+ foldersToStrip:
+ - Files/images
+ sizeLimit: 10000000
+ thresholdEntries: 10000
+ tempPath: "/home/onap/temp/"
+ uploadPartSize: 200000000
+#Space separated list of permitted ancestors
+permittedAncestors: {{ .Values.permittedAncestors | join " " }}
+# Comma separated list of excluded URLs by the DataValidatorFilter
+dataValidatorFilterExcludedUrls: "/healthCheck,/followed,/authorize"