path: root/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations')
7 files changed, 672 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_cassandra.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_cassandra.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eda9aada56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_cassandra.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate Cassandra required passwords are not empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.values.cassandra.passwords" (dict "secret" "secretName" "subchart" false "context" $) }}
+ - secret - String - Required. Name of the secret where Cassandra values are stored, e.g: "cassandra-passwords-secret"
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether Cassandra is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.validations.values.cassandra.passwords" -}}
+ {{- $existingSecret := include "common.cassandra.values.existingSecret" . -}}
+ {{- $enabled := include "common.cassandra.values.enabled" . -}}
+ {{- $dbUserPrefix := include "common.cassandra.values.key.dbUser" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPassword := printf "%s.password" $dbUserPrefix -}}
+ {{- if and (or (not $existingSecret) (eq $existingSecret "\"\"")) (eq $enabled "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords := list -}}
+ {{- $requiredPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyPassword "secret" .secret "field" "cassandra-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredPassword -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" (dict "required" $requiredPasswords "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for existingSecret.
+{{ include "common.cassandra.values.existingSecret" (dict "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether Cassandra is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.cassandra.values.existingSecret" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.cassandra.dbUser.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.dbUser.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled cassandra.
+{{ include "common.cassandra.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.cassandra.values.enabled" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.cassandra.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key dbUser
+{{ include "common.cassandra.values.key.dbUser" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether Cassandra is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.cassandra.values.key.dbUser" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ cassandra.dbUser
+ {{- else -}}
+ dbUser
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mariadb.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mariadb.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17d83a2fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mariadb.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate MariaDB required passwords are not empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.values.mariadb.passwords" (dict "secret" "secretName" "subchart" false "context" $) }}
+ - secret - String - Required. Name of the secret where MariaDB values are stored, e.g: "mysql-passwords-secret"
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MariaDB is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.validations.values.mariadb.passwords" -}}
+ {{- $existingSecret := include "common.mariadb.values.auth.existingSecret" . -}}
+ {{- $enabled := include "common.mariadb.values.enabled" . -}}
+ {{- $architecture := include "common.mariadb.values.architecture" . -}}
+ {{- $authPrefix := include "common.mariadb.values.key.auth" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyRootPassword := printf "%s.rootPassword" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyUsername := printf "%s.username" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPassword := printf "%s.password" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyReplicationPassword := printf "%s.replicationPassword" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- if and (or (not $existingSecret) (eq $existingSecret "\"\"")) (eq $enabled "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords := list -}}
+ {{- $requiredRootPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyRootPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mariadb-root-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredRootPassword -}}
+ {{- $valueUsername := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $valueKeyUsername "context" .context) }}
+ {{- if not (empty $valueUsername) -}}
+ {{- $requiredPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mariadb-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- if (eq $architecture "replication") -}}
+ {{- $requiredReplicationPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyReplicationPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mariadb-replication-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredReplicationPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" (dict "required" $requiredPasswords "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for existingSecret.
+{{ include "common.mariadb.values.auth.existingSecret" (dict "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MariaDB is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mariadb.values.auth.existingSecret" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.mariadb.auth.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.auth.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled mariadb.
+{{ include "common.mariadb.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.mariadb.values.enabled" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.mariadb.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for architecture
+{{ include "common.mariadb.values.architecture" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MariaDB is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mariadb.values.architecture" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.mariadb.architecture -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.architecture -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key auth
+{{ include "common.mariadb.values.key.auth" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MariaDB is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mariadb.values.key.auth" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ mariadb.auth
+ {{- else -}}
+ auth
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mongodb.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mongodb.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbb445b861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mongodb.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate MongoDB® required passwords are not empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.values.mongodb.passwords" (dict "secret" "secretName" "subchart" false "context" $) }}
+ - secret - String - Required. Name of the secret where MongoDB® values are stored, e.g: "mongodb-passwords-secret"
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MongoDB® is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.validations.values.mongodb.passwords" -}}
+ {{- $existingSecret := include "common.mongodb.values.auth.existingSecret" . -}}
+ {{- $enabled := include "common.mongodb.values.enabled" . -}}
+ {{- $authPrefix := include "common.mongodb.values.key.auth" . -}}
+ {{- $architecture := include "common.mongodb.values.architecture" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyRootPassword := printf "%s.rootPassword" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyUsername := printf "%s.username" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyDatabase := printf "%s.database" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPassword := printf "%s.password" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyReplicaSetKey := printf "%s.replicaSetKey" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyAuthEnabled := printf "%s.enabled" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $authEnabled := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $valueKeyAuthEnabled "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- if and (or (not $existingSecret) (eq $existingSecret "\"\"")) (eq $enabled "true") (eq $authEnabled "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords := list -}}
+ {{- $requiredRootPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyRootPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mongodb-root-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredRootPassword -}}
+ {{- $valueUsername := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $valueKeyUsername "context" .context) }}
+ {{- $valueDatabase := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $valueKeyDatabase "context" .context) }}
+ {{- if and $valueUsername $valueDatabase -}}
+ {{- $requiredPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mongodb-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- if (eq $architecture "replicaset") -}}
+ {{- $requiredReplicaSetKey := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyReplicaSetKey "secret" .secret "field" "mongodb-replica-set-key" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredReplicaSetKey -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" (dict "required" $requiredPasswords "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for existingSecret.
+{{ include "common.mongodb.values.auth.existingSecret" (dict "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MongoDb is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mongodb.values.auth.existingSecret" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.mongodb.auth.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.auth.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled mongodb.
+{{ include "common.mongodb.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.mongodb.values.enabled" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.mongodb.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key auth
+{{ include "common.mongodb.values.key.auth" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MongoDB® is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mongodb.values.key.auth" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ mongodb.auth
+ {{- else -}}
+ auth
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for architecture
+{{ include "common.mongodb.values.architecture" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MongoDB® is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mongodb.values.architecture" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.mongodb.architecture -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.architecture -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mysql.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mysql.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca3953f868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_mysql.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate MySQL required passwords are not empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.values.mysql.passwords" (dict "secret" "secretName" "subchart" false "context" $) }}
+ - secret - String - Required. Name of the secret where MySQL values are stored, e.g: "mysql-passwords-secret"
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MySQL is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.validations.values.mysql.passwords" -}}
+ {{- $existingSecret := include "common.mysql.values.auth.existingSecret" . -}}
+ {{- $enabled := include "common.mysql.values.enabled" . -}}
+ {{- $architecture := include "common.mysql.values.architecture" . -}}
+ {{- $authPrefix := include "common.mysql.values.key.auth" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyRootPassword := printf "%s.rootPassword" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyUsername := printf "%s.username" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPassword := printf "%s.password" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyReplicationPassword := printf "%s.replicationPassword" $authPrefix -}}
+ {{- if and (or (not $existingSecret) (eq $existingSecret "\"\"")) (eq $enabled "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords := list -}}
+ {{- $requiredRootPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyRootPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mysql-root-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredRootPassword -}}
+ {{- $valueUsername := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $valueKeyUsername "context" .context) }}
+ {{- if not (empty $valueUsername) -}}
+ {{- $requiredPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mysql-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- if (eq $architecture "replication") -}}
+ {{- $requiredReplicationPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyReplicationPassword "secret" .secret "field" "mysql-replication-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredReplicationPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" (dict "required" $requiredPasswords "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for existingSecret.
+{{ include "common.mysql.values.auth.existingSecret" (dict "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MySQL is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mysql.values.auth.existingSecret" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.mysql.auth.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.auth.existingSecret | quote -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled mysql.
+{{ include "common.mysql.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.mysql.values.enabled" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.mysql.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for architecture
+{{ include "common.mysql.values.architecture" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MySQL is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mysql.values.architecture" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.mysql.architecture -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- .context.Values.architecture -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key auth
+{{ include "common.mysql.values.key.auth" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether MySQL is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.mysql.values.key.auth" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ mysql.auth
+ {{- else -}}
+ auth
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_postgresql.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_postgresql.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c9aa570e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_postgresql.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate PostgreSQL required passwords are not empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.values.postgresql.passwords" (dict "secret" "secretName" "subchart" false "context" $) }}
+ - secret - String - Required. Name of the secret where postgresql values are stored, e.g: "postgresql-passwords-secret"
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.validations.values.postgresql.passwords" -}}
+ {{- $existingSecret := include "common.postgresql.values.existingSecret" . -}}
+ {{- $enabled := include "common.postgresql.values.enabled" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPostgresqlPassword := include "common.postgresql.values.key.postgressPassword" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPostgresqlReplicationEnabled := include "common.postgresql.values.key.replicationPassword" . -}}
+ {{- if and (or (not $existingSecret) (eq $existingSecret "\"\"")) (eq $enabled "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords := list -}}
+ {{- $requiredPostgresqlPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyPostgresqlPassword "secret" .secret "field" "postgresql-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredPostgresqlPassword -}}
+ {{- $enabledReplication := include "common.postgresql.values.enabled.replication" . -}}
+ {{- if (eq $enabledReplication "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPostgresqlReplicationPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyPostgresqlReplicationEnabled "secret" .secret "field" "postgresql-replication-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredPostgresqlReplicationPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" (dict "required" $requiredPasswords "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to decide whether evaluate global values.
+{{ include "common.postgresql.values.use.global" (dict "key" "key-of-global" "context" $) }}
+ - key - String - Required. Field to be evaluated within global, e.g: "existingSecret"
+{{- define "common.postgresql.values.use.global" -}}
+ {{- if .context.Values.global -}}
+ {{- if .context.Values.global.postgresql -}}
+ {{- index .context.Values.global.postgresql .key | quote -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for existingSecret.
+{{ include "common.postgresql.values.existingSecret" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.postgresql.values.existingSecret" -}}
+ {{- $globalValue := include "common.postgresql.values.use.global" (dict "key" "existingSecret" "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- default (.context.Values.postgresql.existingSecret | quote) $globalValue -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- default (.context.Values.existingSecret | quote) $globalValue -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled postgresql.
+{{ include "common.postgresql.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.postgresql.values.enabled" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.postgresql.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key postgressPassword.
+{{ include "common.postgresql.values.key.postgressPassword" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.postgresql.values.key.postgressPassword" -}}
+ {{- $globalValue := include "common.postgresql.values.use.global" (dict "key" "postgresqlUsername" "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- if not $globalValue -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ postgresql.postgresqlPassword
+ {{- else -}}
+ postgresqlPassword
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled.replication.
+{{ include "common.postgresql.values.enabled.replication" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.postgresql.values.enabled.replication" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.postgresql.replication.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.replication.enabled -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for the key replication.password.
+{{ include "common.postgresql.values.key.replicationPassword" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether postgresql is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.postgresql.values.key.replicationPassword" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ postgresql.replication.password
+ {{- else -}}
+ replication.password
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_redis.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_redis.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc0d208dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_redis.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate Redis® required passwords are not empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.values.redis.passwords" (dict "secret" "secretName" "subchart" false "context" $) }}
+ - secret - String - Required. Name of the secret where redis values are stored, e.g: "redis-passwords-secret"
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether redis is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.validations.values.redis.passwords" -}}
+ {{- $enabled := include "common.redis.values.enabled" . -}}
+ {{- $valueKeyPrefix := include "common.redis.values.keys.prefix" . -}}
+ {{- $standarizedVersion := include "common.redis.values.standarized.version" . }}
+ {{- $existingSecret := ternary (printf "%s%s" $valueKeyPrefix "auth.existingSecret") (printf "%s%s" $valueKeyPrefix "existingSecret") (eq $standarizedVersion "true") }}
+ {{- $existingSecretValue := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $existingSecret "context" .context) }}
+ {{- $valueKeyRedisPassword := ternary (printf "%s%s" $valueKeyPrefix "auth.password") (printf "%s%s" $valueKeyPrefix "password") (eq $standarizedVersion "true") }}
+ {{- $valueKeyRedisUseAuth := ternary (printf "%s%s" $valueKeyPrefix "auth.enabled") (printf "%s%s" $valueKeyPrefix "usePassword") (eq $standarizedVersion "true") }}
+ {{- if and (or (not $existingSecret) (eq $existingSecret "\"\"")) (eq $enabled "true") -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords := list -}}
+ {{- $useAuth := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $valueKeyRedisUseAuth "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- if eq $useAuth "true" -}}
+ {{- $requiredRedisPassword := dict "valueKey" $valueKeyRedisPassword "secret" .secret "field" "redis-password" -}}
+ {{- $requiredPasswords = append $requiredPasswords $requiredRedisPassword -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" (dict "required" $requiredPasswords "context" .context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right value for enabled redis.
+{{ include "common.redis.values.enabled" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.redis.values.enabled" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" .context.Values.redis.enabled -}}
+ {{- else -}}
+ {{- printf "%v" (not .context.Values.enabled) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Auxiliary function to get the right prefix path for the values
+{{ include "common.redis.values.key.prefix" (dict "subchart" "true" "context" $) }}
+ - subchart - Boolean - Optional. Whether redis is used as subchart or not. Default: false
+{{- define "common.redis.values.keys.prefix" -}}
+ {{- if .subchart -}}redis.{{- else -}}{{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Checks whether the redis chart's includes the standarizations (version >= 14)
+{{ include "common.redis.values.standarized.version" (dict "context" $) }}
+{{- define "common.redis.values.standarized.version" -}}
+ {{- $standarizedAuth := printf "%s%s" (include "common.redis.values.keys.prefix" .) "auth" -}}
+ {{- $standarizedAuthValues := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" $standarizedAuth "context" .context) }}
+ {{- if $standarizedAuthValues -}}
+ {{- true -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_validations.tpl b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_validations.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31ceda871f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/mongodb/common/templates/validations/_validations.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Copyright VMware, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0
+{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
+Validate values must not be empty.
+{{- $validateValueConf00 := (dict "valueKey" "path.to.value" "secret" "secretName" "field" "password-00") -}}
+{{- $validateValueConf01 := (dict "valueKey" "path.to.value" "secret" "secretName" "field" "password-01") -}}
+{{ include "common.validations.values.empty" (dict "required" (list $validateValueConf00 $validateValueConf01) "context" $) }}
+Validate value params:
+ - valueKey - String - Required. The path to the validating value in the values.yaml, e.g: "mysql.password"
+ - secret - String - Optional. Name of the secret where the validating value is generated/stored, e.g: "mysql-passwords-secret"
+ - field - String - Optional. Name of the field in the secret data, e.g: "mysql-password"
+{{- define "common.validations.values.multiple.empty" -}}
+ {{- range .required -}}
+ {{- include "common.validations.values.single.empty" (dict "valueKey" .valueKey "secret" .secret "field" .field "context" $.context) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+Validate a value must not be empty.
+{{ include "common.validations.value.empty" (dict "valueKey" "mariadb.password" "secret" "secretName" "field" "my-password" "subchart" "subchart" "context" $) }}
+Validate value params:
+ - valueKey - String - Required. The path to the validating value in the values.yaml, e.g: "mysql.password"
+ - secret - String - Optional. Name of the secret where the validating value is generated/stored, e.g: "mysql-passwords-secret"
+ - field - String - Optional. Name of the field in the secret data, e.g: "mysql-password"
+ - subchart - String - Optional - Name of the subchart that the validated password is part of.
+{{- define "common.validations.values.single.empty" -}}
+ {{- $value := include "common.utils.getValueFromKey" (dict "key" .valueKey "context" .context) }}
+ {{- $subchart := ternary "" (printf "%s." .subchart) (empty .subchart) }}
+ {{- if not $value -}}
+ {{- $varname := "my-value" -}}
+ {{- $getCurrentValue := "" -}}
+ {{- if and .secret .field -}}
+ {{- $varname = include "common.utils.fieldToEnvVar" . -}}
+ {{- $getCurrentValue = printf " To get the current value:\n\n %s\n" (include "common.utils.secret.getvalue" .) -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- printf "\n '%s' must not be empty, please add '--set %s%s=$%s' to the command.%s" .valueKey $subchart .valueKey $varname $getCurrentValue -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}