path: root/kubernetes/multicloud/components/multicloud-prometheus/charts/prometheus-grafana/templates/deployment.yaml
diff options
authorKonrad Bańka <>2021-01-25 07:44:49 +0100
committerKonrad Ba?ka <>2021-01-26 12:20:34 +0000
commitee6adc26d171a2a005955f7e6a65f5d3af8c04df (patch)
tree2e1169a8e84cf4d384ccfd2824162137a7a5bfe4 /kubernetes/multicloud/components/multicloud-prometheus/charts/prometheus-grafana/templates/deployment.yaml
parent755be6d61e2704f1f87281f1701c6747cf101260 (diff)
[COMMON][ETCD] Skip startup self-discovery for etcd nodesfrankfurt
Current startup script of etcd checks whether all assumed other nodes are already running, before proceeding. This check, however, also includes checking localhost, but due to using headless service statefulset pod DNS discovery, it doesnt succeed immediately. In some deployments k8s DNS server may be laggy, thus failing startup script to finish before liveness check. This patch fixes such failures of 1 pod etcd clusters, and improves startup time for any size ones. Signed-off-by: Konrad Bańka <> Issue-ID: OOM-2668 Change-Id: I2f9263a0f4964b0a495631775d0cbbceef25e85b
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/multicloud/components/multicloud-prometheus/charts/prometheus-grafana/templates/deployment.yaml')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
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