path: root/kubernetes/modeling/templates
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authorefiacor <fiachra.corcoran@est.tech>2020-03-06 12:48:07 +0000
committerefiacor <fiachra.corcoran@est.tech>2020-03-06 14:38:31 +0000
commitf8a5330a6d1cfab6dd454a532c60466b5d2a8134 (patch)
tree6b6693d7d307bc38d4e683b03647ec9c5c358870 /kubernetes/modeling/templates
parent6b1558231f6cea87e2ef1908d01dd9ba91485a64 (diff)
Bump DMaaP DR version
Change-Id: I7a37ab9a69fdb3232f68b908ea97a788fbab55a1 Signed-off-by: efiacor <fiachra.corcoran@est.tech> Issue-ID: DMAAP-1404
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/modeling/templates')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
#n124'>124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

e2eServiceInstances API

This API allows to manage:

- e2eServiceInstances (create and delete)
- operations on e2eServiceInstances (get)

Create E2E service instance

|Interface Definition|Description                                                 |
|URI                 |/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/v3                       |
|Operation Type      |POST                                                        |
|Content-Type        |application/json                                            |

Request Body:

|Attribute|Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                  |
|service  |M        |1          |Service Object            |Content of service object.   |

Service Object 

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
|name                          |String           |Service instance name.              |
|description                   |String           |Service instance description        |
|serviceUuid                   |String           |Model UUID                          |
|serviceInvariantUuid          |String           |Model Invariant UUID                |
|gloabalSubscriberId           |String           |Customer Id                         |
|serviceType                   |String           |service Type                        |
|parameters                    |Object           |Parameter Object                    |

Parameter Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
|locationConstraints           |List of object   |location infor for each vnf         |
|resource                      |List of Resource |resource of service/resource        |
|requestInputs                 |key-value map    |input of service/resource           |

LocationConstraint Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
|vnfProfileId                  |String           |Customization id for VNF            |
|locationConstraints           |Object           |DC location info of VNF             |

VnfLocationConstraint Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
|vimId                         |String           |VIM id from ESR definition          |

Resource Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                         |
|resourceName                  |String           |The resource name                   |
|resourceInvariantUuid         |String           |The resource invariant UUID.        |
|resourceUuid                  |String           |The resource UUID.                  |
|resourceCustomizationUuid     |String           |The resource customization UUID.    |
|parameters                    |Object           |Parameter of resource               |


|Attribute    |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                             |
|serviceId    |M        |1          |String |Service instance ID.                                                    |
|operationId  |M        |1          |String |Service Operation ID.                                                   |

Delete E2E service instance

|Interface Definition|Description                                                           |
|URI                 |/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}                     |
|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                                |

Request Parameters:

|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                             |
|globalSubscriberId |M        |1          |String |The subscriber id. It is defined in AAI |
|serviceType        |M        |1          |String |The service type. It is defined in AAI  |


|Attribute    |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                             |
|operationId  |M        |1          |String |The operation id.                                                       |

Query E2E service operation result

|Interface Definition|Description                                                                                    |
|URI                 |/onap/so/infra/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}                     |
|Operation Type      |GET                                                                                            |

Request Parameters:

|Attribute     |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description   |
|serviceId     |M        |1          |Service instance ID.  |
|operationId   |M        |1          |Service Operation ID. |


|Attribute         |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content|Description                                                             |
|operation         |M        |1          |String |Operation object identify.                                              |
|operationId       |M        |1          |String |Operation ID.                                                           |
|operation         |M        |1          |String |Operation type, create|delete.                                          |
|result            |M        |1          |String |Operation result: finished, error, processing.                          |
|reason            |M        |1          |String |If failing, need to write fail reason.                                  |
|userId            |M        |1          |String |Operation user ID.                                                      |
|operationContent  |M        |1          |String |The status detail of current operation which is being executing.        |
|progress          |M        |1          |String |Current operation progress.                                             |
|operateAt         |M        |1          |String |Time that it starts to execute operation.                               |
|finishedAt        |M        |1          |String |Time that it finished executing operation.                              |