path: root/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
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authorefiacor <fiachra.corcoran@est.tech>2022-10-28 15:29:26 +0100
committerefiacor <fiachra.corcoran@est.tech>2022-11-07 08:17:35 +0000
commit0fb3b8f4d48a066259b8a9ea2a18d68d7644f8e5 (patch)
tree336e001b0b148d2b37e6afb1e80a767e8ac8f850 /docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
parent66789f218b8464f28a08572ef0c30dbfe40b13c5 (diff)
[RDT] Refactoring RTD
Major refactor Moved some old docs etc to archived dir Added sub section for guides Added section for deployment options etc Signed-off-by: efiacor <fiachra.corcoran@est.tech> Change-Id: I5832c7a94d58c3110655f0c676a5f2a19172dc68 Issue-ID: OOM-3028
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b137bff8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
+.. International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. Copyright 2018-2020 Amdocs, Bell Canada, Orange, Samsung
+.. Modification copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation
+.. Links
+.. _Kubernetes: https://Kubernetes.io/
+.. _AWS Elastic Block Store: https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/
+.. _Azure File: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-files-introduction
+.. _GCE Persistent Disk: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/
+.. _Gluster FS: https://www.gluster.org/
+.. _Kubernetes Storage Class: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/
+.. _Assigning Pods to Nodes: https://Kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
+.. _oom_dev_container_orch:
+Kubernetes Container Orchestration
+The ONAP components are managed by the Kubernetes_ container management system
+which maintains the desired state of the container system as described by one
+or more deployment descriptors - similar in concept to OpenStack HEAT
+Orchestration Templates. The following sections describe the fundamental
+objects managed by Kubernetes, the network these components use to communicate
+with each other and other entities outside of ONAP and the templates that
+describe the configuration and desired state of the ONAP components.
+**Name Spaces**
+Within the namespaces are Kubernetes services that provide external
+connectivity to pods that host Docker containers.
+ONAP Components to Kubernetes Object Relationships
+Kubernetes deployments consist of multiple objects:
+- **nodes** - a worker machine - either physical or virtual - that hosts
+ multiple containers managed by Kubernetes.
+- **services** - an abstraction of a logical set of pods that provide a
+ micro-service.
+- **pods** - one or more (but typically one) container(s) that provide specific
+ application functionality.
+- **persistent volumes** - One or more permanent volumes need to be established
+ to hold non-ephemeral configuration and state data.
+The relationship between these objects is shown in the following figure:
+.. .. uml::
+.. @startuml
+.. node PH {
+.. component Service {
+.. component Pod0
+.. component Pod1
+.. }
+.. }
+.. database PV
+.. @enduml
+.. figure:: ../../resources/images/k8s/kubernetes_objects.png
+OOM uses these Kubernetes objects as described in the following sections.
+OOM works with both physical and virtual worker machines.
+* Virtual Machine Deployments - If ONAP is to be deployed onto a set of virtual
+ machines, the creation of the VMs is outside of the scope of OOM and could be
+ done in many ways, such as
+ * manually, for example by a user using the OpenStack Horizon dashboard or
+ AWS EC2, or
+ * automatically, for example with the use of a OpenStack Heat Orchestration
+ Template which builds an ONAP stack, Azure ARM template, AWS CloudFormation
+ Template, or
+ * orchestrated, for example with Cloudify creating the VMs from a TOSCA
+ template and controlling their life cycle for the life of the ONAP
+ deployment.
+* Physical Machine Deployments - If ONAP is to be deployed onto physical
+ machines there are several options but the recommendation is to use Rancher
+ along with Helm to associate hosts with a Kubernetes cluster.
+A group of containers with shared storage and networking can be grouped
+together into a Kubernetes pod. All of the containers within a pod are
+co-located and co-scheduled so they operate as a single unit. Within ONAP
+Amsterdam release, pods are mapped one-to-one to docker containers although
+this may change in the future. As explained in the Services section below the
+use of Pods within each ONAP component is abstracted from other ONAP
+OOM uses the Kubernetes service abstraction to provide a consistent access
+point for each of the ONAP components independent of the pod or container
+architecture of that component. For example, the SDNC component may introduce
+OpenDaylight clustering as some point and change the number of pods in this
+component to three or more but this change will be isolated from the other ONAP
+components by the service abstraction. A service can include a load balancer
+on its ingress to distribute traffic between the pods and even react to dynamic
+changes in the number of pods if they are part of a replica set.
+Persistent Volumes
+To enable ONAP to be deployed into a wide variety of cloud infrastructures a
+flexible persistent storage architecture, built on Kubernetes persistent
+volumes, provides the ability to define the physical storage in a central
+location and have all ONAP components securely store their data.
+When deploying ONAP into a public cloud, available storage services such as
+`AWS Elastic Block Store`_, `Azure File`_, or `GCE Persistent Disk`_ are
+options. Alternatively, when deploying into a private cloud the storage
+architecture might consist of Fiber Channel, `Gluster FS`_, or iSCSI. Many
+other storage options existing, refer to the `Kubernetes Storage Class`_
+documentation for a full list of the options. The storage architecture may vary
+from deployment to deployment but in all cases a reliable, redundant storage
+system must be provided to ONAP with which the state information of all ONAP
+components will be securely stored. The Storage Class for a given deployment is
+a single parameter listed in the ONAP values.yaml file and therefore is easily
+customized. Operation of this storage system is outside the scope of the OOM.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ Insert values.yaml code block with storage block here
+Once the storage class is selected and the physical storage is provided, the
+ONAP deployment step creates a pool of persistent volumes within the given
+physical storage that is used by all of the ONAP components. ONAP components
+simply make a claim on these persistent volumes (PV), with a persistent volume
+claim (PVC), to gain access to their storage.
+The following figure illustrates the relationships between the persistent
+volume claims, the persistent volumes, the storage class, and the physical
+.. graphviz::
+ digraph PV {
+ label = "Persistance Volume Claim to Physical Storage Mapping"
+ {
+ node [shape=cylinder]
+ D0 [label="Drive0"]
+ D1 [label="Drive1"]
+ Dx [label="Drivex"]
+ }
+ {
+ node [shape=Mrecord label="StorageClass:ceph"]
+ sc
+ }
+ {
+ node [shape=point]
+ p0 p1 p2
+ p3 p4 p5
+ }
+ subgraph clusterSDC {
+ label="SDC"
+ PVC0
+ PVC1
+ }
+ subgraph clusterSDNC {
+ label="SDNC"
+ PVC2
+ }
+ subgraph clusterSO {
+ label="SO"
+ PVCn
+ }
+ PV0 -> sc
+ PV1 -> sc
+ PV2 -> sc
+ PVn -> sc
+ sc -> {D0 D1 Dx}
+ PVC0 -> PV0
+ PVC1 -> PV1
+ PVC2 -> PV2
+ PVCn -> PVn
+ # force all of these nodes to the same line in the given order
+ subgraph {
+ rank = same; PV0;PV1;PV2;PVn;p0;p1;p2
+ PV0->PV1->PV2->p0->p1->p2->PVn [style=invis]
+ }
+ subgraph {
+ rank = same; D0;D1;Dx;p3;p4;p5
+ D0->D1->p3->p4->p5->Dx [style=invis]
+ }
+ }
+In-order for an ONAP component to use a persistent volume it must make a claim
+against a specific persistent volume defined in the ONAP common charts. Note
+that there is a one-to-one relationship between a PVC and PV. The following is
+an excerpt from a component chart that defines a PVC:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ Insert PVC example here
+OOM Networking with Kubernetes
+- DNS
+- Ports - Flattening the containers also expose port conflicts between the
+ containers which need to be resolved.
+Pod Placement Rules
+OOM will use the rich set of Kubernetes node and pod affinity /
+anti-affinity rules to minimize the chance of a single failure resulting in a
+loss of ONAP service. Node affinity / anti-affinity is used to guide the
+Kubernetes orchestrator in the placement of pods on nodes (physical or virtual
+machines). For example:
+- if a container used Intel DPDK technology the pod may state that it as
+ affinity to an Intel processor based node, or
+- geographical based node labels (such as the Kubernetes standard zone or
+ region labels) may be used to ensure placement of a DCAE complex close to the
+ VNFs generating high volumes of traffic thus minimizing networking cost.
+ Specifically, if nodes were pre-assigned labels East and West, the pod
+ deployment spec to distribute pods to these nodes would be:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ nodeSelector:
+ failure-domain.beta.Kubernetes.io/region: {{ .Values.location }}
+- "location: West" is specified in the `values.yaml` file used to deploy
+ one DCAE cluster and "location: East" is specified in a second `values.yaml`
+ file (see OOM Configuration Management for more information about
+ configuration files like the `values.yaml` file).
+Node affinity can also be used to achieve geographic redundancy if pods are
+assigned to multiple failure domains. For more information refer to `Assigning
+Pods to Nodes`_.
+.. note::
+ One could use Pod to Node assignment to totally constrain Kubernetes when
+ doing initial container assignment to replicate the Amsterdam release
+ OpenStack Heat based deployment. Should one wish to do this, each VM would
+ need a unique node name which would be used to specify a node constaint
+ for every component. These assignment could be specified in an environment
+ specific values.yaml file. Constraining Kubernetes in this way is not
+ recommended.
+Kubernetes has a comprehensive system called Taints and Tolerations that can be
+used to force the container orchestrator to repel pods from nodes based on
+static events (an administrator assigning a taint to a node) or dynamic events
+(such as a node becoming unreachable or running out of disk space). There are
+no plans to use taints or tolerations in the ONAP Beijing release. Pod
+affinity / anti-affinity is the concept of creating a spacial relationship
+between pods when the Kubernetes orchestrator does assignment (both initially
+an in operation) to nodes as explained in Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity.
+For example, one might choose to co-located all of the ONAP SDC containers on a
+single node as they are not critical runtime components and co-location
+minimizes overhead. On the other hand, one might choose to ensure that all of
+the containers in an ODL cluster (SDNC and APPC) are placed on separate nodes
+such that a node failure has minimal impact to the operation of the cluster.
+An example of how pod affinity / anti-affinity is shown below:
+Pod Affinity / Anti-Affinity
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ apiVersion: v1
+ kind: Pod
+ metadata:
+ name: with-pod-affinity
+ spec:
+ affinity:
+ podAffinity:
+ requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+ - labelSelector:
+ matchExpressions:
+ - key: security
+ operator: In
+ values:
+ - S1
+ topologyKey: failure-domain.beta.Kubernetes.io/zone
+ podAntiAffinity:
+ preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+ - weight: 100
+ podAffinityTerm:
+ labelSelector:
+ matchExpressions:
+ - key: security
+ operator: In
+ values:
+ - S2
+ topologyKey: Kubernetes.io/hostname
+ containers:
+ - name: with-pod-affinity
+ image: gcr.io/google_containers/pause:2.0
+This example contains both podAffinity and podAntiAffinity rules, the first
+rule is is a must (requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) while the
+second will be met pending other considerations
+(preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution). Preemption Another feature
+that may assist in achieving a repeatable deployment in the presence of faults
+that may have reduced the capacity of the cloud is assigning priority to the
+containers such that mission critical components have the ability to evict less
+critical components. Kubernetes provides this capability with Pod Priority and
+Preemption. Prior to having more advanced production grade features available,
+the ability to at least be able to re-deploy ONAP (or a subset of) reliably
+provides a level of confidence that should an outage occur the system can be
+brought back on-line predictably.
+Health Checks
+Monitoring of ONAP components is configured in the agents within JSON files and
+stored in gerrit under the consul-agent-config, here is an example from the AAI
+model loader (aai-model-loader-health.json):
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "service": {
+ "name": "A&AI Model Loader",
+ "checks": [
+ {
+ "id": "model-loader-process",
+ "name": "Model Loader Presence",
+ "script": "/consul/config/scripts/model-loader-script.sh",
+ "interval": "15s",
+ "timeout": "1s"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Liveness Probes
+These liveness probes can simply check that a port is available, that a
+built-in health check is reporting good health, or that the Consul health check
+is positive. For example, to monitor the SDNC component has following liveness
+probe can be found in the SDNC DB deployment specification:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ sdnc db liveness probe
+ livenessProbe:
+ exec:
+ command: ["mysqladmin", "ping"]
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 5
+The 'initialDelaySeconds' control the period of time between the readiness
+probe succeeding and the liveness probe starting. 'periodSeconds' and
+'timeoutSeconds' control the actual operation of the probe. Note that
+containers are inherently ephemeral so the healing action destroys failed
+containers and any state information within it. To avoid a loss of state, a
+persistent volume should be used to store all data that needs to be persisted
+over the re-creation of a container. Persistent volumes have been created for
+the database components of each of the projects and the same technique can be
+used for all persistent state information. \ No newline at end of file