path: root/docs/archived
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authorLukasz Rajewski <lukasz.rajewski@t-mobile.pl>2025-01-06 15:44:02 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2025-01-06 15:44:02 +0000
commit7c1a102b5ba91490e6d9e5b3d419a2f2cdc91d4b (patch)
treef8b8d0913f99840976484090150a991428b87898 /docs/archived
parent694f0cbc9985ab9719196ce0d61e8901c040673c (diff)
parent30ef8932eb85c665e3db41e8819eda3260b80f6d (diff)
Merge "[DOC] Update versions of Operators"HEADmaster
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3 files changed, 90 insertions, 533 deletions
diff --git a/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst b/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f81bd91cd8..0000000000
--- a/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
-.. International License.
-.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
-.. Copyright 2018-2020 Amdocs, Bell Canada, Orange, Samsung
-.. Links
-.. _HELM Best Practices Guide: https://docs.helm.sh/chart_best_practices/#requirements
-.. _kubectl Cheat Sheet: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/
-.. _Kubernetes documentation for emptyDir: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir
-.. _Docker DevOps: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DW/pages/16239251/Docker+DevOps#Docker-Build
-.. _http://cd.onap.info:30223/mso/logging/debug: http://cd.onap.info:30223/mso/logging/debug
-.. _README.md: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=oom.git;a=blob;f=kubernetes/README.md
-.. figure:: images/oom_logo/oomLogoV2-medium.png
- :align: right
-.. _onap-on-kubernetes-with-rancher:
-ONAP on HA Kubernetes Cluster
-This guide provides instructions on how to setup a Highly-Available Kubernetes
-Cluster. For this, we are hosting our cluster on OpenStack VMs and using the
-Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) to deploy and manage our Kubernetes Cluster.
-.. contents::
- :depth: 1
- :local:
-The result at the end of this tutorial will be:
-#. Creation of a Key Pair to use with Open Stack and RKE
-#. Creation of OpenStack VMs to host Kubernetes Control Plane
-#. Creation of OpenStack VMs to host Kubernetes Workers
-#. Installation and configuration of RKE to setup an HA Kubernetes
-#. Installation and configuration of kubectl
-#. Installation and configuration of Helm
-#. Creation of an NFS Server to be used by ONAP as shared persistance
-There are many ways one can execute the above steps. Including automation
-through the use of HEAT to setup the OpenStack VMs. To better illustrate the
-steps involved, we have captured the manual creation of such an environment
-using the ONAP Wind River Open Lab.
-Create Key Pair
-A Key Pair is required to access the created OpenStack VMs and will be used by
-RKE to configure the VMs for Kubernetes.
-Use an existing key pair, import one or create a new one to assign.
-.. image:: images/keys/key_pair_1.png
-.. Note::
- If you're creating a new Key Pair, ensure to create a local copy of the
- Private Key through the use of "Copy Private Key to Clipboard".
-For the purpose of this guide, we will assume a new local key called "onap-key"
-has been downloaded and is copied into **~/.ssh/**, from which it can be
- > mv onap-key ~/.ssh
- > chmod 600 ~/.ssh/onap-key
-Create Network
-An internal network is required in order to deploy our VMs that will host
-.. image:: images/network/network_1.png
-.. image:: images/network/network_2.png
-.. image:: images/network/network_3.png
-.. Note::
- It's better to have one network per deployment and obviously the name of this
- network should be unique.
-Now we need to create a router to attach this network to outside:
-.. image:: images/network/network_4.png
-Create Security Group
-A specific security group is also required
-.. image:: images/sg/sg_1.png
-then click on `manage rules` of the newly created security group.
-And finally click on `Add Rule` and create the following one:
-.. image:: images/sg/sg_2.png
-.. Note::
- the security is clearly not good here and the right SG will be proposed in a
- future version
-Create Kubernetes Control Plane VMs
-The following instructions describe how to create 3 OpenStack VMs to host the
-Highly-Available Kubernetes Control Plane.
-ONAP workloads will not be scheduled on these Control Plane nodes.
-Launch new VM instances
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_1.png
-Select Ubuntu 18.04 as base image
-Select "No" for "Create New Volume"
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_2.png
-Select Flavor
-The recommended flavor is at least 4 vCPU and 8GB ram.
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_3.png
-Use the created network:
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_4.png
-Security Groups
-Use the created security group:
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_5.png
-Key Pair
-Assign the key pair that was created/selected previously (e.g. onap_key).
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_6.png
-Apply customization script for Control Plane VMs
-Click :download:`openstack-k8s-controlnode.sh <shell/openstack-k8s-controlnode.sh>`
-to download the script.
-.. literalinclude:: shell/openstack-k8s-controlnode.sh
- :language: bash
-This customization script will:
-* update ubuntu
-* install docker
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_7.png
-Launch Instance
-.. image:: images/cp_vms/control_plane_8.png
-Create Kubernetes Worker VMs
-The following instructions describe how to create OpenStack VMs to host the
-Highly-Available Kubernetes Workers. ONAP workloads will only be scheduled on
-these nodes.
-Launch new VM instances
-The number and size of Worker VMs is dependent on the size of the ONAP
-deployment. By default, all ONAP applications are deployed. It's possible to
-customize the deployment and enable a subset of the ONAP applications. For the
-purpose of this guide, however, we will deploy 12 Kubernetes Workers that have
-been sized to handle the entire ONAP application workload.
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_1.png
-Select Ubuntu 18.04 as base image
-Select "No" on "Create New Volume"
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_2.png
-Select Flavor
-The size of Kubernetes hosts depend on the size of the ONAP deployment
-being installed.
-If a small subset of ONAP applications are being deployed
-(i.e. for testing purposes), then 16GB or 32GB may be sufficient.
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_3.png
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_4.png
-Security Group
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_5.png
-Key Pair
-Assign the key pair that was created/selected previously (e.g. onap_key).
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_6.png
-Apply customization script for Kubernetes VM(s)
-Click :download:`openstack-k8s-workernode.sh <shell/openstack-k8s-workernode.sh>` to
-download the script.
-.. literalinclude:: shell/openstack-k8s-workernode.sh
- :language: bash
-This customization script will:
-* update ubuntu
-* install docker
-* install nfs common
-Launch Instance
-.. image:: images/wk_vms/worker_7.png
-Assign Floating IP addresses
-Assign Floating IPs to all Control Plane and Worker VMs.
-These addresses provide external access to the VMs and will be used by RKE
-to configure kubernetes on to the VMs.
-Repeat the following for each VM previously created:
-.. image:: images/floating_ips/floating_1.png
-Resulting floating IP assignments in this example.
-.. image:: images/floating_ips/floating_2.png
-Configure Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)
-Install RKE
-Download and install RKE on a VM, desktop or laptop.
-Binaries can be found here for Linux and Mac: https://github.com/rancher/rke/releases/tag/v1.0.6
-.. note::
- There are several ways to install RKE. Further parts of this documentation
- assumes that you have rke command available.
- If you don't know how to install RKE you may follow the below steps:
- * chmod +x ./rke_linux-amd64
- * sudo mv ./rke_linux-amd64 /user/local/bin/rke
-RKE requires a *cluster.yml* as input. An example file is show below that
-describes a Kubernetes cluster that will be mapped onto the OpenStack VMs
-created earlier in this guide.
-Click :download:`cluster.yml <yaml/cluster.yml>` to download the
-configuration file.
-.. literalinclude:: yaml/cluster.yml
- :language: yaml
-Prepare cluster.yml
-Before this configuration file can be used the external **address**
-and the **internal_address** must be mapped for each control and worker node
-in this file.
-Run RKE
-From within the same directory as the cluster.yml file, simply execute::
- > rke up
-The output will look something like::
- INFO[0000] Initiating Kubernetes cluster
- INFO[0000] [certificates] Generating admin certificates and kubeconfig
- INFO[0000] Successfully Deployed state file at [./cluster.rkestate]
- INFO[0000] Building Kubernetes cluster
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0000] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
- INFO[0002] [network] Deploying port listener containers
- INFO[0002] [network] Pulling image [nexus3.onap.org:10001/rancher/rke-tools:v0.1.27] on host []
- INFO[0002] [network] Pulling image [nexus3.onap.org:10001/rancher/rke-tools:v0.1.27] on host []
- INFO[0002] [network] Pulling image [nexus3.onap.org:10001/rancher/rke-tools:v0.1.27] on host []
- INFO[0011] [network] Successfully pulled image [nexus3.onap.org:10001/rancher/rke-tools:v0.1.27] on host []
- . . . .
- INFO[0309] [addons] Setting up Metrics Server
- INFO[0309] [addons] Saving ConfigMap for addon rke-metrics-addon to Kubernetes
- INFO[0309] [addons] Successfully saved ConfigMap for addon rke-metrics-addon to Kubernetes
- INFO[0309] [addons] Executing deploy job rke-metrics-addon
- INFO[0315] [addons] Metrics Server deployed successfully
- INFO[0315] [ingress] Setting up nginx ingress controller
- INFO[0315] [addons] Saving ConfigMap for addon rke-ingress-controller to Kubernetes
- INFO[0316] [addons] Successfully saved ConfigMap for addon rke-ingress-controller to Kubernetes
- INFO[0316] [addons] Executing deploy job rke-ingress-controller
- INFO[0322] [ingress] ingress controller nginx deployed successfully
- INFO[0322] [addons] Setting up user addons
- INFO[0322] [addons] no user addons defined
- INFO[0322] Finished building Kubernetes cluster successfully
-Install Kubectl
-Download and install kubectl. Binaries can be found here for Linux and Mac:
-You only need to install kubectl where you'll launch Kubernetes command. This
-can be any machines of the Kubernetes cluster or a machine that has IP access
-to the APIs.
-Usually, we use the first controller as it has also access to internal
-Kubernetes services, which can be convenient.
-Validate deployment
- > mkdir -p ~/.kube
- > cp kube_config_cluster.yml ~/.kube/config.onap
- > export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config.onap
- > kubectl config use-context onap
- > kubectl get nodes -o=wide
- onap-control-1 Ready controlplane,etcd 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-control-2 Ready controlplane,etcd 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-control-3 Ready controlplane,etcd 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-1 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-10 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-11 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-12 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-2 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-3 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-4 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-5 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-6 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-7 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-8 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
- onap-k8s-9 Ready worker 3h53m v1.15.2 <none> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 4.15.0-22-generic docker://18.9.5
-Install Helm
-Example Helm client install on Linux::
- > wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v2.16.6-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- > tar -zxvf helm-v2.16.6-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- > sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
-Initialize Kubernetes Cluster for use by Helm
- > kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
- > kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
- > helm init --service-account tiller
- > kubectl -n kube-system  rollout status deploy/tiller-deploy
-Setting up an NFS share for Multinode Kubernetes Clusters
-Deploying applications to a Kubernetes cluster requires Kubernetes nodes to
-share a common, distributed filesystem. In this tutorial, we will setup an
-NFS Master, and configure all Worker nodes a Kubernetes cluster to play
-the role of NFS slaves.
-It is recommended that a separate VM, outside of the kubernetes
-cluster, be used. This is to ensure that the NFS Master does not compete for
-resources with Kubernetes Control Plane or Worker Nodes.
-Launch new NFS Server VM instance
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_1.png
-Select Ubuntu 18.04 as base image
-Select "No" on "Create New Volume"
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_2.png
-Select Flavor
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_3.png
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_4.png
-Security Group
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_5.png
-Key Pair
-Assign the key pair that was created/selected previously (e.g. onap_key).
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_6.png
-Apply customization script for NFS Server VM
-Click :download:`openstack-nfs-server.sh <shell/openstack-nfs-server.sh>` to download
-the script.
-.. literalinclude:: shell/openstack-nfs-server.sh
- :language: bash
-This customization script will:
-* update ubuntu
-* install nfs server
-Launch Instance
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_7.png
-Assign Floating IP addresses
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_8.png
-Resulting floating IP assignments in this example.
-.. image:: images/nfs_server/nfs_server_9.png
-To properly set up an NFS share on Master and Slave nodes, the user can run the
-scripts below.
-Click :download:`master_nfs_node.sh <shell/master_nfs_node.sh>` to download the
-.. literalinclude:: shell/master_nfs_node.sh
- :language: bash
-Click :download:`slave_nfs_node.sh <shell/slave_nfs_node.sh>` to download the script.
-.. literalinclude:: shell/slave_nfs_node.sh
- :language: bash
-The master_nfs_node.sh script runs in the NFS Master node and needs the list of
-NFS Slave nodes as input, e.g.::
- > sudo ./master_nfs_node.sh node1_ip node2_ip ... nodeN_ip
-The slave_nfs_node.sh script runs in each NFS Slave node and needs the IP of
-the NFS Master node as input, e.g.::
- > sudo ./slave_nfs_node.sh master_node_ip
-ONAP Deployment via OOM
-Now that Kubernetes and Helm are installed and configured you can prepare to
-deploy ONAP. Follow the instructions in the README.md_ or look at the official
-documentation to get started:
-- :ref:`quick-start-label` - deploy ONAP on an existing cloud
-- :ref:`user-guide-label` - a guide for operators of an ONAP instance
diff --git a/docs/archived/oom_user_guide.rst b/docs/archived/oom_user_guide.rst
index 2ff74b5898..b4d1891864 100644
--- a/docs/archived/oom_user_guide.rst
+++ b/docs/archived/oom_user_guide.rst
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ ONAP with a few simple commands.
-Your environment must have the Kubernetes `kubectl` with Strimzi Apache Kafka, Cert-Manager
-and Helm setup as a one time activity.
+Your environment must have the Kubernetes `kubectl` with Strimzi Apache Kafka,
+Cert-Manager and Helm setup as a one time activity.
Install Kubectl
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ precedence of all.
The top level onap/values.yaml file contains the values required to be set
before deploying ONAP. Here is the contents of this file:
-.. include:: ../kubernetes/onap/values.yaml
+.. include:: ../../kubernetes/onap/values.yaml
:code: yaml
One may wish to create a value file that is specific to a given deployment such
diff --git a/docs/archived/yaml/environments_onap_demo.yaml b/docs/archived/yaml/environments_onap_demo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64dee3e846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/archived/yaml/environments_onap_demo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Global configuration overrides.
+# These overrides will affect all helm charts (ie. applications)
+# that are listed below and are 'enabled'.
+ # Change to an unused port prefix range to prevent port conflicts
+ # with other instances running within the same k8s cluster
+ nodePortPrefix: 302
+ # image repositories
+ repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
+ repositorySecret: eyJuZXh1czMub25hcC5vcmc6MTAwMDEiOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJkb2NrZXIiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6ImRvY2tlciIsImVtYWlsIjoiQCIsImF1dGgiOiJaRzlqYTJWeU9tUnZZMnRsY2c9PSJ9fQ==
+ # readiness check
+ readinessImage: onap/oom/readiness:6.0.3
+ # logging agent
+ loggingRepository: docker.elastic.co
+ # image pull policy
+ pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+ # override default mount path root directory
+ # referenced by persistent volumes and log files
+ persistence:
+ mountPath: /dockerdata
+ # flag to enable debugging - application support required
+ debugEnabled: true
+# Enable/disable and configure helm charts (ie. applications)
+# to customize the ONAP deployment.
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+robot: # Robot Health Check
+ enabled: true
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+so: # Service Orchestrator
+ enabled: true
+ replicaCount: 1
+ liveness:
+ # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
+ # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
+ enabled: true
+ # so server configuration
+ config:
+ # message router configuration
+ dmaapTopic: "AUTO"
+ # openstack configuration
+ openStackUserName: "vnf_user"
+ openStackRegion: "RegionOne"
+ openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
+ openStackServiceTenantName: "service"
+ openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"
+ # configure embedded mariadb
+ mariadb:
+ config:
+ mariadbRootPassword: password
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false