path: root/ncomp-sirius-manager-server/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/sirius/manager/metrics/MetricManager.java
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diff --git a/ncomp-sirius-manager-server/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/sirius/manager/metrics/MetricManager.java b/ncomp-sirius-manager-server/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/sirius/manager/metrics/MetricManager.java
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ncomp-sirius-manager-server/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/sirius/manager/metrics/MetricManager.java
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.metrics;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.component.Api;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.AggregationMetricValueOption;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.AggregationMetricValueOptionType;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.BasicMetricValueOption;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.MetricValueOption;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.MetricsFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.SequenceMetricValueOption;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.types.metrics.DateMetricAttribute;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.types.metrics.DoubleMetricAttribute;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.types.metrics.DoubleMetricMeasurement;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.types.metrics.IncreasingULongMetricAttribute;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.types.metrics.LongMetricAttribute;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.types.metrics.MetricAttribute;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.DoubleMetric;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.LongMetric;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.metrics.Metric;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.*;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.SortUtil;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.StringUtil;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.journaling.JournalingList;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.webservice.utils.DateUtils;
+public class MetricManager {
+ public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetricManager.class);
+ ManagementServer server;
+ private HashMap<String, MetricStore> path2store = new HashMap<String, MetricStore>();
+ private JournalingList<String> allStores = null;
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public MetricManager(ManagementServer s) {
+ super();
+ this.server = s;
+ String dir = s.getProps().getProperty("metrics.dir");
+ if (dir == null)
+ return;
+ String file = dir + "/allStores.dat";
+ allStores = JournalingList.create(new File(file));
+ // TODO initialize old stores in separate thread.
+ initManager();
+ }
+ private void initManager() {
+ final Thread t = new Thread("init metrics") {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ while (server.getObject() == null) {
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(1000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ ManagementServerUtils.printStackTrace(e);
+ }
+ }
+ logger.info("Starting initializing Metric Stores");
+ List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(allStores);
+ for (String path : l) {
+ Subject s = ManagementServer.find(server.getObject(), "/" + path);
+ if (s == null || s.o == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ MetricStore store = getStore(s.o);
+ store.initStore();
+ }
+ logger.info("Done initializing Metric Stores");
+ }
+ };
+ t.start();
+ Thread t1 = new Thread("record metrics") {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ // wait for initialization to complete before starting to record
+ try {
+ t.join();
+ } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
+ logger.warn("Failure while waiting for thread initialization to complete: " + e1);
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(60000);
+ updateMetrics(server.getObject());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.warn("recording metrics " + e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ t1.start();
+ }
+ private void updateMetrics(EObject o) {
+ for (EAttribute attr : o.eClass().getEAllAttributes()) {
+ Object a = o.eGet(attr);
+ if (a instanceof MetricAttribute) {
+ MetricAttribute m = (MetricAttribute) a;
+ m.record();
+ }
+ }
+ for (EReference ref : o.eClass().getEAllContainments()) {
+ if (ref.isMany()) {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ EList<EObject> l = (EList<EObject>) o.eGet(ref);
+ for (EObject o1 : l) {
+ updateMetrics(o1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ EObject o1 = (EObject) o.eGet(ref);
+ if (o1 != null) updateMetrics(o1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public MetricStore getStore(EObject o) {
+ String path = ManagementServer.object2ref(o);
+ MetricStore store = path2store.get(path);
+ if (store == null) {
+ // path2metric[cc] = [:]
+ String dir = server.getProps().getProperty("metrics.dir", "data/metrics");
+ store = new MetricStore(dir + path, o, this);
+ path2store.put(path, store);
+ if (!allStores.contains(path)) {
+ allStores.add(path);
+ allStores.save();
+ }
+ }
+ return store;
+ }
+ public void updateMetric(EObject o, EAttribute attr, Object value) {
+ MetricStore store = findStore(o);
+ String path = ManagementServer.relativeObject2ref(store.getObject(), o);
+ if (path == null) {
+ System.err.println("Internal error in findStore (null path): " + store.getObject() + " " + o);
+ System.err.println(store.getObject().eContainer() + " " + o.eContainer());
+ System.err.println(ManagementServer.object2ref(store.getObject()) + " " + ManagementServer.object2ref(o));
+ return;
+ // throw new
+ // RuntimeException("Internal error in findStore (null path): " +
+ // store.getObject() + " " + o);
+ }
+ path = path + "/" + attr.getName();
+ String t = attr.getEType().getName();
+ // System.err.println("adding " + path + " " + t + " " + value);
+ if (t.equals("IncreasingULongMetricAttribute")) {
+ store.addLongValue(path, new Date(), value2long(value), t, false);
+ } else if (t.equals("LongMetricAttribute")) {
+ store.addLongValue(path, new Date(), value2long(value), t, false);
+ } else if (t.equals("DoubleMetricAttribute")) {
+ store.addDoubleValue(path, new Date(), value2double(value), t);
+ } else if (t.equals("DateMetricAttribute")) {
+ store.addLongValue(path, new Date(), value2long(value), t, false);
+ } else if (t.equals("StringMetricAttribute")) {
+ logger.warn("Unsuppported metric: " + t);
+ }
+ }
+ private Double value2double(Object value) {
+ if (value instanceof Double) {
+ return (Double) value;
+ }
+ if (value instanceof Integer) {
+ Integer i = (Integer) value;
+ return i.doubleValue();
+ }
+ if (value instanceof Long) {
+ Long i = (Long) value;
+ return i.doubleValue();
+ }
+ if (value instanceof String) {
+ return Double.parseDouble((String) value);
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert value to double: " + value + " " + value.getClass());
+ }
+ private long value2long(Object value) {
+ if (value instanceof Long) {
+ return (Long) value;
+ }
+ if (value instanceof Integer) {
+ Integer i = (Integer) value;
+ return i.longValue();
+ }
+ if (value instanceof String) {
+ return Long.parseLong((String) value);
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert value to long: " + value + " " + value.getClass());
+ }
+ private MetricStore findStore(EObject o) {
+ if (o.eContainer() == null)
+ return getStore(o);
+ EAnnotation anno = o.eClass().getEAnnotation("http://openecomp.org/sirius/store");
+ if (anno != null)
+ return getStore(o);
+ return findStore(o.eContainer());
+ }
+ public void updateMetrics(EObject s, EList<Metric> metrics) {
+ MetricStore store = getStore(s);
+ for (Metric m : metrics) {
+ if (m.getTime() < 140646778200L) {
+ logger.warn("Metric time is too old:" + new Date(m.getTime()));
+ m.setTime(new Date().getTime());
+ }
+ try {
+ String x = m.getResourceName() + "/" + m.getMetricName();
+ // if (x.contains("qfsFilesystems")) System.err.println("ZZZ: "
+ // + x + " " + m);
+ if (m instanceof DoubleMetric) {
+ DoubleMetric dm = (DoubleMetric) m;
+ store.addDoubleValue(x, new Date(m.getTime()), dm.getValue(), null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (m instanceof LongMetric) {
+ LongMetric lm = (LongMetric) m;
+ store.addLongValue(x, new Date(m.getTime()), lm.getValue(), null, lm.isDelta());
+ continue;
+ }
+ logger.warn("unknown metric: " + m);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.warn("unable to update metric " + m + " " + e);
+ ManagementServerUtils.printStackTrace(e);
+ }
+ }
+ store.save(30000);
+ }
+ public EList<DoubleMetric> getValues(String path, Long start, Long end, MetricValueOption option, boolean relativeInterval) {
+ return getValues(server.getObject(), start, end, path, option, relativeInterval);
+ }
+ public static EList<DoubleMetric> getValues(EObject o, Long start, Long end, String path, MetricValueOption option,
+ boolean relativeInterval) {
+ Subject s = ManagementServer.find(o, path);
+ if (s == null || s.o == null || s.attr == null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("Bad Path: " + path + " " + o);
+ if (start == null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("No start parameter");
+ if (end == null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("No end parameter");
+ Object a = s.o.eGet(s.attr);
+ if (!(a instanceof MetricAttribute)) {
+ if (a == null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("Null Attribute: " + s.o.eClass().getName() + "@" + s.attr.getName());
+ else
+ throw new RuntimeException("Not a metric Attribute: " + s.o.eClass().getName() + "@" + s.attr.getName());
+ }
+ return getValues((MetricAttribute) a, s.attr, start, end, ManagementServer.object2ref(o) + path, option, false);
+ }
+ public static double getValue(EObject o, String path, MetricValueOption option) {
+ Subject s = ManagementServer.find(o, path);
+ if (s == null || s.attr == null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("Bad Path: " + path);
+ Object a = s.o.eGet(s.attr);
+ if (!(a instanceof MetricAttribute)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Not a metric Attribute: " + s.o.eClass().getName() + "@" + s.attr.getName());
+ }
+ long d = option2duration(option);
+ MetricAttribute aa = (MetricAttribute) a;
+ if (d > 0) {
+ long end = new Date().getTime();
+ long start = end - d;
+ EList<DoubleMetric> l = getValues(aa, s.attr, start, end, path, option, true);
+ if (l.size() > 1) {
+ System.err.println("wrong number returned" + l);
+ return -3;
+ }
+ return l.size() == 1 ? l.get(0).getValue() : 0.0;
+ }
+ // TODO the value should depend on the options. E.g., date.
+ return getValue(aa);
+ }
+ private static double getValue(MetricAttribute aa) {
+ if (aa instanceof LongMetricAttribute) {
+ LongMetricAttribute m = (LongMetricAttribute) aa;
+ Long l = m.getValue();
+ return l == null ? null : l.doubleValue();
+ }
+ if (aa instanceof IncreasingULongMetricAttribute) {
+ IncreasingULongMetricAttribute m = (IncreasingULongMetricAttribute) aa;
+ return m.getValue();
+ }
+ if (aa instanceof DoubleMetricAttribute) {
+ DoubleMetricAttribute m = (DoubleMetricAttribute) aa;
+ return m.getValue();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ private static long option2duration(MetricValueOption option) {
+ if (option instanceof AggregationMetricValueOption) {
+ return DateUtils.stringToDuration(((AggregationMetricValueOption) option).getDuration());
+ }
+ if (option instanceof SequenceMetricValueOption) {
+ SequenceMetricValueOption o = (SequenceMetricValueOption) option;
+ long l = 0;
+ for (MetricValueOption o1 : o.getOptions()) {
+ long l1 = option2duration(o1);
+ if (l1 > l)
+ l = l1;
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private static EList<DoubleMetric> getValues(MetricAttribute a, EAttribute attr, Long start, Long end, String path,
+ MetricValueOption option, boolean relativeInterval) {
+ List<DoubleMetricMeasurement> ll = a.getValuesDouble(new Date(start), new Date(end));
+ EList<DoubleMetric> l = new BasicEList<DoubleMetric>();
+ for (DoubleMetricMeasurement v : ll) {
+ DoubleMetric m = MetricsFactory.eINSTANCE.createDoubleMetric();
+ m.setMetricName(attr.getName());
+ m.setValue(v.v);
+ m.setTime(v.d.getTime());
+ m.setResourceName(path);
+ l.add(m);
+ }
+// System.err.println("getValues path=" + path + " start=" + start + " end=" + end + " #values=" + l.size());
+ return handleOption(path, attr, l, start, end, option, relativeInterval);
+ }
+ private static EList<DoubleMetric> handleOption(String path, EAttribute attr, EList<DoubleMetric> values, Long start, Long end,
+ MetricValueOption option, boolean relativeInterval) {
+ if (option instanceof AggregationMetricValueOption) {
+ return handleOptionAggregation(path, attr, values, start, end, (AggregationMetricValueOption) option, relativeInterval);
+ }
+ if (option instanceof BasicMetricValueOption) {
+ return handleOptionBasic(attr, values, (BasicMetricValueOption) option);
+ }
+ if (option instanceof SequenceMetricValueOption) {
+ return handleOptionSequence(path, attr, values, start, end, (SequenceMetricValueOption) option, relativeInterval);
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ private static EList<DoubleMetric> handleOptionSequence(String path, EAttribute attr, EList<DoubleMetric> values, Long start, Long end,
+ SequenceMetricValueOption option, boolean relativeInterval) {
+ // System.err.println("handleOptionSequence:" + path + " " +
+ // attr.getName());
+ for (MetricValueOption o : option.getOptions()) {
+ values = handleOption(path, attr, values, start, end, o, relativeInterval);
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ private static EList<DoubleMetric> handleOptionBasic(EAttribute attr, EList<DoubleMetric> values, BasicMetricValueOption option) {
+ boolean isDate = attr.getEType().getName().equals("DateMetricAttribute");
+ // TODO handle date metrics when the value should be the difference
+ // between the current and prev time.
+ // EAnnotation anno =
+ // attr.getEAnnotation("http://openecomp.org/sirius/metric");
+ // anno.getDetails().get("type");
+ // System.err.println("handleOptionBasic:" + attr.getName() + " " +
+ // isDate);
+ for (DoubleMetric d : values) {
+ if (isDate)
+ d.setValue(d.getTime() - d.getValue());
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ private static EList<DoubleMetric> handleOptionAggregation(String path, EAttribute attr, EList<DoubleMetric> values, Long start,
+ Long end, AggregationMetricValueOption option, boolean relativeInterval) {
+ HashMap<Long, List<DoubleMetric>> m = new HashMap<Long, List<DoubleMetric>>();
+ // System.err.println("handleOptionAggregation:" + path + " " +
+ // attr.getName());
+ if (option.getDuration() == null || option.getDuration().equals(""))
+ return values;
+ long duration2 = DateUtils.stringToDuration(option.getDuration());
+ if (duration2 == 0)
+ return values;
+ if (!relativeInterval) {
+ start = start / duration2 * duration2;
+ end = end / duration2 * duration2 + duration2;
+ }
+ if (start > end)
+ throw new RuntimeException("Bad time interval");
+ long delta = start - (start / duration2 * duration2);
+ for (long t = start; t < end; t += duration2) {
+ m.put(t - delta, new ArrayList<DoubleMetric>());
+ // System.err.println("times " + (t - delta) + " " + new
+ // Date(t-delta));
+ }
+ for (DoubleMetric d : values) {
+ long tt = (d.getTime() - delta) / duration2 * duration2;
+ List<DoubleMetric> dd = m.get(tt);
+ if (dd == null) {
+ logger.warn("metric outside range " + new Date(tt) + " " + new Date(start) + " " + new Date(end));
+ continue;
+ }
+ dd.add(d);
+ }
+ EList<DoubleMetric> res = new BasicEList<DoubleMetric>();
+ int i = 1;
+ for (long t : SortUtil.sort(m.keySet())) {
+ if (i++ == m.keySet().size() && m.get(t).size() == 0)
+ continue; // ignore last timebin if empty.
+ res.add(aggregateList(path, attr, t, m.get(t), option.getAggregationType()));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private static DoubleMetric aggregateList(String path, EAttribute attr, long t, List<DoubleMetric> l,
+ AggregationMetricValueOptionType aggregationType) {
+ DoubleMetric d = MetricsFactory.eINSTANCE.createDoubleMetric();
+ d.setTime(t);
+ d.setResourceName(path);
+ d.setMetricName(attr.getName());
+ if (l.size() == 0) {
+ switch (aggregationType) {
+ case AVERAGE:
+ d.setValue(0.0);
+ break;
+ case COUNT:
+ d.setValue(0.0);
+ break;
+ case SUM:
+ d.setValue(0.0);
+ break;
+ case MAX:
+ d.setValue(0.0);
+ break;
+ case MIN:
+ d.setValue(0.0);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ double v;
+ switch (aggregationType) {
+ case MAX:
+ break;
+ case MIN:
+ break;
+ default:
+ v = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (DoubleMetric dd : l) {
+ double vv = dd.getValue();
+ switch (aggregationType) {
+ case SUM:
+ case AVERAGE:
+ v += vv;
+ break;
+ case COUNT:
+ v++;
+ break;
+ case MAX:
+ if (v < vv)
+ v = vv;
+ break;
+ case MIN:
+ if (v > vv)
+ v = vv;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (aggregationType) {
+ case AVERAGE:
+ v = v / l.size();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ d.setValue(v);
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ public EList<DoubleMetric> getValuesAll(String path, EList<String> metrics, Long start, Long end, MetricValueOption option,
+ boolean relativeInterval) {
+ EList<DoubleMetric> l = new BasicEList<DoubleMetric>();
+ // System.err.println("getValuesAll: " + path + " " + metrics +
+ // " start=" + start + " end=" + end);
+ for (EObject o : server.findAll(path)) {
+ for (String m : metrics) {
+ EStructuralFeature f = o.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(m);
+ if (!(f instanceof EAttribute))
+ continue;
+ Object a = o.eGet(f);
+ if (!(a instanceof MetricAttribute))
+ continue;
+ l.addAll(getValues((MetricAttribute) a, (EAttribute) f, start, end, ManagementServer.object2ref(o), option,
+ relativeInterval));
+ }
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ public void initAttribute(EObject o, String aName) {
+ MetricStore store = findStore(o);
+ EAttribute attr = (EAttribute) o.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(aName);
+ String path = ManagementServer.relativeObject2ref(server.getObject(), o) + "/" + aName;
+ String aType = attr.getEAttributeType().getName();
+ store.getMeasurement(path,new Date());
+ store.initAttribute(path, aType);
+// System.err.println("XYZ " + path + " " + aType + " " + o.eGet(attr));
+ }
+ public void setLongMetric(EObject o, String attr, long v, boolean force) {
+// System.err.println "XYZ $o $attr ${o[attr]} $v $force"
+ EStructuralFeature f = o.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(attr);
+ if (f instanceof EAttribute) {
+ Object m = o.eGet(f);
+ if (m == null) {
+ initAttribute(o,attr);
+ m = o.eGet(f);
+ }
+ if (m instanceof LongMetricAttribute) {
+ LongMetricAttribute m1 = (LongMetricAttribute) m;
+ m1.setValue(v,force);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ logger.warn("Unable to setLongMetric" + o.getClass().getName() + "@" + attr);
+ }
+ public void setDateMetric(EObject o, String attr, Date v) {
+ setDateMetric(o, attr, v, new Date());
+ }
+ public void setDateMetric(EObject o, String attr, Date v, Date when) {
+// System.err.println "XYZ $o $attr ${o[attr]} $v $force"
+ EStructuralFeature f = o.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(attr);
+ if (f instanceof EAttribute) {
+ Object m = o.eGet(f);
+ if (m == null) {
+ initAttribute(o,attr);
+ m = o.eGet(f);
+ }
+ if (m instanceof DateMetricAttribute) {
+ DateMetricAttribute m1 = (DateMetricAttribute) m;
+ m1.add(when, v.getTime());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ logger.warn("Unable to setDateMetric" + o.getClass().getName() + "@" + attr);
+ }
+ public void addIncreasingULongMetric(EObject o, String attr, long v, boolean force) {
+// System.err.println "XYZ $o $attr ${o[attr]} $v $force"
+ EStructuralFeature f = o.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(attr);
+ if (f instanceof EAttribute) {
+ Object m = o.eGet(f);
+ if (m == null) {
+ initAttribute(o,attr);
+ m = o.eGet(f);
+ }
+ if (m instanceof IncreasingULongMetricAttribute) {
+ IncreasingULongMetricAttribute m1 = (IncreasingULongMetricAttribute) m;
+ m1.increase(v,force);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ logger.warn("Unable to addIncreasingULongMetric" + o.getClass().getName() + "@" + attr);
+ }