path: root/ncomp-core-tools/src
diff options
authorlj1412 <lji@research.att.com>2017-02-14 15:11:15 +0000
committerlj1412 <lji@research.att.com>2017-02-14 15:11:17 +0000
commitf7085ebbcc7947e1d690671e477aa4da17a3e347 (patch)
treee78e50ddbd723192afe7536e94005aabf0657e3c /ncomp-core-tools/src
parent1d45e17b6bede73661c48bfddc995771b31edd2a (diff)
Init ncomp.core
Change-Id: I9be77772eae659d9ef18b23ea634b5d656366090 Signed-off-by: lj1412 <lji@research.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'ncomp-core-tools/src')
3 files changed, 552 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ncomp-core-tools/src/assembly/assemble_zip.xml b/ncomp-core-tools/src/assembly/assemble_zip.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3f597c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ncomp-core-tools/src/assembly/assemble_zip.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<!-- Defines how we build the .zip file which is our distribution. -->
+ xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.0"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.0.xsd">
+ <formats>
+ <format>zip</format>
+ </formats>
+ <!-- we want "system" and related files right at the root level
+ as this file is suppose to be unzip on top of a karaf
+ distro. -->
+ <includeBaseDirectory>false</includeBaseDirectory>
+ <fileSets>
+ <fileSet>
+ <directory>target/assembly/</directory>
+ <outputDirectory>.</outputDirectory>
+ <excludes>
+ </excludes>
+ </fileSet>
+ <fileSet>
+ <directory>.</directory>
+ <outputDirectory>lib</outputDirectory>
+ <includes>
+ <include>*.jar</include>
+ </includes>
+ </fileSet>
+ <fileSet>
+ <directory>src/main/server-gen/bin</directory>
+ <outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory>
+ <fileMode>0744</fileMode>
+ <excludes>
+ </excludes>
+ </fileSet>
+ <fileSet>
+ <directory>src/main/server/bin</directory>
+ <outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory>
+ <fileMode>0744</fileMode>
+ <excludes>
+ </excludes>
+ </fileSet>
+ <fileSet>
+ <directory>src/main/server/scripts</directory>
+ <outputDirectory>scripts</outputDirectory>
+ </fileSet>
+ </fileSets>
diff --git a/ncomp-core-tools/src/main/server/bin/dcae-tool b/ncomp-core-tools/src/main/server/bin/dcae-tool
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca3980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ncomp-core-tools/src/main/server/bin/dcae-tool
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+export BROWSER=chromium-browser
+export NCOMPNAME=dcae
+export NCOMPBASE=org.openecomp.dcae
+cd $HOME
+case $USER in
+ vagrant)
+ PACKAGES=/vagrant/packages
+ ;;
+ *)
+ PACKAGES=/home/ubuntu/packages
+ ;;
+case $(uname -p) in
+ *86) PACKAGES2=${PACKAGES}32 ;;
+mkdir -p `dirname $LOG`
+echo `date` $0 $* >> $LOG
+case $CMD in
+ update-dcae-tool)
+ ncomp-tool update-ncomp-tool
+ ;;
+ install-eclipse)
+ DIR=$HOME/eclipse-$VERSION
+ case $VERSION in
+ dcae) TAR=$PACKAGES2/eclipse-ncomp.tar.gz ;;
+ *) TAR=$PACKAGES2/eclipse-$VERSION.tar.gz ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ! -e $TAR ]; then echo $TAR does not exists; exit 1; fi
+ if [ -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR already exists; exit 1; fi
+ mkdir $DIR
+ cd $DIR
+ tar xf $TAR
+ ;;
+ start-eclipse)
+ DIR=$HOME/eclipse-$VERSION
+ if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR does not exists; exit 1; fi
+ $DIR/eclipse > $HOME/logs/eclipse.$VERSION.log &
+ ;;
+ uninstall-eclipse)
+ DIR=$HOME/eclipse-$VERSION
+ 'rm' -r $DIR
+ ;;
+ restart-vncserver)
+ rm -f $HOME/.vnc/*{pid,log} /tmp/.X?-lock /tmp/.X11-unix/X?
+ ps -eaf | grep Xvnc4 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+ vncserver
+ ;;
+ create-vm-manager)
+ NAME=$2
+ (echo org.openecomp.dcae.controller ; echo dcae-controller-service-$NAME-model ; echo dcae-vm-manager) | ncomp-tool create-xcore-project
+ (echo org.openecomp.dcae.controller ; echo dcae-controller-service-$NAME-manager ; echo dcae-vm-manager ; echo Dcae) | ncomp-tool create-sirius-project
+ ncomp-tool create-parent-project org.openecomp.dcae.controller dcae-controller-service-$NAME
+ ;;
+ create-cdap-manager)
+ NAME=$2
+ (echo org.openecomp.dcae.controller ; echo dcae-controller-service-$NAME-model ; echo dcae-cdap-manager) | ncomp-tool create-xcore-project
+ (echo org.openecomp.dcae.controller ; echo dcae-controller-service-$NAME-manager ; echo dcae-cdap-manager ; echo Dcae) | ncomp-tool create-sirius-project
+ ncomp-tool create-parent-project org.openecomp.dcae.controller dcae-controller-service-$NAME
+ ;;
+ create-docker-manager)
+ NAME=$2
+ (echo org.openecomp.dcae.controller ; echo dcae-controller-service-$NAME-model ; echo dcae-docker-manager) | ncomp-tool create-xcore-project
+ (echo org.openecomp.dcae.controller ; echo dcae-controller-service-$NAME-manager ; echo dcae-docker-manager ; echo Dcae) | ncomp-tool create-sirius-project
+ ncomp-tool create-parent-project org.openecomp.dcae.controller dcae-controller-service-$NAME
+ ;;
+ install-dcae-manager)
+ shift
+ ncomp-tool install-sirius-controller "$@"
+ ;;
+ install-dcae-manager-gui)
+ if [ ! -e $HOME/tomcat ]; then
+ ncomp-tool install-tomcat
+ fi
+ ncomp-tool start-tomcat
+ shift
+ ncomp-tool install-sirius-controller-gui "$@"
+ ;;
+ install-dcae-manager-gui-eclipse)
+ if [ ! -e $HOME/tomcat ]; then
+ ncomp-tool install-tomcat
+ fi
+ ncomp-tool start-tomcat
+ shift
+ ncomp-tool install-sirius-controller-gui-eclipse "$@"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Usages:
+ echo " #### tools for updating NCOMP development setup"
+ echo " $0 update-dcae-tool"
+ echo " $0 install-eclipse VERSION"
+ echo " $0 start-eclipse VERSION"
+ echo " $0 uninstall-eclipse VERSION"
+ echo " #### tools for using Sirius Operational Management Framework (SOMF)"
+ echo " $0 create-vm-manager NAME"
+ echo " $0 create-cdap-manager NAME"
+ echo " $0 create-docker-manager NAME"
+ echo " $0 install-dcae-manager GroupId ArtifactId PortNumber [Version]"
+ echo " $0 install-dcae-manager-gui ArtifactId PrettyName"
+ echo " #### utils"
+ echo " $0 restart-vncserver"
+ ;;
diff --git a/ncomp-core-tools/src/main/server/bin/ncomp-tool b/ncomp-core-tools/src/main/server/bin/ncomp-tool
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b15d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ncomp-core-tools/src/main/server/bin/ncomp-tool
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+export BROWSER=chromium-browser
+export NCOMPNAME=${NCOMPNAME:=ncomp}
+export NCOMPBASE=${NCOMPBASE:=org.openecomp.ncomp}
+cd $HOME
+case $USER in
+ vagrant)
+ PACKAGES=/vagrant/packages
+ ;;
+ *)
+ PACKAGES=/home/ubuntu/packages
+ ;;
+case $(uname -p) in
+ *86) PACKAGES2=${PACKAGES}32 ;;
+mkdir -p `dirname $LOG`
+echo `date` $0 $* >> $LOG
+case $CMD in
+ update-ncomp-tool)
+ GIT=git/dcae-org.openecomp.ncomp
+ ZIP=git/org.openecomp.ncomp.core/ncomp-core-tools/target/ncomp-core-tools-*.zip
+ for PROJECT in core maven; do
+ if [ ! -e $GIT.$PROJECT ]; then
+ echo need to clone $GIT.$PROJECT
+ exit 1
+ else
+ (cd $GIT.$PROJECT ; git pull )
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -e $ZIP ]; then rm $ZIP; fi
+ (cd $GIT.core ; cd ncomp-core-tools && mvn clean install)
+ if [ ! -e $ZIP ]; then
+ echo Unable to find $ZIP.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ T=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M)
+ find bin -type f | grep -v saved | xargs -I XX cp -p XX XX.saved.$T
+ unzip -o $ZIP
+ ;;
+ create-xcore-project)
+ GEN=git/dcae-org.openecomp.ncomp.maven/ncomp-maven-xcore-project/src/main/resources/new_project.sh
+ echo "$NCOMPPROJECT GroupId (e.g., $NCOMPBASE.hello.world):"
+ read GNAME
+ if [[ ! $GNAME =~ $NCOMPBASE[a-z.]+$ ]]; then echo 'need to match org.openecomp.ncomp[a-z.]+'; exit; fi
+ echo "$NCOMPPROJECT project name (e.g., $NCOMPNAME-hello-world-model):"
+ GPREFIX=$(echo $NCOMPNAME-$GNAME | sed s/-$NCOMPBASE// | sed 's/\./-/g')-
+ if [[ ! $PROJECTNAME =~ $GPREFIX[-a-z]+ ]]; then echo "need to match $GPREFIX\[a-z-\]+-model"; exit; fi
+ if [[ ! $PROJECTNAME =~ .*-model ]]; then echo "need to match $GPREFIX\[a-z-\]+-model"; exit; fi
+ echo "Type of project: server, adaptor, dcae-vm-manager"
+ case $PROJECTTYPE in
+ adaptor|server|dcae-*-manager)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "PROJECTTYPE $PROJECTTYPE not supported"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ DIR=git/$GNAME
+ if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo GIT directory does not exists: $DIR; exit; fi
+ if [ -e $DIR/$PROJECTNAME ]; then echo Project directory already exists exists: $DIR/$PROJECTNAME; exit; fi
+ echo creating XCORE project in $DIR/$PROJECTNAME
+ X=$(echo $PROJECTNAME | sed s/$NCOMPNAME-// | sed s/-model$//)
+ for YY in $(echo $X | tr "-" "\n"); do
+ Y=$Y"$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${YY:0:1})${YY:1}"
+ done
+ #echo $X $Y
+ ;;
+ create-parent-project)
+ GEN=git/dcae-org.openecomp.ncomp.maven/ncomp-maven-parent-project/src/main/resources/new_project.sh
+ GNAME=$2
+ DIR=git/$GNAME
+ ;;
+ create-sirius-project)
+ GEN=git/dcae-org.openecomp.ncomp.maven/ncomp-maven-sirius-project/src/main/resources/new_project.sh
+ echo "$NCOMPPROJECT GroupId (e.g., $NCOMPBASE.hello.world):"
+ read GNAME
+ if [[ ! $GNAME =~ $NCOMPBASE[a-z.]+$ ]]; then echo 'need to match org.openecomp.ncomp[a-z.]+'; exit; fi
+ DIR=git/$GNAME
+ if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo GIT directory does not exists: $DIR; exit; fi
+ echo "$NCOMPPROJECT project name (e.g., $NCOMPNAME-hello-world-model):"
+ GPREFIX=$(echo $NCOMPNAME-$GNAME | sed s/-$NCOMPBASE// | sed 's/\./-/g')-
+ if [[ ! $PROJECTNAME =~ $GPREFIX[-a-z]+ ]]; then echo "need to match $GPREFIX\[a-z-\]+"; exit; fi
+ if [[ $PROJECTNAME =~ .*-model ]]; then echo "cannot match *-model"; exit; fi
+ if [ -e $DIR/$PROJECTNAME ]; then echo Project directory already exists: $DIR/$PROJECTNAME; exit; fi
+ MODELPROJECTNAME=$(echo $PROJECTNAME | sed 's/[a-z]*$/model/')
+ if [ ! -e $DIR/$MODELPROJECTNAME ]; then echo Model Project directory does not exists: $DIR/$MODELPROJECTNAME; exit; fi
+ echo "Type of project: server, adaptor"
+ case $PROJECTTYPE in
+ adaptor|server|dcae-*-manager)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "PROJECTTYPE $PROJECTTYPE not supported"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Project Prefix"
+ if [ "$PROJECTPREFIX" == "" ]; then echo prefix cannot be empty; exit; fi
+ MODEL=$(echo $PROJECTNAME | sed s/.*-//)
+ echo creating XCORE project in $DIR/$PROJECTNAME
+ X=$(echo $PROJECTNAME | sed s/$NCOMPNAME-// | sed s/-$MODEL$//)
+ for YY in $(echo $X | tr "-" "\n"); do
+ Y=$Y"$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${YY:0:1})${YY:1}"
+ done
+ #echo $X $Y
+ ;;
+ create-sirius-runtime)
+ GEN=git/dcae-org.openecomp.ncomp.maven/ncomp-maven-sirius-runtime/src/main/resources/new_project.sh
+ DIR=$2
+ GNAME=$3
+ PORT=$5
+ if [ -e $DIR ]; then
+ echo "Directory exists: $DIR"
+ echo "Comparing config..."
+ SDIR=git/$GNAME/$PROJECTNAME/src/main/server
+ BBBB=`echo $PROJECTNAME | sed s/ncomp-//g`
+ for i in $(cd $SDIR; find config -type f -print); do
+ if [ $i = "config/pw.sh.sh" ]; then continue; fi
+ j=$i
+ if [ $i == "config/makefile" ]; then j="makefile"; fi
+ echo "Comparing $i..."
+ if [ -e $DIR/config/pw.sh ]; then
+ sed -e "s/AAAA/$PROJECTNAME/g" -e "s/PORT/$PORT/g" -e "s/BBBB/$BBBB/g" < $SDIR/$i | $DIR/config/pw.sh | diff - $DIR/$j
+ else
+ sed -e "s/AAAA/$PROJECTNAME/g" -e "s/PORT/$PORT/g" -e "s/BBBB/$BBBB/g" < $SDIR/$i | diff - $DIR/$j
+ fi
+ done
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo echo bash $GEN $DIR $PROJECTNAME $PORT >> $LOG
+ ;;
+ install-sirius-controller-gui)
+ NAME=$2
+ WEBAPPDIR=$HOME/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/webapps
+ CONFIG=$HOME/controllers/$NAME/config/console.properties
+ if [ ! -e $WEBAPPDIR ]; then echo $WEBAPPDIR does not exists. Please install tomcat. ; exit 1; fi
+ if [ ! -e $CONFIG ]; then echo $CONFIG does not exists. Please install controller ; exit 1; fi
+ mkdir -p $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME
+ ( cd $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME ; rm -rf * ; jar xf $PACKAGES/SiriusPortal.war )
+ sed -i 's/>Big Streaming Analytics .*</>APPNAME</' $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/SiriusPortal.html
+ sed -i "s/APPNAME/$APPNAME/" $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/SiriusPortal.html
+ cp $CONFIG $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/WEB-INF/classes/gui.properties
+ URL=$(grep endpoint $CONFIG | head -1 | sed s/.endpoint.*//)
+ echo url=$URL >> $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/WEB-INF/classes/gui.properties
+ touch $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/WEB-INF/web.xml
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ echo URL "http://localhost:18080/$NAME" will automatically load in 30 seconds
+ (sleep 30; $BROWSER "http://localhost:18080/$NAME";) &
+ fi
+ ;;
+ install-sirius-controller-gui-eclipse)
+ NAME=$2
+ WEBAPPDIR=$HOME/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/webapps
+ CONFIG=$HOME/git/*/$NAME/config/console.properties
+ if [ ! -e $WEBAPPDIR ]; then echo $WEBAPPDIR does not exists. Please install tomcat. ; exit 1; fi
+ if [ ! -e $CONFIG ]; then echo $CONFIG does not exists. Please install controller ; exit 1; fi
+ mkdir -p $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME
+ ( cd $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME ; rm -rf * ; jar xf $PACKAGES/SiriusPortal.war )
+ sed -i 's/>Big Streaming Analytics .*</>APPNAME</' $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/SiriusPortal.html
+ sed -i "s/APPNAME/$APPNAME/" $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/SiriusPortal.html
+ cp $CONFIG $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/WEB-INF/classes/gui.properties
+ URL=$(grep endpoint $CONFIG | head -1 | sed s/.endpoint.*//)
+ echo url=$URL >> $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/WEB-INF/classes/gui.properties
+ touch $WEBAPPDIR/$NAME/WEB-INF/web.xml
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ echo URL "http://localhost:18080/$NAME" will automatically load in 30 seconds
+ (sleep 30; $BROWSER "http://localhost:18080/$NAME";) &
+ fi
+ ;;
+ install-sirius-controller)
+ GNAME=$2
+ NAME=$3
+ PORT=$4
+ VERSION=${5:-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT}
+ DIR=$HOME/controllers/$NAME
+ $HOME/bin/ncomp-tool create-sirius-runtime $DIR $GNAME $NAME $PORT
+ #mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.9:copy -Dartifact=$GNAME:$NAME:$VERSION:zip -DoutputDirectory=$DIR
+ FILE2=$NAME-$VERSION-runtime.zip
+ FFILE2=git/$GNAME/$NAME/target/$FILE2
+ if [ -e $FFILE2 ]; then
+ cp $FFILE2 $DIR
+ rm -rf $DIR/lib $DIR/bin $DIR/scripts
+ cd $DIR
+ unzip -qo $FILE2
+ else
+ FFILE=git/$GNAME/$NAME/target/$FILE
+ cp $FFILE $DIR
+ rm -rf $DIR/lib $DIR/bin $DIR/scripts
+ cd $DIR
+ unzip -qo $FILE
+ cp $HOME/git/$GNAME/$NAME/target/$NAME-$VERSION.jar $DIR/lib
+ fi
+ if [ -e $DIR/config/pw.sh ]; then
+ find $DIR/bin -type f | xargs -I X echo "cat X | $DIR/config/pw.sh > X.bak ; mv X.bak X ; chmod +x X" | bash
+ fi
+ ## ls -ld bin/*
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ make restart
+ fi
+ ;;
+ install-odl-controller)
+ DIR=$HOME/controllers/odl
+ VERSION=1.3.0
+ rm -rf $DIR/bvc
+ if [ ! -e $DIR/bvc-$VERSION.zip ]; then
+ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.9:copy -Dartifact=com.brocade.bvc:bvc:$VERSION:zip -DoutputDirectory=$DIR
+ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.9:copy -Dartifact=com.brocade.bvc:bvc-dependencies:$VERSION:zip -DoutputDirectory=$DIR
+ fi
+ cd $DIR
+ unzip -q bvc-$VERSION.zip
+ unzip -q bvc-dependencies-$VERSION.zip
+ cd $DIR/bvc
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ ./install
+ fi
+ ;;
+ install-odl-plugin)
+ GNAME=$2
+ NAME=$3
+ APP=$4
+ VERSION=${5:-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT}
+ DIR=$HOME/controllers/odl
+ FILE=$HOME/git/$GNAME/$NAME/*karaf?extension/target/$APP-$VERSION.zip
+ if [ ! -e $FILE ]; then echo $FILE does not exists; exit ; fi
+ unzip $FILE -d $DIR
+ cd $DIR/bvc
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ ./install
+ fi
+ ;;
+ install-eclipse)
+ DIR=$HOME/eclipse-$VERSION
+ TAR=$PACKAGES2/eclipse-$VERSION.tar.gz
+ if [ ! -e $TAR ]; then echo $TAR does not exists; exit 1; fi
+ if [ -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR already exists; exit 1; fi
+ mkdir $DIR
+ cd $DIR
+ tar xf $TAR
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ echo Starting Eclipse: $DIR/eclipse
+ $DIR/eclipse
+ fi
+ ;;
+ uninstall-eclipse)
+ DIR=$HOME/eclipse-$VERSION
+ if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR does not exists; exit 1; fi
+ 'rm' -r $DIR
+ ;;
+ install-camunda)
+ DIR=$HOME/camunda-7.3.0
+ if [ -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR already exists; exit 1; fi
+ mkdir $DIR
+ cd $DIR
+ unzip $PACKAGES/camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.3.0.zip || exit
+ tar xf $PACKAGES/modeler-1.3.0-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz || exit
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom" ./start-camunda.sh
+ fi
+ ;;
+ uninstall-camunda)
+ DIR=$HOME/camunda-7.3.0
+ if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR does not exists; exit 1; fi
+ ps -eaf | grep java | grep apache-tomcat-7.0.62 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+ rm -r $DIR
+ ;;
+ start-camunda-modeler)
+ $HOME/camunda-7.3.0/modeler/modeler > /dev/null &
+ ;;
+ start-camunda)
+ DIR=$HOME/camunda-7.3.0
+ cd $DIR
+ JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom" ./start-camunda.sh
+ ;;
+ stop-camunda)
+ ps -eaf | grep java | grep catalina.base=./server/apache-tomcat-7.0.62 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+ ;;
+ shutdown-camunda)
+ DIR=$HOME/camunda-7.3.0
+ cd $DIR
+ ./server/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/bin/shutdown.sh
+ ;;
+ install-tomcat)
+ DIR=$HOME/tomcat
+ if [ -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR already exists; exit 1; fi
+ mkdir $DIR
+ cd $DIR
+ unzip $PACKAGES/apache-tomcat-7.0.62.zip
+ cd apache-tomcat-7.0.62
+ sed -i s/8080/18080/ conf/server.xml
+ sed -i s/8005/18005/ conf/server.xml
+ sed -i s/8009/18009/ conf/server.xml
+ sed -i s/8443/18443/ conf/server.xml
+ chmod +x bin/startup.sh bin/catalina.sh bin/shutdown.sh
+ if [ "$START" != "no" ]; then
+ $HOME/bin/ncomp-tool start-tomcat
+ fi
+ ;;
+ uninstall-tomcat)
+ $HOME/bin/ncomp-tool stop-tomcat
+ DIR=$HOME/tomcat
+ if [ ! -e $DIR ]; then echo $DIR does not exists; exit 1; fi
+ rm -r $DIR
+ ;;
+ start-tomcat)
+ cd tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.62
+ NUM_TOMCAT=$(ps -eaf | grep java | grep catalina.base=$HOME/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.62 | wc -l)
+ if [ "$NUM_TOMCAT" != "0" ]; then echo Tomcat already running; exit; fi
+ JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom" bin/startup.sh
+ echo URL "http://localhost:18080/" will automatically load in 30 seconds
+ (sleep 30; $BROWSER "http://localhost:18080";) &
+ ;;
+ stop-tomcat)
+ ps -eaf | grep java | grep catalina.base=$HOME/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.62 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+ ;;
+ shutdown-tomcat)
+ /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/bin/shutdown.sh
+ ;;
+ restart-vncserver)
+ rm -f $HOME/.vnc/*{pid,log} /tmp/.X?-lock /tmp/.X11-unix/X?
+ ps -eaf | grep Xvnc4 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+ vncserver
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Usages:
+ echo " #### tools for updating NCOMP development setup"
+ echo " $0 update-ncomp-tool"
+ echo " $0 install-eclipse VERSION"
+ echo " $0 uninstall-eclipse VERSION"
+ echo " #### tools for using Eclipse Modeling Framework"
+ echo " $0 create-xcore-project"
+ echo " $0 create-sirius-project"
+ echo " $0 create-parent-project GroupId ArtifactIdPrefix"
+ echo " $0 install-sirius-controller GroupId ArtifactId PortNumber [Version]"
+ echo " $0 install-sirius-controller-gui ArtifactId PrettyName"
+ echo " #### tools for using ODL"
+ echo " $0 install-odl-controller"
+ echo " $0 install-odl-plugin GroupId ArtifactId [Version]"
+ echo " #### tools for using Tomcat"
+ echo " $0 install-tomcat"
+ echo " $0 uninstall-tomcat"
+ echo " $0 start-tomcat"
+ echo " $0 stop-tomcat"
+ echo " $0 shutdown-tomcat"
+ echo " #### tools for using Camunda Business Process Management Platform https://camunda.com/"
+ echo " $0 install-camunda"
+ echo " $0 uninstall-camunda"
+ echo " $0 start-camunda"
+ echo " $0 stop-camunda"
+ echo " $0 shutdown-camunda"
+ echo " $0 start-camunda-modeler"
+ echo " #### utils"
+ echo " $0 restart-vncserver"
+ ;;