diff options
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/mdbc-server/src/main/java/org/onap/music/mdbc/examples/MdbcTestMultiClient.java b/mdbc-server/src/main/java/org/onap/music/mdbc/examples/MdbcTestMultiClient.java
index 7320d34..2923cd7 100755
--- a/mdbc-server/src/main/java/org/onap/music/mdbc/examples/MdbcTestMultiClient.java
+++ b/mdbc-server/src/main/java/org/onap/music/mdbc/examples/MdbcTestMultiClient.java
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
private int selectInsteadOfUpdatePct = 25;
private int rollbackChancePct = 15;
private int maxTables = 0;
+ private boolean sequentialIds = false;
+ private static Integer currentId = -1;
+ private boolean sequentialFirsts = false;
+ private static Integer currentFirstFirst = 0, currentFirstSecond = 0;
private Long randomSeed = null;
@@ -164,12 +170,12 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
case "-u":
case "--update":
- currState = 'u';
+ doUpdate = false;
case "-x":
case "--delete":
- currState = 'x';
- break;
+ doDelete = false;
+ break;
case "-l":
case "--closeChance":
currState = 'l';
@@ -192,6 +198,12 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
case "--randomSeed":
currState = '?';
+ case "--sequentialId":
+ sequentialIds = true;
+ break;
+ case "--sequentialFirst":
+ sequentialFirsts = true;
+ break;
System.out.println("Didn't understand switch " + arg);
@@ -225,12 +237,6 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
case 'a':
additionalDelayBetweenTestsMs = Integer.parseInt(arg);
- case 'u':
- doUpdate = arg.toUpperCase().startsWith("Y");
- break;
- case 'x':
- doDelete = arg.toUpperCase().startsWith("Y");
- break;
case 'l':
connectionCloseChancePct = Integer.parseInt(arg);
@@ -265,23 +271,25 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
private void showHelp() {
"-?; --help: Show help\n" +
- "-c; --connection: MDBC connection string, may appear multiple times\n" +
- "-e; --tableName: Table name, may appear multiple times\n" +
- "-n; --name: Last name in persons table, default \"Lastname\"\n" +
- "-b; --baseId: Base ID, default 700\n" +
- "-r; --baseRange: Range of ID, default 50\n" +
- "-m; --maxCalls: Max number of commits (each may be 1+ updates), default 50\n" +
- "-t; --maxTime: Max time in ms test will run, default 60000\n" +
- "-d; --minDelay: Min delay between tests in ms, default 1000\n" +
- "-a; --addDelay: Max randomized additional delay between tests in ms, default 1000\n" +
- "-u; --update: Generate update statements; default Y\n" +
- "-x; --delete: Generate delete statements; default Y\n" +
- "-l; --closeChance: Percent chance of closing connection after each commit, default 50\n" +
- "-s; --skipInitialSelect: Percent chance of skipping each initial select in a transaction, default 25\n" +
- "-i; --selectNotUpdate: Percent chance of each action in a transaction being a select instead of an update, default 25\n" +
- "-o; --rollbackChance: Percent chance of rolling back each transaction instead of committing, default 15\n" +
- " --maxTables: Maximum number of tables per transaction, default 0 (no limit)\n" +
- " --randomSeed: Seed for the initial random number generator, default none\n" +
+ "-c; --connection [string]: MDBC connection string, may appear multiple times\n" +
+ "-e; --tableName [string]: Table name, may appear multiple times\n" +
+ "-n; --name [string]: Last name in persons table, default \"Lastname\"\n" +
+ "-b; --baseId [int]: Base ID, default 700\n" +
+ "-r; --baseRange [int]: Range of ID, default 50\n" +
+ "-m; --maxCalls [int]: Max number of commits (each may be 1+ updates), default 50\n" +
+ "-t; --maxTime [int]: Max time in ms test will run, default 60000\n" +
+ "-d; --minDelay [int]: Min delay between tests in ms, default 1000\n" +
+ "-a; --addDelay [int]: Max randomized additional delay between tests in ms, default 1000\n" +
+ "-u; --update: Don't generate update statements; default do\n" +
+ "-x; --delete: Don't generate delete statements; default do\n" +
+ "-l; --closeChance [int]: Percent chance of closing connection after each commit, default 50\n" +
+ "-s; --skipInitialSelect [int]: Percent chance of skipping each initial select in a transaction, default 25\n" +
+ "-i; --selectNotUpdate [int]: Percent chance of each action in a transaction being a select instead of an update, default 25\n" +
+ "-o; --rollbackChance [int]: Percent chance of rolling back each transaction instead of committing, default 15\n" +
+ " --maxTables [int]: Maximum number of tables per transaction, default 0 (no limit)\n" +
+ " --randomSeed [long]: Seed for the initial random number generator, default none (generate random random seed)\n" +
+ " --sequentialId: Generate sequential IDs instead of random ones (default random)\n" +
+ " --sequentialFirst: Generate alphabetically sequential first names (default completely random) \n" +
@@ -307,6 +315,8 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
this.selectInsteadOfUpdatePct = that.selectInsteadOfUpdatePct;
this.rollbackChancePct = that.rollbackChancePct;
this.maxTables = that.maxTables;
+ this.sequentialIds = that.sequentialIds;
+ this.sequentialFirsts = that.sequentialFirsts;
private void setRandomSeed(Long randomSeed) {
@@ -350,6 +360,8 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
// doLog("PersonId = " + rs.getInt("personId") + ", lastname = " + rs.getString("lastname") + ", firstname = " + rs.getString("firstname"));
Employee emp = new Employee(rs.getInt("personId"), rs.getString("lastname"), rs.getString("firstname"), rs.getString("address"), rs.getString("city"));
employeeMap.put(rs.getInt("personId"), emp);
+ if (sequentialIds) updateId(rs.getInt("personId"));
+ if (sequentialFirsts) updateFirst(rs.getString("firstname"));
doLog("Found: " + emp);
@@ -388,7 +400,32 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
- private List<String> chooseTableNames(Random r) {
+ private void updateFirst(String firstName) {
+ if (firstName==null || firstName.length()<2) return;
+ synchronized(currentFirstFirst) {
+// return (char)(65+currentFirstFirst) + "" + (char)(97+currentFirstSecond) + generateLetters(r, 4+r.nextInt(4));
+ int ff = ((int)firstName.charAt(0))-65;
+ int fs = ((int)firstName.charAt(1))-97;
+ if (ff>=26 || ff<0 || fs>=26 || fs<0) return;
+ if ( (ff>currentFirstFirst) || (ff==currentFirstFirst && fs>currentFirstSecond) ) {
+ currentFirstFirst = ff;
+ currentFirstSecond = fs;
+ doLog("Saw " + firstName + ", updating currentFirstName to " + currentFirstFirst + ", " + currentFirstSecond);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void updateId(int id) {
+ synchronized(currentId) {
+ if (currentId<=id) {
+ currentId = id+1;
+ doLog ("Saw " + id + ", updating current id");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private List<String> chooseTableNames(Random r) {
if (maxTables<=0 || maxTables>=tableNames.size()) return tableNames;
boolean[] useTable = new boolean[tableNames.size()];
for (int i=0; i<tableNames.size(); i++) useTable[i] = false;
@@ -462,33 +499,63 @@ public class MdbcTestMultiClient implements Runnable {
private String generateInsert(HashMap<Integer, Employee> employeeMap, Random r, String tableName) {
String toRet = null;
- Integer id = null;
- int range = baseIdRange;
- while (id==null) {
- id = baseId + r.nextInt(range);
- if (employeeMap!=null && employeeMap.containsKey(id)) id = null;
- if (employeeMap==null) id+=baseIdRange;
- range+=(baseIdRange/5);
- }
- Employee newEmp = new Employee(id, lastName, Character.toUpperCase(randomLetter(r)) + generateLetters(r, 4+r.nextInt(4)), generateLetters(r, 4).toUpperCase(), generateLetters(r, 4).toUpperCase());
+ Integer id = generateId(employeeMap, r);
+ Employee newEmp = new Employee(id, lastName, generateFirstName(r), generateLetters(r, 4).toUpperCase(), generateLetters(r, 4).toUpperCase());
+// Employee newEmp = new Employee(id, lastName, Character.toUpperCase(randomLetter(r)) + generateLetters(r, 4+r.nextInt(4)), generateLetters(r, 4).toUpperCase(), generateLetters(r, 4).toUpperCase());
toRet = "insert into " + tableName + " values (" + id + ", '" + newEmp.getLastname() + "', '" + newEmp.getFirstname() + "', '" + newEmp.getAddress() + "', '" + newEmp.getCity() + "')";
if (employeeMap!=null) employeeMap.put(id, newEmp);
return toRet;
+ private String generateFirstName(Random r) {
+ if (sequentialFirsts) {
+ synchronized(currentFirstFirst) {
+ currentFirstSecond++;
+ if (currentFirstSecond==26) {
+ currentFirstSecond = 0;
+ currentFirstFirst++;
+ if (currentFirstFirst==26) currentFirstFirst=0;
+ }
+ return (char)(65+currentFirstFirst) + "" + (char)(97+currentFirstSecond) + generateLetters(r, 4+r.nextInt(4));
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Character.toUpperCase(randomLetter(r)) + generateLetters(r, 4+r.nextInt(4));
+ }
+ }
+ private Integer generateId(HashMap<Integer, Employee> employeeMap, Random r) {
+ Integer toRet = null;
+ if (currentId<0 && baseId>0) currentId = baseId; // setup, only matters if sequentialIds is true
+ int range = baseIdRange; // setup, only matters if sequentialIds is false
+ while (toRet==null) {
+ if (sequentialIds) {
+ synchronized(currentId) {
+ toRet = currentId++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ toRet = baseId + r.nextInt(range);
+ if (employeeMap==null) toRet+=baseIdRange;
+ range+=(baseIdRange/5);
+ }
+ if (employeeMap!=null && employeeMap.containsKey(toRet)) toRet = null;
+ }
+ return toRet;
+ }
private String generateUpdate(HashMap<Integer, Employee> employeeMap, Random r, String tableName) {
String toRet = null;
Employee toUpd = chooseTarget(employeeMap, r);
if (toUpd!=null) {
String newFirst = null;
- if (toUpd.getFirstname().length()<=3 || r.nextBoolean()) {
+ if (sequentialFirsts) {
+ newFirst = generateFirstName(r);
+ } else if (toUpd.getFirstname().length()<=3 || r.nextBoolean()) {
newFirst = toUpd.getFirstname() + randomLetter(r);
} else {
newFirst = toUpd.getFirstname().substring(0, toUpd.getFirstname().length()-1);
-// toRet = "update " + tableName + " set firstname = '" + newFirst + "' where personid = " + toUpd.getEmpid();
toRet = "update " + tableName + " set firstname = '" + newFirst + "' where personid = " + toUpd.getEmpid() + " and lastname = '" + toUpd.getLastname() + "'";