path: root/jar/src/main/java/org/onap/music/eelf/logging/format/AppMessages.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'jar/src/main/java/org/onap/music/eelf/logging/format/AppMessages.java')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/jar/src/main/java/org/onap/music/eelf/logging/format/AppMessages.java b/jar/src/main/java/org/onap/music/eelf/logging/format/AppMessages.java
index 2c7952b2..545740dd 100644
--- a/jar/src/main/java/org/onap/music/eelf/logging/format/AppMessages.java
+++ b/jar/src/main/java/org/onap/music/eelf/logging/format/AppMessages.java
@@ -27,157 +27,157 @@ package org.onap.music.eelf.logging.format;
public enum AppMessages {
- /*
- * 100-199 Security/Permission Related - Authentication problems
- * [ERR100E] Missing Information
- * [ERR101E] Authentication error occured
- *
- * 200-299 Availability/Timeout Related/IO - connectivity error - connection timeout
- * [ERR200E] Connectivity
- * [ERR201E] Host not available
- * [ERR202E] Error while connecting to Cassandra cluster
- * [ERR203E] IO Error has occured
- * [ERR204E] Execution Interrupted
- * [ERR205E] Session Expired
- * [ERR206E] Cache not authenticated
- *
- *
- * 300-399 Data Access/Integrity Related
- * [ERR300E] Incorrect data
- *
- * 400-499 - Cassandra Query Related
- * [ERR400E] Error while processing prepared query object
- * [ERR401E] Executing Session Failure for Request
- * [ERR402E] Ill formed queryObject for the request
- * [ERR403E] Error processing Prepared Query Object
- *
- * 500-599 - Zookeepr/Locking Related
- * [ERR500E] Invalid lock
- * [ERR501E] Locking Error has occured
- * [ERR502E] Zookeeper error has occured
- * [ERR503E] Failed to aquire lock store handle
- * [ERR504E] Failed to create Lock Reference
- * [ERR505E] Lock does not exist
- * [ERR506E] Failed to aquire lock
- * [ERR507E] Lock not aquired
- * [ERR508E] Lock state not set
- * [ERR509E] Lock not destroyed
- * [ERR510E] Lock not released
- * [ERR511E] Lock not deleted
- * [ERR512E] Failed to get ZK Lock Handle
- *
- *
- * 600 - 699 - Music Service Errors
- * [ERR600E] Error initializing the cache
- *
- * 700-799 Schema Interface Type/Validation - received Pay-load checksum is
- * invalid - received JSON is not valid
- *
- * 800-899 Business/Flow Processing Related - check out to service is not
- * allowed - Roll-back is done - failed to generate heat file
- *
- *
- * 900-999 Unknown Errors - Unexpected exception
- * [ERR900E] Unexpected error occured
- * [ERR901E] Number format exception
- *
- *
- * 1000-1099 Reserved - do not use
- *
- */
- MISSINGINFO("[ERR100E]", "Missing Information ","Details: NA", "Please check application credentials and/or headers"),
- AUTHENTICATIONERROR("[ERR101E]", "Authentication error occured ","Details: NA", "Please verify application credentials"),
- CONNCECTIVITYERROR("[ERR200E]"," Connectivity error","Details: NA ","Please check connectivity to external resources"),
- HOSTUNAVAILABLE("[ERR201E]","Host not available","Details: NA","Please verify the host details"),
- CASSANDRACONNECTIVITY("[ERR202E]","Error while connecting to Cassandra cluster",""," Please check cassandra cluster details"),
- IOERROR("[ERR203E]","IO Error has occured","","Please check IO"),
- EXECUTIONINTERRUPTED("[ERR204E]"," Execution Interrupted","",""),
- SESSIONEXPIRED("[ERR205E]"," Session Expired","","Session has expired."),
- CACHEAUTHENTICATION("[ERR206E]","Cache not authenticated",""," Cache not authenticated"),
- INCORRECTDATA("[ERR300E]"," Incorrect data",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
- MULTIPLERECORDS("[ERR301E]"," Multiple records found",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
- ALREADYEXIST("[ERR302E]"," Record already exist",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
- MISSINGDATA("[ERR300E]"," Incorrect data",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
- QUERYERROR("[ERR400E]","Error while processing prepared query object",""," Please verify the query"),
- SESSIONFAILED("[ERR401E]","Executing Session Failure for Request","","Please verify the session and request"),
- INVALIDLOCK("[ERR500E]"," Invalid lock or acquire failed",""," Lock is not valid to aquire"),
- LOCKINGERROR("[ERR501E]"," Locking Error has occured",""," Locking Error has occured"),
- KEEPERERROR("[ERR502E]"," Zookeeper error has occured","","Please check zookeeper details"),
- LOCKHANDLE("[ERR503E]","Failed to aquire lock store handle",""," Failed to aquire lock store handle"),
- CREATELOCK("[ERR504E]","Failed to aquire lock store handle ","","Failed to aquire lock store handle "),
- LOCKSTATE("[ERR508E]"," Lock state not set",""," Lock state not set"),
- DESTROYLOCK("[ERR509E]"," Lock not destroyed",""," Lock not destroyed"),
- RELEASELOCK("[ERR510E]"," Lock not released",""," Lock not released"),
- DELTELOCK("[ERR511E]",""," Lock not deleted "," Lock not deleted "),
- CACHEERROR("[ERR600E]"," Error initializing the cache",""," Error initializing the cache"),
- UNKNOWNERROR("[ERR900E]"," Unexpected error occured",""," Please check logs for details");
- ErrorTypes eType;
- ErrorSeverity alarmSeverity;
- ErrorSeverity errorSeverity;
- String errorCode;
- String errorDescription;
- String details;
- String resolution;
+ /*
+ * 100-199 Security/Permission Related - Authentication problems
+ * [ERR100E] Missing Information
+ * [ERR101E] Authentication error occured
+ *
+ * 200-299 Availability/Timeout Related/IO - connectivity error - connection timeout
+ * [ERR200E] Connectivity
+ * [ERR201E] Host not available
+ * [ERR202E] Error while connecting to Cassandra cluster
+ * [ERR203E] IO Error has occured
+ * [ERR204E] Execution Interrupted
+ * [ERR205E] Session Expired
+ * [ERR206E] Cache not authenticated
+ *
+ *
+ * 300-399 Data Access/Integrity Related
+ * [ERR300E] Incorrect data
+ *
+ * 400-499 - Cassandra Query Related
+ * [ERR400E] Error while processing prepared query object
+ * [ERR401E] Executing Session Failure for Request
+ * [ERR402E] Ill formed queryObject for the request
+ * [ERR403E] Error processing Prepared Query Object
+ *
+ * 500-599 - Zookeepr/Locking Related
+ * [ERR500E] Invalid lock
+ * [ERR501E] Locking Error has occured
+ * [ERR502E] Zookeeper error has occured
+ * [ERR503E] Failed to aquire lock store handle
+ * [ERR504E] Failed to create Lock Reference
+ * [ERR505E] Lock does not exist
+ * [ERR506E] Failed to aquire lock
+ * [ERR507E] Lock not aquired
+ * [ERR508E] Lock state not set
+ * [ERR509E] Lock not destroyed
+ * [ERR510E] Lock not released
+ * [ERR511E] Lock not deleted
+ * [ERR512E] Failed to get ZK Lock Handle
+ *
+ *
+ * 600 - 699 - Music Service Errors
+ * [ERR600E] Error initializing the cache
+ *
+ * 700-799 Schema Interface Type/Validation - received Pay-load checksum is
+ * invalid - received JSON is not valid
+ *
+ * 800-899 Business/Flow Processing Related - check out to service is not
+ * allowed - Roll-back is done - failed to generate heat file
+ *
+ *
+ * 900-999 Unknown Errors - Unexpected exception
+ * [ERR900E] Unexpected error occured
+ * [ERR901E] Number format exception
+ *
+ *
+ * 1000-1099 Reserved - do not use
+ *
+ */
+ MISSINGINFO("[ERR100E]", "Missing Information ","Details: NA", "Please check application credentials and/or headers"),
+ AUTHENTICATIONERROR("[ERR101E]", "Authentication error occured ","Details: NA", "Please verify application credentials"),
+ CONNCECTIVITYERROR("[ERR200E]"," Connectivity error","Details: NA ","Please check connectivity to external resources"),
+ HOSTUNAVAILABLE("[ERR201E]","Host not available","Details: NA","Please verify the host details"),
+ CASSANDRACONNECTIVITY("[ERR202E]","Error while connecting to Cassandra cluster",""," Please check cassandra cluster details"),
+ IOERROR("[ERR203E]","IO Error has occured","","Please check IO"),
+ EXECUTIONINTERRUPTED("[ERR204E]"," Execution Interrupted","",""),
+ SESSIONEXPIRED("[ERR205E]"," Session Expired","","Session has expired."),
+ CACHEAUTHENTICATION("[ERR206E]","Cache not authenticated",""," Cache not authenticated"),
+ INCORRECTDATA("[ERR300E]"," Incorrect data",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
+ MULTIPLERECORDS("[ERR301E]"," Multiple records found",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
+ ALREADYEXIST("[ERR302E]"," Record already exist",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
+ MISSINGDATA("[ERR300E]"," Incorrect data",""," Please verify the request payload and try again"),
+ QUERYERROR("[ERR400E]","Error while processing prepared query object",""," Please verify the query"),
+ SESSIONFAILED("[ERR401E]","Executing Session Failure for Request","","Please verify the session and request"),
+ INVALIDLOCK("[ERR500E]"," Invalid lock or acquire failed",""," Lock is not valid to aquire"),
+ LOCKINGERROR("[ERR501E]"," Locking Error has occured",""," Locking Error has occured"),
+ KEEPERERROR("[ERR502E]"," Zookeeper error has occured","","Please check zookeeper details"),
+ LOCKHANDLE("[ERR503E]","Failed to aquire lock store handle",""," Failed to aquire lock store handle"),
+ CREATELOCK("[ERR504E]","Failed to aquire lock store handle ","","Failed to aquire lock store handle "),
+ LOCKSTATE("[ERR508E]"," Lock state not set",""," Lock state not set"),
+ DESTROYLOCK("[ERR509E]"," Lock not destroyed",""," Lock not destroyed"),
+ RELEASELOCK("[ERR510E]"," Lock not released",""," Lock not released"),
+ DELTELOCK("[ERR511E]",""," Lock not deleted "," Lock not deleted "),
+ CACHEERROR("[ERR600E]"," Error initializing the cache",""," Error initializing the cache"),
+ UNKNOWNERROR("[ERR900E]"," Unexpected error occured",""," Please check logs for details");
+ ErrorTypes eType;
+ ErrorSeverity alarmSeverity;
+ ErrorSeverity errorSeverity;
+ String errorCode;
+ String errorDescription;
+ String details;
+ String resolution;
- AppMessages(String errorCode, String errorDescription, String details,String resolution) {
- this.errorCode = errorCode;
- this.errorDescription = errorDescription;
- this.details = details;
- this.resolution = resolution;
- }
+ AppMessages(String errorCode, String errorDescription, String details,String resolution) {
+ this.errorCode = errorCode;
+ this.errorDescription = errorDescription;
+ this.details = details;
+ this.resolution = resolution;
+ }
- AppMessages(ErrorTypes eType, ErrorSeverity alarmSeverity,
- ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, String errorCode, String errorDescription, String details,
- String resolution) {
- this.eType = eType;
- this.alarmSeverity = alarmSeverity;
- this.errorSeverity = errorSeverity;
- this.errorCode = errorCode;
- this.errorDescription = errorDescription;
- this.details = details;
- this.resolution = resolution;
- }
+ AppMessages(ErrorTypes eType, ErrorSeverity alarmSeverity,
+ ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, String errorCode, String errorDescription, String details,
+ String resolution) {
+ this.eType = eType;
+ this.alarmSeverity = alarmSeverity;
+ this.errorSeverity = errorSeverity;
+ this.errorCode = errorCode;
+ this.errorDescription = errorDescription;
+ this.details = details;
+ this.resolution = resolution;
+ }
- public String getDetails() {
- return this.details;
- }
+ public String getDetails() {
+ return this.details;
+ }
- public String getResolution() {
- return this.resolution;
- }
+ public String getResolution() {
+ return this.resolution;
+ }
- public String getErrorCode() {
- return this.errorCode;
- }
+ public String getErrorCode() {
+ return this.errorCode;
+ }
- public String getErrorDescription() {
- return this.errorDescription;
- }
+ public String getErrorDescription() {
+ return this.errorDescription;
+ }