path: root/src/test/java/org/onap/music/unittests/TstRestMusicConditionalAPI.java
diff options
authorTschaen, Brendan <ctschaen@att.com>2019-02-20 19:31:04 -0500
committerTschaen, Brendan <ctschaen@att.com>2019-02-20 20:30:16 -0500
commitbdde056e3e994a6970ef182397812a3ddf56b70e (patch)
tree2c4a8006e252d60cff3e868b4f876863fa1742f8 /src/test/java/org/onap/music/unittests/TstRestMusicConditionalAPI.java
parent3d3c903eff4f4c90ff3ca90d1d84435fed188f72 (diff)
Conditional test cases
Additional coverage for other tests. Remove unused Benchmark api Change-Id: Ib091f1827a226a4a50e3427b20af4c8b12c363c3 Issue-ID: MUSIC-341 Signed-off-by: Tschaen, Brendan <ctschaen@att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/java/org/onap/music/unittests/TstRestMusicConditionalAPI.java')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/onap/music/unittests/TstRestMusicConditionalAPI.java b/src/test/java/org/onap/music/unittests/TstRestMusicConditionalAPI.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f0e24c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/org/onap/music/unittests/TstRestMusicConditionalAPI.java
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START========================================== org.onap.music
+ * =================================================================== Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T
+ * Intellectual Property ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+ * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+ * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ *
+ * ============LICENSE_END=============================================
+ * ====================================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.music.unittests;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.mindrot.jbcrypt.BCrypt;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner;
+import org.onap.music.conductor.conditionals.JsonConditional;
+import org.onap.music.conductor.conditionals.RestMusicConditionalAPI;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.MusicDataStoreHandle;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.PreparedQueryObject;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects.JsonDelete;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects.JsonInsert;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects.JsonKeySpace;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects.JsonSelect;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects.JsonTable;
+import org.onap.music.datastore.jsonobjects.JsonUpdate;
+import org.onap.music.exceptions.MusicServiceException;
+import org.onap.music.main.CachingUtil;
+import org.onap.music.main.MusicCore;
+import org.onap.music.main.MusicUtil;
+import org.onap.music.main.ResultType;
+import org.onap.music.rest.RestMusicDataAPI;
+import com.datastax.driver.core.DataType;
+import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
+import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
+import com.sun.jersey.core.util.Base64;
+import com.sun.jersey.core.util.MultivaluedMapImpl;
+public class TstRestMusicConditionalAPI {
+ RestMusicDataAPI data = new RestMusicDataAPI();
+ RestMusicConditionalAPI cond = new RestMusicConditionalAPI();
+ static PreparedQueryObject testObject;
+ @Mock
+ HttpServletResponse http;
+ @Mock
+ UriInfo info;
+ static String appName = "TestApp";
+ static String userId = "TestUser";
+ static String password = "TestPassword";
+ static String authData = userId+":"+password;
+ static String wrongAuthData = userId+":"+"pass";
+ static String authorization = new String(Base64.encode(authData.getBytes()));
+ static String wrongAuthorization = new String(Base64.encode(wrongAuthData.getBytes()));
+ static boolean isAAF = false;
+ static UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6");
+ static String keyspaceName = "testcassa";
+ static String tableName = "employees";
+ static String xLatestVersion = "X-latestVersion";
+ static String onboardUUID = null;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void init() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing RestMusicConditional class");
+ try {
+ createKeyspace();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ throw new Exception("Unable to initialize before TestRestMusicData test class. " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ @After
+ public void afterEachTest( ) throws MusicServiceException {
+ clearAllTablesFromKeyspace();
+ }
+ @AfterClass
+ public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
+ testObject = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ testObject.appendQueryString("DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS " + keyspaceName);
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(testObject);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test_insertIntoTable() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing conditional insert into table");
+ createTable();
+ JsonConditional jsonCond = new JsonConditional();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ values.put("id", "test_id");
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ HashMap<String, Object> cascadeData = new HashMap<>();
+ HashMap<String, String> cascadeValue = new HashMap<>();
+ cascadeValue.put("created", "hello");
+ cascadeValue.put("updated", "world");
+ cascadeData.put("key", "p1");
+ cascadeData.put("value", cascadeValue);
+ HashMap<String, Map<String, String>> condition = new HashMap<>();
+ HashMap<String, String> exists = new HashMap<>();
+ exists.put("status", "parked");
+ HashMap<String, String> nonexists = new HashMap<>();
+ nonexists.put("status", "underway");
+ condition.put("exists", exists);
+ condition.put("nonexists", nonexists);
+ jsonCond.setPrimaryKey("id");
+ jsonCond.setPrimaryKeyValue("testname");
+ jsonCond.setCasscadeColumnName("plans");
+ jsonCond.setTableValues(values);
+ jsonCond.setCasscadeColumnData(cascadeData);
+ jsonCond.setConditions(condition);
+ Response response = cond.insertConditional("1", "1", "1", "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6",
+ appName, authorization, keyspaceName, tableName, jsonCond);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test4_insertIntoTable2() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing insert into table #2");
+ createTable();
+ JsonInsert jsonInsert = new JsonInsert();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ values.put("uuid", "cfd66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40cd6");
+ values.put("emp_name", "test1");
+ values.put("emp_salary", 1500);
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ jsonInsert.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonInsert.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonInsert.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonInsert.setValues(values);
+ Response response = data.insertIntoTable("1", "1", "1",
+ "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6", appName, authorization,
+ jsonInsert, keyspaceName, tableName);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ // Auth Error
+ @Test
+ public void test4_insertIntoTable3() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing insert into table with bad credentials");
+ createTable();
+ JsonInsert jsonInsert = new JsonInsert();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ values.put("uuid", "cfd66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40cd6");
+ values.put("emp_name", "test1");
+ values.put("emp_salary", 1500);
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ jsonInsert.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonInsert.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonInsert.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonInsert.setValues(values);
+ Response response = data.insertIntoTable("1", "1", "1",
+ "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6", appName, wrongAuthorization,
+ jsonInsert, keyspaceName, tableName);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(401, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ // Table wrong
+ @Test
+ public void test4_insertIntoTable4() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing insert into wrong table");
+ createTable();
+ JsonInsert jsonInsert = new JsonInsert();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ values.put("uuid", "cfd66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40cd6");
+ values.put("emp_name", "test1");
+ values.put("emp_salary", 1500);
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ jsonInsert.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonInsert.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonInsert.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonInsert.setValues(values);
+ Response response = data.insertIntoTable("1", "1", "1",
+ "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6", appName, authorization,
+ jsonInsert, keyspaceName, "wrong");
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test5_updateTable() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing conditional update table");
+ createAndInsertIntoTable();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ JsonConditional jsonCond = new JsonConditional();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ values.put("id", "test_id");
+ HashMap<String, Object> cascadeData = new HashMap<>();
+ HashMap<String, String> cascadeValue = new HashMap<>();
+ cascadeValue.put("created", "hello");
+ cascadeValue.put("updated", "world");
+ cascadeData.put("key", "p1");
+ cascadeData.put("value", cascadeValue);
+ jsonCond.setPrimaryKey("id");
+ jsonCond.setPrimaryKeyValue("test_id");
+ jsonCond.setCasscadeColumnName("plans");
+ jsonCond.setTableValues(values);
+ jsonCond.setCasscadeColumnData(cascadeData);
+ Response response = cond.updateConditional("1", "1", "1",
+ "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6", appName, authorization,
+ keyspaceName, tableName, jsonCond);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ // need mock code to create error for MusicCore methods
+ @Test
+ public void test5_updateTableAuthE() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing update table #2");
+ createTable();
+ //MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
+ JsonUpdate jsonUpdate = new JsonUpdate();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ MultivaluedMap<String, String> row = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ row.add("emp_name", "testname");
+ values.put("emp_salary", 2500);
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "atomic");
+ jsonUpdate.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonUpdate.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonUpdate.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonUpdate.setValues(values);
+ //add ttl & timestamp
+ //Mockito.doNothing().when(http).addHeader(xLatestVersion, MusicUtil.getVersion());
+ Mockito.when(info.getQueryParameters()).thenReturn(row);
+ //Map<String, Object> m1= new HashMap<>() ;
+ //Mockito.when(MusicCore.autheticateUser(appName,userId,password,keyspaceName,"abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6","updateTable")).thenReturn(m1);
+ Response response = data.updateTable("1", "1", "1", "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6", appName,
+ authorization, jsonUpdate, keyspaceName, tableName, info);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ @Ignore
+ @Test
+ public void test5_updateTableAuthException1() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing update table authentication error");
+ createTable();
+ JsonUpdate jsonUpdate = new JsonUpdate();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ MultivaluedMap<String, String> row = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ row.add("emp_name", "testname");
+ values.put("emp_salary", 2500);
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "atomic");
+ jsonUpdate.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonUpdate.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonUpdate.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonUpdate.setValues(values);
+ Mockito.when(info.getQueryParameters()).thenReturn(row);
+ String authDatax = ":";
+ String authorizationx = new String(Base64.encode(authDatax.getBytes()));
+ Response response = data.updateTable("1", "1", "1", "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6", appName,
+ authorizationx, jsonUpdate, keyspaceName, tableName, info);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(401, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ @Ignore
+ @Test
+ public void test5_updateTableAuthEmpty() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("Testing update table without authentication");
+ createTable();
+ JsonUpdate jsonUpdate = new JsonUpdate();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ MultivaluedMap<String, String> row = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ row.add("emp_name", "testname");
+ values.put("emp_salary", 2500);
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "atomic");
+ jsonUpdate.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonUpdate.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonUpdate.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonUpdate.setValues(values);
+ Mockito.when(info.getQueryParameters()).thenReturn(row);
+ String authDatax =":"+password;
+ String authorizationx = new String(Base64.encode(authDatax.getBytes()));
+ String appNamex="xx";
+ Response response = data.updateTable("1", "1", "1", "", appNamex,
+ authorizationx, jsonUpdate, keyspaceName, tableName, info);
+ System.out.println("Status: " + response.getStatus() + ". Entity " + response.getEntity());
+ assertEquals(401, response.getStatus());
+ }
+ private static void createAdminTable() throws Exception {
+ testObject = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ testObject.appendQueryString(CassandraCQL.createAdminKeyspace);
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(testObject);
+ testObject = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ testObject.appendQueryString(CassandraCQL.createAdminTable);
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(testObject);
+ testObject = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ testObject.appendQueryString(
+ "INSERT INTO admin.keyspace_master (uuid, keyspace_name, application_name, is_api, "
+ + "password, username, is_aaf) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.uuid(), uuid));
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(),
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), appName));
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.cboolean(), "True"));
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt())));
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), userId));
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.cboolean(), isAAF));
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(testObject);
+ testObject = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ testObject.appendQueryString(
+ "select uuid from admin.keyspace_master where application_name = ? allow filtering");
+ testObject.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), appName));
+ ResultSet rs = MusicCore.get(testObject);
+ List<Row> rows = rs.all();
+ if (rows.size() > 0) {
+ System.out.println("#######UUID is:" + rows.get(0).getUUID("uuid"));
+ }
+ }
+ private static void createKeyspace() throws Exception {
+ //shouldn't really be doing this here, but create keyspace is currently turned off
+ PreparedQueryObject query = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ query.appendQueryString(CassandraCQL.createKeySpace);
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(query);
+ boolean isAAF = false;
+ String hashedpwd = BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt());
+ query = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ query.appendQueryString(
+ "INSERT into admin.keyspace_master (uuid, keyspace_name, application_name, is_api, "
+ + "password, username, is_aaf) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.uuid(), uuid));
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), keyspaceName));
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), appName));
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.cboolean(), "True"));
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), hashedpwd));
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.text(), userId));
+ query.addValue(MusicUtil.convertToActualDataType(DataType.cboolean(), isAAF));
+ CachingUtil.updateMusicCache(keyspaceName, appName);
+ CachingUtil.updateMusicValidateCache(appName, userId, hashedpwd);
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(query);
+ }
+ private void clearAllTablesFromKeyspace() throws MusicServiceException {
+ ArrayList<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<>();
+ PreparedQueryObject query = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ query.appendQueryString("SELECT table_name FROM system_schema.tables WHERE keyspace_name = '"+keyspaceName+"';");
+ ResultSet rs = MusicCore.get(query);
+ for (Row row: rs) {
+ tableNames.add(row.getString("table_name"));
+ }
+ for (String table: tableNames) {
+ query = new PreparedQueryObject();
+ query.appendQueryString("DROP TABLE " + keyspaceName + "." + table);
+ MusicCore.eventualPut(query);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a table {@link tableName} in {@link keyspaceName}
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ private void createTable() throws Exception {
+ JsonTable jsonTable = new JsonTable();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ Map<String, String> fields = new HashMap<>();
+ fields.put("id", "text");
+ fields.put("plans", "map<text,text>");
+ fields.put("PRIMARY KEY", "(id)");
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ jsonTable.setConsistencyInfo(consistencyInfo);
+ jsonTable.setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
+ jsonTable.setPrimaryKey("id");
+ jsonTable.setTableName(tableName);
+ jsonTable.setFields(fields);
+ Response response = data.createTable("1", "1", "1",
+ "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6",appName, authorization,
+ jsonTable, keyspaceName, tableName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create table {@link createTable} and insert into said table
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ private void createAndInsertIntoTable() throws Exception {
+ createTable();
+ Map<String, String> consistencyInfo = new HashMap<>();
+ consistencyInfo.put("type", "eventual");
+ JsonConditional jsonCond = new JsonConditional();
+ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
+ values.put("id", "test_id");
+ HashMap<String, Object> cascadeData = new HashMap<>();
+ HashMap<String, String> cascadeValue = new HashMap<>();
+ cascadeValue.put("created", "hello");
+ cascadeValue.put("updated", "world");
+ cascadeData.put("key", "p1");
+ cascadeData.put("value", cascadeValue);
+ HashMap<String, Map<String, String>> condition = new HashMap<>();
+ HashMap<String, String> exists = new HashMap<>();
+ exists.put("status", "parked");
+ HashMap<String, String> nonexists = new HashMap<>();
+ nonexists.put("status", "underway");
+ condition.put("exists", exists);
+ condition.put("nonexists", nonexists);
+ jsonCond.setPrimaryKey("id");
+ jsonCond.setPrimaryKeyValue("test_id");
+ jsonCond.setCasscadeColumnName("plans");
+ jsonCond.setTableValues(values);
+ jsonCond.setCasscadeColumnData(cascadeData);
+ jsonCond.setConditions(condition);
+ Response response = cond.insertConditional("1", "1", "1", "abc66ccc-d857-4e90-b1e5-df98a3d40ce6",
+ appName, authorization, keyspaceName, tableName, jsonCond);
+ }