path: root/kilo
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-03-07Mark kilo as EOLBin Yang2-0/+8
2017-12-05Bump minor version,step 1Bin Yang1-2/+2
2017-04-19Fix bug with regarding to region_name filterv2.0.0release/mercuryBin Yang10-28/+14
2017-03-31Fix issue to delete flavor APIBin Yang1-10/+19
2017-03-29Fix bug in server APIBin Yang1-2/+16
2017-03-29Fix bug in server APIBin Yang1-27/+179
2017-03-28Expose detail information upon API call failureBin Yang10-10/+85
2017-03-28Fix issue of server APIBin Yang1-1/+3
2017-03-27Add traceback to all APIsBin Yang10-21/+56
2017-03-27Fix limit API bugBin Yang2-1/+12
2017-03-15Fix errors in swagger.jsonBin Yang1-2/+2
2017-03-08Fix issue in servers APIs for KiloBin Yang1-0/+1
2017-03-07Implement APIs for KiloBin Yang23-73/+2011
2017-03-03Fix errors in swagger.jsonBin Yang9-174/+154
2017-02-24Remove dependency on mysqlBin Yang2-18/+3
2017-02-23Fix bug of unittest: missing logs dirBin Yang11-10/+10
2017-02-22Setup micro-service of kilo driverBin Yang50-0/+6986
e for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # aaf info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_AAF_SERVER = "" GLOBAL_AAF_USERNAME = "" GLOBAL_AAF_PASSWORD = "demo123456!" # aai info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "https" GLOBAL_AAI_SERVER_PORT = "8443" GLOBAL_AAI_USERNAME = "" GLOBAL_AAI_PASSWORD = "demo123456!" # appc info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_APPC_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_APPC_SERVER_PORT = "8282" GLOBAL_APPC_USERNAME = "admin" GLOBAL_APPC_PASSWORD = "Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U" GLOBAL_APPC_CDT_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_APPC_CDT_SERVER_PORT = "80" GLOBAL_APPC_CDT_USERNAME = "demo" # sdc info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_ASDC_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_ASDC_FE_PORT = "8181" GLOBAL_ASDC_BE_PORT = "8080" GLOBAL_ASDC_BE_ONBOARD_PORT = "8081" GLOBAL_ASDC_BE_USERNAME = "beep" GLOBAL_ASDC_BE_PASSWORD = "boop" # clamp info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_CLAMP_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_CLAMP_SERVER_PORT = "8080" # nbi info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_NBI_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_NBI_SERVER_PORT = "8080" # cli info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_CLI_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_CLI_SERVER_PORT = "8080" # dcae info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_DCAE_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_DCAE_HEALTH_SERVER_PORT = "8000" GLOBAL_DCAE_USERNAME = "console" GLOBAL_DCAE_PASSWORD = "ZjJkYjllMjljMTI2M2Iz" # data router info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_DMAAP_DR_PROV_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_DMAAP_DR_PROV_SERVER_PORT = "8080" GLOBAL_DMAAP_DR_NODE_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_DMAAP_DR_NODE_SERVER_PORT = "8080" # DROOL server port and credentials GLOBAL_DROOLS_SERVER_PORT = "9696" GLOBAL_DROOLS_USERNAME = "" GLOBAL_DROOLS_PASSWORD = "demo123456!" # log server config - NOTE: no log server is run in HEAT; only on OOM GLOBAL_LOG_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_LOG_ELASTICSEARCH_PORT = "9200" GLOBAL_LOG_LOGSTASH_PORT = "9600" GLOBAL_LOG_KIBANA_PORT = "5601" # pomba info - NOTE: no pomba is run in HEAT; only on OOM GLOBAL_POMBA_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_POMBA_AAICONTEXTBUILDER_PORT = "9530" GLOBAL_POMBA_SDCCONTEXTBUILDER_PORT = "9530" GLOBAL_POMBA_NETWORKDISCCONTEXTBUILDER_PORT = "9530" # microservice bus info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_MSB_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_MSB_SERVER_PORT = "80" # message router info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_MR_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_MR_SERVER_PORT = "3904" # mso info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_MSO_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_MSO_SERVER_PORT = "8080" # SO containers GLOBAL_MSO_APIHAND_SERVER_PORT = "8080" GLOBAL_MSO_ASDCHAND_SERVER_PORT = "8085" GLOBAL_MSO_BPMN_SERVER_PORT = "8081" GLOBAL_MSO_CATDB_SERVER_PORT = "8082" GLOBAL_MSO_OPENSTACK_SERVER_PORT = "8087" GLOBAL_MSO_REQDB_SERVER_PORT = "8083" GLOBAL_MSO_SDNC_SERVER_PORT = "8086" GLOBAL_MSO_VFC_SERVER_PORT = "8084" GLOBAL_MSO_USERNAME = "InfraPortalClient" GLOBAL_MSO_CATDB_USERNAME = "bpel" GLOBAL_MSO_PASSWORD = "password1$" # music info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_MUSIC_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_MUSIC_SERVER_PORT = "8080" # oof global info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_OOF_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" # oof-homing info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_OOF_HOMING_SERVER_PORT = "8091" # oof-sniro info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_OOF_SNIRO_SERVER_PORT = "8698" # openstack info - info to select right info in environment # packet generate vnf info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_PACKET_GENERATOR_PORT = "8183" GLOBAL_PACKET_GENERATOR_USERNAME = "admin" GLOBAL_PACKET_GENERATOR_PASSWORD = "admin" GLOBAL_PGN_PORT = "2831" # policy info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_POLICY_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "https" GLOBAL_POLICY_SERVER_PORT = "8081" GLOBAL_POLICY_HEALTHCHECK_PORT = "6969" GLOBAL_POLICY_AUTH = "dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==" GLOBAL_POLICY_CLIENTAUTH = "cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=" GLOBAL_POLICY_USERNAME = "" GLOBAL_POLICY_PASSWORD = "demo123456!" # portal info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_PORTAL_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_PORTAL_SERVER_PORT = "8989" GLOBAL_PORTAL_USERNAME = "demo" GLOBAL_PORTAL_PASSWORD = "Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse" # sdngc info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_SDNGC_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_SDNGC_REST_PORT = "8282" GLOBAL_SDNGC_ADMIN_PORT = "8843" GLOBAL_SDNGC_USERNAME = "admin" GLOBAL_SDNGC_PASSWORD = "Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U" # sms (AAF) info GLOBAL_SMS_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "https" GLOBAL_SMS_SERVER_NAME = "" GLOBAL_SMS_SERVER_PORT = "10443" # vid info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_VID_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_VID_SERVER_PORT = "8080" GLOBAL_VID_USERNAME = "demo" GLOBAL_VID_PASSWORD = "Kp8bJ4SXszM0WX" GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_USERNAME = "Default" GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_PASSWORD = "AppPassword!1" # vnfsdk info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network) GLOBAL_VNFSDK_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http" GLOBAL_VNFSDK_SERVER_PORT = "8702" #global selenium info GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_TITLE="" GLOBAL_PROXY_WARNING_CONTINUE_XPATH="" # dns info GLOBAL_DNS_TRAFFIC_DURATION = "600" # location where heat templates are loaded from GLOBAL_HEAT_TEMPLATES_FOLDER = "/var/opt/OpenECOMP_ETE/demo/heat"