BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFix Security VulnerabilitiesFiete Ostkamp3 weeks
montrealfix docs config filesthmsdt14 months
londonSet Python and Ubuntu versions in .readthedocs.yamlCédric Ollivier20 months
kohnFix DOC config filesmarineMD2 years
jakartaRelease note for jakarta releaseBin Yang3 years
istanbulAdd bounds to sphinx requirementCédric Ollivier3 years
honoluluMerge "Fix release version" into honoluluHuang Haibin3 years
guilinFix release notes formatBin Yang4 years
frankfurtUpdate css file name in conf.pylf-jobbuilder5 years
elaltoMerge "Set python version 3.7" into elaltoBin Yang5 years
1.9.0commit e127b3c32c...jenkins-releng2 years
1.8.2commit b95e90ad1b...jenkins-releng2 years
1.8.1commit 781e93f42d...jenkins-releng3 years
1.8.0commit 2dd69c0d88...jenkins-releng3 years
1.7.3commit f2a54b5dec...jenkins-releng3 years
1.7.2commit aee2986329...jenkins-releng3 years
1.7.1commit 311d1f0439...jenkins-releng3 years
1.7.0commit 169c89e0c4...jenkins-releng4 years
1.6.0commit a075855e21...jenkins-releng4 years
6.0.0-ONAPcommit c0c441c776...Jessica Wagantall5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2022-11-25[ARTIFACT-BROKER] Upgrade sdc-distro-client to
2022-11-25Bump version to 1.8.3 after fixing service mesh issueBin Yang14-18/+18
2022-11-25Release after fixing service mesh issueBin Yang1-0/+10
2022-11-16Fix DOC config files1.8.2marineMD6-75/+121
2022-11-08Fix AAI protocol setting problem for ServiceMeshAndreas Geissler4-1/+5
2022-08-31Force py3.8 in tox.iniCédric Ollivier1-3/+3
2022-08-05bump up version after release 1.8.1Bin Yang14-18/+18
2022-08-05Release artifactbroker after fixing isUseHttpsWithSDC issueBin Yang1-0/+10
2022-08-01Fix missing isUseHttpsWithSDC config override1.8.1git config --global user.name1-0/+5
2022-07-27Bump up version after release 1.8.0Bin Yang14-18/+18