path: root/azure/azure/api_v2/api_router/
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Diffstat (limited to 'azure/azure/api_v2/api_router/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/azure/azure/api_v2/api_router/ b/azure/azure/api_v2/api_router/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec66268..0000000
--- a/azure/azure/api_v2/api_router/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Amdocs
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-from keystoneauth1.identity import v2 as keystone_v2
-from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 as keystone_v3
-from keystoneauth1 import session
-import pecan
-from pecan import rest
-import re
-from azure.api_v2.api_definition import utils
-from import exceptions
-from import extsys
-OBJ_IN_ARRAY = "(\w+)\[(\d+)\]\.(\w+)"
-def _get_vim_auth_session(vim_id, tenant_id):
- """ Get the auth session to the given backend VIM """
- try:
- vim = extsys.get_vim_by_id(vim_id)
- except exceptions.VimDriverAzureException as e:
- return pecan.abort(500, str(e))
- params = {
- "auth_url": vim["url"],
- "username": vim["userName"],
- "password": vim["password"],
- }
- params["tenant_id"] = tenant_id
- if '/v2' in params["auth_url"]:
- auth = keystone_v2.Password(**params)
- else:
- params["user_domain_name"] = vim["domain"]
- params["project_domain_name"] = vim["domain"]
- if 'tenant_id' in params:
- params["project_id"] = params.pop("tenant_id")
- if 'tenant_name' in params:
- params["project_name"] = params.pop("tenant_name")
- if '/v3' not in params["auth_url"]:
- params["auth_url"] = params["auth_url"] + "/v3",
- auth = keystone_v3.Password(**params)
- return session.Session(auth=auth)
-def _convert_default_value(default):
- return {"None": None, "true": True, "false": False}[default]
-def _property_exists(resource, attr, required=False):
- if attr not in resource:
- if required:
- raise Exception("Required field %s is missed in VIM "
- "resource %s", (attr, resource))
- else:
- return False
- return True
-def _convert_vim_res_to_mc_res(vim_resource, res_properties):
- mc_resource = {}
- for key in res_properties:
- vim_res, attr = res_properties[key]["source"].split('.', 1)
- # action = res_properties[key].get("action", "copy")
- if re.match(OBJ_IN_ARRAY, attr):
- attr, index, sub_attr = re.match(OBJ_IN_ARRAY, attr).groups()
- if _property_exists(vim_resource[vim_res], attr):
- mc_resource[key] = (
- vim_resource[vim_res][attr][int(index)][sub_attr])
- else:
- if _property_exists(vim_resource[vim_res], attr,
- res_properties[key].get("required")):
- mc_resource[key] = vim_resource[vim_res][attr]
- else:
- if "default" in res_properties[key]:
- mc_resource[key] = _convert_default_value(
- res_properties[key]["default"])
- return mc_resource
-def _convert_mc_res_to_vim_res(mc_resource, res_properties):
- vim_resource = {}
- for key in res_properties:
- vim_res, attr = res_properties[key]["source"].split('.', 1)
- # action = res_properties[key].get("action", "copy")
- if re.match(OBJ_IN_ARRAY, attr):
- attr, index, sub_attr = re.match(OBJ_IN_ARRAY, attr).groups()
- if _property_exists(mc_resource, key):
- vim_resource[attr] = vim_resource.get(attr, [])
- if vim_resource[attr]:
- vim_resource[attr][0].update({sub_attr: mc_resource[key]})
- else:
- vim_resource[attr].append({sub_attr: mc_resource[key]})
- else:
- if _property_exists(mc_resource, key,
- res_properties[key].get("required")):
- vim_resource[attr] = mc_resource[key]
- return vim_resource
-def _build_api_controller(api_meta):
- # Assume that only one path
- path, path_meta = api_meta['paths'].items()[0]
- # url path is behind third slash. The first is vimid, the second is
- # tenantid.
- path = path.split("/")[3]
- controller_name = path.upper() + "Controller"
- delimiter = path_meta["vim_path"].find("/", 1)
- service_type = path_meta["vim_path"][1:delimiter]
- resource_url = path_meta["vim_path"][delimiter:]
- # Assume there is only one resource.
- name, resource_meta = api_meta['definitions'].items()[0]
- resource_properties = resource_meta['properties']
- controller_meta = {}
- if "get" in path_meta:
- # Add the get method to controller.
- @pecan.expose("json")
- def _get(self, vim_id, tenant_id, resource_id):
- """ General GET """
- session = _get_vim_auth_session(vim_id, tenant_id)
- service = {'service_type': service_type,
- 'interface': 'public'}
- full_url = resource_url + "/%s" % resource_id
- resp = session.get(full_url, endpoint_filter=service)
- mc_res = _convert_vim_res_to_mc_res(resp.json(),
- resource_properties)
- mc_res.update({"vimName": vim_id,
- "vimId": vim_id,
- "tenantId": tenant_id,
- "returnCode": 0})
- return mc_res
- controller_meta["get"] = _get
- if "get_all" in path_meta:
- # Add the get_all method to controller.
- @pecan.expose("json")
- def _get_all(self, vim_id, tenant_id):
- """ General GET all """
- session = _get_vim_auth_session(vim_id, tenant_id)
- service = {'service_type': service_type,
- 'interface': 'public'}
- resp = session.get(resource_url, endpoint_filter=service)
- vim_res = resp.json()[resource_meta['plural_vim_resource']]
- mc_res = [_convert_vim_res_to_mc_res(
- {resource_meta['vim_resource']: v},
- resource_properties)
- for v in vim_res]
- return {"vimName": vim_id,
- resource_meta['plural']: mc_res,
- "tenantId": tenant_id,
- "vimid": vim_id}
- controller_meta["get_all"] = _get_all
- if "post" in path_meta:
- # Add the post method to controller.
- @pecan.expose("json")
- def _post(self, vim_id, tenant_id):
- """ General POST """
- session = _get_vim_auth_session(vim_id, tenant_id)
- service = {'service_type': service_type,
- 'interface': 'public'}
- vim_res = _convert_mc_res_to_vim_res(pecan.request.json_body,
- resource_properties)
- req_body = json.JSONEncoder().encode(
- {resource_meta['vim_resource']: vim_res})
- resp =,
- data=req_body,
- endpoint_filter=service)
- mc_res = _convert_vim_res_to_mc_res(resp.json(),
- resource_properties)
- mc_res.update({"vimName": vim_id,
- "vimId": vim_id,
- "tenantId": tenant_id,
- "returnCode": 0})
- return mc_res
- controller_meta["post"] = _post
- if "delete" in path_meta:
- # Add the delete method to controller.
- @pecan.expose("json")
- def _delete(self, vim_id, tenant_id, resource_id):
- """ General DELETE """
- session = _get_vim_auth_session(vim_id, tenant_id)
- service = {'service_type': service_type,
- 'interface': 'public'}
- full_url = resource_url + "/%s" % resource_id
- session.delete(full_url, endpoint_filter=service)
- controller_meta["delete"] = _delete
- return path, type(controller_name, (rest.RestController,), controller_meta)
-def insert_dynamic_controller(root_controller):
- api_defs = utils.get_definition_list()
- for d in api_defs:
- path, con_class = _build_api_controller(d)
- setattr(root_controller, path, con_class())