path: root/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/tests/orchestrator/execution_plugin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/tests/orchestrator/execution_plugin/')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/tests/orchestrator/execution_plugin/ b/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/tests/orchestrator/execution_plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94b7409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/tests/orchestrator/execution_plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import time
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import StringIO
+import pytest
+from aria.orchestrator.execution_plugin import ctx_proxy
+class TestCtxProxy(object):
+ def test_attribute_access(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'stub_attr', 'some_property')
+ assert response == 'some_value'
+ def test_sugared_attribute_access(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'stub-attr', 'some-property')
+ assert response == 'some_value'
+ def test_dict_prop_access_get_key(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop1')
+ assert response == 'value1'
+ def test_dict_prop_access_get_key_nested(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop2', 'nested_prop1')
+ assert response == 'nested_value1'
+ def test_dict_prop_access_get_with_list_index(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop3', 2, 'value')
+ assert response == 'value_2'
+ def test_dict_prop_access_set(self, server, ctx):
+ self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop4', 'key', '=', 'new_value')
+ self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop3', 2, 'value', '=', 'new_value_2')
+ self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop4', 'some', 'new', 'path', '=',
+ 'some_new_value')
+ assert['prop4']['key'] == 'new_value'
+ assert['prop3'][2]['value'] == 'new_value_2'
+ assert['prop4']['some']['new']['path'] == 'some_new_value'
+ def test_dict_prop_access_set_with_list_index(self, server, ctx):
+ self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop3', 2, '=', 'new_value')
+ assert['prop3'][2] == 'new_value'
+ def test_illegal_dict_access(self, server):
+ self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop4', 'key', '=', 'new_value')
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
+ self.request(server, 'node', 'properties', 'prop4', 'key', '=', 'new_value', 'what')
+ def test_method_invocation(self, server):
+ args = ['[', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', ']']
+ response_args = self.request(server, 'stub-method', *args)
+ assert response_args == args[1:-1]
+ def test_method_invocation_no_args(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'stub-method', '[', ']')
+ assert response == []
+ def test_method_return_value(self, server, ctx):
+ response_args = self.request(server, 'node', 'get_prop', '[', 'prop2', ']', 'nested_prop1')
+ assert response_args == 'nested_value1'
+ def test_method_return_value_set(self, server, ctx):
+ self.request(
+ server, 'node', 'get_prop', '[', 'prop2', ']', 'nested_prop1', '=', 'new_value')
+ assert['prop2']['nested_prop1'] == 'new_value'
+ def test_empty_return_value(self, server):
+ response = self.request(server, 'stub_none')
+ assert response is None
+ def test_client_request_timeout(self, server):
+ with pytest.raises(IOError):
+ ctx_proxy.client._client_request(server.socket_url,
+ args=['stub-sleep', '[', '0.5', ']'],
+ timeout=0.1)
+ def test_processing_exception(self, server):
+ with pytest.raises(ctx_proxy.client._RequestError):
+ self.request(server, 'property_that_does_not_exist')
+ def test_not_json_serializable(self, server):
+ with pytest.raises(ctx_proxy.client._RequestError):
+ self.request(server, 'logger')
+ def test_no_string_arg(self, server):
+ args = ['[', 1, 2, ']']
+ response = self.request(server, 'stub_method', *args)
+ assert response == args[1:-1]
+ class StubAttribute(object):
+ some_property = 'some_value'
+ class NodeAttribute(object):
+ def __init__(self, properties):
+ = properties
+ def get_prop(self, name):
+ return[name]
+ @staticmethod
+ def stub_method(*args):
+ return args
+ @staticmethod
+ def stub_sleep(seconds):
+ time.sleep(float(seconds))
+ @staticmethod
+ def stub_args(arg1, arg2, arg3='arg3', arg4='arg4', *args, **kwargs):
+ return dict(
+ arg1=arg1,
+ arg2=arg2,
+ arg3=arg3,
+ arg4=arg4,
+ args=args,
+ kwargs=kwargs)
+ @pytest.fixture
+ def ctx(self, mocker):
+ class MockCtx(object):
+ ctx = MockCtx()
+ properties = {
+ 'prop1': 'value1',
+ 'prop2': {
+ 'nested_prop1': 'nested_value1'
+ },
+ 'prop3': [
+ {'index': 0, 'value': 'value_0'},
+ {'index': 1, 'value': 'value_1'},
+ {'index': 2, 'value': 'value_2'}
+ ],
+ 'prop4': {
+ 'key': 'value'
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.stub_none = None
+ ctx.stub_method = TestCtxProxy.stub_method
+ ctx.stub_sleep = TestCtxProxy.stub_sleep
+ ctx.stub_args = TestCtxProxy.stub_args
+ ctx.stub_attr = TestCtxProxy.StubAttribute()
+ ctx.node = TestCtxProxy.NodeAttribute(properties)
+ ctx.model = mocker.MagicMock()
+ return ctx
+ @pytest.fixture
+ def server(self, ctx):
+ result = ctx_proxy.server.CtxProxy(ctx)
+ result._close_session = lambda *args, **kwargs: {}
+ yield result
+ result.close()
+ def request(self, server, *args):
+ return ctx_proxy.client._client_request(server.socket_url, args, timeout=5)
+class TestArgumentParsing(object):
+ def test_socket_url_arg(self):
+ self.expected.update(dict(socket_url='sock_url'))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(['--socket-url', self.expected.get('socket_url')])
+ def test_socket_url_env(self):
+ expected_socket_url = 'env_sock_url'
+ os.environ['CTX_SOCKET_URL'] = expected_socket_url
+ self.expected.update(dict(socket_url=expected_socket_url))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main([])
+ def test_socket_url_missing(self):
+ del os.environ['CTX_SOCKET_URL']
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
+ ctx_proxy.client.main([])
+ def test_args(self):
+ self.expected.update(dict(args=['1', '2', '3']))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(self.expected.get('args'))
+ def test_timeout(self):
+ self.expected.update(dict(timeout='10'))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(['--timeout', self.expected.get('timeout')])
+ self.expected.update(dict(timeout='15'))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(['-t', self.expected.get('timeout')])
+ def test_mixed_order(self):
+ self.expected.update(dict(
+ args=['1', '2', '3'], timeout='20', socket_url='mixed_socket_url'))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(
+ ['-t', self.expected.get('timeout')] +
+ ['--socket-url', self.expected.get('socket_url')] +
+ self.expected.get('args'))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(
+ ['-t', self.expected.get('timeout')] +
+ self.expected.get('args') +
+ ['--socket-url', self.expected.get('socket_url')])
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(
+ self.expected.get('args') +
+ ['-t', self.expected.get('timeout')] +
+ ['--socket-url', self.expected.get('socket_url')])
+ def test_json_args(self):
+ args = ['@1', '@[1,2,3]', '@{"key":"value"}']
+ expected_args = [1, [1, 2, 3], {'key': 'value'}]
+ self.expected.update(dict(args=expected_args))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(args)
+ def test_json_arg_prefix(self):
+ args = ['_1', '@1']
+ expected_args = [1, '@1']
+ self.expected.update(dict(args=expected_args))
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(args + ['--json-arg-prefix', '_'])
+ def test_json_output(self):
+ self.assert_valid_output('string', 'string', '"string"')
+ self.assert_valid_output(1, '1', '1')
+ self.assert_valid_output([1, '2'], "[1, '2']", '[1, "2"]')
+ self.assert_valid_output({'key': 1},
+ "{'key': 1}",
+ '{"key": 1}')
+ self.assert_valid_output(False, 'False', 'false')
+ self.assert_valid_output(True, 'True', 'true')
+ self.assert_valid_output([], '[]', '[]')
+ self.assert_valid_output({}, '{}', '{}')
+ def assert_valid_output(self, response, ex_typed_output, ex_json_output):
+ self.mock_response = response
+ current_stdout = sys.stdout
+ def run(args, expected):
+ output = StringIO.StringIO()
+ sys.stdout = output
+ ctx_proxy.client.main(args)
+ assert output.getvalue() == expected
+ try:
+ run([], ex_typed_output)
+ run(['-j'], ex_json_output)
+ run(['--json-output'], ex_json_output)
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = current_stdout
+ def mock_client_request(self, socket_url, args, timeout):
+ assert socket_url == self.expected.get('socket_url')
+ assert args == self.expected.get('args')
+ assert timeout == int(self.expected.get('timeout'))
+ return self.mock_response
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def patch_client_request(self, mocker):
+ mocker.patch.object(ctx_proxy.client,
+ ctx_proxy.client._client_request.__name__,
+ self.mock_client_request)
+ mocker.patch.dict('os.environ', {'CTX_SOCKET_URL': 'stub'})
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def defaults(self):
+ self.expected = dict(args=[], timeout=30, socket_url='stub')
+ self.mock_response = None
+class TestCtxEntryPoint(object):
+ def test_ctx_in_path(self):
+ p = subprocess.Popen(['ctx', '--help'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ p.communicate()
+ assert not p.wait()