path: root/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/MsoUtils.groovy
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Diffstat (limited to 'bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/MsoUtils.groovy')
1 files changed, 951 insertions, 944 deletions
diff --git a/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/MsoUtils.groovy b/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/MsoUtils.groovy
index 6796fb1..a0256d3 100644
--- a/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/MsoUtils.groovy
+++ b/bpmn/MSOCommonBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/common/scripts/MsoUtils.groovy
@@ -1,944 +1,951 @@
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts
-import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
-import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.BPMNLogger
-import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.xml.XmlTool
-import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MessageEnum
-import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MsoLogger
-import org.openecomp.mso.utils.CryptoUtils
-import org.w3c.dom.Element
-class MsoUtils {
- def initializeEndPoints(execution){
- // use this placeholder to initialize end points, if called independently, this need to be set
- execution.setVariable("AAIEndPoint","http://localhost:28080/SoapUIMocks")
- }
- def getNodeText(xmlInput,element){
- def rtn=null
- if(xmlInput!=null){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- rtn= xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}.text()
- }
- return rtn
- }
- def getMultNodes(xmlInput, element){
- def nodes=null
- if(xmlInput!=null){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- nodes = xml.'**'.findAll{ node-> node.name() == element }*.text()
- }
- return nodes
- }
- def getNodeText1(xmlInput,element){
- def rtn=null
- if(xmlInput!=null){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- rtn= xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}
- if (rtn != null){
- rtn=rtn.text()
- }
- }
- return rtn
- }
- def getNodeXml(xmlInput,element){
- return getNodeXml(xmlInput, element, true)
- }
- def getNodeXml(xmlInput,element,incPreamble){
- def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- def nodeToSerialize = fxml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
- if(nodeToSerialize==null){
- return ""
- }
- def nodeAsText = XmlUtil.serialize(nodeToSerialize)
- if (!incPreamble) {
- nodeAsText = removeXmlPreamble(nodeAsText)
- }
- return nodeAsText
- }
- def nodeExists(xmlInput,element){
- try {
- def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- def nodeToSerialize = fxml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
- return nodeToSerialize!=null
- } catch(Exception e) {
- return false
- }
- }
- /***** Utilities when using XmlParser *****/
- /**
- * Convert a Node into a String by deserializing it and formatting it.
- *
- * @param node Node to be converted.
- * @return the Node as a String.
- */
- def String nodeToString(Node node) {
- def String nodeAsString = groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(node)
- nodeAsString = removeXmlPreamble(nodeAsString)
- return formatXml(nodeAsString)
- }
- /**
- * Get the specified child Node of the specified parent. If there are
- * multiple children of the same name, only the first one is returned.
- * If there are no children with the specified name, 'null' is returned.
- *
- * @param parent Parent Node in which to find a child.
- * @param childNodeName Name of the child Node to get.
- * @return the (first) child Node with the specified name or 'null'
- * if a child Node with the specified name does not exist.
- */
- def Node getChildNode(Node parent, String childNodeName) {
- def NodeList nodeList = getIdenticalChildren(parent, childNodeName)
- if (nodeList.size() == 0) {
- return null
- } else {
- return nodeList.get(0)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the textual value of the specified child Node of the specified parent.
- * If there are no children with the specified name, 'null' is returned.
- *
- * @param parent Parent Node in which to find a child.
- * @param childNodeName Name of the child Node whose value to get.
- * @return the textual value of child Node with the specified name or 'null'
- * if a child Node with the specified name does not exist.
- */
- def String getChildNodeText(Node parent, String childNodeName) {
- def Node childNode = getChildNode(parent, childNodeName)
- if (childNode == null) {
- return null
- } else {
- return childNode.text()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get all of the child nodes from the specified parent that have the
- * specified name. The returned NodeList could be empty.
- *
- * @param parent Parent Node in which to find children.
- * @param childNodeName Name of the children to get.
- * @return a NodeList of all the children from the parent with the specified
- * name. The list could be empty.
- */
- def NodeList getIdenticalChildren(Node parent, String childNodeName) {
- return (NodeList) parent.get(childNodeName)
- }
- /***** End of Utilities when using XmlParser *****/
- /** these are covered under the common function above**/
- def getSubscriberName(xmlInput,element){
- def rtn=null
- if(xmlInput!=null){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- rtn= xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}.text()
- }
- return rtn
- }
- def getTenantInformation(xmlInput,element){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- def nodeToSerialize = xml.'**'.find {it.name() == 'service-information'}
- def nodeAsText = XmlUtil.serialize(nodeToSerialize)
- return nodeAsText
- }
- def getServiceInstanceId(xmlInput,element){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- return ( xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}.text() )
- }
- //for aai tenant url
- def searchResourceLink(xmlInput, resourceType){
- def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- def element = fxml.'**'.find {it.'resource-type' == resourceType}
- return (element == null) ? null : element.'resource-link'.text()
- }
- def searchMetaData(xmlInput, searchName, searchValue){
- def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- def ret = fxml.'**'.find {it.metaname.text() == searchName && it.metaval.text() == searchValue}
- if(ret != null){
- return ret.parent().parent()
- }
- return ret
- }
- def searchMetaDataNode(fxml, searchName, searchValue){
- def ret = fxml.'**'.find {it.metaname.text() == searchName && it.metaval.text() == searchValue}
- if(ret != null){
- return ret.parent().parent()
- }
- return ret
- }
- // for Trinity L3 add/delete bonding
- def getPBGFList(isDebugLogEnabled, xmlInput){
- xmlInput = xmlInput.replaceAll("&", "&")
- xmlInput = xmlInput.replaceAll("&lt;", "<")
- xmlInput = xmlInput.replaceAll("&gt;", ">")
- log("DEBUG", "getPBGFList: xmlInput " + xmlInput,isDebugLogEnabled)
- ArrayList myNodes = new ArrayList()
- if(nodeExists(xmlInput,"nbnc-response-information")){
- def respInfo=getNodeXml(xmlInput,"nbnc-response-information", false)
- if(respInfo!=null){
- def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(respInfo)
- fxml.'virtual-datacenter-list'.each { vdc ->
- //we only want to add two BGF per VDC, BGF1 and BGF2
- def routerList = vdc.'router-list'.first()
- routerList.each{ myList ->
- def physNodes = myList.'**'.findAll {it.'border-element-tangibility'.text() =~ /PHYSICAL/}
- def nodeToAdd
- physNodes.each{
- if(nodeToAdd==null){
- nodeToAdd = it
- }else{
- def beid = nodeToAdd.'border-element-id'.text() +
- " " + nodeToAdd.'border-element-type'.text() +
- " and " +
- it.'border-element-id'.text() +
- " " + it.'border-element-type'.text()
- def mytag = nodeToAdd.'border-element-id'
- mytag[0].replaceBody(beid)
- }
- }
- def mytag = nodeToAdd.'vlan-id'
- def ind = mytag.text().indexOf('.')
- if(ind >= 0){
- def vlan = mytag.text().substring(0,ind)
- mytag[0].replaceBody(vlan)
- }
- myNodes.add(XmlUtil.serialize(nodeToAdd))
- }
- }
- }
- return myNodes
- }else{
- return null
- }
- }
- def getPBGFList(xmlInput){
- getPBGFList("false", xmlInput)
- }
- def String decodeXML(xml) {
- def String decodedXml = xml.replaceAll("&amp;", "&")
- decodedXml = decodedXml.replaceAll("&lt;", "<")
- decodedXml = decodedXml.replaceAll("&gt;", ">")
- }
- def getMetaVal(node, name){
- try{
- return node.'**'.find {it.metaname.text() == name}.metaval.text()
- }catch(Exception e){
- return null
- }
- }
- def getRelationshipVal(node, name){
- try{
- return node.'**'.find {it.'relationship-key'.text() == name}.'relationship-value'.text()
- }catch(Exception e){
- return null
- }
- }
- def log(logmode,logtxt,isDebugLogEnabled="false"){
- MsoLogger msoLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
- if ("INFO"==logmode) {
- msoLogger.info(MessageEnum.BPMN_GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ARG, logtxt);
- } else if ("WARN"==logmode) {
- msoLogger.warn (MessageEnum.BPMN_GENERAL_WARNING, "BPMN", MsoLogger.getServiceName(), MsoLogger.ErrorCode.UnknownError, logtxt);
- } else if ("ERROR"==logmode) {
- msoLogger.error(MessageEnum.BPMN_GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ARG, "BPMN", MsoLogger.getServiceName(), MsoLogger.ErrorCode.UnknownError, logtxt);
- } else {
- BPMNLogger.debug(isDebugLogEnabled, logtxt);
- }
- }
- def logContext(requestId, serviceInstanceId){
- MsoLogger msoLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
- msoLogger.setLogContext(requestId, serviceInstanceId);
- }
- def logMetrics(elapsedTime, logtxt){
- MsoLogger metricsLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
- metricsLogger.recordMetricEvent (elapsedTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc,
- logtxt, "BPMN", MsoLogger.getServiceName(), null);
- }
- def logAudit(logtxt){
- MsoLogger auditLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- auditLogger.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, logtxt);
- }
- // headers: header - name-value
- def getHeaderNameValue(xmlInput, nameAttribute){
- def rtn=null
- if(xmlInput!=null){
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- rtn= xml.'**'.find {header->header.'@name'.text() == nameAttribute}.'@value'
- }
- return rtn
- }
- /**
- * Gets the children of the specified element.
- */
- public String getChildNodes(xmlInput, element) {
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- def thisElement = xml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
- StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder()
- if (thisElement != null) {
- thisElement.children().each() {
- String nodeAsText = removeXmlPreamble(XmlUtil.serialize(it))
- if (out.length() > 0) {
- out.append(System.lineSeparator())
- }
- out.append(nodeAsText)
- }
- }
- return out.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Encodes a value so it can be used inside an XML text element.
- * @param s the string to encode
- * @return the encoded string
- */
- public String xmlEncode(Object value) {
- return XmlTool.encode(value)
- }
- /**
- * Encodes a value so it can be used inside an XML attribute.
- * @param s the string to encode
- * @return the encoded string
- */
- public String xmlEncodeAttr(Object value) {
- return XmlTool.encodeAttr(value)
- }
- /**
- * Decodes XML entities in a string value
- * @param value a value with embedded XML entities
- * @return the decoded string
- */
- public String xmlDecode(Object value) {
- return XmlTool.decode(value)
- }
- /**
- * Removes the preamble, if present, from an XML document.
- * Also, for historical reasons, this also trims leading and trailing
- * whitespace from the resulting document. TODO: remove the trimming
- * and fix unit tests that depend on EXACT xml format.
- * @param xml the XML document
- * @return a possibly modified document
- */
- public String removeXmlPreamble(def xml) {
- if (xml == null) {
- return null
- }
- return XmlTool.removePreamble(xml).trim()
- }
- /**
- * Removes namespaces and namespace declarations from an XML document.
- * @param xml the XML document
- * @return a possibly modified document
- */
- public String removeXmlNamespaces(def xml) {
- return XmlTool.removeNamespaces(xml);
- }
- /**
- * Use formatXml instead. Note: this method inserts an XML preamble.
- */
- @Deprecated
- def formatXML(xmlInput) {
- def parseXml = null
- def formatXml = null
- if (xmlInput !=null) {
- parseXml = new XmlParser().parseText(xmlInput)
- formatXml = XmlUtil.serialize(parseXml)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Reformats an XML document. The result will not contain an XML preamble
- * or a trailing newline.
- * @param xml the XML document
- * @return a reformatted document
- */
- public String formatXml(def xml) {
- return XmlTool.normalize(xml);
- }
- // build single elements
- def buildElements(xmlInput, elementList, parentName) {
- String var = ""
- def xmlBuild = ""
- if (parentName != "") {
- xmlBuild += "<tns2:"+parentName+">"
- }
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- for (element in elementList) {
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- var = xml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
- if (var != null) {
- xmlBuild += "<tns2:"+element+">"+var.toString()+"</tns2:"+element+">"
- }
- }
- }
- if (parentName != "") {
- xmlBuild += "</tns2:"+parentName+">"
- }
- return xmlBuild
- }
- // build the Unbounded elements
- def buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, elementList, parentName) {
- def varParents = ""
- def var = ""
- def xmlBuildUnbounded = ""
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- varParents = xml.'**'.findAll {it.name() == parentName}
- //println " Unbounded ${parentName} - varParent.Size() - " + varParents.size()
- for (i in 0..varParents.size()-1) {
- if (parentName != "") {
- xmlBuildUnbounded += "<tns2:"+parentName+">"
- }
- for (element in elementList) {
- var = varParents[i].'*'.find {it.name() == element}
- if (var != null) {
- xmlBuildUnbounded += "<tns2:"+element+">"+var.toString()+"</tns2:"+element+">"
- //println " i = " + i + ", element: " + element + " = " + var.toString()
- }
- }
- if (parentName != "") {
- xmlBuildUnbounded += "</tns2:"+parentName+">"
- }
- }
- }
- return xmlBuildUnbounded
- }
- // Build l2-homing-information
- def buildL2HomingInformation(xmlInput) {
- def elementsL2HomingList = ["evc-name", "topology", "preferred-aic-clli"]
- def rebuildL2Home = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- rebuildL2Home = buildElements(xmlInput, elementsL2HomingList, "l2-homing-information")
- }
- return rebuildL2Home
- }
- // Build internet-evc-access-information
- def buildInternetEvcAccessInformation(xmlInput) {
- def elementsInternetEvcAccessInformationList = ["internet-evc-speed-value", "internet-evc-speed-units", "ip-version"]
- def rebuildInternetEvcAccess = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- rebuildInternetEvcAccess = buildElements(xmlInput, elementsInternetEvcAccessInformationList, "internet-evc-access-information")
- }
- return rebuildInternetEvcAccess
- }
- // Build ucpe-vms-service-information
- def buildUcpeVmsServiceInformation(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- def ucpeVmsServiceInformation = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "ucpe-vms-service-information").drop(38).trim()
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation = "<tns2:ucpe-vms-service-information>"
- // transport-service-information
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "<tns2:transport-service-information>"
- def transportServiceInformation = getNodeXml(ucpeVmsServiceInformation, "transport-service-information").drop(38).trim()
- def elementsTransportServiceInformationList = ["transport-service-type"]
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElements(transportServiceInformation, elementsTransportServiceInformationList, "")
- try { // optional
- def accessCircuitInfoList = ["access-circuit-id", "dual-mode"]
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElementsUnbounded(transportServiceInformation, accessCircuitInfoList, "access-circuit-info")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception ACCESS-CIRCUIT-INFO - 'access-circuit-info' ")
- }
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "</tns2:transport-service-information>"
- // ucpe-information
- def elementsUcpeInformationList = ["ucpe-host-name", "ucpe-activation-code", "out-of-band-management-modem" ]
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElements(ucpeVmsServiceInformation, elementsUcpeInformationList, "ucpe-information")
- // vnf-list
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "<tns2:vnf-list>"
- def vnfListList = ["vnf-instance-id", "vnf-sequence-number", "vnf-type", "vnf-vendor", "vnf-model", "vnf-id", "prov-status", "operational-state", "orchestration-status", "equipment-role" ]
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElementsUnbounded(ucpeVmsServiceInformation, vnfListList, "vnf-information")
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "</tns2:vnf-list>"
- rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "</tns2:ucpe-vms-service-information>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation - " + rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation)
- return rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation
- }
- // Build internet-service-change-details
- def buildInternetServiceChangeDetails(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails = ""
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- try { // optional
- def internetServiceChangeDetails = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "internet-service-change-details").drop(38).trim()
- rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails = "<tns:internet-service-change-details>"
- rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElements(internetServiceChangeDetails, ["internet-evc-speed-value"], "")
- rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElements(internetServiceChangeDetails, ["internet-evc-speed-units"], "")
- try { // optional
- def tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesChangesList = ["request-index", "v4-next-hop-address", "v4-lan-public-prefix", "v4-lan-public-prefix-length"]
- rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElementsUnbounded(internetServiceChangeDetails, tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesChangesList, "t-provided-v4-lan-public-prefixes")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR"," Optional - Exception in INTERNET-SERVICE-CHANGE-DETAILS 't-provided-v4-lan-public-prefixes ")
- }
- try { // optional
- def tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesChangesList = ["request-index", "v6-next-hop-address", "v6-lan-public-prefix", "v6-lan-public-prefix-length"]
- rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElementsUnbounded(internetServiceChangeDetails, tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesChangesList, "t-provided-v6-lan-public-prefixes")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR"," Optional - Exception INTERNET-SERVICE-CHANGE-DETAILS 't-provided-v6-lan-public-prefixes ")
- }
- rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += "</tns:internet-service-change-details>"
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception INTERNET-SERVICE-CHANGE-DETAILS 'internet-service-change-details' ")
- }
- }
- return rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails
- }
- // Build vr-lan
- def buildVrLan(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildVrLan = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- rebuildVrLan = "<tns2:vr-lan>"
- def vrLan = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "vr-lan").drop(38).trim()
- rebuildVrLan += buildElements(vrLan, ["routing-protocol"], "")
- // vr-lan-interface
- def rebuildVrLanInterface = "<tns2:vr-lan-interface>"
- def vrLanInterface = getNodeXml(vrLan, "vr-lan-interface").drop(38).trim()
- rebuildVrLanInterface += buildVrLanInterfacePartial(vrLanInterface)
- // dhcp
- def dhcp = getNodeXml(vrLan, "dhcp").drop(38).trim()
- def rebuildDhcp = buildDhcp(dhcp)
- rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildDhcp
- // pat
- def pat = getNodeXml(vrLan, "pat").drop(38).trim()
- def rebuildPat = buildPat(pat)
- rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildPat
- // nat
- def rebuildNat = ""
- try { // optional
- def nat = getNodeXml(vrLan, "nat").drop(38).trim()
- rebuildNat = buildNat(nat)
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'nat' ")
- }
- rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildNat
- // firewall-lite
- def firewallLite = getNodeXml(vrLan, "firewall-lite").drop(38).trim()
- def rebuildFirewallLite = buildFirewallLite(firewallLite)
- rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildFirewallLite
- // static-routes
- def rebuildStaticRoutes = ""
- try { // optional
- def staticRoutes = getNodeXml(vrLan, "static-routes").drop(38).trim()
- rebuildStaticRoutes = buildStaticRoutes(staticRoutes)
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'static-routes' ")
- }
- rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildStaticRoutes
- rebuildVrLan += rebuildVrLanInterface
- rebuildVrLan += "</tns2:vr-lan-interface>"
- rebuildVrLan += "</tns2:vr-lan>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildVrLan - " + rebuildVrLan)
- return rebuildVrLan
- }
- // Build vr-lan-interface
- def buildVrLanInterfacePartial(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildingVrLanInterface = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- def vrLanInterfaceList = ["vr-designation", "v4-vr-lan-prefix", "v4-vr-lan-address", "v4-vr-lan-prefix-length", "v6-vr-lan-prefix", "v6-vr-lan-address", "v6-vr-lan-prefix-length", "v4-vce-loopback-address", "v6-vce-wan-address"]
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += buildElements(xmlInput, vrLanInterfaceList, "")
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += "<tns2:v4-public-lan-prefixes>"
- try { // optional
- def tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixes = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v4-public-lan-prefixes").drop(38).trim()
- def tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesList = ["request-index", "v4-next-hop-address", "v4-lan-public-prefix", "v4-lan-public-prefix-length" ]
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesList, "t-provided-v4-lan-public-prefixes")
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception VR-LAN INTERFACE 'v4-public-lan-prefixes' ")
- }
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += "</tns2:v4-public-lan-prefixes>"
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += "<tns2:v6-public-lan-prefixes>"
- try { // optional
- def tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixes = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v6-public-lan-prefixes").drop(38).trim()
- def tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesList = ["request-index", "v6-next-hop-address", "v6-lan-public-prefix", "v6-lan-public-prefix-length" ]
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesList, "t-provided-v6-lan-public-prefixes")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception VR-LAN INTERFACE 'v6-public-lan-prefixes' ")
- }
- rebuildingVrLanInterface += "</tns2:v6-public-lan-prefixes>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildingVrLanInterface - " + rebuildingVrLanInterface)
- return rebuildingVrLanInterface
- }
- // Build dhcp
- def buildDhcp(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildingDhcp = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- def dhcpData = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- rebuildingDhcp = "<tns2:dhcp>"
- def dhcpList1 = ["v4-dhcp-server-enabled", "v6-dhcp-server-enabled", "use-v4-default-pool", "v4-dhcp-default-pool-prefix", "v4-dhcp-default-pool-prefix-length"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(xmlInput, dhcpList1, "")
- try { // optional
- def excludedV4DhcpAddressesFromDefaultPoolList = ["excluded-v4-address"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, excludedV4DhcpAddressesFromDefaultPoolList, "excluded-v4-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v4-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool' ")
- }
- try { // optional
- def v4DhcpPools = dhcpData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v4-dhcp-pools"}
- def v4DhcpPoolsSize = v4DhcpPools.size()
- // println " v4DhcpPoolsSize = " + v4DhcpPools.size()
- for (i in 0..v4DhcpPoolsSize-1) {
- def v4DhcpPool = v4DhcpPools[i]
- def v4DhcpPoolXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v4DhcpPool)
- rebuildingDhcp += "<tns2:v4-dhcp-pools>"
- def v4DhcpPoolsList1 = ["v4-dhcp-pool-prefix", "v4-dhcp-pool-prefix-length" ]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v4DhcpPoolXml, v4DhcpPoolsList1, "")
- try { // optional
- def excludedV4AddressesList = ["excluded-v4-address"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(v4DhcpPoolXml, excludedV4AddressesList, "excluded-v4-addresses")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v4-addresses' ")
- }
- def v4DhcpPoolsList2 = ["v4-dhcp-relay-gateway-address", "v4-dhcp-relay-next-hop-address"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v4DhcpPoolXml, v4DhcpPoolsList2, "")
- rebuildingDhcp += "</tns2:v4-dhcp-pools>"
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR"," Optional - Exception DHCP 'v4-dhcp-pools' ")
- }
- def dhcpList2 = ["use-v6-default-pool", "v6-dhcp-default-pool-prefix", "v6-dhcp-default-pool-prefix-length"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(xmlInput, dhcpList2, "")
- try { // optional
- def excludedV6DhcpAddressesFromDdefaultPoolList = ["excluded-v6-address"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, excludedV6DhcpAddressesFromDdefaultPoolList, "excluded-v6-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v6-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool' ")
- }
- try { // optional
- def v6DhcpPools = dhcpData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v6-dhcp-pools"}
- def v6DhcpPoolsSize = v6DhcpPools.size()
- //println " v6DhcpPoolsSize = " + v6DhcpPools.size()
- for (i in 0..v6DhcpPoolsSize-1) {
- def v6DhcpPool = v6DhcpPools[i]
- def v6DhcpPoolXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v6DhcpPool)
- rebuildingDhcp += "<tns2:v6-dhcp-pools>"
- def v6DhcpPoolsList1 = ["v6-dhcp-pool-prefix", "v6-dhcp-pool-prefix-length"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v6DhcpPoolXml, v6DhcpPoolsList1, "")
- try { // optional
- def excludedV6AddressesList = ["excluded-v6-address"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(v6DhcpPoolXml, excludedV6AddressesList, "excluded-v6-addresses")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v6-addresses' ")
- }
- def v6DhcpPoolsList2 = ["v6-dhcp-relay-gateway-address", "v6-dhcp-relay-next-hop-address"]
- rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v6DhcpPoolXml, v6DhcpPoolsList2, "")
- rebuildingDhcp += "</tns2:v6-dhcp-pools>"
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'v6-dhcp-pools' ")
- }
- rebuildingDhcp += "</tns2:dhcp>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildingDhcp - " + rebuildingDhcp)
- return rebuildingDhcp
- }
- // Build pat
- def buildPat(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildingPat = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- rebuildingPat = "<tns2:pat>"
- def patList = ["v4-pat-enabled", "use-v4-default-pool", "v4-pat-default-pool-prefix", "v4-pat-default-pool-prefix-length"]
- rebuildingPat += buildElements(xmlInput, patList, "")
- try { // optional
- def v4PatPools = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v4-pat-pools").drop(38).trim()
- def v4PatPoolsList = ["v4-pat-pool-prefix", "v4-pat-pool-prefix-length", "v4-pat-pool-next-hop-address"]
- rebuildingPat += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v4PatPoolsList, "v4-pat-pools")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'v4-pat-pool-next-hop-address' ")
- }
- rebuildingPat += "</tns2:pat>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildingPat - " + rebuildingPat)
- return rebuildingPat
- }
- // Build nat
- def buildNat(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildingNat = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- rebuildingNat = "<tns2:nat>"
- rebuildingNat += buildElements(xmlInput, ["v4-nat-enabled"], "")
- try { // optional
- def v4NatMappingEntries = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v4-nat-mapping-entries").drop(38).trim()
- def v4NatMappingEntriesList = ["v4-nat-internal", "v4-nat-next-hop-address", "v4-nat-external"]
- rebuildingNat += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v4NatMappingEntriesList, "v4-nat-mapping-entries")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'v4-nat-external' ")
- }
- rebuildingNat += "</tns2:nat>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildingNat - " + rebuildingNat)
- return rebuildingNat
- }
- // Build firewall-lite
- def buildFirewallLite(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildingFirewallLite = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- def firewallLiteData = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
- rebuildingFirewallLite = "<tns2:firewall-lite>"
- def firewallLiteList = ["stateful-firewall-lite-v4-enabled", "stateful-firewall-lite-v6-enabled"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElements(xmlInput, firewallLiteList, "")
- try { // optional
- def v4FirewallPacketFilters = firewallLiteData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v4-firewall-packet-filters"}
- def v4FirewallPacketFiltersSize = v4FirewallPacketFilters.size()
- //println " v4FirewallPacketFiltersSize = " + v4FirewallPacketFilters.size()
- for (i in 0..v4FirewallPacketFiltersSize-1) {
- def v4FirewallPacketFilter = v4FirewallPacketFilters[i]
- def v4FirewallPacketFilterXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v4FirewallPacketFilter)
- rebuildingFirewallLite += "<tns2:v4-firewall-packet-filters>"
- def v4FirewallPacketFiltersList = ["v4-firewall-prefix", "v4-firewall-prefix-length", "allow-icmp-ping"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElements(v4FirewallPacketFilterXml, v4FirewallPacketFiltersList, "")
- try { // optional
- def udpPortsList = ["port-number"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v4FirewallPacketFilterXml, udpPortsList, "udp-ports")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v4 'udp-ports' ")
- }
- try { // optional
- def tcpPortsList = ["port-number"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v4FirewallPacketFilterXml, tcpPortsList, "tcp-ports")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v4 'tcp-ports' ")
- }
- rebuildingFirewallLite += "</tns2:v4-firewall-packet-filters>"
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE 'v4-firewall-packet-filters' ")
- }
- try { // optional
- def v6FirewallPacketFilters = firewallLiteData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v6-firewall-packet-filters"}
- def v6FirewallPacketFiltersSize = v6FirewallPacketFilters.size()
- //println " v6FirewallPacketFiltersSize = " + v6FirewallPacketFilters.size()
- for (i in 0..v6FirewallPacketFiltersSize-1) {
- def v6FirewallPacketFilter = v6FirewallPacketFilters[i]
- def v6FirewallPacketFilterXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v6FirewallPacketFilter)
- rebuildingFirewallLite += "<tns2:v6-firewall-packet-filters>"
- def v6FirewallPacketFiltersList = ["v6-firewall-prefix", "v6-firewall-prefix-length", "allow-icmp-ping"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElements(v6FirewallPacketFilterXml, v6FirewallPacketFiltersList, "")
- try { // optional
- def udpPortsList = ["port-number"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v6FirewallPacketFilterXml, udpPortsList, "udp-ports")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v6 'udp-ports' ")
- }
- try { // optional
- def tcpPortsList = ["port-number"]
- rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v6FirewallPacketFilterXml, tcpPortsList, "tcp-ports")
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v6 'tcp-ports' ")
- }
- rebuildingFirewallLite += "</tns2:v6-firewall-packet-filters>"
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE 'v6-firewall-packet-filters' ")
- }
- rebuildingFirewallLite+= "</tns2:firewall-lite>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildingFirewallLite - " + rebuildingFirewallLite)
- return rebuildingFirewallLite
- }
- def buildStaticRoutes(xmlInput) {
- def rebuildingStaticRoutes = ''
- if (xmlInput != null) {
- rebuildingStaticRoutes = "<tns2:static-routes>"
- def v4StaticRouteslist = ["v4-static-route-prefix","v4-static-route-prefix-length", "v4-next-hop-address"]
- rebuildingStaticRoutes += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v4StaticRouteslist, "v4-static-routes")
- def v6StaticRouteslist = ["v6-static-route-prefix","v6-static-route-prefix-length", "v6-next-hop-address"]
- rebuildingStaticRoutes += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v6StaticRouteslist, "v6-static-routes")
- rebuildingStaticRoutes += "</tns2:static-routes>"
- }
- log("DEBUG", " rebuildingStaticRoutes - " + rebuildingStaticRoutes)
- return rebuildingStaticRoutes
- }
- public String generateCurrentTimeInUtc(){
- final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
- sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- final String utcTime = sdf.format(new Date());
- return utcTime;
- }
- public String generateCurrentTimeInGMT(){
- final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("E, d MMM yyyy h:m:s z");
- sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
- final String utcTime = sdf.format(new Date());
- return utcTime;
- }
- /**
- * @param encryptedAuth: encrypted credentials from urn properties
- * @param msoKey: key to use to decrypt from urn properties
- * @return base 64 encoded basic auth credentials
- */
- def getBasicAuth(encryptedAuth, msoKey){
- try {
- def auth = decrypt(encryptedAuth, msoKey)
- byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(auth.getBytes())
- String encodedString = new String(encoded)
- encodedString = "Basic " + encodedString
- return encodedString
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- log("ERROR", "Unable to encode basic auth")
- throw ex
- }
- }
- def encrypt(toEncrypt, msokey){
- try {
- String result = CryptoUtils.encrypt(toEncrypt, msokey);
- return result
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", "Failed to encrypt credentials")
- }
- }
- def decrypt(toDecrypt, msokey){
- try {
- String result = CryptoUtils.decrypt(toDecrypt, msokey);
- return result
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- log("ERROR", "Failed to decrypt credentials")
- throw e
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return URL with qualified host name (if any) or urn mapping
- * @param String url from urn mapping
- * @return String url with qualified host name
- */
- public String getQualifiedHostNameForCallback(String urnCallbackUrl) {
- def callbackUrlToUse = urnCallbackUrl
- try{
- //swap host name with qualified host name from the jboss properties
- def qualifiedHostName = System.getProperty("jboss.qualified.host.name")
- if(qualifiedHostName!=null){
- log("DEBUG", "qualifiedHostName:\n" + qualifiedHostName)
- callbackUrlToUse = callbackUrlToUse.replaceAll("(http://)(.*)(:28080*)", {orig, first, torepl, last -> "${first}${qualifiedHostName}${last}"})
- }
- }catch(Exception e){
- log("DEBUG", "unable to grab qualified host name, using what's in urn properties for callbackurl. Exception was: " + e.printStackTrace())
- }
- return callbackUrlToUse
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves text context of the element if the element exists, returns empty string otherwise
- * @param com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl element to parse
- * param String tagName tagName
- * @return String text content of the element
- */
- public String getElementText(Element element, String tagName) {
- String text = ""
- org.w3c.dom.NodeList nodeList = element.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", tagName)
- if (nodeList != null && nodeList.length > 0) {
- text = nodeList.item(0).getTextContent()
- }
- return text
- }
- /**
- *
- * Find the lowest unused module-index value in a given xml
- */
- public String getLowestUnusedIndex(String xml) {
- if (xml == null || xml.isEmpty()) {
- return "0"
- }
- def moduleIndexList = getMultNodes(xml, "module-index")
- if (moduleIndexList == null || moduleIndexList.size() == 0) {
- return "0"
- }
- def sortedModuleIndexList = moduleIndexList.sort { a, b -> a.compareTo b }
- for (i in 0..sortedModuleIndexList.size()-1) {
- if (Integer.parseInt(sortedModuleIndexList[i]) != i) {
- return i.toString()
- }
- }
- return sortedModuleIndexList.size().toString()
- }
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.common.scripts
+import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
+import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.BPMNLogger
+import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.xml.XmlTool
+import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MessageEnum
+import org.openecomp.mso.logger.MsoLogger
+import org.openecomp.mso.utils.CryptoUtils
+import org.w3c.dom.Element
+class MsoUtils {
+ def initializeEndPoints(execution){
+ // use this placeholder to initialize end points, if called independently, this need to be set
+ execution.setVariable("AAIEndPoint","http://localhost:28080/SoapUIMocks")
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use getNodeText1 Instead!
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ def getNodeText(xmlInput,element){
+ def rtn=null
+ if(xmlInput!=null){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ rtn= xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}.text()
+ }
+ return rtn
+ }
+ def getMultNodes(xmlInput, element){
+ def nodes=null
+ if(xmlInput!=null){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ nodes = xml.'**'.findAll{ node-> node.name() == element }*.text()
+ }
+ return nodes
+ }
+ def getNodeText1(xmlInput,element){
+ def rtn=null
+ if(xmlInput!=null){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ rtn= xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}
+ if (rtn != null){
+ rtn=rtn.text()
+ }
+ }
+ return rtn
+ }
+ def getNodeXml(xmlInput,element){
+ return getNodeXml(xmlInput, element, true)
+ }
+ def getNodeXml(xmlInput,element,incPreamble){
+ def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ def nodeToSerialize = fxml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
+ if(nodeToSerialize==null){
+ return ""
+ }
+ def nodeAsText = XmlUtil.serialize(nodeToSerialize)
+ if (!incPreamble) {
+ nodeAsText = removeXmlPreamble(nodeAsText)
+ }
+ return nodeAsText
+ }
+ def nodeExists(xmlInput,element){
+ try {
+ def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ def nodeToSerialize = fxml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
+ return nodeToSerialize!=null
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ /***** Utilities when using XmlParser *****/
+ /**
+ * Convert a Node into a String by deserializing it and formatting it.
+ *
+ * @param node Node to be converted.
+ * @return the Node as a String.
+ */
+ def String nodeToString(Node node) {
+ def String nodeAsString = groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(node)
+ nodeAsString = removeXmlPreamble(nodeAsString)
+ return formatXml(nodeAsString)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the specified child Node of the specified parent. If there are
+ * multiple children of the same name, only the first one is returned.
+ * If there are no children with the specified name, 'null' is returned.
+ *
+ * @param parent Parent Node in which to find a child.
+ * @param childNodeName Name of the child Node to get.
+ * @return the (first) child Node with the specified name or 'null'
+ * if a child Node with the specified name does not exist.
+ */
+ def Node getChildNode(Node parent, String childNodeName) {
+ def NodeList nodeList = getIdenticalChildren(parent, childNodeName)
+ if (nodeList.size() == 0) {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ return nodeList.get(0)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the textual value of the specified child Node of the specified parent.
+ * If there are no children with the specified name, 'null' is returned.
+ *
+ * @param parent Parent Node in which to find a child.
+ * @param childNodeName Name of the child Node whose value to get.
+ * @return the textual value of child Node with the specified name or 'null'
+ * if a child Node with the specified name does not exist.
+ */
+ def String getChildNodeText(Node parent, String childNodeName) {
+ def Node childNode = getChildNode(parent, childNodeName)
+ if (childNode == null) {
+ return null
+ } else {
+ return childNode.text()
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all of the child nodes from the specified parent that have the
+ * specified name. The returned NodeList could be empty.
+ *
+ * @param parent Parent Node in which to find children.
+ * @param childNodeName Name of the children to get.
+ * @return a NodeList of all the children from the parent with the specified
+ * name. The list could be empty.
+ */
+ def NodeList getIdenticalChildren(Node parent, String childNodeName) {
+ return (NodeList) parent.get(childNodeName)
+ }
+ /***** End of Utilities when using XmlParser *****/
+ /** these are covered under the common function above**/
+ def getSubscriberName(xmlInput,element){
+ def rtn=null
+ if(xmlInput!=null){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ rtn= xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}.text()
+ }
+ return rtn
+ }
+ def getTenantInformation(xmlInput,element){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ def nodeToSerialize = xml.'**'.find {it.name() == 'service-information'}
+ def nodeAsText = XmlUtil.serialize(nodeToSerialize)
+ return nodeAsText
+ }
+ def getServiceInstanceId(xmlInput,element){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ return ( xml.'**'.find{node->node.name()==element}.text() )
+ }
+ //for aai tenant url
+ def searchResourceLink(xmlInput, resourceType){
+ def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ def element = fxml.'**'.find {it.'resource-type' == resourceType}
+ return (element == null) ? null : element.'resource-link'.text()
+ }
+ def searchMetaData(xmlInput, searchName, searchValue){
+ def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ def ret = fxml.'**'.find {it.metaname.text() == searchName && it.metaval.text() == searchValue}
+ if(ret != null){
+ return ret.parent().parent()
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ def searchMetaDataNode(fxml, searchName, searchValue){
+ def ret = fxml.'**'.find {it.metaname.text() == searchName && it.metaval.text() == searchValue}
+ if(ret != null){
+ return ret.parent().parent()
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ // for Trinity L3 add/delete bonding
+ def getPBGFList(isDebugLogEnabled, xmlInput){
+ xmlInput = xmlInput.replaceAll("&amp;", "&")
+ xmlInput = xmlInput.replaceAll("&lt;", "<")
+ xmlInput = xmlInput.replaceAll("&gt;", ">")
+ log("DEBUG", "getPBGFList: xmlInput " + xmlInput,isDebugLogEnabled)
+ ArrayList myNodes = new ArrayList()
+ if(nodeExists(xmlInput,"nbnc-response-information")){
+ def respInfo=getNodeXml(xmlInput,"nbnc-response-information", false)
+ if(respInfo!=null){
+ def fxml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(respInfo)
+ fxml.'virtual-datacenter-list'.each { vdc ->
+ //we only want to add two BGF per VDC, BGF1 and BGF2
+ def routerList = vdc.'router-list'.first()
+ routerList.each{ myList ->
+ def physNodes = myList.'**'.findAll {it.'border-element-tangibility'.text() =~ /PHYSICAL/}
+ def nodeToAdd
+ physNodes.each{
+ if(nodeToAdd==null){
+ nodeToAdd = it
+ }else{
+ def beid = nodeToAdd.'border-element-id'.text() +
+ " " + nodeToAdd.'border-element-type'.text() +
+ " and " +
+ it.'border-element-id'.text() +
+ " " + it.'border-element-type'.text()
+ def mytag = nodeToAdd.'border-element-id'
+ mytag[0].replaceBody(beid)
+ }
+ }
+ def mytag = nodeToAdd.'vlan-id'
+ def ind = mytag.text().indexOf('.')
+ if(ind >= 0){
+ def vlan = mytag.text().substring(0,ind)
+ mytag[0].replaceBody(vlan)
+ }
+ myNodes.add(XmlUtil.serialize(nodeToAdd))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return myNodes
+ }else{
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ def getPBGFList(xmlInput){
+ getPBGFList("false", xmlInput)
+ }
+ def String decodeXML(xml) {
+ def String decodedXml = xml.replaceAll("&amp;", "&")
+ decodedXml = decodedXml.replaceAll("&lt;", "<")
+ decodedXml = decodedXml.replaceAll("&gt;", ">")
+ }
+ def getMetaVal(node, name){
+ try{
+ return node.'**'.find {it.metaname.text() == name}.metaval.text()
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ def getRelationshipVal(node, name){
+ try{
+ return node.'**'.find {it.'relationship-key'.text() == name}.'relationship-value'.text()
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ def log(logmode,logtxt,isDebugLogEnabled="false"){
+ MsoLogger msoLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
+ if ("INFO"==logmode) {
+ msoLogger.info(MessageEnum.BPMN_GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ARG, logtxt);
+ } else if ("WARN"==logmode) {
+ // to see the warning text displayed in the log entry, the text must also be passed as arg0 (2nd argument) to invoke the correct MsoLogger warn() method
+ msoLogger.warn (MessageEnum.BPMN_GENERAL_WARNING, logtxt, "BPMN", MsoLogger.getServiceName(), MsoLogger.ErrorCode.UnknownError, logtxt);
+ } else if ("ERROR"==logmode) {
+ // to see the error text displayed in the log entry, the text must also be passed as arg0 (2nd argument) to invoke the correct MsoLogger error() method
+ msoLogger.error(MessageEnum.BPMN_GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ARG, logtxt, "BPMN", MsoLogger.getServiceName(), MsoLogger.ErrorCode.UnknownError, logtxt);
+ } else {
+ BPMNLogger.debug(isDebugLogEnabled, logtxt);
+ }
+ }
+ def logContext(requestId, serviceInstanceId){
+ MsoLogger msoLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
+ msoLogger.setLogContext(requestId, serviceInstanceId);
+ }
+ def logMetrics(elapsedTime, logtxt){
+ MsoLogger metricsLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
+ metricsLogger.recordMetricEvent (elapsedTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc,
+ logtxt, "BPMN", MsoLogger.getServiceName(), null);
+ }
+ def logAudit(logtxt){
+ MsoLogger auditLogger = MsoLogger.getMsoLogger(MsoLogger.Catalog.BPEL);
+ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ auditLogger.recordAuditEvent (startTime, MsoLogger.StatusCode.COMPLETE, MsoLogger.ResponseCode.Suc, logtxt);
+ }
+ // headers: header - name-value
+ def getHeaderNameValue(xmlInput, nameAttribute){
+ def rtn=null
+ if(xmlInput!=null){
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ rtn= xml.'**'.find {header->header.'@name'.text() == nameAttribute}.'@value'
+ }
+ return rtn
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the children of the specified element.
+ */
+ public String getChildNodes(xmlInput, element) {
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ def thisElement = xml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
+ StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder()
+ if (thisElement != null) {
+ thisElement.children().each() {
+ String nodeAsText = removeXmlPreamble(XmlUtil.serialize(it))
+ if (out.length() > 0) {
+ out.append(System.lineSeparator())
+ }
+ out.append(nodeAsText)
+ }
+ }
+ return out.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encodes a value so it can be used inside an XML text element.
+ * @param s the string to encode
+ * @return the encoded string
+ */
+ public String xmlEncode(Object value) {
+ return XmlTool.encode(value)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encodes a value so it can be used inside an XML attribute.
+ * @param s the string to encode
+ * @return the encoded string
+ */
+ public String xmlEncodeAttr(Object value) {
+ return XmlTool.encodeAttr(value)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decodes XML entities in a string value
+ * @param value a value with embedded XML entities
+ * @return the decoded string
+ */
+ public String xmlDecode(Object value) {
+ return XmlTool.decode(value)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes the preamble, if present, from an XML document.
+ * Also, for historical reasons, this also trims leading and trailing
+ * whitespace from the resulting document. TODO: remove the trimming
+ * and fix unit tests that depend on EXACT xml format.
+ * @param xml the XML document
+ * @return a possibly modified document
+ */
+ public String removeXmlPreamble(def xml) {
+ if (xml == null) {
+ return null
+ }
+ return XmlTool.removePreamble(xml).trim()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes namespaces and namespace declarations from an XML document.
+ * @param xml the XML document
+ * @return a possibly modified document
+ */
+ public String removeXmlNamespaces(def xml) {
+ return XmlTool.removeNamespaces(xml);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use formatXml instead. Note: this method inserts an XML preamble.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ def formatXML(xmlInput) {
+ def parseXml = null
+ def formatXml = null
+ if (xmlInput !=null) {
+ parseXml = new XmlParser().parseText(xmlInput)
+ formatXml = XmlUtil.serialize(parseXml)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reformats an XML document. The result will not contain an XML preamble
+ * or a trailing newline.
+ * @param xml the XML document
+ * @return a reformatted document
+ */
+ public String formatXml(def xml) {
+ return XmlTool.normalize(xml);
+ }
+ // build single elements
+ def buildElements(xmlInput, elementList, parentName) {
+ String var = ""
+ def xmlBuild = ""
+ if (parentName != "") {
+ xmlBuild += "<tns2:"+parentName+">"
+ }
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ for (element in elementList) {
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ var = xml.'**'.find {it.name() == element}
+ if (var != null) {
+ xmlBuild += "<tns2:"+element+">"+var.toString()+"</tns2:"+element+">"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parentName != "") {
+ xmlBuild += "</tns2:"+parentName+">"
+ }
+ return xmlBuild
+ }
+ // build the Unbounded elements
+ def buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, elementList, parentName) {
+ def varParents = ""
+ def var = ""
+ def xmlBuildUnbounded = ""
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ def xml= new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ varParents = xml.'**'.findAll {it.name() == parentName}
+ //println " Unbounded ${parentName} - varParent.Size() - " + varParents.size()
+ for (i in 0..varParents.size()-1) {
+ if (parentName != "") {
+ xmlBuildUnbounded += "<tns2:"+parentName+">"
+ }
+ for (element in elementList) {
+ var = varParents[i].'*'.find {it.name() == element}
+ if (var != null) {
+ xmlBuildUnbounded += "<tns2:"+element+">"+var.toString()+"</tns2:"+element+">"
+ //println " i = " + i + ", element: " + element + " = " + var.toString()
+ }
+ }
+ if (parentName != "") {
+ xmlBuildUnbounded += "</tns2:"+parentName+">"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return xmlBuildUnbounded
+ }
+ // Build l2-homing-information
+ def buildL2HomingInformation(xmlInput) {
+ def elementsL2HomingList = ["evc-name", "topology", "preferred-aic-clli"]
+ def rebuildL2Home = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ rebuildL2Home = buildElements(xmlInput, elementsL2HomingList, "l2-homing-information")
+ }
+ return rebuildL2Home
+ }
+ // Build internet-evc-access-information
+ def buildInternetEvcAccessInformation(xmlInput) {
+ def elementsInternetEvcAccessInformationList = ["internet-evc-speed-value", "internet-evc-speed-units", "ip-version"]
+ def rebuildInternetEvcAccess = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ rebuildInternetEvcAccess = buildElements(xmlInput, elementsInternetEvcAccessInformationList, "internet-evc-access-information")
+ }
+ return rebuildInternetEvcAccess
+ }
+ // Build ucpe-vms-service-information
+ def buildUcpeVmsServiceInformation(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ def ucpeVmsServiceInformation = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "ucpe-vms-service-information").drop(38).trim()
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation = "<tns2:ucpe-vms-service-information>"
+ // transport-service-information
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "<tns2:transport-service-information>"
+ def transportServiceInformation = getNodeXml(ucpeVmsServiceInformation, "transport-service-information").drop(38).trim()
+ def elementsTransportServiceInformationList = ["transport-service-type"]
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElements(transportServiceInformation, elementsTransportServiceInformationList, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def accessCircuitInfoList = ["access-circuit-id", "dual-mode"]
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElementsUnbounded(transportServiceInformation, accessCircuitInfoList, "access-circuit-info")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception ACCESS-CIRCUIT-INFO - 'access-circuit-info' ")
+ }
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "</tns2:transport-service-information>"
+ // ucpe-information
+ def elementsUcpeInformationList = ["ucpe-host-name", "ucpe-activation-code", "out-of-band-management-modem" ]
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElements(ucpeVmsServiceInformation, elementsUcpeInformationList, "ucpe-information")
+ // vnf-list
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "<tns2:vnf-list>"
+ def vnfListList = ["vnf-instance-id", "vnf-sequence-number", "vnf-type", "vnf-vendor", "vnf-model", "vnf-id", "prov-status", "operational-state", "orchestration-status", "equipment-role" ]
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += buildElementsUnbounded(ucpeVmsServiceInformation, vnfListList, "vnf-information")
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "</tns2:vnf-list>"
+ rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation += "</tns2:ucpe-vms-service-information>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation - " + rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation)
+ return rebuildUcpeVmsServiceInformation
+ }
+ // Build internet-service-change-details
+ def buildInternetServiceChangeDetails(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails = ""
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ try { // optional
+ def internetServiceChangeDetails = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "internet-service-change-details").drop(38).trim()
+ rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails = "<tns:internet-service-change-details>"
+ rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElements(internetServiceChangeDetails, ["internet-evc-speed-value"], "")
+ rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElements(internetServiceChangeDetails, ["internet-evc-speed-units"], "")
+ try { // optional
+ def tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesChangesList = ["request-index", "v4-next-hop-address", "v4-lan-public-prefix", "v4-lan-public-prefix-length"]
+ rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElementsUnbounded(internetServiceChangeDetails, tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesChangesList, "t-provided-v4-lan-public-prefixes")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR"," Optional - Exception in INTERNET-SERVICE-CHANGE-DETAILS 't-provided-v4-lan-public-prefixes ")
+ }
+ try { // optional
+ def tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesChangesList = ["request-index", "v6-next-hop-address", "v6-lan-public-prefix", "v6-lan-public-prefix-length"]
+ rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += buildElementsUnbounded(internetServiceChangeDetails, tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesChangesList, "t-provided-v6-lan-public-prefixes")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR"," Optional - Exception INTERNET-SERVICE-CHANGE-DETAILS 't-provided-v6-lan-public-prefixes ")
+ }
+ rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails += "</tns:internet-service-change-details>"
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception INTERNET-SERVICE-CHANGE-DETAILS 'internet-service-change-details' ")
+ }
+ }
+ return rebuildInternetServiceChangeDetails
+ }
+ // Build vr-lan
+ def buildVrLan(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildVrLan = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ rebuildVrLan = "<tns2:vr-lan>"
+ def vrLan = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "vr-lan").drop(38).trim()
+ rebuildVrLan += buildElements(vrLan, ["routing-protocol"], "")
+ // vr-lan-interface
+ def rebuildVrLanInterface = "<tns2:vr-lan-interface>"
+ def vrLanInterface = getNodeXml(vrLan, "vr-lan-interface").drop(38).trim()
+ rebuildVrLanInterface += buildVrLanInterfacePartial(vrLanInterface)
+ // dhcp
+ def dhcp = getNodeXml(vrLan, "dhcp").drop(38).trim()
+ def rebuildDhcp = buildDhcp(dhcp)
+ rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildDhcp
+ // pat
+ def pat = getNodeXml(vrLan, "pat").drop(38).trim()
+ def rebuildPat = buildPat(pat)
+ rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildPat
+ // nat
+ def rebuildNat = ""
+ try { // optional
+ def nat = getNodeXml(vrLan, "nat").drop(38).trim()
+ rebuildNat = buildNat(nat)
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'nat' ")
+ }
+ rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildNat
+ // firewall-lite
+ def firewallLite = getNodeXml(vrLan, "firewall-lite").drop(38).trim()
+ def rebuildFirewallLite = buildFirewallLite(firewallLite)
+ rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildFirewallLite
+ // static-routes
+ def rebuildStaticRoutes = ""
+ try { // optional
+ def staticRoutes = getNodeXml(vrLan, "static-routes").drop(38).trim()
+ rebuildStaticRoutes = buildStaticRoutes(staticRoutes)
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'static-routes' ")
+ }
+ rebuildVrLanInterface += rebuildStaticRoutes
+ rebuildVrLan += rebuildVrLanInterface
+ rebuildVrLan += "</tns2:vr-lan-interface>"
+ rebuildVrLan += "</tns2:vr-lan>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildVrLan - " + rebuildVrLan)
+ return rebuildVrLan
+ }
+ // Build vr-lan-interface
+ def buildVrLanInterfacePartial(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildingVrLanInterface = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ def vrLanInterfaceList = ["vr-designation", "v4-vr-lan-prefix", "v4-vr-lan-address", "v4-vr-lan-prefix-length", "v6-vr-lan-prefix", "v6-vr-lan-address", "v6-vr-lan-prefix-length", "v4-vce-loopback-address", "v6-vce-wan-address"]
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += buildElements(xmlInput, vrLanInterfaceList, "")
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += "<tns2:v4-public-lan-prefixes>"
+ try { // optional
+ def tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixes = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v4-public-lan-prefixes").drop(38).trim()
+ def tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesList = ["request-index", "v4-next-hop-address", "v4-lan-public-prefix", "v4-lan-public-prefix-length" ]
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, tProvidedV4LanPublicPrefixesList, "t-provided-v4-lan-public-prefixes")
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception VR-LAN INTERFACE 'v4-public-lan-prefixes' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += "</tns2:v4-public-lan-prefixes>"
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += "<tns2:v6-public-lan-prefixes>"
+ try { // optional
+ def tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixes = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v6-public-lan-prefixes").drop(38).trim()
+ def tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesList = ["request-index", "v6-next-hop-address", "v6-lan-public-prefix", "v6-lan-public-prefix-length" ]
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, tProvidedV6LanPublicPrefixesList, "t-provided-v6-lan-public-prefixes")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception VR-LAN INTERFACE 'v6-public-lan-prefixes' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingVrLanInterface += "</tns2:v6-public-lan-prefixes>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildingVrLanInterface - " + rebuildingVrLanInterface)
+ return rebuildingVrLanInterface
+ }
+ // Build dhcp
+ def buildDhcp(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildingDhcp = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ def dhcpData = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ rebuildingDhcp = "<tns2:dhcp>"
+ def dhcpList1 = ["v4-dhcp-server-enabled", "v6-dhcp-server-enabled", "use-v4-default-pool", "v4-dhcp-default-pool-prefix", "v4-dhcp-default-pool-prefix-length"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(xmlInput, dhcpList1, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def excludedV4DhcpAddressesFromDefaultPoolList = ["excluded-v4-address"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, excludedV4DhcpAddressesFromDefaultPoolList, "excluded-v4-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v4-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool' ")
+ }
+ try { // optional
+ def v4DhcpPools = dhcpData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v4-dhcp-pools"}
+ def v4DhcpPoolsSize = v4DhcpPools.size()
+ // println " v4DhcpPoolsSize = " + v4DhcpPools.size()
+ for (i in 0..v4DhcpPoolsSize-1) {
+ def v4DhcpPool = v4DhcpPools[i]
+ def v4DhcpPoolXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v4DhcpPool)
+ rebuildingDhcp += "<tns2:v4-dhcp-pools>"
+ def v4DhcpPoolsList1 = ["v4-dhcp-pool-prefix", "v4-dhcp-pool-prefix-length" ]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v4DhcpPoolXml, v4DhcpPoolsList1, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def excludedV4AddressesList = ["excluded-v4-address"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(v4DhcpPoolXml, excludedV4AddressesList, "excluded-v4-addresses")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v4-addresses' ")
+ }
+ def v4DhcpPoolsList2 = ["v4-dhcp-relay-gateway-address", "v4-dhcp-relay-next-hop-address"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v4DhcpPoolXml, v4DhcpPoolsList2, "")
+ rebuildingDhcp += "</tns2:v4-dhcp-pools>"
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR"," Optional - Exception DHCP 'v4-dhcp-pools' ")
+ }
+ def dhcpList2 = ["use-v6-default-pool", "v6-dhcp-default-pool-prefix", "v6-dhcp-default-pool-prefix-length"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(xmlInput, dhcpList2, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def excludedV6DhcpAddressesFromDdefaultPoolList = ["excluded-v6-address"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, excludedV6DhcpAddressesFromDdefaultPoolList, "excluded-v6-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v6-dhcp-addresses-from-default-pool' ")
+ }
+ try { // optional
+ def v6DhcpPools = dhcpData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v6-dhcp-pools"}
+ def v6DhcpPoolsSize = v6DhcpPools.size()
+ //println " v6DhcpPoolsSize = " + v6DhcpPools.size()
+ for (i in 0..v6DhcpPoolsSize-1) {
+ def v6DhcpPool = v6DhcpPools[i]
+ def v6DhcpPoolXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v6DhcpPool)
+ rebuildingDhcp += "<tns2:v6-dhcp-pools>"
+ def v6DhcpPoolsList1 = ["v6-dhcp-pool-prefix", "v6-dhcp-pool-prefix-length"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v6DhcpPoolXml, v6DhcpPoolsList1, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def excludedV6AddressesList = ["excluded-v6-address"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElementsUnbounded(v6DhcpPoolXml, excludedV6AddressesList, "excluded-v6-addresses")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'excluded-v6-addresses' ")
+ }
+ def v6DhcpPoolsList2 = ["v6-dhcp-relay-gateway-address", "v6-dhcp-relay-next-hop-address"]
+ rebuildingDhcp += buildElements(v6DhcpPoolXml, v6DhcpPoolsList2, "")
+ rebuildingDhcp += "</tns2:v6-dhcp-pools>"
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception DHCP 'v6-dhcp-pools' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingDhcp += "</tns2:dhcp>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildingDhcp - " + rebuildingDhcp)
+ return rebuildingDhcp
+ }
+ // Build pat
+ def buildPat(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildingPat = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ rebuildingPat = "<tns2:pat>"
+ def patList = ["v4-pat-enabled", "use-v4-default-pool", "v4-pat-default-pool-prefix", "v4-pat-default-pool-prefix-length"]
+ rebuildingPat += buildElements(xmlInput, patList, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def v4PatPools = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v4-pat-pools").drop(38).trim()
+ def v4PatPoolsList = ["v4-pat-pool-prefix", "v4-pat-pool-prefix-length", "v4-pat-pool-next-hop-address"]
+ rebuildingPat += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v4PatPoolsList, "v4-pat-pools")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'v4-pat-pool-next-hop-address' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingPat += "</tns2:pat>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildingPat - " + rebuildingPat)
+ return rebuildingPat
+ }
+ // Build nat
+ def buildNat(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildingNat = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ rebuildingNat = "<tns2:nat>"
+ rebuildingNat += buildElements(xmlInput, ["v4-nat-enabled"], "")
+ try { // optional
+ def v4NatMappingEntries = getNodeXml(xmlInput, "v4-nat-mapping-entries").drop(38).trim()
+ def v4NatMappingEntriesList = ["v4-nat-internal", "v4-nat-next-hop-address", "v4-nat-external"]
+ rebuildingNat += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v4NatMappingEntriesList, "v4-nat-mapping-entries")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception 'v4-nat-external' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingNat += "</tns2:nat>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildingNat - " + rebuildingNat)
+ return rebuildingNat
+ }
+ // Build firewall-lite
+ def buildFirewallLite(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildingFirewallLite = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ def firewallLiteData = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlInput)
+ rebuildingFirewallLite = "<tns2:firewall-lite>"
+ def firewallLiteList = ["stateful-firewall-lite-v4-enabled", "stateful-firewall-lite-v6-enabled"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElements(xmlInput, firewallLiteList, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def v4FirewallPacketFilters = firewallLiteData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v4-firewall-packet-filters"}
+ def v4FirewallPacketFiltersSize = v4FirewallPacketFilters.size()
+ //println " v4FirewallPacketFiltersSize = " + v4FirewallPacketFilters.size()
+ for (i in 0..v4FirewallPacketFiltersSize-1) {
+ def v4FirewallPacketFilter = v4FirewallPacketFilters[i]
+ def v4FirewallPacketFilterXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v4FirewallPacketFilter)
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += "<tns2:v4-firewall-packet-filters>"
+ def v4FirewallPacketFiltersList = ["v4-firewall-prefix", "v4-firewall-prefix-length", "allow-icmp-ping"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElements(v4FirewallPacketFilterXml, v4FirewallPacketFiltersList, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def udpPortsList = ["port-number"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v4FirewallPacketFilterXml, udpPortsList, "udp-ports")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v4 'udp-ports' ")
+ }
+ try { // optional
+ def tcpPortsList = ["port-number"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v4FirewallPacketFilterXml, tcpPortsList, "tcp-ports")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v4 'tcp-ports' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += "</tns2:v4-firewall-packet-filters>"
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE 'v4-firewall-packet-filters' ")
+ }
+ try { // optional
+ def v6FirewallPacketFilters = firewallLiteData.'**'.findAll {it.name() == "v6-firewall-packet-filters"}
+ def v6FirewallPacketFiltersSize = v6FirewallPacketFilters.size()
+ //println " v6FirewallPacketFiltersSize = " + v6FirewallPacketFilters.size()
+ for (i in 0..v6FirewallPacketFiltersSize-1) {
+ def v6FirewallPacketFilter = v6FirewallPacketFilters[i]
+ def v6FirewallPacketFilterXml = XmlUtil.serialize(v6FirewallPacketFilter)
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += "<tns2:v6-firewall-packet-filters>"
+ def v6FirewallPacketFiltersList = ["v6-firewall-prefix", "v6-firewall-prefix-length", "allow-icmp-ping"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElements(v6FirewallPacketFilterXml, v6FirewallPacketFiltersList, "")
+ try { // optional
+ def udpPortsList = ["port-number"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v6FirewallPacketFilterXml, udpPortsList, "udp-ports")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v6 'udp-ports' ")
+ }
+ try { // optional
+ def tcpPortsList = ["port-number"]
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += buildElementsUnbounded(v6FirewallPacketFilterXml, tcpPortsList, "tcp-ports")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE v6 'tcp-ports' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingFirewallLite += "</tns2:v6-firewall-packet-filters>"
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", " Optional - Exception FIREWALL-LITE 'v6-firewall-packet-filters' ")
+ }
+ rebuildingFirewallLite+= "</tns2:firewall-lite>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildingFirewallLite - " + rebuildingFirewallLite)
+ return rebuildingFirewallLite
+ }
+ def buildStaticRoutes(xmlInput) {
+ def rebuildingStaticRoutes = ''
+ if (xmlInput != null) {
+ rebuildingStaticRoutes = "<tns2:static-routes>"
+ def v4StaticRouteslist = ["v4-static-route-prefix","v4-static-route-prefix-length", "v4-next-hop-address"]
+ rebuildingStaticRoutes += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v4StaticRouteslist, "v4-static-routes")
+ def v6StaticRouteslist = ["v6-static-route-prefix","v6-static-route-prefix-length", "v6-next-hop-address"]
+ rebuildingStaticRoutes += buildElementsUnbounded(xmlInput, v6StaticRouteslist, "v6-static-routes")
+ rebuildingStaticRoutes += "</tns2:static-routes>"
+ }
+ log("DEBUG", " rebuildingStaticRoutes - " + rebuildingStaticRoutes)
+ return rebuildingStaticRoutes
+ }
+ public String generateCurrentTimeInUtc(){
+ final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
+ sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ final String utcTime = sdf.format(new Date());
+ return utcTime;
+ }
+ public String generateCurrentTimeInGMT(){
+ final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("E, d MMM yyyy h:m:s z");
+ sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
+ final String utcTime = sdf.format(new Date());
+ return utcTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param encryptedAuth: encrypted credentials from urn properties
+ * @param msoKey: key to use to decrypt from urn properties
+ * @return base 64 encoded basic auth credentials
+ */
+ def getBasicAuth(encryptedAuth, msoKey){
+ try {
+ def auth = decrypt(encryptedAuth, msoKey)
+ byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(auth.getBytes())
+ String encodedString = new String(encoded)
+ encodedString = "Basic " + encodedString
+ return encodedString
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ log("ERROR", "Unable to encode basic auth")
+ throw ex
+ }
+ }
+ def encrypt(toEncrypt, msokey){
+ try {
+ String result = CryptoUtils.encrypt(toEncrypt, msokey);
+ return result
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", "Failed to encrypt credentials")
+ }
+ }
+ def decrypt(toDecrypt, msokey){
+ try {
+ String result = CryptoUtils.decrypt(toDecrypt, msokey);
+ return result
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ log("ERROR", "Failed to decrypt credentials")
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return URL with qualified host name (if any) or urn mapping
+ * @param String url from urn mapping
+ * @return String url with qualified host name
+ */
+ public String getQualifiedHostNameForCallback(String urnCallbackUrl) {
+ def callbackUrlToUse = urnCallbackUrl
+ try{
+ //swap host name with qualified host name from the jboss properties
+ def qualifiedHostName = System.getProperty("jboss.qualified.host.name")
+ if(qualifiedHostName!=null){
+ log("DEBUG", "qualifiedHostName:\n" + qualifiedHostName)
+ callbackUrlToUse = callbackUrlToUse.replaceAll("(http://)(.*)(:28080*)", {orig, first, torepl, last -> "${first}${qualifiedHostName}${last}"})
+ }
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ log("DEBUG", "unable to grab qualified host name, using what's in urn properties for callbackurl. Exception was: " + e.printStackTrace())
+ }
+ return callbackUrlToUse
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves text context of the element if the element exists, returns empty string otherwise
+ * @param com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl element to parse
+ * param String tagName tagName
+ * @return String text content of the element
+ */
+ public String getElementText(Element element, String tagName) {
+ String text = ""
+ org.w3c.dom.NodeList nodeList = element.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", tagName)
+ if (nodeList != null && nodeList.length > 0) {
+ text = nodeList.item(0).getTextContent()
+ }
+ return text
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Find the lowest unused module-index value in a given xml
+ */
+ public String getLowestUnusedIndex(String xml) {
+ if (xml == null || xml.isEmpty()) {
+ return "0"
+ }
+ def moduleIndexList = getMultNodes(xml, "module-index")
+ if (moduleIndexList == null || moduleIndexList.size() == 0) {
+ return "0"
+ }
+ def sortedModuleIndexList = moduleIndexList.sort { a, b -> a.compareTo b }
+ for (i in 0..sortedModuleIndexList.size()-1) {
+ if (Integer.parseInt(sortedModuleIndexList[i]) != i) {
+ return i.toString()
+ }
+ }
+ return sortedModuleIndexList.size().toString()
+ }