path: root/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/commonrewrite.lua b/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/commonrewrite.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c57880d..0000000
--- a/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/commonrewrite.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-local msbConf = require('conf.msbinit')
-local svcConf = require('conf.svcconf')
-local dbclient = require('dao.db_access')
-local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
-local svc_util = require('lib.utils.svc_util')
-local log_util = require('lib.utils.log_util')
-local tbl_concat = table.concat
-local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
-local svc_isactive = svc_util.isactive
-local svc_setauthheader = svc_util.setauthheader
-local svc_isautodiscover = svc_util.isautodiscover
-local str_sub = string.sub
-local str_len = string.len
-local str_low = string.lower
-local ngx_var = ngx.var
-local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
-local log = log_util.log
-local defaultport = msbConf.systemConf.defaultport
-local defaultprefix = msbConf.systemConf.defaultprefix
-local enablefullsearch = msbConf.systemConf.enablefullsearch
-local useconsultemplate = msbConf.systemConf.useconsultemplate
-local apiRelatedTypes = svcConf.apiRelatedTypes
-local urlfieldMap = svcConf.urlfieldMap
-local donotfound = function()
- if enablefullsearch then
- -- test against the custom services after the commonrewrite phase
- ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_GONE
- else
- ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
- ngx.say("service info not found!")
- end
- return ngx.exit(ngx.status)
--- determine whether it is websocket request
--- and do internal redirect
-local http_upgrade = ngx_var.http_upgrade
-if(ngx_var.websocket_internal_redirect == "on") and http_upgrade and str_low(http_upgrade) == "websocket" then
- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Websocket request and redirect to @commonwebsocket")
- return ngx.exec("@commonwebsocket");
--- svc_info_key
--- svc_server_keypattern
-local svc_name = ngx_var.svc_name
-local req_res = ngx_var.req_res
-local svc_type = ngx_var.svc_type
-local sys_prefix = ""
-local server_port = ngx_var.server_port
-if(server_port == defaultport) then
- sys_prefix = defaultprefix
- sys_prefix = server_port
-local svc_info_key = ""
-local svc_server_keypattern = ""
-local upstream_name_consultemplate = ""
-if(apiRelatedTypes[svc_type]) then
- -- process version info first
- local version1 = ngx_var.svc_version1
- local version2 = ngx_var.svc_version2
- local version = ""
- -- check version info appearing befor or after
- if(not version2) then version2 = "" end --convert nil to empty sting avoiding throw error
- if(not version1 or version1 == "") then
- version = version2
- else
- version = version1
- req_res = version2..req_res
- end
- -- remove the slash in front of the version (e.g. /V1.0)
- local svc_version=str_sub(version,2,str_len(version))
- svc_info_key = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"api",svc_name,svc_version,"info"},":")
- svc_server_keypattern = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"api",svc_name,svc_version,"lb:server*"},":")
- upstream_name_consultemplate = svc_name
- svc_info_key = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"iui",svc_name,"info"},":")
- svc_server_keypattern = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"iui",svc_name,"lb:server*"},":")
- upstream_name_consultemplate = "IUI_"..svc_name
---step1:query the service info from share memory or back db
--- svcinfo: the requested service information
-local svcinfo = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
-if not svc_isactive(svcinfo) then
- donotfound()
-local svc_url = svcinfo[urlfieldMap[svc_type]]
-if not svc_url then
- donotfound()
---step2:rewrite the request uri using the svcinfo
-local rewrited_uri = svc_url..req_res
---special handling: avoid throws internal error when it is empty
-if (rewrited_uri == "") then rewrited_uri = "/" end
---step2.1:if this service is inter-system,add custom http header
---step3:process the proxy upstream part
--- con1-using consul template:set the upstream name
--- con2-using msb balancer:query the server list and store in the ctx
-if useconsultemplate and svc_isautodiscover(svcinfo) then
- ngx_var.backend = upstream_name_consultemplate
- local backservers = dbclient.load_backservers(svc_server_keypattern)
- if tbl_isempty(backservers) then
- donotfound()
- end
- ngx_ctx.backservers = backservers
- ngx_ctx.svcserverpattern = svc_server_keypattern
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/customrewrite.lua b/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/customrewrite.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 564a52a..0000000
--- a/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/rewrite/customrewrite.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2016 ZTE, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. (ZTE)
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-local msbConf = require('conf.msbinit')
-local svcConf = require('conf.svcconf')
-local dbclient = require('dao.db_access')
-local tbl_util = require('lib.utils.table_util')
-local svc_util = require('lib.utils.svc_util')
-local log_util = require('lib.utils.log_util')
-local tbl_concat = table.concat
-local tbl_isempty = tbl_util.isempty
-local svc_isactive = svc_util.isactive
-local svc_setauthheader = svc_util.setauthheader
-local svc_isautodiscover = svc_util.isautodiscover
-local str_sub = string.sub
-local str_len = string.len
-local str_low = string.lower
-local ngx_var = ngx.var
-local ngx_ctx = ngx.ctx
-local log = log_util.log
-local defaultport = msbConf.systemConf.defaultport
-local defaultprefix = msbConf.systemConf.defaultprefix
-local enablerefercheck = msbConf.systemConf.enablerefercheck
-local useconsultemplate = msbConf.systemConf.useconsultemplate
-local urlfieldMap = svcConf.urlfieldMap
-local donotfound = function()
- ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
- ngx.say("service info not found!")
- return ngx.exit(ngx.status)
--- determine whether it is websocket request
--- and do internal redirect
-local http_upgrade = ngx_var.http_upgrade
-if(ngx_var.websocket_internal_redirect == "on") and http_upgrade and str_low(http_upgrade)== "websocket" then
- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Websocket request and redirect to @customwebsocket")
- return ngx.exec("@customwebsocket");
--- svcnames:service names registered under this port
-local sys_prefix = ""
-local server_port = ngx_var.server_port
-if(server_port == defaultport) then
- sys_prefix = defaultprefix
- sys_prefix = server_port
-local custom_svc_keypattern = tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"custom","*"},":")
-local get_svcinfokey_custom = function(svcname)
- return tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"custom",svcname,"info"},":")
-local get_svcserverpattern_custom = function(svcname)
- return tbl_concat({sys_prefix,"custom",svcname,"lb:server*"},":")
-local svcnames,err = dbclient.load_customsvcnames(custom_svc_keypattern)
-if not svcnames then
- donotfound()
---step1:run the match process(check whether the request
--- match the name in the svcnames one by one)
--- and return the matched serice info
-local req_res = ngx_var.uri
-local svc_type = ngx_var.svc_type
-local matchedsvcname
-local svcinfo
---add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
-local matched_usingrefer = false
---end of add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
-for _, svcname in ipairs(svcnames) do
- if (svcname == "/") then
- local svc_info_key = get_svcinfokey_custom(svcname)
- local svc_info,err = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
- if svc_info and svc_isactive(svc_info)then
- matchedsvcname = svcname
- svcinfo = svc_info
- break
- end
- end
- local from, to, err = ngx.re.find(req_res, "^"..svcname.."(/(.*))?$", "jo")
- --check whether svcname is the prefix of the req uri
- if from then
- local svc_info_key = get_svcinfokey_custom(svcname)
- local svc_info,err = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
- if svc_info and svc_isactive(svc_info) then
- matchedsvcname = svcname
- svcinfo = svc_info
- break
- end
- else
- --do nothing
- end
---step1.1:additional process,test against the refer
--- similar to step1
---add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
-if not matchedsvcname and enablerefercheck then
- local refer = ngx_var.http_referer
- if(refer and refer~="") then
- for _, svcname in ipairs(svcnames) do
- local urlreg ="^(https://|http://|)(([1-9]|([1-9]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|(2([0-4]\\d|5[0-5])))\\.)(([0-9]|([1-9]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|(2([0-4]\\d|5[0-5])))\\.){2}([1-9]|([1-9]\\d)|(1\\d\\d)|(2([0-4]\\d|5[0-5])))(:\\d{1,5})?"..svcname.."(/(.*))?$";
- local from, to, err = ngx.re.find(refer, urlreg, "jo")
- ----check whether svcname is the prefix of the req refer
- if from then
- local svc_info_key = get_svcinfokey_custom(svcname)
- local svc_info,err = dbclient.load_serviceinfo(svc_info_key)
- if svc_info and svc_isactive(svc_info) then
- matchedsvcname = svcname
- svcinfo = svc_info
- matched_usingrefer = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
---end of add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
-if not matchedsvcname or tbl_isempty(svcinfo) then
- donotfound()
-local svc_url = svcinfo[urlfieldMap[svc_type]]
-if not svc_url then
- donotfound()
---step2:rewrite the request uri using the svcinfo
-local rewrited_uri =""
-if (matchedsvcname == "/") then
- --special handling: if "/" matched, contact directly
- rewrited_uri = svc_url..req_res
- --rewrited_uri = ngx.re.sub(req_res, "^"..matchedsvcname.."(.*)", svc_url.."$1", "o")
- local newuri,n,err = ngx.re.sub(req_res, "^"..matchedsvcname.."(/.*)?", svc_url.."$1", "o")
- --add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
- if(n==0 and matched_usingrefer) then newuri = svc_url..req_res end --special handling if matched using refer
- --end of add by wangyg:20160418 special handler for refer
- rewrited_uri = newuri
-if (rewrited_uri == "") then rewrited_uri = "/" end --avoid throws internal error when it is empty
---set the matched service info,used in the proxy_redirect directive
-ngx_var.svc_name = matchedsvcname
-ngx_var.svc_url = svc_url
---log the route info
-if(matched_usingrefer) then log("matched_usingrefer",true) end
---step2.1:if this service is inter-system,add custom http header
---step3:process the proxy upstream part
--- con1-using consul template:set the upstream name
--- con2-using msb balancer:query the backserver list and store in the ctx
-if useconsultemplate and svc_isautodiscover(svcinfo) then
- --FIX ME:if svcname contains "/", the upstream name may be illegal
- ngx_var.backend = ngx.re.sub(matchedsvcname, "^/(.*)", "$1", "o")
- local svc_server_keypattern = get_svcserverpattern_custom(matchedsvcname)
- local backservers,err = dbclient.load_backservers(svc_server_keypattern)
- if tbl_isempty(backservers) then
- donotfound()
- end
- ngx_ctx.backservers = backservers
- ngx_ctx.svcserverpattern = svc_server_keypattern
-end \ No newline at end of file