path: root/smoke-usecases-pythonsdk
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diff --git a/smoke-usecases-pythonsdk/README.md b/smoke-usecases-pythonsdk/README.md
index a840ef1..d21f5d2 100644
--- a/smoke-usecases-pythonsdk/README.md
+++ b/smoke-usecases-pythonsdk/README.md
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ but the Dockerfile must be adapted accordingly.
The tests are:
-- basic_vm: it onboard/distribute/deploy a single Ubuntu VM in ONAP using
- VNF-API. The components used are SDC, SO, AA&I, SDNC.
-- freeradius_nbi: based on basic_vm, the instantiation part is done through the
- ONAP external API (NBI) module.
-- clearwater_ims: it consists in a full deployment of an clearwater vIMS in ONAP.
+- basic_vm: onboarding/distribution/deployment of a single Ubuntu VM in ONAP using
+ GR-API (A la Carte SO BPMN). The components used are SDC, SO, AAI, SDNC.
+- basic_cnf: onboarding/distribution/deployment of a single nginx pod in ONAP using
+ GR-API (A la Carte SO BPMN) and K8s module. The components used are SDC, SO,
+ AAI, SDNC, MultiCloud.
+- basic_network: onboarding/distribution/deployment of a Neutron network
## Usage
-Note this docker will be deprecated in Guilin. The existing 3 test cases and
-additional ones will be performed through test cases [2] consuming the Python
+Tests are performed through test cases [2] consuming the Python
+ONAP SDK [1].
### Configuration
@@ -29,35 +29,237 @@ Mandatory:
Assuming that these use cases were based on onap-tests, the service descriptions
must be overwritten with the right cloud informations as well as the onap-tests
-configuration. That is why 2 volumes are needed:
-- <custom onap-tests config>: The last section of the default configuration must
- be adapted to your environement [3]
-- <service description dir>: the customized service descriptions including the
- parameters to be overwritten (SDNC preload) [4]
+pythonsdk-tests configuration is given by a file whose path is specified in env
+variables. It is therefore needed to setup env files and precise the
+test configuration.
+There are optional and mandatory env variables
+- OS_TEST_CLOUD: it specifies the Openstack cloud you
+ are using (declared in the clouds.yaml)
+- ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS: the configuration to be considered for the tests.
+ See pythonsdk-tests README for details
+- INSTALLER_TYPE: the name of the installer (used for results)
+- TEST_DB_URL: the url of the DB you want to push the results
+- NODE_NAME: the name of the lab or CI chain (used for results)
+- BUILD_TAG: an id used for CI to group tests in a CI run
+- DEBUG: by default xtesting logs are not enables
+An example of env file is given herefater:
+The generic configuration file settings.py can be also specified to overwritte
+default values.
+"""Specific settings module.""" # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
+# #
+# #
+# Variables to set logger information
+# Possible values for logging levels in onapsdk: INFO, DEBUG , WARNING, ERROR
+ "version": 1,
+ "disable_existing_loggers": False,
+ "formatters": {
+ "default": {
+ "class": "logging.Formatter",
+ "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d:%(filename)s(%(process)d) - %(message)s"
+ }
+ },
+ "handlers": {
+ "console": {
+ "level": "INFO",
+ "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
+ "formatter": "default"
+ },
+ "file": {
+ "level": "DEBUG",
+ "class": "logging.FileHandler",
+ "formatter": "default",
+ "filename": "/var/lib/xtesting/results/pythonsdk.debug.log",
+ "mode": "w"
+ }
+ },
+ "root": {
+ "level": "DEBUG",
+ "handlers": ["console", "file"]
+ }
+# SOCK_HTTP = "socks5h://"
+REPORTING_FILE_PATH = "/var/lib/xtesting/results/reporting.html"
+K8S_REGION_TYPE = "k8s"
+You can specify the log level, the log file, and the path for the reporting page.
+You may then indicate several volumes when launching the xtesting docker.
+Please note it can be run from anyplace assuming that the configuration and the
+connectivity are properly set. You then need to hav access to ONAP endpoints, you
+can either copy a /etc/hosts in the docker or add the hosts in the docker command.
+The different needed volumes are:
- The local result directory path: to store the results in your local
environement. It shall corresponds to the internal result docker path
-- The cloud.yaml if you enable the Openstack verification option (Openstack
- client call to check that the stack is created in Openstack)
+- The kubernetes .kube/config configuration for use cases interacting with kubernetes
+ (basic_cnf)
+- The openstack cloud.yaml for use cases interacting with Openstack
+ infrastructures (basic_vm, basic_network)
+- The customization of your service. You can overwrite the model datas by the
+ values matching your environement. In this case you need to replace the default
+ service configuration file
+An example of clouds.yaml
+ onap-master-daily-vnfs-ci:
+ auth:
+ auth_url: https://vim.pod4.opnfv.fr:5000
+ password: yGiJDEh82K9x0T69iIJJRPeUqVRPFnIR
+ project_id: 978ec1ae58ac492a936e0bcec22dfee9
+ project_name: onap-master-daily-vnfs
+ user_domain_name: Default
+ username: onap-master-daily-vnfs-ci
+ compute_api_version: '2.15'
+ identity_api_version: '3'
+ interface: public
+ project_domain_name: Default
+ region_name: RegionOne
+A example of basic_vm customization is provided hereafter. You can customize
+this file according to your cloud environment (key, flavor name,..).
+The data will be preloaded to overwrite the default model values.
+ tosca_file_from_SDC: service-Ubuntu16tha-template
+ version: "1.0"
+ vnfs:
+ - vnf_name: ubuntu16test
+ heat_files_to_upload: onaptests/templates/heat-files/ubuntu16/ubuntu16.zip
+ vnf_parameters: [
+ {"name": "ubuntu16_image_name",
+ "value": "ubuntu-16.04-daily"
+ },
+ {"name": "ubuntu16_key_name",
+ "value": "cleouverte"
+ },
+ {"name": "ubuntu16_pub_key",
+ "value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAA\
+t+w+EC9/kBKq+1VKdmsXUXAcjEvjovVL8l1BrX3BY0R8D imported-openssh-key"
+ },
+ {"name": "ubuntu16_flavor_name",
+ "value": "m1.small"
+ },
+ {"name": "VM_name",
+ "value": "ubuntu16test-VM-01"
+ },
+ {"name": "vnf_id",
+ "value": "ubuntu16test-VNF-instance"
+ },
+ {"name": "vf_module_id",
+ "value": "ubuntu16test-vfmodule-instance"
+ },
+ {"name": "vnf_name",
+ "value": "ubuntu16test-VNF"
+ },
+ {"name": "admin_plane_net_name",
+ "value": "admin"
+ }
+ ]
### Command
+If you specify all the hosts
docker run
-v <your local env>:/var/lib/xtesting/conf/env_file
--v <custom onap-tests config>:/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onap_tests/onap-conf/onap-testing.yaml
--v <service description dir>:/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onap_tests/templates/vnf-services
-v <cloud.yaml file corresponding to your VNF tenant>/root/.config/openstack.yaml
+-v <kube config file corresponding to your k8s cluster>/root/.kube/config
+-v <service definition yaml matching your environment>:/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onaptests/templates/vnf-services/ubuntu16test-service.yaml
-v <result directory>:/var/lib/xtesting/results
+--add-host="portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="sdc.api.be.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="aai.api.sparky.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="so.api.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="sdnc.api.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="sdc.workflow.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="sdc.dcae.plugin.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+--add-host="msb.api.simpledemo.onap.org:<your ONAP IP>"
+nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/xtesting-smoke-usecases-pythonsdk:latest /bin/sh -c "run_tests -t basic_vm"
+Unkike the other xtesting docker, 1 docker = 1 use case, the target -t all is
+not usable.
+Note you can run also the docker interactivly
+docker run -it
+-v <your local env>:/var/lib/xtesting/conf/env_file
+-v <cloud.yaml file corresponding to your VNF tenant>/root/.config/openstack.yaml
+-v <kube config file corresponding to your k8s cluster>/root/.kube/config
+-v <service definition yaml matching your environment>:/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onaptests/templates/vnf-services/ubuntu16test-service.yaml
+-v <result directory>:/var/lib/xtesting/results
+nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/xtesting-smoke-usecases-pythonsdk:latest sh
+Inside the docker you can edit the /etc/hosts and indicate the different hosts).
+Then you can run the test with the following command:
+run_tests -t basic_vm
+you can modify the env variable to run any of the use cases.
### Output
+| basic_vm | integration | 09:52 | PASS |
+### references
[1]: https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/python-onapsdk "Python ONAP SDK repository"
[2]: https://git.onap.org/testsuite/pythonsdk-tests/tree/ "Scenario consuming Python SDK"