path: root/tests/test_vf.py
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1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_vf.py b/tests/test_vf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540a377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_vf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+"""Test vf module."""
+# Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import time
+from unittest import mock
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+import onapsdk.constants as const
+from onapsdk.exceptions import ParameterError, StatusError, RequestError, ValidationError
+from onapsdk.sdc.category_management import ResourceCategory
+from onapsdk.sdc.properties import ComponentProperty, NestedInput, Property
+from onapsdk.sdc.sdc_resource import SdcResource
+from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vendor
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message_json')
+def test_get_all_no_vf(mock_send):
+ """Returns empty array if no vfs."""
+ mock_send.return_value = {}
+ assert Vf.get_all() == []
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with("GET", 'get Vfs', 'https://sdc.api.be.simpledemo.onap.org:30204/sdc/v1/catalog/resources?resourceType=VF')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message_json')
+def test_get_all_some_vfs(mock_send):
+ """Returns a list of vf."""
+ mock_send.return_value = [
+ {'resourceType': 'VF', 'name': 'one', 'uuid': '1234', 'invariantUUID': '5678', 'version': '1.0', 'lifecycleState': 'CERTIFIED', 'category': 'Generic', "subCategory": "Abstract"},
+ {'resourceType': 'VF', 'name': 'two', 'uuid': '1235', 'invariantUUID': '5679', 'version': '1.0', 'lifecycleState': 'NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT', 'category': 'Generic', "subCategory": "Abstract"}]
+ all_vfs = Vf.get_all()
+ assert len(all_vfs) == 2
+ vf_1 = all_vfs[0]
+ assert vf_1.name == "one"
+ assert vf_1.identifier == "1234"
+ assert vf_1.unique_uuid == "5678"
+ assert vf_1.version == "1.0"
+ assert vf_1.status == const.CERTIFIED
+ assert vf_1.created()
+ vf_2 = all_vfs[1]
+ assert vf_2.name == "two"
+ assert vf_2.identifier == "1235"
+ assert vf_2.unique_uuid == "5679"
+ assert vf_2.status == const.DRAFT
+ assert vf_2.version == "1.0"
+ assert vf_2.created()
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with("GET", 'get Vfs', 'https://sdc.api.be.simpledemo.onap.org:30204/sdc/v1/catalog/resources?resourceType=VF')
+def test_init_no_name():
+ """Check init with no names."""
+ vf = Vf()
+ assert isinstance(vf, SdcResource)
+ assert vf._identifier is None
+ assert vf._version is None
+ assert vf.name == "ONAP-test-VF"
+ assert vf.headers["USER_ID"] == "cs0008"
+ assert vf.vsp is None
+ assert isinstance(vf._base_url(), str)
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+def test_init_with_name(mock_exists):
+ """Check init with no names."""
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf(name="YOLO")
+ assert vf._identifier == None
+ assert vf._version == None
+ assert vf.name == "YOLO"
+ assert vf.created() == False
+ assert vf.headers["USER_ID"] == "cs0008"
+ assert vf.vsp == None
+ assert isinstance(vf._base_url(), str)
+def test_equality_really_equals():
+ """Check two vfs are equals if name is the same."""
+ vf_1 = Vf(name="equal")
+ vf_1.identifier = "1234"
+ vf_2 = Vf(name="equal")
+ vf_2.identifier = "1235"
+ assert vf_1 == vf_2
+def test_equality_not_equals():
+ """Check two vfs are not equals if name is not the same."""
+ vf_1 = Vf(name="equal")
+ vf_1.identifier = "1234"
+ vf_2 = Vf(name="not_equal")
+ vf_2.identifier = "1234"
+ assert vf_1 != vf_2
+def test_equality_not_equals_not_same_object():
+ """Check a vf and something different are not equals."""
+ vf_1 = Vf(name="equal")
+ vf_1.identifier = "1234"
+ vf_2 = SdcResource()
+ vf_2.name = "equal"
+ assert vf_1 != vf_2
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'get_all')
+def test_exists_not_exists(mock_get_all):
+ """Return False if vf doesn't exist in SDC."""
+ vf_1 = Vf(name="one")
+ vf_1.identifier = "1234"
+ mock_get_all.return_value = [vf_1]
+ vf = Vf(name="two")
+ assert not vf.exists()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'get_all')
+def test_exists_exists(mock_get_all):
+ """Return True if vf exists in SDC."""
+ vf_1 = Vf(name="one")
+ vf_1.identifier = "1234"
+ vf_1.unique_uuid = "5689"
+ vf_1.unique_identifier = "71011"
+ vf_1.status = const.DRAFT
+ vf_1.version = "1.1"
+ mock_get_all.return_value = [vf_1]
+ vf = Vf(name="one")
+ assert vf.exists()
+ assert vf.identifier == "1234"
+ assert vf.unique_uuid == "5689"
+ assert vf.unique_identifier == "71011"
+ assert vf.status == const.DRAFT
+ assert vf.version == "1.1"
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+def test_load_created(mock_exists):
+ """Load is a wrapper around exists()."""
+ vf = Vf(name="one")
+ vf.load()
+ mock_exists.assert_called_once()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message_json')
+def test_create_no_vsp(mock_send, mock_exists):
+ """Do nothing if no vsp."""
+ vf = Vf()
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ with pytest.raises(ParameterError) as err:
+ vf.create()
+ assert err.type == ParameterError
+ assert str(err.value) == "At least vsp or vendor needs to be given"
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message_json')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "category", new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
+def test_create_already_exists(mock_category, mock_send, mock_exists):
+ """Do nothing if already created in SDC."""
+ vf = Vf(vendor=MagicMock())
+ vsp = Vsp()
+ vsp._identifier = "1232"
+ vf.vsp = vsp
+ mock_exists.return_value = True
+ vf.create()
+ mock_send.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message_json')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "category", new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
+def test_create_issue_in_creation(mock_category, mock_send, mock_exists):
+ """Do nothing if not created but issue during creation."""
+ vf = Vf()
+ vsp = Vsp()
+ vendor = Vendor()
+ vsp._identifier = "1232"
+ vsp.create_csar = MagicMock(return_value=True)
+ vsp.vendor = vendor
+ vf.vsp = vsp
+ expected_data = '{\n "artifacts": {},\n "attributes": [],\n "capabilities": {},\n "categories": [\n {\n "normalizedName": "generic",\n "name": "Generic",\n "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.generic",\n "subcategories": [{"empty": false, "groupings": null, "icons": ["objectStorage", "compute"], "name": "Abstract", "normalizedName": "abstract", "ownerId": null, "type": null, "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.generic.abstract", "version": null}],\n "version": null,\n "ownerId": null,\n "empty": false,\n "type": null,\n "icons": null\n }\n ],\n "componentInstances": [],\n "componentInstancesAttributes": {},\n "componentInstancesProperties": {},\n "componentType": "RESOURCE",\n "contactId": "cs0008",\n \n "csarUUID": "None",\n "csarVersion": "1.0",\n \n "deploymentArtifacts": {},\n "description": "VF",\n "icon": "defaulticon",\n "name": "ONAP-test-VF",\n "properties": [],\n "groups": [],\n "requirements": {},\n "resourceType": "VF",\n "tags": ["ONAP-test-VF"],\n "toscaArtifacts": {},\n "vendorName": "Generic-Vendor",\n "vendorRelease": "1.0"\n}'
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ mock_send.side_effect = RequestError
+ rc = ResourceCategory(
+ name="Generic"
+ )
+ rc.normalized_name="generic"
+ rc.unique_id="resourceNewCategory.generic"
+ rc.subcategories=[{"empty": False, "groupings": None, "icons": ["objectStorage", "compute"], "name": "Abstract", "normalizedName": "abstract", "ownerId": None, "type": None, "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.generic.abstract", "version": None}]
+ rc.version=None
+ rc.owner_id=None
+ rc.empty=False
+ rc.type=None
+ rc.icons=None
+ mock_category.return_value = rc
+ with pytest.raises(RequestError) as exc:
+ vf.create()
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with("POST", "create Vf", 'https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources', data=expected_data)
+ assert not vf.created()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message_json')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "category", new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
+def test_create_OK(mock_category, mock_send, mock_exists):
+ """Create and update object."""
+ vf = Vf()
+ vsp = Vsp()
+ vendor = Vendor()
+ vsp._identifier = "1232"
+ vf.vsp = vsp
+ vsp.vendor = vendor
+ vsp._csar_uuid = "1234"
+ expected_data = '{\n "artifacts": {},\n "attributes": [],\n "capabilities": {},\n "categories": [\n {\n "normalizedName": "generic",\n "name": "Generic",\n "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.generic",\n "subcategories": [{"empty": false, "groupings": null, "icons": ["objectStorage", "compute"], "name": "Abstract", "normalizedName": "abstract", "ownerId": null, "type": null, "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.generic.abstract", "version": null}],\n "version": null,\n "ownerId": null,\n "empty": false,\n "type": null,\n "icons": null\n }\n ],\n "componentInstances": [],\n "componentInstancesAttributes": {},\n "componentInstancesProperties": {},\n "componentType": "RESOURCE",\n "contactId": "cs0008",\n \n "csarUUID": "1234",\n "csarVersion": "1.0",\n \n "deploymentArtifacts": {},\n "description": "VF",\n "icon": "defaulticon",\n "name": "ONAP-test-VF",\n "properties": [],\n "groups": [],\n "requirements": {},\n "resourceType": "VF",\n "tags": ["ONAP-test-VF"],\n "toscaArtifacts": {},\n "vendorName": "Generic-Vendor",\n "vendorRelease": "1.0"\n}'
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ mock_send.return_value = {'resourceType': 'VF', 'name': 'one', 'uuid': '1234', 'invariantUUID': '5678', 'version': '1.0', 'uniqueId': '91011', 'lifecycleState': 'NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT'}
+ rc = ResourceCategory(
+ name="Generic"
+ )
+ rc.normalized_name="generic"
+ rc.unique_id="resourceNewCategory.generic"
+ rc.subcategories=[{"empty": False, "groupings": None, "icons": ["objectStorage", "compute"], "name": "Abstract", "normalizedName": "abstract", "ownerId": None, "type": None, "uniqueId": "resourceNewCategory.generic.abstract", "version": None}]
+ rc.version=None
+ rc.owner_id=None
+ rc.empty=False
+ rc.type=None
+ rc.icons=None
+ mock_category.return_value = rc
+ vf.create()
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with("POST", "create Vf", 'https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources', data=expected_data)
+ assert vf.created()
+ assert vf._status == const.DRAFT
+ assert vf.identifier == "1234"
+ assert vf.unique_uuid == "5678"
+ assert vf.version == "1.0"
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+def test_version_no_load_no_created(mock_load, mock_exists):
+ """Test versions when not created."""
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf()
+ assert vf.version is None
+ mock_load.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+def test_version_no_load_created(mock_load):
+ """Test versions when created."""
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf.identifier = "1234"
+ vf._version = "64"
+ assert vf.version == "64"
+ mock_load.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+def test_version_with_load(mock_load):
+ """Test versions when not created but with identifier."""
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf.identifier = "1234"
+ assert vf.version is None
+ mock_load.assert_called_once()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+def test_status_no_load_no_created(mock_load, mock_exists):
+ """Test status when not created."""
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf()
+ assert vf.status is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("status", [const.COMMITED, const.CERTIFIED, const.UPLOADED, const.VALIDATED])
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message')
+def test_submit_not_Commited(mock_send, mock_load, mock_exists, status):
+ """Do nothing if not created."""
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf._status = status
+ vf.submit()
+ mock_send.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message')
+def test_submit_OK(mock_send, mock_load, mock_exists):
+ """Don't update status if submission NOK."""
+ mock_exists.return_value = True
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf._status = const.COMMITED
+ expected_data = '{\n "userRemarks": "certify"\n}'
+ vf._version = "1234"
+ vf._unique_identifier = "12345"
+ vf.submit()
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with(
+ "POST", "Certify Vf",
+ 'https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources/12345/lifecycleState/Certify',
+ data=expected_data)
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'certify')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'submit')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'create')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'add_resource')
+def test_onboard_new_vf(mock_add_resource, mock_create, mock_submit, mock_certify, mock_load):
+ getter_mock = mock.Mock(wraps=Vf.status.fget)
+ mock_status = Vf.status.getter(getter_mock)
+ with mock.patch.object(Vf, 'status', mock_status):
+ getter_mock.side_effect = [None, const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED,
+ const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED]
+ vsp = Vsp()
+ vf = Vf(vsp=vsp)
+ vf._time_wait = 0
+ vf.onboard()
+ mock_create.assert_called_once()
+ mock_add_resource.assert_not_called()
+ mock_submit.assert_not_called()
+ mock_certify.assert_not_called()
+ mock_load.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'submit')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'create')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'add_resource')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "certify")
+def test_onboard_vf_submit(mock_certify, mock_add_resource, mock_create, mock_submit, mock_load):
+ getter_mock = mock.Mock(wraps=Vf.status.fget)
+ mock_status = Vf.status.getter(getter_mock)
+ with mock.patch.object(Vf, 'status', mock_status):
+ getter_mock.side_effect = [const.DRAFT, const.DRAFT,
+ const.CHECKED_IN, const.CHECKED_IN, const.CHECKED_IN,
+ const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED]
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf._time_wait = 0
+ vf.onboard()
+ mock_create.assert_not_called()
+ mock_add_resource.assert_not_called()
+ mock_submit.assert_called_once()
+ mock_load.assert_not_called()
+ mock_certify.assert_called_once()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'submit')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'create')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'add_resource')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "certify")
+def test_onboard_vf_load(mock_certify, mock_add_resource, mock_create, mock_submit, mock_load):
+ getter_mock = mock.Mock(wraps=Vf.status.fget)
+ mock_status = Vf.status.getter(getter_mock)
+ with mock.patch.object(Vf, 'status', mock_status):
+ getter_mock.side_effect = [const.CERTIFIED, const.CERTIFIED,
+ const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED,
+ const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED]
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf._time_wait = 0
+ vf.onboard()
+ mock_create.assert_not_called()
+ mock_add_resource.assert_not_called()
+ mock_submit.assert_not_called()
+ mock_load.assert_called_once()
+ mock_certify.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'submit')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'create')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'add_resource')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "certify")
+def test_onboard_whole_vf(mock_certify, mock_add_resource, mock_create, mock_submit, mock_load):
+ getter_mock = mock.Mock(wraps=Vf.status.fget)
+ mock_status = Vf.status.getter(getter_mock)
+ with mock.patch.object(Vf, 'status', mock_status):
+ getter_mock.side_effect = [None, const.DRAFT, const.DRAFT,
+ const.CHECKED_IN, const.CHECKED_IN, const.CHECKED_IN,
+ const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED, const.APPROVED]
+ vsp = Vsp()
+ vf = Vf(vsp=vsp)
+ vf._time_wait = 0
+ vf.onboard()
+ mock_create.assert_called_once()
+ mock_add_resource.assert_not_called()
+ mock_submit.assert_called_once()
+ mock_load.assert_called_once()
+ mock_certify.assert_called_once()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "send_message_json")
+def test_add_properties(mock_send_message_json):
+ vf = Vf(name="test")
+ vf._identifier = "toto"
+ vf._unique_identifier = "toto"
+ vf._status = const.CERTIFIED
+ with pytest.raises(StatusError):
+ vf.add_property(Property(name="test", property_type="string"))
+ vf._status = const.DRAFT
+ vf.add_property(Property(name="test", property_type="string"))
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message')
+def test_add_artifact_to_vf(mock_send_message, mock_load):
+ """Test VF add artifact"""
+ vf = Vf(name="test")
+ vf.status = const.DRAFT
+ mycbapath = Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip")
+ result = vf.add_deployment_artifact(artifact_label="cba",
+ artifact_name="vLB_CBA_Python.zip",
+ artifact=mycbapath)
+ mock_send_message.assert_called()
+ method, description, url = mock_send_message.call_args[0]
+ assert method == "POST"
+ assert description == "Add deployment artifact for test sdc resource"
+ assert url == ("https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources/"
+ f"{vf.unique_identifier}/artifacts")
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "created")
+@mock.patch.object(ResourceCategory, "get")
+def test_vf_category(mock_resource_category, mock_created):
+ mock_created.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf(name="test")
+ _ = vf.category
+ mock_resource_category.assert_called_once_with(name="Generic", subcategory="Abstract")
+ mock_resource_category.reset_mock()
+ vf = Vf(name="test", category="Allotted Resource", subcategory="Allotted Resource")
+ _ = vf.category
+ mock_resource_category.assert_called_once_with(name="Allotted Resource", subcategory="Allotted Resource")
+ mock_resource_category.reset_mock()
+ vf = Vf(name="test", category="test", subcategory="test")
+ _ = vf.category
+ mock_resource_category.assert_called_once_with(name="test", subcategory="test")
+ mock_resource_category.reset_mock()
+ mock_created.return_value = True
+ _ = vf.category
+ mock_resource_category.assert_called_once_with(name="test", subcategory="test")
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "send_message_json")
+def test_update_vsp(mock_send):
+ vf = Vf(name="test")
+ vf._unique_identifier = "123"
+ vsp = MagicMock()
+ vsp.csar_uuid = "122333"
+ vsp.human_readable_version = "1.0"
+ mock_send.return_value = {
+ "csarUUID": "322111",
+ "csarVersion": "0.1",
+ "tags": [],
+ "categories": [],
+ "allVersions": [],
+ "archived": False,
+ "creationDate": int(time.time()),
+ "lastUpdateDate": int(time.time()),
+ }
+ vf.update_vsp(vsp)
+ assert mock_send.call_count == 2
+ mock_call_kwargs_data = json.loads(mock_send.mock_calls[-1][2]["data"]) # Get kward from `unittest.mock.call` tuple
+ assert mock_call_kwargs_data["csarUUID"] == "122333"
+ assert mock_call_kwargs_data["csarVersion"] == "1.0"
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'exists')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message')
+def test_add_resource_not_draft(mock_send, mock_exists):
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf()
+ resource = SdcResource()
+ with pytest.raises(StatusError):
+ vf.add_resource(resource)
+ mock_send.assert_not_called()
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message')
+def test_add_resource_bad_result(mock_send, mock_load):
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf.unique_identifier = "45"
+ vf.identifier = "93"
+ vf.status = const.DRAFT
+ mock_send.return_value = {}
+ resource = SdcResource()
+ resource.unique_identifier = "12"
+ resource.created = MagicMock(return_value=True)
+ resource.version = "40"
+ resource.name = "test"
+ assert vf.add_resource(resource) is None
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources/45/resourceInstance',
+ data='{\n "name": "test",\n "componentVersion": "40",\n "posY": 100,\n "posX": 200,\n "uniqueId": "12",\n "originType": "SDCRESOURCE",\n "componentUid": "12",\n "icon": "defaulticon"\n}')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'load')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'send_message')
+def test_add_resource_OK(mock_send, mock_load):
+ vf = Vf()
+ vf.unique_identifier = "45"
+ vf.identifier = "93"
+ vf.status = const.DRAFT
+ mock_send.return_value = {'yes': 'indeed'}
+ resource = SdcResource()
+ resource.unique_identifier = "12"
+ resource.created = MagicMock(return_value=True)
+ resource.version = "40"
+ resource.name = "test"
+ result = vf.add_resource(resource)
+ assert result['yes'] == "indeed"
+ mock_send.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources/45/resourceInstance',
+ data='{\n "name": "test",\n "componentVersion": "40",\n "posY": 100,\n "posX": 200,\n "uniqueId": "12",\n "originType": "SDCRESOURCE",\n "componentUid": "12",\n "icon": "defaulticon"\n}')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, 'created')
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "send_message_json")
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "resource_inputs_url")
+def test_vf_vendor_property(mock_resource_inputs_url, mock_send_message_json, mock_created):
+ mock_created.return_value = False
+ vf = Vf()
+ assert vf.vendor is None
+ vsp_mock = MagicMock()
+ vsp_mock.vendor = MagicMock()
+ vf.vsp = vsp_mock
+ assert vf.vendor == vsp_mock.vendor
+ vf._vendor = None
+ mock_created.return_value = True
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = {"vendorName": "123"}
+ assert vf.vendor.name == "123"
+@mock.patch.object(SdcResource, "declare_input")
+@mock.patch.object(Vf, "send_message")
+def test_vf_declare_input(mock_send_message, mock_sdc_resource_declare_input):
+ vf = Vf()
+ prop = Property(name="test_prop", property_type="string")
+ nested_input = NestedInput(MagicMock(), MagicMock())
+ vf.declare_input(prop)
+ mock_sdc_resource_declare_input.assert_called_once()
+ mock_send_message.assert_not_called()
+ mock_sdc_resource_declare_input.reset_mock()
+ vf.declare_input(nested_input)
+ mock_sdc_resource_declare_input.assert_called_once()
+ mock_send_message.assert_not_called()
+ mock_sdc_resource_declare_input.reset_mock()
+ vf.declare_input(ComponentProperty("test_unique_id", "test_property_type", "test_name", MagicMock()))
+ mock_send_message.assert_called()
+ mock_sdc_resource_declare_input.assert_not_called()