path: root/tests/test_sdc2_pnf.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_sdc2_pnf.py')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_sdc2_pnf.py b/tests/test_sdc2_pnf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07834a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_sdc2_pnf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+import json
+from collections import namedtuple
+from random import choice, randint
+from sys import maxsize
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, PropertyMock
+from uuid import uuid4
+from pytest import raises
+from onapsdk.exceptions import ResourceNotFound
+from onapsdk.sdc2.sdc_resource import LifecycleState, LifecycleOperation
+from onapsdk.sdc2.pnf import Pnf, ResoureTypeEnum
+def test_pnf_resource_type():
+ assert Pnf.resource_type() == ResoureTypeEnum.PNF
+def test_pnf_create_payload_template():
+ assert Pnf.create_payload_template() == "sdc2_create_pnf.json.j2"
+def test_copy_pnf():
+ pnf1 = Pnf(name="test_pnf1")
+ pnf2 = Pnf(name="test_pnf2")
+ assert pnf1.name == "test_pnf1"
+ assert pnf2.name == "test_pnf2"
+ assert pnf1 != pnf2
+ pnf2._copy_object(pnf1)
+ assert pnf1.name == "test_pnf1"
+ assert pnf2.name == "test_pnf1"
+ assert pnf1 == pnf2
+def test_get_all_rough(mock_get_archived, mock_get_active):
+ Pnf._get_all_rough()
+ mock_get_archived.assert_called_once()
+ mock_get_active.assert_called_once()
+def test_get_by_name(mock_get_by_name_and_version, mock_get_all_rough):
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = []
+ with raises(ResourceNotFound):
+ Pnf.get_by_name("test_1")
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = [
+ {
+ "name": "not_test_1",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ }
+ ]
+ with raises(ResourceNotFound):
+ Pnf.get_by_name("test_1")
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = [
+ {
+ "name": "not_test_1",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_1",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ }
+ ]
+ Pnf.get_by_name("test_1")
+ mock_get_by_name_and_version.assert_called_once_with("test_1", "1.0")
+ mock_get_by_name_and_version.reset_mock()
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = [
+ {
+ "name": "not_test_1",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_1",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_1",
+ "version": "2.0"
+ }
+ ]
+ Pnf.get_by_name("test_1")
+ mock_get_by_name_and_version.assert_called_once_with("test_1", "2.0")
+def test_delete(mock_send_message_json):
+ pnf = Pnf(name="test_pnf", unique_id="test_pnf_unique_id")
+ pnf.delete()
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+ method, log, url = mock_send_message_json.mock_calls[0].args
+ assert method == "DELETE"
+ assert "test_pnf" in log
+ assert url.endswith("test_pnf_unique_id")
+def test_archive(mock_send_message_json):
+ pnf = Pnf(name="test_pnf", unique_id="test_pnf_unique_id")
+ pnf.archive()
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+ method, log, url = mock_send_message_json.mock_calls[0].args
+ assert method == "POST"
+ assert "test_pnf" in log
+ assert url.endswith("test_pnf_unique_id/archive")
+def test_get_all(mock_get_by_name_and_version, mock_get_all_rough):
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = []
+ Pnf.get_all()
+ mock_get_by_name_and_version.assert_not_called()
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = [
+ {
+ "name": "test_pnf_1",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ }
+ ]
+ list(Pnf.get_all())
+ mock_get_by_name_and_version.assert_called_once_with("test_pnf_1", "1.0")
+ mock_get_by_name_and_version.reset_mock()
+ mock_get_all_rough.return_value = (
+ {
+ "name": f"test_pnf_{idx}",
+ "version": f"{idx}.0"
+ } for idx in range(100)
+ )
+ list(Pnf.get_all())
+ assert len(mock_get_by_name_and_version.mock_calls) == 100
+def test_get_active_rough(mock_send_message_json):
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = {"resources": []}
+ assert(len(list(Pnf._get_active_rough()))) == 0
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = {"resources": [
+ {
+ "resourceType": "VF"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "PNF"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "VL"
+ }
+ ]}
+ assert(len(list(Pnf._get_active_rough()))) == 1
+def test_get_archive_rough(mock_send_message_json):
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = {"resources": []}
+ assert(len(list(Pnf._get_archived_rough()))) == 0
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = {"resources": [
+ {
+ "resourceType": "VF"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "PNF"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "VL"
+ }
+ ]}
+ assert(len(list(Pnf._get_archived_rough()))) == 1
+def test_get_by_name_and_version_endpoint():
+ for i in range(1000):
+ assert Pnf.get_by_name_and_version_endpoint(
+ name=f"pnf_{i}",
+ version=f"v{i}.0").endswith(
+ f"catalog/resources/resourceName/pnf_{i}/resourceVersion/v{i}.0")
+def test_add_deployment_artifact_endpoint():
+ for _ in range(10**3):
+ object_id: str = str(uuid4())
+ assert Pnf.add_deployment_artifact_endpoint(
+ object_id=object_id
+ ) == f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources/{object_id}/artifacts"
+def test_update():
+ pnf = Pnf(
+ name=str(uuid4()),
+ unique_id=str(uuid4()),
+ uuid=str(uuid4()),
+ invariant_uuid=str(uuid4()),
+ version=str(uuid4()),
+ last_update_date=randint(0, maxsize),
+ lifecycle_state=choice(list(LifecycleState)),
+ last_updater_user_id=str(uuid4()),
+ all_versions=[str(uuid4()) for _ in range(10**3)]
+ )
+ update_dict = {
+ "uniqueId": str(uuid4()),
+ "uuid": str(uuid4()),
+ "invariantUUID": str(uuid4()),
+ "version": str(uuid4()),
+ "lastUpdateDate": randint(0, maxsize),
+ "lifecycleState": choice(list(LifecycleState)),
+ "lastUpdaterUserId": str(uuid4()),
+ "allVersions": [str(uuid4()) for _ in range(10**3)]
+ }
+ pnf.update(update_dict)
+ assert pnf.unique_id == update_dict["uniqueId"]
+ assert pnf.uuid == update_dict["uuid"]
+ assert pnf.invariant_uuid == update_dict["invariantUUID"]
+ assert pnf.version == update_dict["version"]
+ assert pnf.last_update_date == update_dict["lastUpdateDate"]
+ assert pnf.lifecycle_state == update_dict["lifecycleState"]
+ assert pnf.last_updater_user_id == update_dict["lastUpdaterUserId"]
+ assert pnf.all_versions == update_dict["allVersions"]
+def test_lifecycle_operation(mock_update, mock_send_message_json):
+ for lifecycle_operation in LifecycleOperation:
+ mock_send_message_json.reset_mock()
+ mock_update.reset_mock()
+ return_dict = {
+ "uniqueId": str(uuid4()),
+ "uuid": str(uuid4()),
+ "invariantUUID": str(uuid4()),
+ "version": str(uuid4()),
+ "lastUpdateDate": randint(0, maxsize),
+ "lifecycleState": choice(list(LifecycleState)),
+ "lastUpdaterUserId": str(uuid4()),
+ "allVersions": [str(uuid4()) for _ in range(10**3)]
+ }
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = return_dict
+ pnf_unique_id = str(uuid4())
+ pnf = Pnf(
+ name=str(uuid4()),
+ unique_id=pnf_unique_id
+ )
+ pnf.lifecycle_operation(lifecycle_operation)
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+ method, log, url = mock_send_message_json.mock_calls[0].args
+ data = mock_send_message_json.mock_calls[0].kwargs["data"]
+ assert method == "POST"
+ assert log.startswith(f"Request lifecycle operation {lifecycle_operation}")
+ assert url.endswith(f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources/{pnf_unique_id}/lifecycleState/{lifecycle_operation}")
+ assert json.loads(data)["userRemarks"] == str(lifecycle_operation).lower()
+ mock_update.assert_called_once_with(return_dict)
+def test_get_by_name_and_version(mock_get_endpoint, mock_send_message_json):
+ for name, version in [(str(uuid4()), str(uuid4())) for _ in range(10**2)]:
+ mock_send_message_json.reset_mock()
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = {
+ "uniqueId": str(uuid4()),
+ "uuid": str(uuid4()),
+ "invariantUUID": str(uuid4()),
+ "version": str(uuid4()),
+ "lastUpdateDate": randint(0, maxsize),
+ "lifecycleState": choice(list(LifecycleState)),
+ "lastUpdaterUserId": str(uuid4()),
+ "allVersions": [str(uuid4()) for _ in range(10**2)],
+ "archived": choice([True, False]),
+ "creationDate": randint(0, maxsize),
+ "componentType": str(uuid4()),
+ "description": str(uuid4()),
+ "icon": str(uuid4()),
+ "name": str(uuid4()),
+ "systemName": str(uuid4()),
+ "tags": [str(uuid4()) for _ in range(10**2)],
+ }
+ mock_get_endpoint.reset_mock()
+ mock_get_endpoint.return_value = f"{name}/{version}"
+ Pnf.get_by_name_and_version(name, version)
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+ method, log, _ = mock_send_message_json.mock_calls[0].args
+ assert method == "GET"
+ assert log == "Get Pnf by name and version"
+ mock_get_endpoint.assert_called_once_with(name, version)
+def test_add_deployment_artifact(mock_send_message_json):
+ with NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
+ temp_file.write(b"Hello world!")
+ temp_file.seek(0)
+ pnf = Pnf(name=str(uuid4()), unique_id=str(uuid4()))
+ pnf.add_deployment_artifact(
+ str(uuid4()),
+ str(uuid4()),
+ str(uuid4()),
+ temp_file.name
+ )
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+def test_add_deployment_artifact(mock_create_component_instance, mock_send_message_json):
+ pnf = Pnf(name=str(uuid4()), unique_id=str(uuid4()))
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = []
+ assert len(list(pnf.component_instances)) == 0
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once_with(
+ "GET",
+ "Get Pnf component instances",
+ f"{pnf.base_back_url}/sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources/{pnf.unique_id}/componentInstances"
+ )
+ mock_send_message_json.return_value = [{}]
+ assert len(list(pnf.component_instances)) == 1
+ mock_create_component_instance.assert_called_once_with({}, pnf)
+@patch("onapsdk.sdc2.pnf.Pnf.component_instances", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+def test_get_component_by_name(mock_component_instances):
+ ComponentInstance = namedtuple("ComponentInstance", ["component_name"])
+ pnf = Pnf(name="test_component_instances")
+ mock_component_instances.return_value = []
+ assert pnf.get_component_by_name("test_name") is None
+ mock_component_instances.return_value = [ComponentInstance(component_name="test_name")]
+ assert pnf.get_component_by_name("test_name") is not None
+ assert pnf.get_component_by_name("test_name").component_name == "test_name"
+ mock_component_instances.return_value = [ComponentInstance(component_name=f"test_name_{i}") for i in range(10**2)]
+ assert pnf.get_component_by_name("test_name") is None
+ random_name = f"test_name_{choice(range(10**2))}"
+ assert pnf.get_component_by_name(random_name) is not None
+ assert pnf.get_component_by_name(random_name).component_name == random_name
+def test_create(mock_create_from_api_response, mock_get_create_payload, mock_send_message_json):
+ mock_get_create_payload.return_value = "test_payload"
+ Pnf.create(name="test_pnf")
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once_with(
+ "POST",
+ "Create PNF test_pnf",
+ data="test_payload"
+ )
+def test_get_create_payload(mock_resource_category_get_by_name):
+ mock_vsp = MagicMock(csar_uuid="test_vsp_csar_uuid")
+ mock_vendor = MagicMock()
+ mock_vendor.name = "test_vendor_name"
+ resource_category_mock = MagicMock()
+ resource_category_mock.name = "test_category"
+ resource_category_mock.unique_id = "category_unique_id"
+ resource_subcategory_mock = MagicMock()
+ resource_subcategory_mock.name = "test_subcategory"
+ resource_subcategory_mock.unique_id = "subcategory_unique_id"
+ resource_category_mock.get_subcategory.return_value = resource_subcategory_mock
+ mock_resource_category_get_by_name.return_value = resource_category_mock
+ create_payload = json.loads(Pnf.get_create_payload(
+ name="test_pnf",
+ vsp=mock_vsp,
+ vendor=mock_vendor
+ ))
+ assert create_payload["name"] == "test_pnf"
+ assert create_payload["contactId"] == "cs0008"
+ assert create_payload["componentType"] == "RESOURCE"
+ assert create_payload["csarUUID"] == "test_vsp_csar_uuid"
+ assert create_payload["csarVersion"] == "1.0"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["name"] == "test_category"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["uniqueId"] == "category_unique_id"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["subcategories"][0]["name"] == "test_subcategory"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["subcategories"][0]["uniqueId"] == "subcategory_unique_id"
+ assert create_payload["resourceType"] == "PNF"
+ assert create_payload["description"] == "ONAP SDK Resource"
+ assert create_payload["vendorName"] == "test_vendor_name"
+ assert create_payload["vendorRelease"] == "1.0"
+ create_payload = json.loads(Pnf.get_create_payload(
+ name="test_pnf",
+ vsp=mock_vsp,
+ vendor=mock_vendor,
+ description="test description"
+ ))
+ assert create_payload["name"] == "test_pnf"
+ assert create_payload["contactId"] == "cs0008"
+ assert create_payload["componentType"] == "RESOURCE"
+ assert create_payload["csarUUID"] == "test_vsp_csar_uuid"
+ assert create_payload["csarVersion"] == "1.0"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["name"] == "test_category"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["uniqueId"] == "category_unique_id"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["subcategories"][0]["name"] == "test_subcategory"
+ assert create_payload["categories"][0]["subcategories"][0]["uniqueId"] == "subcategory_unique_id"
+ assert create_payload["resourceType"] == "PNF"
+ assert create_payload["description"] == "test description"
+ assert create_payload["vendorName"] == "test_vendor_name"
+ assert create_payload["vendorRelease"] == "1.0"