path: root/tests/test_cds.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_cds.py')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_cds.py b/tests/test_cds.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7859f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_cds.py
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import os.path
+from pathlib import Path
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, PropertyMock, mock_open
+from pytest import raises
+from onapsdk.cds.blueprint import Blueprint, Mapping, MappingSet, ResolvedTemplate, Workflow
+from onapsdk.cds.blueprint_processor import Blueprintprocessor
+from onapsdk.cds.cds_element import CdsElement
+from onapsdk.cds.data_dictionary import DataDictionary, DataDictionarySet
+from onapsdk.exceptions import FileError, ParameterError, RequestError, ValidationError
+from onapsdk.utils.gui import GuiItem, GuiList
+DD_1 = {
+ "name": "vf-module-name",
+ "tags": "vf-module-name",
+ "data_type": "string",
+ "description": "vf-module-name",
+ "entry_schema": "string",
+ "updatedBy": "Singal, Kapil <ks220y@att.com>",
+ "definition": {
+ "tags": "vf-module-name",
+ "name": "vf-module-name",
+ "property": {
+ "description": "vf-module-name",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "updated-by": "Singal, Kapil <ks220y@att.com>",
+ "sources": {
+ "input": {
+ "type": "source-input"
+ },
+ "default": {
+ "type": "source-default",
+ "properties": {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+RAW_DD = {
+ "tags": "vf-module-name",
+ "name": "vf-module-name",
+ "property": {
+ "description": "vf-module-name",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "updated-by": "Singal, Kapil <ks220y@att.com>",
+ "sources": {
+ "input": {
+ "type": "source-input"
+ },
+ "default": {
+ "type": "source-default",
+ "properties": {}
+ }
+ }
+vLB_CBA_Python_meta_bytes = b'TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0.0\nCSAR-Version: 1.0\nCreated-By: PLATANIA, MARCO <platania@research.att.com>\nEntry-Definitions: Definitions/vLB_CDS.json\nTemplate-Tags: vDNS-CDS-test1\nContent-Type: application/vnd.oasis.bpmn\nTemplate-Name: vDNS-CDS-test1\nTemplate-Version: 1.0'
+vLB_CBA_Python_base_template_mapping_bytes = b'[\n {\n "name": "service-instance-id",\n "property": {\n "description": "",\n "required": false,\n "type": "string",\n "status": "",\n "constraints": [\n {}\n ],\n "entry_schema": {\n "type": ""\n }\n },\n "input-param": false,\n "dictionary-name": "service-instance-id",\n "dictionary-source": "input",\n "dependencies": [],\n "version": 0\n },\n {\n "name": "vnf-id",\n "property": {\n "description": "",\n "required": false,\n "type": "string",\n "status": "",\n "constraints": [\n {}\n ],\n "entry_schema": {\n "type": ""\n }\n },\n "input-param": false,\n "dictionary-name": "vnf-id",\n "dictionary-source": "input",\n "dependencies": [],\n "version": 0\n },\n {\n "name": "vdns_vf_module_id",\n "property": {\n "description": "",\n "required": false,\n "type": "string",\n "status": "",\n "constraints": [\n {}\n ],\n "entry_schema": {\n "type": ""\n }\n },\n "input-param": false,\n "dictionary-name": "vdns_vf_module_id",\n "dictionary-source": "sdnc",\n "dependencies": [\n\t "service-instance-id",\n "vnf-id"\n ],\n "version": 0\n },\n {\n "name": "vdns_int_private_ip_0",\n "property": {\n "description": "",\n "required": false,\n "type": "string",\n "status": "",\n "constraints": [\n {}\n ],\n "entry_schema": {\n "type": ""\n }\n },\n "input-param": false,\n "dictionary-name": "vdns_int_private_ip_0",\n "dictionary-source": "sdnc",\n "dependencies": [\n "service-instance-id",\n "vnf-id",\n "vdns_vf_module_id"\n ],\n "version": 0\n },\n {\n "name": "vdns_onap_private_ip_0",\n "property": {\n "description": "",\n "required": false,\n "type": "string",\n "status": "",\n "constraints": [\n {}\n ],\n "entry_schema": {\n "type": ""\n }\n },\n "input-param": false,\n "dictionary-name": "vdns_onap_private_ip_0",\n "dictionary-source": "sdnc",\n "dependencies": [\n "service-instance-id",\n "vnf-id",\n "vdns_vf_module_id"\n ],\n "version": 0\n }\n]'
+@patch.object(Blueprint, "send_message")
+def test_blueprint_enrichment(send_message_mock):
+ blueprint = Blueprint(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ blueprint.enrich()
+ send_message_mock.assert_called_once()
+ send_message_mock.reset_mock()
+ send_message_mock.side_effect = RequestError
+ with raises(RequestError):
+ blueprint.enrich()
+@patch.object(Blueprint, "send_message")
+def test_blueprint_publish(send_message_mock):
+ blueprint = Blueprint(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ blueprint.publish()
+ send_message_mock.assert_called_once()
+@patch.object(Blueprint, "send_message")
+def test_blueprint_deploy(send_message_mock):
+ blueprint = Blueprint(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ blueprint.deploy()
+ send_message_mock.assert_called_once()
+def test_blueprint_load_from_file():
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
+ path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "test.zip")
+ with open(path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ blueprint = Blueprint.load_from_file(path)
+ assert blueprint.cba_file_bytes == b"test cba - it will never work"
+def test_blueprint_load_from_file_file_error():
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname, \
+ patch("__main__.open", new_callable=mock_open) as mo, \
+ raises(FileError) as exc:
+ path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "nonexistent_file.zip")
+ mo.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
+ Blueprint.load_from_file(path)
+ assert exc.type == FileError
+def test_blueprint_save():
+ blueprint = Blueprint(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
+ path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "test.zip")
+ blueprint.save(path)
+ with open(path, "rb") as f:
+ assert f.read() == b"test cba - it will never work"
+def test_blueprint_read_cba_metadata():
+ b = Blueprint(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ with raises(ValidationError) as exc:
+ b.get_cba_metadata(b"Invalid")
+ b.get_cba_metadata(b"123: 456")
+ assert exc.type is ValidationError
+ cba_metadata = b.get_cba_metadata(vLB_CBA_Python_meta_bytes)
+ assert cba_metadata.tosca_meta_file_version == "1.0.0"
+ assert cba_metadata.csar_version == 1.0
+ assert cba_metadata.created_by == "PLATANIA, MARCO <platania@research.att.com>"
+ assert cba_metadata.entry_definitions == "Definitions/vLB_CDS.json"
+ assert cba_metadata.template_name == "vDNS-CDS-test1"
+ assert cba_metadata.template_version == 1.0
+ assert cba_metadata.template_tags == "vDNS-CDS-test1"
+ with open(Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip"), "rb") as cba_file:
+ b = Blueprint(cba_file.read())
+ assert b.metadata.tosca_meta_file_version == "1.0.0"
+ assert b.metadata.csar_version == 1.0
+ assert b.metadata.created_by == "PLATANIA, MARCO <platania@research.att.com>"
+ assert b.metadata.entry_definitions == "Definitions/vLB_CDS.json"
+ assert b.metadata.template_name == "vDNS-CDS-test1"
+ assert b.metadata.template_version == 1.0
+ assert b.metadata.template_tags == "vDNS-CDS-test1"
+def test_blueprint_get_mappings_from_mapping_file():
+ b = Blueprint(b"test cba - it will never work")
+ mappings = list(b.get_mappings_from_mapping_file(vLB_CBA_Python_base_template_mapping_bytes))
+ assert len(mappings) == 5
+ mapping = mappings[0]
+ assert mapping.name == "service-instance-id"
+ assert mapping.mapping_type == "string"
+ assert mapping.dictionary_name == "service-instance-id"
+ assert mapping.dictionary_sources == ["input"]
+def test_blueprint_generate_data_dictionary_set():
+ with open(Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip"), "rb") as cba_file:
+ b = Blueprint(cba_file.read())
+ dd_set = b.get_data_dictionaries()
+ print(dd_set)
+@patch.object(CdsElement, "_url", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+def test_data_dictionary(cds_element_url_property_mock):
+ cds_element_url_property_mock.return_value = ""
+ with raises(ValidationError) as exc:
+ DataDictionary({})
+ assert exc.type is ValidationError
+ dd = DataDictionary({}, fix_schema=False)
+ assert dd.url == ""
+ assert dd.data_dictionary_json == {}
+ dd = DataDictionary(DD_1)
+ dd.name == DD_1["name"]
+@patch.object(DataDictionary, "send_message")
+def test_data_dictionary_upload(send_message_mock):
+ dd = DataDictionary(DD_1)
+ dd.upload()
+ send_message_mock.assert_called_once()
+@patch.object(DataDictionary, "send_message")
+def test_data_dictionary_set(send_message_mock):
+ dd_set = DataDictionarySet()
+ dd_set.add(DataDictionary(DD_1))
+ assert dd_set.length == 1
+ dd_set.add(DataDictionary(DD_1))
+ assert dd_set.length == 1
+ dd_set.add(DataDictionary({"name": "test"}, fix_schema=False))
+ assert dd_set.length == 2
+ dd_set.upload()
+ assert send_message_mock.call_count == 2
+def test_data_dictionary_set_save_to_file_load_from_file():
+ dd = DataDictionarySet()
+ dd.add(DataDictionary(DD_1))
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
+ path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "dd.json")
+ dd.save_to_file(path)
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ assert f.read() == json.dumps([dd.data_dictionary_json for dd in dd.dd_set], indent=4)
+ dd_2 = DataDictionarySet.load_from_file(path)
+ assert dd.dd_set == dd_2.dd_set
+def test_data_dictionary_load_from_file_file_error():
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname, \
+ patch("__main__.open", new_callable=mock_open) as mo, \
+ raises(FileError) as exc:
+ path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "nonexistent_file.zip")
+ mo.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
+ DataDictionarySet.load_from_file(path)
+ assert exc.type == FileError
+def test_mapping():
+ m1 = Mapping(name="test",
+ mapping_type="string",
+ dictionary_name="test_dictionary_name",
+ dictionary_sources=["dictionary_source_1"])
+ m2 = Mapping(name="test", mapping_type="string", dictionary_name="test_dictionary_name", dictionary_sources=["dictionary_source_2"])
+ assert m1 == m2
+ m1.merge(m2)
+ assert sorted(m1.dictionary_sources) == ["dictionary_source_1", "dictionary_source_2"]
+ m1.merge(m2)
+ assert sorted(m1.dictionary_sources) == ["dictionary_source_1", "dictionary_source_2"]
+def test_mapping_set():
+ ms = MappingSet()
+ assert len(ms) == 0
+ m1 = Mapping(name="test",
+ mapping_type="string",
+ dictionary_name="test_dictionary_name",
+ dictionary_sources=["dictionary_source_1"])
+ m2 = Mapping(name="test", mapping_type="string", dictionary_name="test_dictionary_name", dictionary_sources=["dictionary_source_2"])
+ ms.add(m1)
+ assert len(ms) == 1
+ ms.add(m2)
+ assert len(ms) == 1
+ assert sorted(ms[0].dictionary_sources) == ["dictionary_source_1", "dictionary_source_2"]
+def test_blueprint_get_workflows_from_entry_definitions_file():
+ with open(Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip"), "rb") as cba_file:
+ b = Blueprint(cba_file.read())
+ assert len(b.workflows) == 3
+ workflow = b.workflows[0]
+ assert len(workflow.steps) == 1
+ assert workflow.steps[0].name == "resource-assignment"
+ assert workflow.steps[0].description == "Resource Assign Workflow"
+ assert workflow.steps[0].target == "resource-assignment"
+ assert len(workflow.inputs) == 2
+ assert len(workflow.outputs) == 1
+def test_blueprint_get_workflow_by_name():
+ with open(Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip"), "rb") as cba_file:
+ b = Blueprint(cba_file.read())
+ workflow = b.get_workflow_by_name("resource-assignment")
+ assert workflow.name == "resource-assignment"
+ workflow = b.get_workflow_by_name("config-assign")
+ assert workflow.name == "config-assign"
+ workflow = b.get_workflow_by_name("config-deploy")
+ assert workflow.name == "config-deploy"
+ with raises(ParameterError):
+ b.get_workflow_by_name("non-existing-workflow")
+@patch.object(Workflow, "send_message")
+def test_workflow_execute(send_message_mock):
+ metadata = MagicMock(template_name="test", template_version="test")
+ blueprint = MagicMock(metadata=metadata)
+ workflow = Workflow("test_workflow", {}, blueprint)
+ assert len(workflow.steps) == 0
+ assert len(workflow.inputs) == 0
+ assert len(workflow.outputs) == 0
+ workflow.execute({})
+ send_message_mock.assert_called_once()
+def test_data_dictionary_validation():
+ assert DataDictionary(DD_1).has_valid_schema()
+ raw_dd = DataDictionary(RAW_DD, fix_schema=False)
+ assert not raw_dd.has_valid_schema()
+ raw_dd = DataDictionary(RAW_DD, fix_schema=True)
+ assert raw_dd.has_valid_schema()
+@patch.object(Blueprintprocessor, "send_message")
+def test_blueprintprocessor_bootstrap(mock_send_message):
+ Blueprintprocessor.bootstrap()
+ assert mock_send_message.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message.call_args[1]["data"] == '{\n "loadModelType" : true,\n "loadResourceDictionary" : true,\n "loadCBA" : true\n}'
+ mock_send_message.reset_mock()
+ Blueprintprocessor.bootstrap(load_cba=False, load_model_type=False, load_resource_dictionary=False)
+ assert mock_send_message.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message.call_args[1]["data"] == '{\n "loadModelType" : false,\n "loadResourceDictionary" : false,\n "loadCBA" : false\n}'
+@patch.object(DataDictionary, "send_message_json")
+def test_data_dictionary_get_by_name(mock_send_message_json):
+ DataDictionary.get_by_name("test_name")
+ mock_send_message_json.assert_called_once()
+ assert "test_name" in mock_send_message_json.call_args[0][2]
+@patch.object(CdsElement, "send_message")
+def test_get_guis(send_message_mock):
+ component = CdsElement()
+ send_message_mock.return_value.status_code = 200
+ send_message_mock.return_value.url = "http://portal.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30449/"
+ gui_results = component.get_guis()
+ assert type(gui_results) == GuiList
+ assert gui_results.guilist[0].url == send_message_mock.return_value.url
+ assert gui_results.guilist[0].status == send_message_mock.return_value.status_code
+@patch.object(ResolvedTemplate, "send_message_json")
+@patch.object(CdsElement, "_url", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+def test_blueprint_get_resolved_template(cds_element_url_property_mock, mock_send_message_json):
+ cds_element_url_property_mock.return_value = ""
+ with open(Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip"), "rb") as cba_file:
+ b = Blueprint(cba_file.read())
+ b.get_resolved_template("test_artifact")
+ assert mock_send_message_json.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.call_args[0][2] == ''
+@patch.object(ResolvedTemplate, "send_message")
+@patch.object(CdsElement, "_url", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+def test_blueprint_store_resolved_template(cds_element_url_property_mock, mock_send_message):
+ cds_element_url_property_mock.return_value = ""
+ with open(Path(Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/vLB_CBA_Python.zip"), "rb") as cba_file:
+ b = Blueprint(cba_file.read())
+ b.store_resolved_template("test_artifact", resolution_key="resolution_key", data={"a": "b"})
+ assert mock_send_message.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message.call_args[0][2] == ''
+@patch.object(ResolvedTemplate, "send_message_json")
+@patch.object(CdsElement, "_url", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+def test_resolved_template_get_template_url(cds_element_url_property_mock, mock_send_message_json):
+ cds_element_url_property_mock.return_value = ""
+ blueprint = MagicMock()
+ blueprint.metadata.template_name = "test_blueprint"
+ blueprint.metadata.template_version = "v1.0.0"
+ rt = ResolvedTemplate(blueprint, "test_artifact")
+ rt.get_resolved_template()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.call_args[0][2] == ''
+ mock_send_message_json.reset_mock()
+ blueprint = MagicMock()
+ blueprint.metadata.template_name = "test_blueprint"
+ blueprint.metadata.template_version = "v1.0.0"
+ rt = ResolvedTemplate(blueprint, resolution_key="test_rk")
+ rt.get_resolved_template()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.call_args[0][2] == ''
+ mock_send_message_json.reset_mock()
+ blueprint = MagicMock()
+ blueprint.metadata.template_name = "test_blueprint"
+ blueprint.metadata.template_version = "v1.0.0"
+ rt = ResolvedTemplate(blueprint, resource_id="r_id", resource_type="r_type")
+ rt.get_resolved_template()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message_json.call_args[0][2] == ''
+@patch.object(ResolvedTemplate, "send_message")
+@patch.object(CdsElement, "_url", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+def test_resolved_template_store_template_url(cds_element_url_property_mock, mock_send_message):
+ cds_element_url_property_mock.return_value = ""
+ blueprint = MagicMock()
+ blueprint.metadata.template_name = "test_blueprint"
+ blueprint.metadata.template_version = "v1.0.0"
+ rt = ResolvedTemplate(blueprint, "test_artifact", resolution_key="resolution_key")
+ rt.store_resolved_template({"a": "b"})
+ assert mock_send_message.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message.call_args[0][2] == ''
+ mock_send_message.reset_mock()
+ rt = ResolvedTemplate(blueprint, "test_artifact", resource_id="resource_id", resource_type="resource_type")
+ rt.store_resolved_template({"a": "b"})
+ assert mock_send_message.called_once()
+ assert mock_send_message.call_args[0][2] == ''
+ mock_send_message.reset_mock()
+ rt = ResolvedTemplate(blueprint, "test_artifact")
+ with raises(ParameterError):
+ rt.store_resolved_template({"a": "b"})