path: root/src/onapsdk/sdc2/service.py
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1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
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+"""SDC service module."""
+# Copyright 2024 Deutsche Telekom AG
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, Optional, Set
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+from onapsdk.configuration import settings # type: ignore
+from onapsdk.sdc2.sdc import SDC, ResoureTypeEnum
+from onapsdk.sdc2.sdc_category import SdcCategory, ServiceCategory
+from onapsdk.sdc2.sdc_resource import SDCResource, SDCResourceCreateMixin
+from onapsdk.sdc2.sdc_user import SdcUser
+from onapsdk.utils.jinja import jinja_env # type: ignore
+class ServiceInstantiationType(Enum):
+ """Service instantiation type enum class.
+ Service can be instantiated using `A-la-carte` or `Macro` flow.
+ It has to be determined during design time. That class stores these
+ two values to set during initialization.
+ """
+ A_LA_CARTE = "A-la-carte"
+ MACRO = "Macro"
+class ServiceDistribution(SDC):
+ """Service distribution class."""
+ @dataclass
+ class DistributionStatus:
+ """Dataclass of service distribution status. Internal usage only."""
+ component_id: str
+ timestamp: str
+ url: str
+ status: str
+ error_reason: str
+ @property
+ def failed(self) -> bool:
+ """Flad to determine if distribution status is failed or not.
+ If error reason of distribution status is not empty it doesn't mean
+ always that distribution failed at all. On some cases that means
+ that service was already distributed on that component. That's why
+ we checks also if status is not "ALREADY_DEPLOYED".
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if distribution on component failed or not.
+ """
+ return self.error_reason != "null" and \
+ self.status != "ALREADY_DEPLOYED"
+ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ distribution_id: str,
+ timestamp: str,
+ user_id: str,
+ deployment_status: str) -> None:
+ """Initialise service distribution class.
+ Stores information about service distribution and is a source of truth
+ if service is distributed or not.
+ Args:
+ distribution_id (str): Distribution ID
+ timestamp (str): Distribution timestamp
+ user_id (str): ID of user which requested distribution.
+ deployment_status (str): Status of deployment
+ """
+ super().__init__(name=distribution_id)
+ self.distribution_id: str = distribution_id
+ self.timestamp: str = timestamp
+ self.user_id: str = user_id
+ self.deployment_status: str = deployment_status
+ self._distribution_status_list: Optional[
+ Sequence["self.DistributionStatus"]] = None # type: ignore
+ @property
+ def distributed(self) -> bool:
+ """Distribution status.
+ Need to pass 3 tests:
+ - deployment status of distribution it "Distributed"
+ - service was distributed on all components listed
+ - there was no distribution error
+ An order of tests is fixed to reduce SDC API calls.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True is service can be considered as distributed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return all([
+ self._deployment_status_test,
+ self._distribution_components_test,
+ self._no_distribution_errors_test
+ ])
+ @property
+ def _deployment_status_test(self) -> bool:
+ """Test to check a distribution deployment status.
+ Passed if distribution status is equal to "Distributed"
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if distribution deployment status is equal to "Distributed".
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ return self.deployment_status == self.DISTRIBUTED_DEPLOYMENT_STATUS
+ @property
+ def _distribution_components_test(self) -> bool:
+ """Test to check if all required components were notified about distribution.
+ List of required components can be configured via SDC_SERVICE_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS
+ setting value.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if all required components were notified, False otherwise
+ """
+ notified_components_set: Set[str] = {
+ distribution.component_id for distribution in self.distribution_status_list
+ }
+ return notified_components_set == set(settings.SDC_SERVICE_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS)
+ @property
+ def _no_distribution_errors_test(self) -> bool:
+ """Test to check if there is no error on any component distribution.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if no error occured on any component distribution, False otherwise
+ """
+ return not list(filter(lambda obj: obj.failed,
+ self.distribution_status_list))
+ @property
+ def distribution_status_list(self) -> Sequence[DistributionStatus]:
+ """List of distribution statuses.
+ Returns:
+ List[DistributionStatus]: List of distribution statuses.
+ """
+ if not self._distribution_status_list:
+ self._distribution_status_list = [self.DistributionStatus(
+ component_id=distribution_status_dict["omfComponentID"],
+ timestamp=distribution_status_dict["timestamp"],
+ url=distribution_status_dict["url"],
+ status=distribution_status_dict["status"],
+ error_reason=distribution_status_dict["errorReason"]
+ ) for distribution_status_dict in
+ self.send_message_json(
+ "GET",
+ f"Get status of {self.distribution_id} distribution",
+ urljoin(self.base_back_url,
+ f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services/distribution/{self.distribution_id}")
+ ).get("distributionStatusList", [])
+ ]
+ return self._distribution_status_list
+class Service(SDCResource, SDCResourceCreateMixin):
+ """SDC service class."""
+ ADD_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE = "sdc2_add_resource.json.j2"
+ CREATE_ENDPOINT = urljoin(SDC.base_back_url, "sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services")
+ CREATE_SERVICE_TEMPLATE = "sdc2_create_service.json.j2"
+ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals too-many-arguments
+ *,
+ name: str,
+ version: Optional[str] = None,
+ archived: Optional[bool] = None,
+ component_type: Optional[str] = None,
+ icon: Optional[str] = None,
+ unique_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ lifecycle_state: Optional[str] = None,
+ last_update_date: Optional[int] = None,
+ uuid: Optional[str] = None,
+ invariant_uuid: Optional[str] = None,
+ system_name: Optional[str] = None,
+ tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
+ last_updater_user_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ creation_date: Optional[int] = None,
+ description: Optional[str] = None,
+ actual_component_type: Optional[str] = None,
+ all_versions: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
+ categories: Optional[Sequence[SdcCategory]] = None,
+ distribuition_status: Optional[str] = None,
+ instantiation_type: Optional[ServiceInstantiationType] = None) -> None:
+ """Initialize service object.
+ Args:
+ name (str): Service name
+ actual_component_type (Optional[str]): Service actual component type. Defaults to None.
+ all_versions (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): Dictionary with all versions of service.
+ Defaults to None.
+ categories (Optional[List[SdcCategory]]): List with all serivce categories.
+ Defaults to None.
+ version (Optional[str], optional): Service version. Defaults to None.
+ archived (Optional[bool], optional): Flag determines if service is archived or not.
+ Defaults to None.
+ component_type (Optional[str], optional): Service component type. Defaults to None.
+ icon (Optional[str], optional): Service icon. Defaults to None.
+ unique_id (Optional[str], optional): Service unique ID. Defaults to None.
+ lifecycle_state (Optional[str], optional): Service lifecycle state. Defaults to None.
+ last_update_date (Optional[int], optional): Service last update date. Defaults to None.
+ uuid (Optional[str], optional): Service UUID. Defaults to None.
+ invariant_uuid (Optional[str], optional): Service invariant UUID. Defaults to None.
+ system_name (Optional[str], optional): Service system name. Defaults to None.
+ tags (Optional[List[str]], optional): List with service tags. Defaults to None.
+ last_updater_user_id (Optional[str], optional): ID of user who was last service
+ updater. Defaults to None.
+ creation_date (Optional[int], optional): Timestamp of service creation.
+ Defaults to None.
+ description (Optional[str], optional): Service description.
+ Defaults to None.
+ distribuition_status (Optional[str], optional): Service distribution status.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ super().__init__(
+ name=name,
+ archived=archived,
+ version=version,
+ icon=icon,
+ component_type=component_type,
+ unique_id=unique_id,
+ uuid=uuid,
+ lifecycle_state=lifecycle_state,
+ last_update_date=last_update_date,
+ tags=tags,
+ invariant_uuid=invariant_uuid,
+ system_name=system_name,
+ creation_date=creation_date,
+ last_updater_user_id=last_updater_user_id,
+ description=description
+ )
+ self.actual_component_type: Optional[str] = actual_component_type
+ self.all_versions: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = all_versions
+ self.distribuition_status: Optional[str] = distribuition_status
+ self.categories: Optional[Sequence[SdcCategory]] = categories
+ self.instantiation_type: Optional[ServiceInstantiationType] = instantiation_type
+ @classmethod
+ def resource_type(cls) -> ResoureTypeEnum:
+ """Service resource type enum value.
+ Returns:
+ ResoureTypeEnum: Service resource type enum value
+ """
+ return ResoureTypeEnum.SERVICE
+ @classmethod
+ def filter_response_objects_by_resource_type(
+ cls,
+ response: Dict[str, Any]
+ ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]:
+ """Filter list of objects returned by API by resource type.
+ Return only "services" from API response to reduce objects to iterate.
+ Args:
+ response (Dict[str, Any]): API response dictionary
+ Returns:
+ Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: Dictionaries containing only services data
+ """
+ return response.get("services", [])
+ @classmethod
+ def create_from_api_response(cls, api_response: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Service": # type: ignore
+ """Create Service using values from API response.
+ Args:
+ api_response (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary with values returned by API.
+ Returns:
+ Service: Service object
+ """
+ return cls(
+ actual_component_type=api_response["actualComponentType"],
+ all_versions=api_response["allVersions"],
+ creation_date=api_response["creationDate"],
+ version=api_response["version"],
+ component_type=api_response["componentType"],
+ unique_id=api_response["uniqueId"],
+ icon=api_response["icon"],
+ lifecycle_state=api_response["lifecycleState"],
+ last_update_date=api_response["lastUpdateDate"],
+ name=api_response["name"],
+ invariant_uuid=api_response["invariantUUID"],
+ distribuition_status=api_response["distributionStatus"],
+ description=api_response["description"],
+ uuid=api_response["uuid"],
+ system_name=api_response["systemName"],
+ tags=api_response["tags"],
+ last_updater_user_id=api_response["lastUpdaterUserId"],
+ archived=api_response["archived"],
+ categories=[ServiceCategory.get_by_uniqe_id(response_category["uniqueId"])
+ for response_category in api_response["categories"]],
+ instantiation_type=ServiceInstantiationType(api_response["instantiationType"])
+ )
+ def update(self, api_response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """Update service with values from API response.
+ Args:
+ api_response (Dict[str, Any]): API response dictionary which values from are going to
+ be used to update service object
+ """
+ super().update(api_response)
+ self.distribuition_status = api_response["distributionStatus"]
+ @classmethod
+ def get_create_payload(cls, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ too-many-arguments
+ name: str,
+ *,
+ user: Optional[SdcUser] = None,
+ description: Optional[str] = None,
+ category: Optional[ServiceCategory] = None,
+ instantiation_type: ServiceInstantiationType = \
+ ServiceInstantiationType.MACRO) -> str:
+ """Get a payload to be sued for service creation.
+ Args:
+ name (str): Name of the service to be created
+ user (Optional[SdcUser], optional): User which will be marked as a creaton. If no user
+ is passed then 'cs0008' user ID is going to be used. Defaults to None.
+ description (Optional[str], optional): Service description. Defaults to None.
+ category (Optional[ServiceCategory], optional): Service category.
+ If no category is given then "Network Service" is going to be used.
+ Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ str: Service creation API payload.
+ """
+ return jinja_env().get_template(cls.CREATE_SERVICE_TEMPLATE).render(
+ name=name,
+ category=category if category else ServiceCategory.get_by_name("Network Service"),
+ user_id=user.user_id if user else "cs0008",
+ description=description if description else "ONAP SDK Service",
+ instantiation_type=instantiation_type)
+ def add_resource(self, resource: SDCResource) -> None:
+ """Add resource into service composition.
+ Args:
+ resource (SDCResource): Resource to be added into service.
+ """
+ self.send_message(
+ "POST",
+ f"Add resource {resource.name} into service {self.name}",
+ urljoin(self.base_back_url,
+ f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services/{self.unique_id}/resourceInstance/"),
+ data=jinja_env().get_template(self.ADD_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE).render(resource=resource)
+ )
+ def distribute(self, env: str = "PROD") -> None:
+ """Distribute service.
+ Call a request to distribute service. If no error was returned then service is updated
+ using values returned by API.
+ SDC allows to distribute services on different environments. By default that method
+ distribute service on "PROD" environment.
+ Args:
+ env (str, optional): Environment to distribute service on. Defaults to "PROD".
+ """
+ response: Dict[str, Any] = self.send_message_json(
+ "POST",
+ f"Request distribute Service {self.name}",
+ urljoin(self.base_back_url,
+ f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services/{self.unique_id}/distribution/{env}/activate")
+ )
+ self.update(response)
+ @classmethod
+ def catalog_type(cls) -> str:
+ """Service type resource catalog type.
+ SDC resources has two catalog types: resources and services. To create
+ API endpoints which can be used by both that classmethod is overwriten
+ by Service class.
+ Returns:
+ str: Service catalog type
+ """
+ return "services"
+ @classmethod
+ def get_by_name_and_version_endpoint(cls, name: str, version: str) -> str:
+ """Get an endpoint to call a request to get service by it's name and version.
+ Service has different endpoint that other resources to send a request
+ to get an object by it's name and version.
+ Args:
+ name (str): Service name
+ version (str): Service version
+ Returns:
+ str: Endpoint to call a request to get service by it name and version
+ """
+ return f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services/serviceName/{name}/serviceVersion/{version}"
+ @classmethod
+ def add_deployment_artifact_endpoint(cls, object_id: str) -> str:
+ """Get an endpoint to add a deployment artifact into service.
+ Service has different endpoint to send a request for adding
+ a deployment artifact.
+ Args:
+ object_id (str): Service object ID to create an endpoint for
+ Returns:
+ str: Endpoint used to send request to add deployment artifact
+ """
+ return f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services/{object_id}/artifacts"
+ @property
+ def distributions(self) -> Iterator[ServiceDistribution]:
+ """Get service distributions.
+ Service can be distributed multiple times. That property
+ returns and iterable object which returns all
+ distributions in reversed order we get it from API,
+ so first distribution would be the latest one, not the first
+ distribution call as it was in API.
+ Returns:
+ Iterable[ServiceDistribution]: Service distributions iterator
+ """
+ for distribution_status_dict in reversed(self.send_message_json(
+ "GET",
+ f"Request Service {self.name} distributions",
+ urljoin(self.base_back_url, f"sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services/{self.uuid}/distribution/")
+ ).get("distributionStatusOfServiceList", [])):
+ yield ServiceDistribution(distribution_status_dict["distributionID"],
+ distribution_status_dict["timestamp"],
+ distribution_status_dict["userId"],
+ distribution_status_dict["deployementStatus"])
+ @property
+ def latest_distribution(self) -> Optional[ServiceDistribution]:
+ """Get the latest distribution of the service.
+ Returns:
+ ServiceDistribution|None: Latest service distribution or
+ None if service was not distrubuted
+ """
+ try:
+ return next(self.distributions)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return None
+ @property
+ def distributed(self) -> bool:
+ """Distributed property.
+ Return boolean value which determines if serivce was distributed or not.
+ It checks if latest distribution of service was successfull.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True is service was distributed correctly, False otherwise.
+ """
+ if (latest_distribution := self.latest_distribution) is not None:
+ return latest_distribution.distributed
+ return False