path: root/src/onapsdk/sdc/service.py
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1 files changed, 932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/onapsdk/sdc/service.py b/src/onapsdk/sdc/service.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c866fa4
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+++ b/src/onapsdk/sdc/service.py
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+"""Service module."""
+# Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import base64
+import pathlib as Path
+import time
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from enum import Enum
+from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper
+from os import makedirs
+from typing import Dict, List, Callable, Iterator, Optional, Type, Union, Any, BinaryIO
+from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipFile
+import oyaml as yaml
+from requests import Response
+import onapsdk.constants as const
+from onapsdk.exceptions import (ParameterError, RequestError, ResourceNotFound,
+ StatusError, ValidationError)
+from onapsdk.sdc.category_management import ServiceCategory
+from onapsdk.sdc.properties import NestedInput, Property
+from onapsdk.sdc.sdc_resource import SdcResource
+from onapsdk.utils.configuration import (components_needing_distribution,
+ tosca_path)
+from onapsdk.utils.headers_creator import headers_sdc_creator, headers_sdc_artifact_upload
+from onapsdk.utils.jinja import jinja_env
+class VfModule: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ """VfModule dataclass."""
+ name: str
+ group_type: str
+ model_name: str
+ model_version_id: str
+ model_invariant_uuid: str
+ model_version: str
+ model_customization_id: str
+ properties: Iterator[Property]
+class NodeTemplate: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ """Node template dataclass.
+ Base class for Vnf, Pnf and Network classes.
+ """
+ name: str
+ node_template_type: str
+ model_name: str
+ model_version_id: str
+ model_invariant_id: str
+ model_version: str
+ model_customization_id: str
+ model_instance_name: str
+ component: "Component"
+ @property
+ def properties(self) -> Iterator["Property"]:
+ """Node template properties.
+ Returns:
+ Iterator[Property]: Node template properties iterator
+ """
+ return self.component.properties
+class Vnf(NodeTemplate):
+ """Vnf dataclass."""
+ vf_modules: List[VfModule] = field(default_factory=list)
+class Pnf(NodeTemplate):
+ """Pnf dataclass."""
+class Network(NodeTemplate): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ """Network dataclass."""
+class ServiceInstantiationType(Enum):
+ """Service instantiation type enum class.
+ Service can be instantiated using `A-la-carte` or `Macro` flow.
+ It has to be determined during design time. That class stores these
+ two values to set during initialization.
+ """
+ A_LA_CARTE = "A-la-carte"
+ MACRO = "Macro"
+class Service(SdcResource): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-public-methods
+ """
+ ONAP Service Object used for SDC operations.
+ Attributes:
+ name (str): the name of the service. Defaults to "ONAP-test-Service".
+ identifier (str): the unique ID of the service from SDC.
+ status (str): the status of the service from SDC.
+ version (str): the version ID of the service from SDC.
+ uuid (str): the UUID of the Service (which is different from
+ identifier, don't ask why...)
+ distribution_status (str): the status of distribution in the different
+ ONAP parts.
+ distribution_id (str): the ID of the distribution when service is
+ distributed.
+ distributed (bool): True if the service is distributed
+ unique_identifier (str): Yet Another ID, just to puzzle us...
+ """
+ SERVICE_PATH = "services"
+ def __init__(self, name: str = None, version: str = None, sdc_values: Dict[str, str] = None, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ resources: List[SdcResource] = None, properties: List[Property] = None,
+ inputs: List[Union[Property, NestedInput]] = None,
+ instantiation_type: Optional[ServiceInstantiationType] = \
+ None,
+ category: str = None, role: str = "", function: str = "", service_type: str = ""):
+ """
+ Initialize service object.
+ Args:
+ name (str, optional): the name of the service
+ version (str, optional): the version of the service
+ sdc_values (Dict[str, str], optional): dictionary of values
+ returned by SDC
+ resources (List[SdcResource], optional): list of SDC resources
+ properties (List[Property], optional): list of properties to add to service.
+ None by default.
+ inputs (List[Union[Property, NestedInput]], optional): list of inputs
+ to declare for service. It can be both Property or NestedInput object.
+ None by default.
+ instantiation_type (ServiceInstantiationType, optional): service instantiation
+ type. ServiceInstantiationType.A_LA_CARTE by default
+ category (str, optional): service category name
+ role (str, optional): service role
+ function (str, optional): service function. Empty by default
+ service_type (str, optional): service type. Empty by default
+ """
+ super().__init__(sdc_values=sdc_values, version=version, properties=properties,
+ inputs=inputs, category=category)
+ self.name: str = name or "ONAP-test-Service"
+ self.distribution_status = None
+ self.category_name: str = category
+ self.role: str = role
+ self.function: str = function
+ self.service_type: str = service_type
+ if sdc_values:
+ self.distribution_status = sdc_values['distributionStatus']
+ self.category_name = sdc_values["category"]
+ self.resources = resources or []
+ self._instantiation_type: Optional[ServiceInstantiationType] = instantiation_type
+ self._distribution_id: str = None
+ self._distributed: bool = False
+ self._resource_type: str = "services"
+ self._tosca_model: bytes = None
+ self._tosca_template: str = None
+ self._vnfs: list = None
+ self._pnfs: list = None
+ self._networks: list = None
+ self._vf_modules: list = None
+ @classmethod
+ def get_by_unique_uuid(cls, unique_uuid: str) -> "Service":
+ """Get the service model using unique uuid.
+ Returns:
+ Service: object with provided unique_uuid
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: No service with given unique_uuid exists
+ """
+ services: List["Service"] = cls.get_all()
+ for service in services:
+ if service.unique_uuid == unique_uuid:
+ return service
+ raise ResourceNotFound("Service with given unique uuid doesn't exist")
+ def onboard(self) -> None:
+ """Onboard the Service in SDC.
+ Raises:
+ StatusError: service has an invalid status
+ ParameterError: no resources, no properties for service
+ in DRAFT status
+ """
+ # first Lines are equivalent for all onboard functions but it's more
+ # readable
+ if not self.status:
+ # equivalent step as in onboard-function in sdc_resource
+ self.create()
+ time.sleep(self._time_wait)
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.DRAFT:
+ if not any([self.resources, self._properties_to_add]):
+ raise ParameterError("No resources nor properties were given")
+ self.declare_resources_and_properties()
+ self.checkin()
+ time.sleep(self._time_wait)
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.CHECKED_IN:
+ self.certify()
+ time.sleep(self._time_wait)
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.CERTIFIED:
+ self.distribute()
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.DISTRIBUTED:
+ self._logger.info("Service %s onboarded", self.name)
+ else:
+ self._logger.error("Service has invalid status: %s", self.status)
+ raise StatusError(self.status)
+ @property
+ def distribution_id(self) -> str:
+ """Return and lazy load the distribution_id."""
+ if not self._distribution_id:
+ self.load_metadata()
+ return self._distribution_id
+ @distribution_id.setter
+ def distribution_id(self, value: str) -> None:
+ """Set value for distribution_id."""
+ self._distribution_id = value
+ @property
+ def distributed(self) -> bool:
+ """Return and lazy load the distributed state."""
+ if not self._distributed:
+ self._check_distributed()
+ return self._distributed
+ @property
+ def tosca_template(self) -> str:
+ """Service tosca template file.
+ Get tosca template from service tosca model bytes.
+ Returns:
+ str: Tosca template file
+ """
+ if not self._tosca_template and self.tosca_model:
+ self._unzip_csar_file(BytesIO(self.tosca_model),
+ self._load_tosca_template)
+ return self._tosca_template
+ @property
+ def tosca_model(self) -> bytes:
+ """Service's tosca model file.
+ Send request to get service TOSCA model,
+ Returns:
+ bytes: TOSCA model file bytes
+ """
+ if not self._tosca_model:
+ url = "{}/services/{}/toscaModel".format(self._base_url(),
+ self.identifier)
+ headers = self.headers.copy()
+ headers["Accept"] = "application/octet-stream"
+ self._tosca_model = self.send_message(
+ "GET",
+ "Download Tosca Model for {}".format(self.name),
+ url,
+ headers=headers).content
+ return self._tosca_model
+ def create_node_template(self,
+ node_template_type: Type[NodeTemplate],
+ component: "Component") -> NodeTemplate:
+ """Create a node template type object.
+ The base of the all node template types objects (Vnf, Pnf, Network) is the
+ same. The difference is only for the Vnf which can have vf modules associated with.
+ Vf modules could have "vf_module_label" property with"base_template_dummy_ignore"
+ value. These vf modules should be ignored/
+ Args:
+ node_template_type (Type[NodeTemplate]): Node template class type
+ component (Component): Component on which base node template object should be created
+ Returns:
+ NodeTemplate: Node template object created from component
+ """
+ node_template: NodeTemplate = node_template_type(
+ name=component.name,
+ node_template_type=component.tosca_component_name,
+ model_name=component.component_name,
+ model_version_id=component.sdc_resource.identifier,
+ model_invariant_id=component.sdc_resource.unique_uuid,
+ model_version=component.sdc_resource.version,
+ model_customization_id=component.customization_uuid,
+ model_instance_name=self.name,
+ component=component
+ )
+ if node_template_type is Vnf:
+ if component.group_instances:
+ for vf_module in component.group_instances:
+ if not any([property_def["name"] == "vf_module_label"] and \
+ property_def["value"] == "base_template_dummy_ignore" for \
+ property_def in vf_module["properties"]):
+ node_template.vf_modules.append(VfModule(
+ name=vf_module["name"],
+ group_type=vf_module["type"],
+ model_name=vf_module["groupName"],
+ model_version_id=vf_module["groupUUID"],
+ model_invariant_uuid=vf_module["invariantUUID"],
+ model_version=vf_module["version"],
+ model_customization_id=vf_module["customizationUUID"],
+ properties=(
+ Property(
+ name=property_def["name"],
+ property_type=property_def["type"],
+ description=property_def["description"],
+ value=property_def["value"]
+ ) for property_def in vf_module["properties"] \
+ if property_def["value"] and not (
+ property_def["name"] == "vf_module_label" and \
+ property_def["value"] == "base_template_dummy_ignore"
+ )
+ )
+ ))
+ return node_template
+ def __has_component_type(self, origin_type: str) -> bool:
+ """Check if any of Service's component type is provided origin type.
+ In template generation is checked if Service has some types of components,
+ based on that blocks are added to the request template. It's not
+ the best option to get all components to check if at least one with
+ given type exists for conditional statement.
+ Args:
+ origin_type (str): Type to check if any component exists.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if service has at least one component with given origin type,
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ return any((component.origin_type == origin_type for component in self.components))
+ @property
+ def has_vnfs(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if service has at least one VF component."""
+ return self.__has_component_type("VF")
+ @property
+ def has_pnfs(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if service has at least one PNF component."""
+ return self.__has_component_type("PNF")
+ @property
+ def has_vls(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if service has at least one VL component."""
+ return self.__has_component_type("VL")
+ @property
+ def vnfs(self) -> Iterator[Vnf]:
+ """Service Vnfs.
+ Load VNFs from components generator.
+ It creates a generator of the vf modules as well, but without
+ vf modules which has "vf_module_label" property value equal
+ to "base_template_dummy_ignore".
+ Returns:
+ Iterator[Vnf]: Vnf objects iterator
+ """
+ for component in self.components:
+ if component.origin_type == "VF":
+ yield self.create_node_template(Vnf, component)
+ @property
+ def pnfs(self) -> Iterator[Pnf]:
+ """Service Pnfs.
+ Load PNFS from components generator.
+ Returns:
+ Iterator[Pnf]: Pnf objects generator
+ """
+ for component in self.components:
+ if component.origin_type == "PNF":
+ yield self.create_node_template(Pnf, component)
+ @property
+ def networks(self) -> Iterator[Network]:
+ """Service networks.
+ Load networks from service's components generator.
+ Returns:
+ Iterator[Network]: Network objects generator
+ """
+ for component in self.components:
+ if component.origin_type == "VL":
+ yield self.create_node_template(Network, component)
+ @property
+ def deployment_artifacts_url(self) -> str:
+ """Deployment artifacts url.
+ Returns:
+ str: SdcResource Deployment artifacts url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=deploymentArtifacts")
+ @property
+ def add_deployment_artifacts_url(self) -> str:
+ """Add deployment artifacts url.
+ Returns:
+ str: Url used to add deployment artifacts
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/artifacts")
+ @property
+ def properties_url(self) -> str:
+ """Properties url.
+ Returns:
+ str: SdcResource properties url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=properties")
+ @property
+ def metadata_url(self) -> str:
+ """Metadata url.
+ Returns:
+ str: Service metadata url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=metadata")
+ @property
+ def resource_inputs_url(self) -> str:
+ """Service inputs url.
+ Returns:
+ str: Service inputs url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}")
+ @property
+ def set_input_default_value_url(self) -> str:
+ """Url to set input default value.
+ Returns:
+ str: SDC API url used to set input default value
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/update/inputs")
+ @property
+ def origin_type(self) -> str:
+ """Service origin type.
+ Value needed for composition. It's used for adding SDC resource
+ as an another SDC resource component.
+ For Service that value has to be set to "ServiceProxy".
+ Returns:
+ str: Service resource origin type
+ """
+ return "ServiceProxy"
+ @property
+ def instantiation_type(self) -> ServiceInstantiationType:
+ """Service instantiation type.
+ One of `ServiceInstantiationType` enum value.
+ Returns:
+ ServiceInstantiationType: Service instantiation type
+ """
+ if not self._instantiation_type:
+ if not self.created():
+ self._instantiation_type = ServiceInstantiationType.A_LA_CARTE
+ else:
+ response: str = self.send_message_json("GET",
+ f"Get service {self.name} metadata",
+ self.metadata_url)["metadata"]\
+ ["instantiationType"]
+ self._instantiation_type = ServiceInstantiationType(response)
+ return self._instantiation_type
+ def create(self) -> None:
+ """Create the Service in SDC if not already existing."""
+ self._create("service_create.json.j2",
+ name=self.name,
+ instantiation_type=self.instantiation_type.value,
+ category=self.category,
+ role=self.role, service_type=self.service_type, function=self.function)
+ def declare_resources_and_properties(self) -> None:
+ """Delcare resources and properties.
+ It declares also inputs.
+ """
+ for resource in self.resources:
+ self.add_resource(resource)
+ for property_to_add in self._properties_to_add:
+ self.add_property(property_to_add)
+ for input_to_add in self._inputs_to_add:
+ self.declare_input(input_to_add)
+ def checkin(self) -> None:
+ """Checkin Service."""
+ self._verify_lcm_to_sdc(const.DRAFT, const.CHECKIN)
+ def submit(self) -> None:
+ """Really submit the SDC Service."""
+ self._verify_lcm_to_sdc(const.CHECKED_IN, const.SUBMIT_FOR_TESTING)
+ def start_certification(self) -> None:
+ """Start Certification on Service."""
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ self._verify_lcm_to_sdc(const.CHECKED_IN,
+ headers=headers)
+ def certify(self) -> None:
+ """Certify Service in SDC."""
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ self._verify_lcm_to_sdc(const.CHECKED_IN,
+ const.CERTIFY,
+ headers=headers)
+ def approve(self) -> None:
+ """Approve Service in SDC."""
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ self._verify_approve_to_sdc(const.CERTIFIED,
+ const.APPROVE,
+ headers=headers)
+ def distribute(self) -> None:
+ """Apptove Service in SDC."""
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ self._verify_distribute_to_sdc(const.CERTIFIED,
+ headers=headers)
+ def redistribute(self) -> None:
+ """Apptove Service in SDC."""
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ self._verify_distribute_to_sdc(const.DISTRIBUTED,
+ headers=headers)
+ def get_tosca(self) -> None:
+ """Get Service tosca files and save it."""
+ url = "{}/services/{}/toscaModel".format(self._base_url(),
+ self.identifier)
+ headers = self.headers.copy()
+ headers["Accept"] = "application/octet-stream"
+ result = self.send_message("GET",
+ "Download Tosca Model for {}".format(
+ self.name),
+ url,
+ headers=headers)
+ if result:
+ self._create_tosca_file(result)
+ def _create_tosca_file(self, result: Response) -> None:
+ """Create Service Tosca files from HTTP response."""
+ csar_filename = "service-{}-csar.csar".format(self.name)
+ makedirs(tosca_path(), exist_ok=True)
+ with open((tosca_path() + csar_filename), 'wb') as csar_file:
+ for chunk in result.iter_content(chunk_size=128):
+ csar_file.write(chunk)
+ try:
+ self._unzip_csar_file(tosca_path() + csar_filename,
+ self._write_csar_file)
+ except BadZipFile as exc:
+ self._logger.exception(exc)
+ def _check_distributed(self) -> bool:
+ """Check if service is distributed and update status accordingly."""
+ url = "{}/services/distribution/{}".format(self._base_create_url(),
+ self.distribution_id)
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ status = {}
+ for component in components_needing_distribution():
+ status[component] = False
+ try:
+ result = self.send_message_json("GET",
+ "Check distribution for {}".format(
+ self.name),
+ url,
+ headers=headers)
+ except ResourceNotFound:
+ msg = f"No distributions found for {self.name} of {self.__class__.__name__}."
+ self._logger.debug(msg)
+ else:
+ status = self._update_components_status(status, result)
+ for state in status.values():
+ if not state:
+ self._distributed = False
+ return
+ self._distributed = True
+ def _update_components_status(self, status: Dict[str, bool],
+ result: Response) -> Dict[str, bool]:
+ """Update components distribution status."""
+ distrib_list = result['distributionStatusList']
+ self._logger.debug("[SDC][Get Distribution] distrib_list = %s",
+ distrib_list)
+ for elt in distrib_list:
+ status = self._parse_components_status(status, elt)
+ return status
+ def _parse_components_status(self, status: Dict[str, bool],
+ element: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, bool]:
+ """Parse components distribution status."""
+ for key in status:
+ if ((key in element['omfComponentID'])
+ and (const.DOWNLOAD_OK in element['status'])):
+ status[key] = True
+ self._logger.info(("[SDC][Get Distribution] Service "
+ "distributed in %s"), key)
+ return status
+ def load_metadata(self) -> None:
+ """Load Metada of Service and retrieve informations."""
+ url = "{}/services/{}/distribution".format(self._base_create_url(),
+ self.identifier)
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ result = self.send_message_json("GET",
+ "Get Metadata for {}".format(
+ self.name),
+ url,
+ headers=headers)
+ if ('distributionStatusOfServiceList' in result
+ and len(result['distributionStatusOfServiceList']) > 0):
+ # API changed and the latest distribution is not added to the end
+ # of distributions list but inserted as the first one.
+ dist_status = result['distributionStatusOfServiceList'][0]
+ self._distribution_id = dist_status['distributionID']
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_all_url(cls) -> str:
+ """
+ Get URL for all elements in SDC.
+ Returns:
+ str: the url
+ """
+ return "{}/{}".format(cls._base_url(), cls._sdc_path())
+ def _really_submit(self) -> None:
+ """Really submit the SDC Service in order to enable it."""
+ result = self._action_to_sdc(const.CERTIFY,
+ action_type="lifecycleState")
+ if result:
+ self.load()
+ def _specific_copy(self, obj: 'Service') -> None:
+ """
+ Copy specific properties from object.
+ Args:
+ obj (Service): the object to "copy"
+ """
+ super()._specific_copy(obj)
+ self.category_name = obj.category_name
+ self.role = obj.role
+ def _verify_distribute_to_sdc(self, desired_status: str,
+ desired_action: str, **kwargs) -> None:
+ self._verify_action_to_sdc(desired_status, desired_action,
+ "distribution", **kwargs)
+ def _verify_approve_to_sdc(self, desired_status: str, desired_action: str,
+ **kwargs) -> None:
+ self._verify_action_to_sdc(desired_status, desired_action,
+ "distribution-state", **kwargs)
+ def _verify_lcm_to_sdc(self, desired_status: str, desired_action: str,
+ **kwargs) -> None:
+ self._verify_action_to_sdc(desired_status, desired_action,
+ "lifecycleState", **kwargs)
+ def _verify_action_to_sdc(self, desired_status: str, desired_action: str,
+ action_type: str, **kwargs) -> None:
+ """
+ Verify action to SDC.
+ Verify that object is in right state before launching the action on
+ SDC.
+ Raises:
+ StatusError: if current status is not the desired status.
+ Args:
+ desired_status (str): the status the object should be
+ desired_action (str): the action we want to perform
+ action_type (str): the type of action ('distribution-state' or
+ 'lifecycleState')
+ **kwargs: any specific stuff to give to requests
+ """
+ self._logger.info("attempting to %s Service %s in SDC", desired_action,
+ self.name)
+ if self.status == desired_status and self.created():
+ self._action_to_sdc(desired_action,
+ action_type=action_type,
+ **kwargs)
+ self.load()
+ elif not self.created():
+ self._logger.warning("Service %s in SDC is not created", self.name)
+ elif self.status != desired_status:
+ msg = (f"Service {self.name} in SDC is in status {self.status} "
+ f"and it should be in status {desired_status}")
+ raise StatusError(msg)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _unzip_csar_file(zip_file: Union[str, BytesIO],
+ function: Callable[[str,
+ TextIOWrapper], None]) -> None:
+ """
+ Unzip Csar File and perform an action on the file.
+ Raises:
+ ValidationError: CSAR file has no service template
+ """
+ folder = "Definitions"
+ prefix = "service-"
+ suffix = "-template.yml"
+ with ZipFile(zip_file) as myzip:
+ service_template = None
+ for name in myzip.namelist():
+ if (name[-13:] == suffix
+ and name[:20] == f"{folder}/{prefix}"):
+ service_template = name
+ if not service_template:
+ msg = (f"CSAR file has no service template. "
+ f"Valid path: {folder}/{prefix}*{suffix}")
+ raise ValidationError(msg)
+ with myzip.open(service_template) as template_file:
+ function(service_template, template_file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _write_csar_file(service_template: str,
+ template_file: TextIOWrapper) -> None:
+ """Write service temple into a file."""
+ with open(tosca_path() + service_template[12:], 'wb') as file:
+ file.write(template_file.read())
+ # _service_template is not used but function generation is generic
+ # pylint: disable-unused-argument
+ def _load_tosca_template(self, _service_template: str,
+ template_file: TextIOWrapper) -> None:
+ """Load Tosca template."""
+ self._tosca_template = yaml.safe_load(template_file.read())
+ @classmethod
+ def _sdc_path(cls) -> None:
+ """Give back the end of SDC path."""
+ return cls.SERVICE_PATH
+ def get_nf_unique_id(self, nf_name: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Get nf (network function) uniqueID.
+ Get nf uniqueID from service nf in sdc.
+ Args:
+ nf_name (str): the nf from which we extract the unique ID
+ Returns:
+ the nf unique ID
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: Couldn't find NF by name.
+ """
+ url = f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/{self.unique_identifier}"
+ request_return = self.send_message_json('GET',
+ 'Get nf unique ID',
+ url)
+ for instance in filter(lambda x: x["componentName"] == nf_name,
+ request_return["componentInstances"]):
+ return instance["uniqueId"]
+ raise ResourceNotFound(f"NF '{nf_name}'")
+ def add_artifact_to_vf(self, vnf_name: str, artifact_type: str,
+ artifact_name: str, artifact: BinaryIO = None):
+ """
+ Add artifact to vf.
+ Add artifact to vf using payload data.
+ Raises:
+ RequestError: file upload (POST request) for an artifact fails.
+ Args:
+ vnf_name (str): the vnf which we want to add the artifact
+ artifact_type (str): all SDC artifact types are supported (DCAE_*, HEAT_*, ...)
+ artifact_name (str): the artifact file name including its extension
+ artifact (str): binary data to upload
+ """
+ missing_identifier = self.get_nf_unique_id(vnf_name)
+ url = (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/{self.unique_identifier}/"
+ f"resourceInstance/{missing_identifier}/artifacts")
+ template = jinja_env().get_template("add_artifact_to_vf.json.j2")
+ data = template.render(artifact_name=artifact_name,
+ artifact_label=f"sdk{Path.PurePosixPath(artifact_name).stem}",
+ artifact_type=artifact_type,
+ b64_artifact=base64.b64encode(artifact).decode('utf-8'))
+ headers = headers_sdc_artifact_upload(base_header=self.headers,
+ data=data)
+ try:
+ self.send_message('POST',
+ 'Add artifact to vf',
+ url,
+ headers=headers,
+ data=data)
+ except RequestError as exc:
+ self._logger.error(("an error occured during file upload for an Artifact"
+ "to VNF %s"), vnf_name)
+ raise exc
+ def get_component_properties_url(self, component: "Component") -> str:
+ """Url to get component's properties.
+ This method is here because component can have different url when
+ it's a component of another SDC resource type, eg. for service and
+ for VF components have different urls.
+ Also for VL origin type components properties url is different than
+ for the other types.
+ Args:
+ component (Component): Component object to prepare url for
+ Returns:
+ str: Component's properties url
+ """
+ if component.origin_type == "VL":
+ return super().get_component_properties_url(component)
+ return (f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/"
+ f"componentInstances/{component.unique_id}/{component.actual_component_uid}/inputs")
+ def get_component_properties_value_set_url(self, component: "Component") -> str:
+ """Url to set component property value.
+ This method is here because component can have different url when
+ it's a component of another SDC resource type, eg. for service and
+ for VF components have different urls.
+ Also for VL origin type components properties url is different than
+ for the other types.
+ Args:
+ component (Component): Component object to prepare url for
+ Returns:
+ str: Component's properties url
+ """
+ if component.origin_type == "VL":
+ return super().get_component_properties_value_set_url(component)
+ return (f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/"
+ f"resourceInstance/{component.unique_id}/inputs")
+ def get_category_for_new_resource(self) -> ServiceCategory:
+ """Get category for service not created in SDC yet.
+ If no category values are provided default category is going to be used.
+ Returns:
+ ServiceCategory: Category of the new service
+ """
+ if not self._category_name:
+ return ServiceCategory.get(name="Network Service")
+ return ServiceCategory.get(name=self._category_name)