path: root/src/onapsdk/sdc/sdc_resource.py
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1 files changed, 960 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/onapsdk/sdc/sdc_resource.py b/src/onapsdk/sdc/sdc_resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7dbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/onapsdk/sdc/sdc_resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+"""SDC Element module."""
+# Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from abc import ABC
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Union
+import base64
+import time
+import onapsdk.constants as const
+from onapsdk.exceptions import ParameterError, ResourceNotFound, StatusError
+from onapsdk.sdc import SdcOnboardable
+from onapsdk.sdc.category_management import ResourceCategory, ServiceCategory
+from onapsdk.sdc.component import Component
+from onapsdk.sdc.properties import Input, NestedInput, Property
+from onapsdk.utils.headers_creator import (headers_sdc_creator,
+ headers_sdc_tester,
+ headers_sdc_artifact_upload)
+from onapsdk.utils.jinja import jinja_env
+# For an unknown reason, pylint keeps seeing _unique_uuid and
+# _unique_identifier as attributes along with unique_uuid and unique_identifier
+class SdcResource(SdcOnboardable, ABC): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-public-methods
+ """Mother Class of all SDC resources."""
+ RESOURCE_PATH = 'resources'
+ ACTION_TEMPLATE = 'sdc_resource_action.json.j2'
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcOnboardable.headers)
+ def __init__(self, name: str = None, version: str = None, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ sdc_values: Dict[str, str] = None, properties: List[Property] = None,
+ inputs: Union[Property, NestedInput] = None,
+ category: str = None, subcategory: str = None):
+ """Initialize the object."""
+ super().__init__(name)
+ self.version_filter: str = version
+ self._unique_uuid: str = None
+ self._unique_identifier: str = None
+ self._resource_type: str = "resources"
+ self._properties_to_add: List[Property] = properties or []
+ self._inputs_to_add: Union[Property, NestedInput] = inputs or []
+ self._time_wait: int = 10
+ self._category_name: str = category
+ self._subcategory_name: str = subcategory
+ if sdc_values:
+ self._logger.debug("SDC values given, using them")
+ self.identifier = sdc_values['uuid']
+ self.version = sdc_values['version']
+ self.unique_uuid = sdc_values['invariantUUID']
+ distribitution_state = None
+ if 'distributionStatus' in sdc_values:
+ distribitution_state = sdc_values['distributionStatus']
+ self.status = self._parse_sdc_status(sdc_values['lifecycleState'],
+ distribitution_state,
+ self._logger)
+ self._logger.debug("SDC resource %s status: %s", self.name,
+ self.status)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """SDC resource description.
+ Returns:
+ str: SDC resource object description
+ """
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__.upper()}(name={self.name})"
+ @property
+ def unique_uuid(self) -> str:
+ """Return and lazy load the unique_uuid."""
+ if not self._unique_uuid:
+ self.load()
+ return self._unique_uuid
+ @property
+ def unique_identifier(self) -> str:
+ """Return and lazy load the unique_identifier."""
+ if not self._unique_identifier:
+ self.deep_load()
+ return self._unique_identifier
+ @unique_uuid.setter
+ def unique_uuid(self, value: str) -> None:
+ """Set value for unique_uuid."""
+ self._unique_uuid = value
+ @unique_identifier.setter
+ def unique_identifier(self, value: str) -> None:
+ """Set value for unique_identifier."""
+ self._unique_identifier = value
+ def load(self) -> None:
+ """Load Object information from SDC."""
+ self.exists()
+ def deep_load(self) -> None:
+ """Deep load Object informations from SDC."""
+ url = (
+ f"{self.base_front_url}/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/"
+ "screen?excludeTypes=VFCMT&excludeTypes=Configuration"
+ )
+ headers = headers_sdc_creator(SdcResource.headers)
+ if self.status == const.UNDER_CERTIFICATION:
+ headers = headers_sdc_tester(SdcResource.headers)
+ response = self.send_message_json("GET",
+ "Deep Load {}".format(
+ type(self).__name__),
+ url,
+ headers=headers)
+ for resource in response[self._sdc_path()]:
+ if resource["invariantUUID"] == self.unique_uuid:
+ if resource["uuid"] == self.identifier:
+ self._logger.debug("Resource %s found in %s list",
+ resource["name"], self._sdc_path())
+ self.unique_identifier = resource["uniqueId"]
+ self._category_name = resource["categories"][0]["name"]
+ subcategories = resource["categories"][0].get("subcategories", [{}])
+ self._subcategory_name = None if subcategories is None else \
+ subcategories[0].get("name")
+ return
+ if self._sdc_path() == "services":
+ for dependency in self.send_message_json("GET",
+ "Get service dependecies",
+ f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{resource['uniqueId']}/"
+ "dependencies"):
+ if dependency["version"] == self.version:
+ self.unique_identifier = dependency["uniqueId"]
+ return
+ def _generate_action_subpath(self, action: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Generate subpath part of SDC action url.
+ Args:
+ action (str): the action that will be done
+ Returns:
+ str: the subpath part
+ """
+ return action
+ def _version_path(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Give the end of the path for a version.
+ Returns:
+ str: the end of the path
+ """
+ return self.unique_identifier
+ def _action_url(self,
+ base: str,
+ subpath: str,
+ version_path: str,
+ action_type: str = None) -> str:
+ """
+ Generate action URL for SDC.
+ Args:
+ base (str): base part of url
+ subpath (str): subpath of url
+ version_path (str): version path of the url
+ action_type (str, optional): the type of action
+ ('distribution', 'distribution-state'
+ or 'lifecycleState'). Default to
+ 'lifecycleState').
+ Returns:
+ str: the URL to use
+ """
+ if not action_type:
+ action_type = "lifecycleState"
+ return "{}/{}/{}/{}/{}".format(base, self._resource_type, version_path,
+ action_type, subpath)
+ @classmethod
+ def _base_create_url(cls) -> str:
+ """
+ Give back the base url of Sdc.
+ Returns:
+ str: the base url
+ """
+ return "{}/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog".format(cls.base_front_url)
+ @classmethod
+ def _base_url(cls) -> str:
+ """
+ Give back the base url of Sdc.
+ Returns:
+ str: the base url
+ """
+ return "{}/sdc/v1/catalog".format(cls.base_back_url)
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_all_url(cls) -> str:
+ """
+ Get URL for all elements in SDC.
+ Returns:
+ str: the url
+ """
+ return "{}/{}?resourceType={}".format(cls._base_url(), cls._sdc_path(),
+ cls.__name__.upper())
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_objects_list(cls, result: List[Dict[str, Any]]
+ ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
+ """
+ Import objects created in SDC.
+ Args:
+ result (Dict[str, Any]): the result returned by SDC in a Dict
+ Return:
+ List[Dict[str, Any]]: the list of objects
+ """
+ return result
+ def _get_version_from_sdc(self, sdc_infos: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
+ """
+ Get version from SDC results.
+ Args:
+ sdc_infos (Dict[str, Any]): the result dict from SDC
+ Returns:
+ str: the version
+ """
+ return sdc_infos['version']
+ def _get_identifier_from_sdc(self, sdc_infos: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
+ """
+ Get identifier from SDC results.
+ Args:
+ sdc_infos (Dict[str, Any]): the result dict from SDC
+ Returns:
+ str: the identifier
+ """
+ return sdc_infos['uuid']
+ @classmethod
+ def import_from_sdc(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'SdcResource':
+ """
+ Import SdcResource from SDC.
+ Args:
+ values (Dict[str, Any]): dict to parse returned from SDC.
+ Return:
+ SdcResource: the created resource
+ """
+ cls._logger.debug("importing SDC Resource %s from SDC", values['name'])
+ return cls(name=values['name'], sdc_values=values)
+ def _copy_object(self, obj: 'SdcResource') -> None:
+ """
+ Copy relevant properties from object.
+ Args:
+ obj (SdcResource): the object to "copy"
+ """
+ self.identifier = obj.identifier
+ self.unique_uuid = obj.unique_uuid
+ self.status = obj.status
+ self.version = obj.version
+ self.unique_identifier = obj.unique_identifier
+ self._specific_copy(obj)
+ def _specific_copy(self, obj: 'SdcResource') -> None:
+ """
+ Copy specific properties from object.
+ Args:
+ obj (SdcResource): the object to "copy"
+ """
+ def update_informations_from_sdc(self, details: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """
+ Update instance with details from SDC.
+ Args:
+ details ([type]): [description]
+ """
+ def update_informations_from_sdc_creation(self,
+ details: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """
+ Update instance with details from SDC after creation.
+ Args:
+ details ([type]): the details from SDC
+ """
+ self.unique_uuid = details['invariantUUID']
+ distribution_state = None
+ if 'distributionStatus' in details:
+ distribution_state = details['distributionStatus']
+ self.status = self._parse_sdc_status(details['lifecycleState'],
+ distribution_state, self._logger)
+ self.version = details['version']
+ self.unique_identifier = details['uniqueId']
+ # Not my fault if SDC has so many states...
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse_sdc_status(sdc_status: str, distribution_state: str,
+ logger: logging.Logger) -> str:
+ """
+ Parse SDC status in order to normalize it.
+ Args:
+ sdc_status (str): the status found in SDC
+ distribution_state (str): the distribution status found in SDC.
+ Can be None.
+ Returns:
+ str: the normalized status
+ """
+ logger.debug("Parse status for SDC Resource")
+ if sdc_status.capitalize() == const.CERTIFIED:
+ if distribution_state and distribution_state == const.SDC_DISTRIBUTED:
+ return const.DISTRIBUTED
+ return const.CERTIFIED
+ if sdc_status == const.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKOUT:
+ return const.DRAFT
+ if sdc_status == const.NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN:
+ return const.CHECKED_IN
+ if sdc_status == const.READY_FOR_CERTIFICATION:
+ return const.SUBMITTED
+ if sdc_status == const.CERTIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS:
+ if sdc_status != "":
+ return sdc_status
+ return None
+ def _really_submit(self) -> None:
+ """Really submit the SDC Vf in order to enable it."""
+ raise NotImplementedError("SDC is an abstract class")
+ def onboard(self) -> None:
+ """Onboard resource in SDC."""
+ if not self.status:
+ self.create()
+ time.sleep(self._time_wait)
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.DRAFT:
+ for property_to_add in self._properties_to_add:
+ self.add_property(property_to_add)
+ for input_to_add in self._inputs_to_add:
+ self.declare_input(input_to_add)
+ self.submit()
+ time.sleep(self._time_wait)
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.CHECKED_IN:
+ # Checked in status check added
+ self.certify()
+ time.sleep(self._time_wait)
+ self.onboard()
+ elif self.status == const.CERTIFIED:
+ self.load()
+ @classmethod
+ def _sdc_path(cls) -> None:
+ """Give back the end of SDC path."""
+ return cls.RESOURCE_PATH
+ @property
+ def deployment_artifacts_url(self) -> str:
+ """Deployment artifacts url.
+ Returns:
+ str: SdcResource Deployment artifacts url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=deploymentArtifacts")
+ @property
+ def add_deployment_artifacts_url(self) -> str:
+ """Add deployment artifacts url.
+ Returns:
+ str: Url used to add deployment artifacts
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/artifacts")
+ @property
+ def properties_url(self) -> str:
+ """Properties url.
+ Returns:
+ str: SdcResource properties url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/filteredDataByParams?include=properties")
+ @property
+ def add_property_url(self) -> str:
+ """Add property url.
+ Returns:
+ str: Url used to add property
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/services/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/properties")
+ @property
+ def set_input_default_value_url(self) -> str:
+ """Url to set input default value.
+ Returns:
+ str: SDC API url used to set input default value
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}/update/inputs")
+ @property
+ def origin_type(self) -> str:
+ """Resource origin type.
+ Value needed for composition. It's used for adding SDC resource
+ as an another SDC resource component.
+ Returns:
+ str: SDC resource origin type
+ """
+ return type(self).__name__.upper()
+ @property
+ def properties(self) -> Iterator[Property]:
+ """SDC resource properties.
+ Iterate resource properties.
+ Yields:
+ Property: Resource property
+ """
+ for property_data in self.send_message_json(\
+ "GET",
+ f"Get {self.name} resource properties",
+ self.properties_url).get("properties", []):
+ yield Property(
+ sdc_resource=self,
+ unique_id=property_data["uniqueId"],
+ name=property_data["name"],
+ property_type=property_data["type"],
+ parent_unique_id=property_data["parentUniqueId"],
+ value=property_data.get("value"),
+ description=property_data.get("description"),
+ get_input_values=property_data.get("getInputValues"),
+ )
+ def get_property(self, property_name: str) -> Property:
+ """Get resource property by it's name.
+ Args:
+ property_name (str): property name
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: Resource has no property with given name
+ Returns:
+ Property: Resource's property object
+ """
+ for property_obj in self.properties:
+ if property_obj.name == property_name:
+ return property_obj
+ msg = f"Resource has no property with {property_name} name"
+ raise ResourceNotFound(msg)
+ @property
+ def resource_inputs_url(self) -> str:
+ """Resource inputs url.
+ Method which returns url which point to resource inputs.
+ Returns:
+ str: Resource inputs url
+ """
+ return (f"{self._base_create_url()}/resources/"
+ f"{self.unique_identifier}")
+ def create(self) -> None:
+ """Create resource.
+ Abstract method which should be implemented by subclasses and creates resource in SDC.
+ Raises:
+ NotImplementedError: Method not implemented by subclasses.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def inputs(self) -> Iterator[Input]:
+ """SDC resource inputs.
+ Iterate resource inputs.
+ Yields:
+ Iterator[Input]: Resource input
+ """
+ url = f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/filteredDataByParams?include=inputs"
+ for input_data in self.send_message_json(\
+ "GET", f"Get {self.name} resource inputs",
+ url).get("inputs", []):
+ yield Input(
+ unique_id=input_data["uniqueId"],
+ input_type=input_data["type"],
+ name=input_data["name"],
+ sdc_resource=self,
+ _default_value=input_data.get("defaultValue")
+ )
+ def get_input(self, input_name: str) -> Input:
+ """Get input by it's name.
+ Args:
+ input_name (str): Input name
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: Resource doesn't have input with given name
+ Returns:
+ Input: Found input object
+ """
+ for input_obj in self.inputs:
+ if input_obj.name == input_name:
+ return input_obj
+ raise ResourceNotFound(f"SDC resource has no {input_name} input")
+ def add_deployment_artifact(self, artifact_type: str, artifact_label: str,
+ artifact_name: str, artifact: str):
+ """
+ Add deployment artifact to resource.
+ Add deployment artifact to resource using payload data.
+ Args:
+ artifact_type (str): all SDC artifact types are supported (DCAE_*, HEAT_*, ...)
+ artifact_name (str): the artifact file name including its extension
+ artifact (str): artifact file to upload
+ artifact_label (str): Unique Identifier of the artifact within the VF / Service.
+ Raises:
+ StatusError: Resource has not DRAFT status
+ """
+ data = open(artifact, 'rb').read()
+ artifact_string = base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf-8')
+ if self.status != const.DRAFT:
+ msg = "Can't add artifact to resource which is not in DRAFT status"
+ raise StatusError(msg)
+ self._logger.debug("Add deployment artifact to sdc resource")
+ my_data = jinja_env().get_template(
+ "sdc_resource_add_deployment_artifact.json.j2").\
+ render(artifact_name=artifact_name,
+ artifact_label=artifact_label,
+ artifact_type=artifact_type,
+ b64_artifact=artifact_string)
+ my_header = headers_sdc_artifact_upload(base_header=self.headers, data=my_data)
+ self.send_message_json("POST",
+ f"Add deployment artifact for {self.name} sdc resource",
+ self.add_deployment_artifacts_url,
+ data=my_data,
+ headers=my_header)
+ @property
+ def components(self) -> Iterator[Component]:
+ """Resource components.
+ Iterate resource components.
+ Yields:
+ Component: Resource component object
+ """
+ for component_instance in self.send_message_json(\
+ "GET",
+ f"Get {self.name} resource inputs",
+ f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/filteredDataByParams?include=componentInstances"
+ ).get("componentInstances", []):
+ sdc_resource: "SdcResource" = SdcResource.import_from_sdc(self.send_message_json(\
+ "GET",
+ f"Get {self.name} component's SDC resource metadata",
+ (f"{self.base_front_url}/sdc1/feProxy/rest/v1/catalog/resources/"
+ f"{component_instance['actualComponentUid']}/"
+ "filteredDataByParams?include=metadata"))["metadata"])
+ yield Component.create_from_api_response(api_response=component_instance,
+ sdc_resource=sdc_resource,
+ parent_sdc_resource=self)
+ @property
+ def category(self) -> Union[ResourceCategory, ServiceCategory]:
+ """Sdc resource category.
+ Depends on the resource type returns ResourceCategory or ServiceCategory.
+ Returns:
+ Uniton[ResourceCategory, ServiceCategory]: resource category
+ """
+ if self.created():
+ if not any([self._category_name, self._subcategory_name]):
+ self.deep_load()
+ if all([self._category_name, self._subcategory_name]):
+ return ResourceCategory.get(name=self._category_name,
+ subcategory=self._subcategory_name)
+ return ServiceCategory.get(name=self._category_name)
+ return self.get_category_for_new_resource()
+ def get_category_for_new_resource(self) -> ResourceCategory:
+ """Get category for resource not created in SDC yet.
+ If no category values are provided default category is going to be used.
+ Returns:
+ ResourceCategory: Category of the new resource
+ """
+ if not all([self._category_name, self._subcategory_name]):
+ return ResourceCategory.get(name="Generic", subcategory="Abstract")
+ return ResourceCategory.get(name=self._category_name, subcategory=self._subcategory_name)
+ def get_component_properties_url(self, component: "Component") -> str:
+ """Url to get component's properties.
+ This method is here because component can have different url when
+ it's a component of another SDC resource type, eg. for service and
+ for VF components have different urls.
+ Args:
+ component (Component): Component object to prepare url for
+ Returns:
+ str: Component's properties url
+ """
+ return (f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/"
+ f"componentInstances/{component.unique_id}/properties")
+ def get_component_properties_value_set_url(self, component: "Component") -> str:
+ """Url to set component property value.
+ This method is here because component can have different url when
+ it's a component of another SDC resource type, eg. for service and
+ for VF components have different urls.
+ Args:
+ component (Component): Component object to prepare url for
+ Returns:
+ str: Component's properties url
+ """
+ return (f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/"
+ f"resourceInstance/{component.unique_id}/properties")
+ def is_own_property(self, property_to_check: Property) -> bool:
+ """Check if given property is one of the resource's properties.
+ Args:
+ property_to_check (Property): Property to check
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if resource has given property, False otherwise
+ """
+ return any((
+ prop == property_to_check for prop in self.properties
+ ))
+ def get_component(self, sdc_resource: "SdcResource") -> Component:
+ """Get resource's component.
+ Get component by SdcResource object.
+ Args:
+ sdc_resource (SdcResource): Component's SdcResource
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: Component with given SdcResource does not exist
+ Returns:
+ Component: Component object
+ """
+ for component in self.components:
+ if component.sdc_resource.name == sdc_resource.name:
+ return component
+ msg = f"SDC resource {sdc_resource.name} is not a component"
+ raise ResourceNotFound(msg)
+ def get_component_by_name(self, component_name: str) -> Component:
+ """Get resource's component by it's name.
+ Get component by name.
+ Args:
+ component_name (str): Component's name
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: Component with given name does not exist
+ Returns:
+ Component: Component object
+ """
+ for component in self.components:
+ if component.sdc_resource.name == component_name:
+ return component
+ msg = f"SDC resource {component_name} is not a component"
+ raise ResourceNotFound(msg)
+ def declare_input_for_own_property(self, property_obj: Property) -> None:
+ """Declare input for resource's property.
+ For each property input can be declared.
+ Args:
+ property_obj (Property): Property to declare input
+ """
+ self._logger.debug("Declare input for SDC resource property")
+ self.send_message_json("POST",
+ f"Declare new input for {property_obj.name} property",
+ f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/create/inputs",
+ data=jinja_env().get_template(\
+ "sdc_resource_add_input.json.j2").\
+ render(\
+ sdc_resource=self,
+ property=property_obj))
+ def declare_nested_input(self,
+ nested_input: NestedInput) -> None:
+ """Declare nested input for SDC resource.
+ Nested input is an input of one of the components.
+ Args:
+ nested_input (NestedInput): Nested input object
+ """
+ self._logger.debug("Declare input for SDC resource's component property")
+ component: Component = self.get_component(nested_input.sdc_resource)
+ self.send_message_json("POST",
+ f"Declare new input for {nested_input.input_obj.name} input",
+ f"{self.resource_inputs_url}/create/inputs",
+ data=jinja_env().get_template(\
+ "sdc_resource_add_nested_input.json.j2").\
+ render(\
+ sdc_resource=self,
+ component=component,
+ input=nested_input.input_obj))
+ def declare_input(self, input_to_declare: Union[Property, NestedInput]) -> None:
+ """Declare input for given property or nested input object.
+ Call SDC FE API to declare input for given property.
+ Args:
+ input_declaration (Union[Property, NestedInput]): Property to declare input
+ or NestedInput object
+ Raises:
+ ParameterError: if the given property is not SDC resource property
+ """
+ self._logger.debug("Declare input")
+ if isinstance(input_to_declare, Property):
+ if self.is_own_property(input_to_declare):
+ self.declare_input_for_own_property(input_to_declare)
+ else:
+ msg = "Given property is not SDC resource property"
+ raise ParameterError(msg)
+ else:
+ self.declare_nested_input(input_to_declare)
+ def add_property(self, property_to_add: Property) -> None:
+ """Add property to resource.
+ Call SDC FE API to add property to resource.
+ Args:
+ property_to_add (Property): Property object to add to resource.
+ Raises:
+ StatusError: Resource has not DRAFT status
+ """
+ if self.status != const.DRAFT:
+ msg = "Can't add property to resource which is not in DRAFT status"
+ raise StatusError(msg)
+ self._logger.debug("Add property to sdc resource")
+ self.send_message_json("POST",
+ f"Declare new property for {self.name} sdc resource",
+ self.add_property_url,
+ data=jinja_env().get_template(
+ "sdc_resource_add_property.json.j2").\
+ render(
+ property=property_to_add
+ ))
+ def set_property_value(self, property_obj: Property, value: Any) -> None:
+ """Set property value.
+ Set given value to resource property
+ Args:
+ property_obj (Property): Property object
+ value (Any): Property value to set
+ Raises:
+ ParameterError: if the given property is not the resource's property
+ """
+ if not self.is_own_property(property_obj):
+ raise ParameterError("Given property is not a resource's property")
+ self._logger.debug("Set %s property value", property_obj.name)
+ self.send_message_json("PUT",
+ f"Set {property_obj.name} value to {value}",
+ self.add_property_url,
+ data=jinja_env().get_template(
+ "sdc_resource_set_property_value.json.j2").\
+ render(
+ sdc_resource=self,
+ property=property_obj,
+ value=value
+ )
+ )
+ def set_input_default_value(self, input_obj: Input, default_value: Any) -> None:
+ """Set input default value.
+ Set given value as input default value
+ Args:
+ input_obj (Input): Input object
+ value (Any): Default value to set
+ """
+ self._logger.debug("Set %s input default value", input_obj.name)
+ self.send_message_json("POST",
+ f"Set {input_obj.name} default value to {default_value}",
+ self.set_input_default_value_url,
+ data=jinja_env().get_template(
+ "sdc_resource_set_input_default_value.json.j2").\
+ render(
+ sdc_resource=self,
+ input=input_obj,
+ default_value=default_value
+ )
+ )
+ def checkout(self) -> None:
+ """Checkout SDC resource."""
+ self._logger.debug("Checkout %s SDC resource", self.name)
+ result = self._action_to_sdc(const.CHECKOUT, "lifecycleState")
+ if result:
+ self.load()
+ def undo_checkout(self) -> None:
+ """Undo Checkout SDC resource."""
+ self._logger.debug("Undo Checkout %s SDC resource", self.name)
+ result = self._action_to_sdc(const.UNDOCHECKOUT, "lifecycleState")
+ if result:
+ self.load()
+ def certify(self) -> None:
+ """Certify SDC resource."""
+ self._logger.debug("Certify %s SDC resource", self.name)
+ result = self._action_to_sdc(const.CERTIFY, "lifecycleState")
+ if result:
+ self.load()
+ def add_resource(self, resource: 'SdcResource') -> None:
+ """
+ Add a Resource.
+ Args:
+ resource (SdcResource): the resource to add
+ """
+ if self.status == const.DRAFT:
+ url = "{}/{}/{}/resourceInstance".format(self._base_create_url(),
+ self._sdc_path(),
+ self.unique_identifier)
+ template = jinja_env().get_template(
+ "add_resource_to_service.json.j2")
+ data = template.render(resource=resource,
+ resource_type=resource.origin_type)
+ result = self.send_message("POST",
+ f"Add {resource.origin_type} to {self.origin_type}",
+ url,
+ data=data)
+ if result:
+ self._logger.info("Resource %s %s has been added on %s %s",
+ resource.origin_type, resource.name,
+ self.origin_type, self.name)
+ return result
+ self._logger.error(("an error occured during adding resource %s %s"
+ " on %s %s in SDC"),
+ resource.origin_type, resource.name,
+ self.origin_type, self.name)
+ return None
+ msg = f"Can't add resource to {self.origin_type} which is not in DRAFT status"
+ raise StatusError(msg)