path: root/docs/usage
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/usage')
11 files changed, 1430 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..c324c96
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+++ b/docs/usage/installation.rst
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+Installing with pip
+.. code:: shell
+ $ pip install onapsdk
+Customize the configuration
+You can customize the global settings of onapsdk by creating an environment
+variable ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS and a file my_settings.py.
+By default the global settings are retrieved from the file located in
+src/onapsdk/configuration/global_settings.py. You can create your own customized
+configuration file and reference it through the environement variable.
+You can thus copy/paste the existing global_settings.py file, rename it as
+my_settings.py, adapt it with your favorite editor and export the environnement
+variable accordingly.
+It can be useful to move from a nodeport to an an ingress based configuration
+or test different API versions.
+ .. code:: shell
+ $ export ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS="onapsdk.configuration.my_settings"
diff --git a/docs/usage/intro.rst b/docs/usage/intro.rst
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+It *should* be simple to use.
+Once you have installed the Python module, few lines of code are needed to
+onboard a Service:
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.service import Service
+ # We assume here that the VF has been already onboarded
+ vf = VF(name="myVF")
+ service = Service(name="myService", resources=[vf])
+ service.onboard()
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage.rst b/docs/usage/usage.rst
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+A minimum knowledge of ONAP is needed, especially on the onboarding part.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ usage/cloud_configuration
+ usage/design_time
+ usage/instantiation
+ usage/deletion
+ usage/cds
+ usage/cps
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/cds.rst b/docs/usage/usage/cds.rst
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index 0000000..b516c73
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+++ b/docs/usage/usage/cds.rst
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+Preparation for CDS tests
+To enable CDS Enrichment in an ONAP Frankfurt environment the NodePort 30449
+for the CDS Blueprint Processor API service needs to be opened
+#. Check existing CDS Services:
+ .. code-block:: sh
+ ubuntu@control01:~$ kubectl get service -n onap|grep cds-blueprints-processor-http
+ cds-blueprints-processor-http ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP
+#. Change NodePort to CDS cds-blueprints-processor-http
+ Add the "nodePort" under "ports" section
+ and change "type" from "ClusterIP" to "NodePort"
+ .. code-block:: sh
+ ubuntu@control01:~$ kubectl edit service cds-blueprints-processor-http -n onap
+ apiVersion: v1
+ kind: Service
+ metadata:
+ creationTimestamp: "2020-07-23T02:57:36Z"
+ labels:
+ app: cds-blueprints-processor
+ chart: cds-blueprints-processor-6.0.0
+ heritage: Tiller
+ release: onap
+ name: cds-blueprints-processor-http
+ namespace: onap
+ resourceVersion: "10256"
+ selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/onap/services/cds-blueprints-processor-http
+ uid: 6f065c03-4563-4d64-b6f5-a8892226c909
+ spec:
+ clusterIP:
+ ports:
+ - name: blueprints-processor-http
+ nodePort: 30449 -> add line
+ port: 8080
+ protocol: TCP
+ targetPort: 8080
+ selector:
+ app: cds-blueprints-processor
+ release: onap
+ sessionAffinity: None
+ type: ClusterIP -> change to NodePort
+ status:
+ loadBalancer: {}
+#. Verify NodePort to CDS cds-blueprints-processor-http
+ .. code-block:: sh
+ ubuntu@control01:~$ kubectl get service -n onap|grep cds-blueprints-processor-http
+ cds-blueprints-processor-http NodePort <none> 8080:30449/TCP
+#. Load ModelType via Bootstrap
+ .. code-block:: sh
+ curl --location --request POST 'http://<k8s-host>:30449/api/v1/blueprint-model/bootstrap' \
+ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ --header 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' \
+ --data-raw '{
+ "loadModelType" : true,
+ "loadResourceDictionary" : false,
+ "loadCBA" : false
+ }'
+Load blueprint from file
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.cds import Blueprint
+ blueprint = Blueprint.load_from_file("<< path to CBA file >>")
+Enrich blueprint and save
+.. code:: Python
+ enriched_blueprint = blueprint.enrich()
+ enriched_blueprint.save("<< path to dest file >>")
+Publish blueprint
+.. code:: Python
+ enriched_blueprint.publish()
+Generate data dictionary from blueprint
+The method to generate data dictionaries based on the blueprint mappings. As the result it returns a data dictionaries set
+with valid structure, but some additional actions may be needed. Data dictionary input has to be filled by the user
+if the type is neither "source-input" nor "source-default". Things, which are needed to be filled are marked by `<< FILL >>` mark.
+If the blueprint you are using has only "source-input" or "source-default" input types, the generated data dictionary set is
+ready to upload to CDS.
+.. code:: Python
+ generated_dd: DataDictionarySet = blueprint.get_data_dictionaries()
+ generated_dd.save_to_file("<< path to dest file >>")
+Load data dictionary set from file
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.cds import DataDictionarySet
+ dd_set = DataDictionarySet.load_from_file("<< path to dd file >>")
+Upload data dictionary set
+.. code:: Python
+ dd_set.upload()
+Retrieve Blueprint Models from CDS
+#. All
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.cds import BlueprintModel
+ all_blueprint_models = BlueprintModel.get_all()
+#. Selected by id of Blueprint Model
+.. code:: Python
+ blueprint_model = BlueprintModel.get_by_id(blueprint_model_id='11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111')
+#. Selected by name and version of Blueprint Model
+.. code:: Python
+ blueprint_model = BlueprintModel.get_by_name_and_version(blueprint_name='test_name', blueprint_version='1.0.0')
+Delete Blueprint Model
+.. code:: Python
+ blueprint_model.delete()
+Download Blueprint Model
+.. code:: Python
+ blueprint_model.save(dst_file_path='/tmp/blueprint.zip')
+Get Blueprint object for Blueprint Model
+After that, all operation for blueprint object, like execute blueprint workflow etc. can be executed.
+.. code:: Python
+ blueprint = blueprint_model.get_blueprint()
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/cloud_configuration.rst b/docs/usage/usage/cloud_configuration.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b048c0a
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+++ b/docs/usage/usage/cloud_configuration.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+Cloud configuration
+Create a complex
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import Complex
+ cmplx = Complex.create(
+ physical_location_id=COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID,
+ data_center_code=COMPLEX_DATA_CENTER_CODE,
+ )
+Create cloud region
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.create(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION,
+ orchestration_disabled=False,
+ in_maint=False,
+ cloud_type=CLOUD_TYPE,
+ cloud_region_version=CLOUD_REGION_VERSION
+ )
+Link cloud region to complex
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion, Complex
+ # We assume that complex has been already created
+ cmplx = Complex(
+ physical_location_id=COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID,
+ )
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.create(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION,
+ orchestration_disabled=False,
+ in_maint=False,
+ cloud_type=CLOUD_TYPE,
+ cloud_region_version=CLOUD_REGION_VERSION
+ )
+ cloud_region.link_to_complex(cmplx)
+Add ESR Info to cloud region
+.. code:: Python
+ from uuid import uuid4
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion
+ # We assume that cloud region has been already created
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ cloud_region.add_esr_system_info(
+ esr_system_info_id=str(uuid4()),
+ user_name=VIM_USERNAME,
+ password=VIM_PASSWORD,
+ system_type=CLOUD_TYPE,
+ service_url=VIM_SERVICE_URL,
+ cloud_domain=CLOUD_DOMAIN
+ )
+Register cloud to MultiCloud
+.. code:: Python
+ from uuid import uuid4
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion
+ # We assume that cloud region has been already created
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ cloud_region.add_esr_system_info(
+ esr_system_info_id=str(uuid4()),
+ user_name=VIM_USERNAME,
+ password=VIM_PASSWORD,
+ system_type=CLOUD_TYPE,
+ service_url=VIM_SERVICE_URL,
+ cloud_domain=CLOUD_DOMAIN
+ )
+ cloud_region.register_to_multicloud()
+Get cloud region tenant
+.. code:: Python
+ # We assume that cloud region has been already created
+ # and connected to multicloud
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ try:
+ tenant = next(cloud_region.tenant)
+ except StopIteration
+ # No Tenant found in cloud region
+Create customer
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ customer = Customer.create(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID, GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID, "INFRA")
+Create customer service subscription
+.. code:: Python
+ # We assume here that the service has been already onboarded
+ # and customer created
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ customer.subscribe_service("service_type")
+ # Service subscriptions can be also created during Customer
+ # creation
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ customer = Customer.create(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID, GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID, "INFRA", service_subscriptions=["service_type"])
+Connect service subscription to cloud region and tenant
+.. code:: Python
+ # We assume here that the service subscription has been already created
+ # and cloud region has a tenant
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion, Tenant
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ tenant = next(cloud_region.tenants)
+ service_subscription.link_to_cloud_region_and_tenant(cloud_region, tenant)
+Add Cloud SIte entry to SO Catalog DB
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.so.so_db_adapter import IdentityService, SoDbAdapter
+ identity_service = IdentityService(identity_id="mc_test_identity_1_KEYSTONE",
+ url="http://test:5000/v3",
+ mso_id="test_user",
+ mso_pass="test_password_encrypted",
+ roject_domain_name="Default",
+ user_domain_name="Default",
+ identity_server_type="KEYSTONE_V3")
+ response = SoDbAdapter.add_cloud_site(cloud_region_id="test_region_1",
+ complex_id="test_clli_1",
+ identity_service=identity_service,
+ orchestrator="NULL")
+Use A&AI bulk API (experimental)
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.bulk import AaiBulk, AaiBulkRequest
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure.cloud_region import CloudRegion
+ from onapsdk.utils.jinja import jinja_env
+ for resp in AaiBulk.single_transaction(
+ [
+ AaiBulkRequest(
+ action="put",
+ uri=f"/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/aai_bulk_test_cloud_owner_1/aai_bulk_test_cloud_region_id_1",
+ body=jinja_env().get_template("cloud_region_create.json.j2").render(cloud_region=CloudRegion(
+ cloud_owner="aai_bulk_test_cloud_owner_1",
+ cloud_region_id="aai_bulk_test_cloud_region_id_1",
+ orchestration_disabled=False,
+ in_maint=False
+ ))
+ ),
+ AaiBulkRequest(
+ action="put",
+ uri=f"/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/aai_bulk_test_cloud_owner_2/aai_bulk_test_cloud_region_id_2",
+ body=jinja_env().get_template("cloud_region_create.json.j2").render(cloud_region=CloudRegion(
+ cloud_owner="aai_bulk_test_cloud_owner_2",
+ cloud_region_id="aai_bulk_test_cloud_region_id_2",
+ orchestration_disabled=False,
+ in_maint=False
+ ))
+ )
+ ]
+ ):
+ print(resp)
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/cps.rst b/docs/usage/usage/cps.rst
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index 0000000..0a19b29
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Create dataspace
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.cps import Dataspace
+ dataspace: Dataspace = Dataspace.create(dataspace_name="test_dataspace")
+Create schema set
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.cps import Dataspace, SchemaSet
+ dataspace: Dataspace = Dataspace(name="test_dataspace")
+ with Path("schema_set_zip_file.zip").open("rb") as zip_file:
+ schema_set: SchemaSet = dataspace.create_schema_set("test_schemaset", zip_file)
+Create anchor
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.cps import Anchor, Dataspace, SchemaSet
+ dataspace: Dataspace = Dataspace(name="test_dataspace")
+ schema_set: SchemaSet = dataspace.get_schema_set("test_schemaset")
+ anchor: Anchor = dataspace.create_anchor(schema_set, "test_anchor")
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/deletion.rst b/docs/usage/usage/deletion.rst
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index 0000000..c5e5025
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+++ b/docs/usage/usage/deletion.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Instantiated resources deletion
+Service, vnf and vf module deletion
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ service_instance = service_subscription.get_service_instance_by_name(SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ for vnf_instance in service_instance.vnf_instances:
+ for vf_module_instance in vnf_instance.vf_modules:
+ vf_module_deletion_request = vf_module_instance.delete()
+ while not vf_module_deletion.finished:
+ time.sleep(10)
+ vnf_instance_deletion_request = vnf_instance.delete()
+ while not vnf_instance_deletion_request.finished:
+ time.sleep(10)
+ service_instance_deletion_request = service_instance.delete()
+ if service_instance_deletion_request.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Service instance deleted")
+ else:
+ print("Service deletion failed, check logs"
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/design_time.rst b/docs/usage/usage/design_time.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5990258
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+++ b/docs/usage/usage/design_time.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+Design time
+Onboard a Vendor
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.vendor import Vendor
+ vendor = Vendor(name="myVendor")
+ vendor.onboard()
+Onboard a VSP
+You will need the package of the VSP to onboard.
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vendor import Vendor
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ # We assume here that the Vendor has been already onboarded
+ vendor = Vendor(name="myVendor")
+ vendor.onboard()
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP", vendor=vendor, package=open(PATH_TO_PACKAGE, 'rb'))
+ vsp.onboard()
+Create new VSP version
+You will need the package of the VSP to update.
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vendor import Vendor
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ # We assume here that the Vendor has been already onboarded
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP")
+ vsp.create_new_version()
+ vsp.update_package(open(PATH_TO_PACKAGE, 'rb'))
+ vsp.onboard()
+Onboard a VF
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ # We assume here that the VSP has been already onboarded
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP")
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF", vsp=vsp)
+ vf.onboard()
+Onboard a VF with properties assignement
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.properties import Property
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ # We assume here that the VSP has been already onboarded
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP")
+ property_1 = Property(
+ name="prop1",
+ property_type="string",
+ value="test"
+ )
+ property_2 = Property(
+ name="prop2",
+ property_type="integer"
+ )
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF",
+ vsp=vsp,
+ properties=[
+ property_1,
+ property_2
+ ],
+ inputs=[property_1])
+ vf.onboard()
+Onboard a VF with Deployment Artifact
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.properties import Property
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ logger.info("******** Onboard Vendor *******")
+ vendor = Vendor(name="my_Vendor")
+ vendor.onboard()
+ # We assume here that the VSP has been already onboarded
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP")
+ logger.info("******** Onboard VF *******")
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF")
+ vf.vsp = vsp
+ vf.create()
+ logger.info("******** Upload Artifact *******")
+ vf.add_deployment_artifact(artifact_type="CONTROLLER_BLUEPRINT_ARCHIVE",
+ artifact_name="CBA.zip",
+ artifact_label="vfwcds",
+ artifact="dir/CBA_enriched.zip")
+ vf.onboard()
+Onboard a VF with it's component's property input
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.properties import ComponentProperty
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vfc import Vfc
+ # We assume here that the VSP has been already onboarded
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP")
+ vfc = Vfc(name="AllottedResource")
+ logger.info("******** Onboard VF *******")
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF")
+ vf.vsp = vsp
+ vf.create()
+ vf.add_resource(vfc)
+ vfc_comp = vf.get_component(vfc)
+ comp_prop = vfc_comp.get_property("min_instances")
+ comp_prop.value = 11
+ vf.declare_input(comp_prop)
+ vf.onboard()
+Onboard a PNF with VSP
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.pnf import Pnf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vendor import Vendor
+ logger.info("******** Onboard Vendor *******")
+ vendor = Vendor(name="my_Vendor")
+ vendor.onboard()
+ # We assume here that the VSP has been already onboarded
+ vsp = Vsp(name="myVSP")
+ logger.info("******** Onboard PNF *******")
+ pnf = PNF(name="myPNF")
+ pnf.vsp = vsp
+ pnf.onboard()
+Onboard a PNF with Deployment Artifact (without VSP)
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vendor import Vendor
+ from onapsdk.sdc.pnf import Pnf
+ logger.info("******** Onboard Vendor *******")
+ vendor = Vendor(name="my_Vendor")
+ vendor.onboard()
+ logger.info("******** Onboard PNF *******")
+ pnf = Pnf(name=PNF, vendor=vendor)
+ pnf.create()
+ logger.info("******** Upload Artifact *******")
+ pnf.add_deployment_artifact(artifact_type=ARTIFACT_TYPE,
+ artifact_name=ARTIFACT_NAME,
+ artifact_label=ARTIFACT_LABEL,
+ pnf.onboard()
+Onboard a Service
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ # We assume here that the VF has been already onboarded
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF")
+ service = Service(name="myService", resources=[vf])
+ service.onboard()
+Onboard a Service with properties assignement
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.properties import Property
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ # We assume here that the VF has been already onboarded
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF")
+ property_1 = Property(
+ name="prop1",
+ property_type="string",
+ value="test"
+ )
+ property_2 = Property(
+ name="prop2",
+ property_type="integer",
+ declare_input=True
+ )
+ service = Service(name="myService",
+ resources=[vf],
+ properties=[
+ property_1,
+ property_2
+ ],
+ inputs=[property_1])
+ service.onboard()
+Onboard a Service with Nested inputs
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.properties import NestedInput
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ # We assume here that the VF has been already onboarded
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF")
+ inp = vf.get_input("input_name_we_want_to_declare_in_service")
+ service = Service(name="myService",
+ resources=[vf],
+ inputs=[NestedInput(vf, inp)])
+ service.onboard()
+Onboard a Service with VL
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vl import VL
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ # No VF needed, but you need to be sure that Vl with given
+ # name exists in SDC
+ vl = Vl(name="Generic NeutronNet")
+ service = Service(name="myServiceWithVl", resources=[vl])
+ service.onboard()
+Onboard a Service with custom category
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.category_management import ServiceCategory
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ # Let's create a custom category
+ CATEGORY_NAME = "Python ONAP SDK category"
+ ServiceCategory.create(name=CATEGORY_NAME)
+ # We assume here that the VF has been already onboarded
+ # Create a service with category we created few lines above
+ vf = Vf(name="myVF")
+ service = Service(name="myService", resources=[vf], category=CATEGORY_NAME)
+ service.onboard()
+Onboard an Artifact for an embedded VF
+All SDC artifact types are supported
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.service import Service
+ # We assume here that the Service has been already onboarded
+ # with a Vnf
+ service = Service(name="myService")
+ # We load artifact data
+ data = open("{}/myArtifact.yaml".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), 'rb').read()
+ # We add the artifact to the service Vnf
+ #
+ svc.add_artifact_to_vf(vnf_name="myVnf",
+ artifact_name="myArtifact.yaml",
+ artifact=data)
+Onboard a Service with Deployment Artifact
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ svc = Service(name="myService")
+ logger.info("******** Upload Artifact *******")
+ svc.add_deployment_artifact(artifact_type="OTHER",
+ artifact_name="eMBB.zip",
+ artifact_label="embbcn",
+ artifact="dir/eMBB.zip")
+ svc.onboard()
+Onboard a Service with a CBA blueprint for Macro Instantiation
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service, ServiceInstantiationType
+ # Set CBA variables and artifact level
+ # Must match to values in the CBA TOSCA.meta file
+ svc = Service(name="myService",
+ instantiation_type=ServiceInstantiationType.MACRO)
+ svc.create()
+ logger.info("*** add a VF, which includes a CBA blueprint ***")
+ svc.add_resource(vf)
+ logger.info("******** Set SDNC properties for VF ********")
+ component = svc.get_component(vf)
+ prop = component.get_property("sdnc_model_version")
+ prop.value = SDNC_TEMPLATE_NAME
+ prop = component.get_property("sdnc_artifact_name")
+ prop.value = SDNC_ARTIFACT_NAME
+ prop = component.get_property("sdnc_model_name")
+ prop.value = SDNC_TEMPLATE_NAME
+ prop = component.get_property("controller_actor")
+ prop.value = "CDS"
+ prop = component.get_property("skip_post_instantiation_configuration")
+ prop.value = False
+ logger.info("******** Onboard Service *******")
+ svc.checkin()
+ svc.onboard()
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/dmaap.rst b/docs/usage/usage/dmaap.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee62d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usage/usage/dmaap.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Preparation for DMAAP tests
+#. Check existing DMaap Services:
+ .. code-block:: sh
+ kubectl get service -n onap| grep mess
+ message-router NodePort <none> 3905:31163/TCP,3904:32404/TCP
+#. If the port of Ves Service is different than 3904 you can change it corresponding to the installation instruction.
+Remove all events from DMaap
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.dmaap.dmaap import Dmaap
+ response = Dmaap.reset_events()
+Get all events from DMaap
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.dmaap.dmaap import Dmaap
+ response = Dmaap.get_all_events()
+Get events from specific topic from DMaap
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.dmaap.dmaap import Dmaap
+ response = Dmaap.get_events_for_topic("fault")
+Get all topics from DMaap
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.dmaap.dmaap import Dmaap
+ response = Dmaap.get_all_topics() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/instantiation.rst b/docs/usage/usage/instantiation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642439e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usage/usage/instantiation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+Create business objects
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, OwningEntity, Platform, Project
+ vid_owning_entity = OwningEntity.create(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ vid_project = Project.create(PROJECT)
+ vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM)
+ vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+Instantiate a service (ALaCarte)
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion, Tenant
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.service import Service
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, OwningEntity, Platform, Project
+ from onapsdk.so.instantiation import ServiceInstantiation
+ # We assume that:
+ # - service is onboarded,
+ # - cloud region, customer, owning_entity and project have been already created,
+ # - cloud region has at least one tenant
+ # - customer has service subscription
+ # - service subscription is connected with cloud region and tenant
+ service = Service(name="myService")
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ tenant = next(cloud_region.tenants)
+ vid_owning_entity = OwningEntity(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ owning_entity = AaiOwningEntity.get_by_owning_entity_name(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ vid_project = Project(PROJECT)
+ service_instantiation = ServiceInstantiation.instantiate_so_ala_carte(
+ service,
+ cloud_region,
+ tenant,
+ customer,
+ owning_entity,
+ vid_project,
+ service_instance_name=SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME
+ )
+ service_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+Instantiate a service (Macro)
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion, Tenant
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.service import Service
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, OwningEntity, Platform, Project
+ from onapsdk.so.instantiation import (
+ ServiceInstantiation,
+ VnfInstantiation,
+ InstantiationParameter,
+ VnfParameters,
+ VfmoduleParameters
+ )
+ ...
+ VSPNAME = "vfwcds_VS"
+ VFNAME = "vfwcds_VF"
+ ...
+ vf = Vf(name=VFNAME)
+ ...
+ # We assume that:
+ # - service is onboarded,
+ # - cloud region, customer, owning_entity and project have been already created,
+ # - cloud region has at least one tenant
+ # - customer has service subscription
+ # - service subscription is connected with cloud region and tenant
+ service = Service(name="myMacroService")
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ tenant = next(cloud_region.tenants)
+ vid_owning_entity = OwningEntity(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ owning_entity = AaiOwningEntity.get_by_owning_entity_name(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ vid_project = Project(PROJECT)
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## VFModule parameters ##############################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ vfm_base=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ vfm_vsn=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ vfm_vfw=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ vfm_vpkg=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ base_paras=VfmoduleParameters("base_template",vfm_base)
+ vpkg_paras=VfmoduleParameters("vpkg",vfm_vpkg)
+ vsn_paras=VfmoduleParameters("vsn",vfm_vsn)
+ vfw_paras=VfmoduleParameters("vfw",vfm_vfw)
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## VNF parameters ###################################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ vnf_vfw=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="onap_private_net_id", value=ONAP_PRIVATE_NET),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="onap_private_subnet_id", value=ONAP_PRIVATE_SUBNET),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="pub_key", value="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA\
+ AADAQABAAABAQDFBOB1Ea2yej68aqIQw10kEsVf+rNoxT39qrV8JvvTK2yhkniQka1t2oD9h6DlXOL\
+ M3HJ6nBegWjOasJmIbminKZ6wvmxZrDVFJXp9Sn1gni0vtEnlDgH14shRUrFDYO0PYjXRHoj7QXZMY\
+ xtAdFSbzGuCsaTLcV/xchLBQmqZ4AGhMIiYMfJJF+Ygy0lbgcVmT+8DH7kUUt8SAdh2rRsYFwpKANn\
+ QJyPV1dBNuTcD0OW1hEOhXnwqH28tjfb7uHJzTyGZlTmwTs544teTNz5B9L4yT3XiCAlMcaLOBMfBT\
+ KRIse+NkiTb+tc60JNnEYR6MqZoqTea/w+YBQaIMcil"),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="image_name", value=IMAGE_NAME),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="flavor_name", value=FLAVOR_NAME),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="install_script_version", value="1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="demo_artifacts_version", value="1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="cloud_env", value=CLOUD_TYPE),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="aic-cloud-region", value=CLOUD_REGION)
+ ]
+ vnf_paras=VnfParameters("vfwcds_VF", vnf_vfw,
+ [base_paras, vpkg_paras, vsn_paras, vfw_paras])
+ # You must define for each VNF and its vFModule the parameters,
+ # otherwise they stay empty.
+ # The matching critera are:
+ # - VnfParameters.name must match VNF ModelInstanceName
+ # (see above "vfwcds_VF")
+ # - VfmoduleParameters.name must match substring in vfModule "instanceName"
+ # (e.g. "vfwcds_vf0..VfwcdsVf..vsn..module-1")
+ service_instantiation = ServiceInstantiation.instantiate_macro(
+ service,
+ cloud_region,
+ tenant,
+ customer,
+ owning_entity,
+ vid_project,
+ vid_line_of_business,
+ vid_platform,
+ service_instance_name=SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME,
+ vnf_parameters=[vnf_paras]
+ )
+ service_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+Instantiate a service using SO service template (Macro)
+To provide more control on the SO macro instantiation, you can define your service as follows:
+.. code:: Yaml
+ myservice:
+ subscription_service_type: myservice
+ vnfs:
+ - model_name: myvfmodel
+ instance_name: myfirstvnf
+ parameters:
+ param1: value1
+ processing_priority: 1
+ vf_modules:
+ - instance_name: mysecondvfm
+ model_name: base
+ processing_priority: 2
+ parameters:
+ param-vfm1: value-vfm1
+ - instance_name: myfirstvfm
+ model_name: base
+ processing_priority: 1
+ parameters:
+ param-vfm1: value-vfm1
+ - model_name: myvfmodel
+ instance_name: mysecondvnf
+ parameters:
+ param1: value1
+ processing_priority: 2
+ vf_modules:
+ - instance_name: myfirstvfm
+ model_name: base
+ processing_priority: 1
+ parameters:
+ param-vfm1: value-vfm1
+ - instance_name: mysecondvfm
+ model_name: base
+ processing_priority: 2
+ parameters:
+ param-vfm1: value-vfm1
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer, OwningEntity, Project, LineOfBusiness, Platform
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import CloudRegion
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service
+ from onapsdk.so.instantiation import ServiceInstantiation
+ from yaml import load
+ so_yaml_service = "/path/to/yaml/service"
+ with open(so_yaml_service, "r") as yaml_template:
+ so_service_data = load(yaml_template)
+ # We assume that:
+ # - service is onboarded,
+ # - cloud region, customer, owning_entity and project have been already created,
+ # - cloud region has at least one tenant
+ # - customer has service subscription
+ # - service subscription is connected with cloud region and tenant
+ service = Service(next(iter(so_service_data.keys())))
+ so_service = SoService.load(so_service_data[service.name])
+ SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME = "my_svc_instance_name"
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.get_by_id(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION
+ )
+ tenant = next(cloud_region.tenants)
+ owning_entity = OwningEntity(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ project = Project(PROJECT)
+ line_of_business = LineOfBusiness(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+ platform = Platform(PLATFORM)
+ service_instantiation = ServiceInstantiation.instantiate_macro(
+ sdc_service=service,
+ customer=customer,
+ owning_entity=owning_entity,
+ project=project,
+ line_of_business=line_of_business,
+ platform=platform,
+ cloud_region=cloud_region,
+ tenant=tenant,
+ service_instance_name=SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME,
+ so_service=so_service
+ )
+Instantiate VNF (Macro)
+Since ONAP Istanbul the creation or deletion of VNFs in macro mode is supported. Examples below:
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, Platform
+ # We assume that
+ # - service has been already instantiated,
+ # - line of business and platform are created
+ SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME = "service_instance_demo"
+ VNF_INSTANCE_NAME = "new_vnf_instance"
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ service_instance = service_subscription.get_service_instance_by_name(SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ vnf = service_subscription.sdc_service.vnfs[0]
+ vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+ vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM)
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## VFModule parameters ##############################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ myfirstvfm_params = [
+ InstantiationParameter(name="param-vfm1", value="value-vfm1")
+ ]
+ vf1_params = VfmoduleParameters("myfirstvfm", myfirstvfm_params)
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## VNF parameters ###################################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ vnf_param_list = [
+ InstantiationParameter(name="param1", value="value1")
+ ]
+ vnf_paras = VnfParameters("myvfmodel", vnf_param_list, [vf1_params])
+ vnf_instantiation = service_instance.add_vnf(
+ vnf=vnf,
+ line_of_business=vid_line_of_business,
+ platform=vid_platform,
+ vnf_instance_name=VNF_INSTANCE_NAME,
+ vnf_parameters=[vnf_paras],
+ a_la_carte=False
+ )
+ vnf_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+Instantiate VNF using SO service template (Macro)
+To provide more control on the SO macro instantiation for new vnf, you can define your vnf as follows:
+.. code:: Yaml
+ model_name: myvfmodel
+ instance_name: mynewvnf
+ parameters:
+ param1: value1
+ vf_modules:
+ - instance_name: mysecondvfm
+ model_name: base
+ processing_priority: 2
+ parameters:
+ param-vfm1: value-vfm1
+ - instance_name: myfirstvfm
+ model_name: base
+ processing_priority: 1
+ parameters:
+ param-vfm1: value-vfm1
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, Platform
+ SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME = "service_instance_demo"
+ VNF_INSTANCE_NAME = "new_vnf_instance"
+ # We assume that
+ # - service has been already instantiated,
+ # - line of business and platform are created
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ service_instance = service_subscription.get_service_instance_by_name(SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ vnf = service_subscription.sdc_service.vnfs[0]
+ vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+ vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM)
+ so_yaml_vnf = "/path/to/yaml/vnf"
+ with open(so_yaml_vnf, "r") as yaml_template:
+ so_vnf_data = load(yaml_template)
+ so_vnf = SoServiceVnf.load(so_vnf_data)
+ vnf_instantiation = service_instance.add_vnf(
+ vnf=vnf,
+ line_of_business=vid_line_of_business,
+ platform=vid_platform,
+ vnf_instance_name=VNF_INSTANCE_NAME,
+ so_vnfs=so_vnfs,
+ a_la_carte=False
+ )
+ vnf_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+Instantiate VNF (ALaCarte)
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, Platform
+ # We assume that
+ # - service has been already instantiated,
+ # - line of business and platform are created
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ service_instance = service_subscription.get_service_instance_by_name(SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ vnf = service_subscription.sdc_service.vnfs[0]
+ vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+ vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM)
+ vnf_instantiation = service_instance.add_vnf(vnf, vid_line_of_business, vid_platform)
+ vnf_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+Instantiate Vf module (ALaCarte)
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ service_instance = service_subscription.get_service_instance_by_name(SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ vnf_instance = next(service_instance.vnf_instances)
+ vf_module = vnf_instance.vnf.vf_module
+ vf_module_instantiation = vnf_instance.add_vf_module(
+ vf_module,
+ vnf_parameters=[
+ VnfParameter(name="parameter1", value="parameter1_value"),
+ VnfParameter(name="parameter2", value="parameter2_value
+ ]
+ )
+ vf_module_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+Instantiate Vl module (ALaCarte)
+.. code:: Python
+ import time
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import Customer
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, Platform
+ # We assume that
+ # - service has been already instantiated,
+ # - line of business and platform are created
+ customer = Customer.get_by_global_customer_id(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID)
+ service_subscription = next(customer.service_subscriptions)
+ service_instance = service_subscription.get_service_instance_by_name(SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ logger.info("******** Get 1st Network in Service Model *******")
+ network = service_subscription.sdc_service.networks[0]
+ logger.info("******** Create Network *******")
+ sn=Subnet(name="my_subnet",
+ start_address="",
+ cidr_mask="24",
+ gateway_address="
+ vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+ vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM)
+ network_instantiation = service_instance.add_network(network, vid_line_of_business,
+ vid_platform, network_instance_name="my_net", subnets=[sn])
+ if network_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ print("Success")
+ else:
+ print("Instantiation failed, check logs")
diff --git a/docs/usage/usage/ves.rst b/docs/usage/usage/ves.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4712d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usage/usage/ves.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Preparation for VES tests
+To enable CDS Enrichment in an ONAP Frankfurt environment the NodePort 30449
+for the CDS Blueprint Processor API service needs to be opened
+#. Check existing VES Services:
+ .. code-block:: sh
+ kubectl get service -n onap|grep ves
+ xdcae-ves-collector NodePort <none> 8443:30417/TCP
+#. If the port of Ves Service is different than 30417 you can change it corresponding to the installation instruction.
+Send event to Ves Collector
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.ves.ves import Ves
+ response = Ves.send_event(
+ basic_auth={'username': 'sample1', 'password': 'sample1'},
+ json_event=event,
+ version="v7"
+ )
+Send event batch to Ves Collector
+.. code:: Python
+ from onapsdk.ves.ves import Ves
+ response = Ves.send_batch_event(
+ basic_auth={'username': 'sample1', 'password': 'sample1'},
+ json_event=event,
+ version="v7"
+ )