path: root/docs/examples/e2e_vfw_macro_instantiation.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/examples/e2e_vfw_macro_instantiation.rst')
1 files changed, 493 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/examples/e2e_vfw_macro_instantiation.rst b/docs/examples/e2e_vfw_macro_instantiation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f8167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/e2e_vfw_macro_instantiation.rst
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+E2E Instantiation of vFW (macro)
+.. code:: Python
+ import logging
+ import time
+ import json
+ from uuid import uuid4
+ from onapsdk.aai.aai_element import AaiElement
+ from onapsdk.aai.cloud_infrastructure import (
+ CloudRegion,
+ Complex,
+ Tenant
+ )
+ from onapsdk.aai.service_design_and_creation import (
+ Service as AaiService
+ )
+ from onapsdk.aai.business import (
+ ServiceInstance,
+ VnfInstance,
+ VfModuleInstance,
+ ServiceSubscription,
+ Customer,
+ OwningEntity as AaiOwningEntity
+ )
+ from onapsdk.so.instantiation import (
+ ServiceInstantiation,
+ VnfInstantiation,
+ InstantiationParameter,
+ VnfParameters,
+ VfmoduleParameters
+ )
+ from onapsdk.sdc.properties import Property
+ from onapsdk.sdc import SDC
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vendor import Vendor
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vsp import Vsp
+ from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf
+ from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service, ServiceInstantiationType
+ import onapsdk.constants as const
+ import os
+ from onapsdk.vid import LineOfBusiness, OwningEntity, Platform, Project
+ from onapsdk.cds.blueprint import Blueprint
+ from onapsdk.cds.data_dictionary import DataDictionary, DataDictionarySet
+ logger = logging.getLogger("")
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ logname = "./vfwcds.debug.log"
+ fh = logging.FileHandler(logname)
+ fh_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d:%(filename)s(%(process)d) - %(message)s')
+ fh.setFormatter(fh_formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(fh)
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## CDS Design settings ##############################################
+ ######## vFW CDS Example ##############################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ # DDF Settings (dd files located in following location)
+ DDDIR = "resources/starter-dictionary"
+ DDFILE = "resources/my_dd.json"
+ # CBA resources (location of base CBA file)
+ CBAFILE = "resources/vFWCDS/CBA/CBA.zip"
+ ARTIFACT_LABEL = "vnfcds"
+ ARTIFACT_NAME = "CBA_enriched.zip"
+ ARTIFACT_FILE_PATH = "resources/vFWCDS/CBA/CBA_enriched.zip"
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## Service Design settings ##########################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ VENDOR = "VNFVendor"
+ # HEAT resources (location of zipped HEAT file)
+ VSPFILE = "resources/vFWCDS/HEAT/vFW/vFW.zip"
+ VSPNAME = "vfwcds_VS"
+ VFNAME = "vfwcds_VF"
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## Runtime preparation settings #####################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ # Default Cloud
+ CLOUD_OWNER = "CloudOwner"
+ CLOUD_REGION = "RegionOne"
+ GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID = "generic"
+ CLOUD_TYPE = "openstack"
+ CLOUD_VERSION = "pike"
+ VIM_PASSWORD = <password> # FILL ME
+ VIM_SERVICE_URL = "http://<vim-url>/v3" # FILL ME
+ TENANT_NAME = <tenant> # FILL ME
+ TENANT_SEC_GROUP = <sec-group> # FILL ME
+ # common
+ PROJECT = "Test-Project"
+ PLATFORM = "Test-Platform"
+ LINE_OF_BUSINESS = "Test-BusinessLine"
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## Service Instance attributes ######################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ ONAP_PRIVATE_NET = "onap-oam" # FILL ME
+ ONAP_PRIVATE_SUBNET = "onap-oam-subnet" # FILL ME
+ PUBLIC_NET = "admin" # FILL ME
+ IMAGE_NAME = "Ubuntu_1604" # FILL ME
+ FLAVOR_NAME = "m1.small" # FILL ME
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("********* CBA Creation ********")
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("******** Load Data Dictionary *******")
+ mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ myddpath = os.path.join(mypath, DDDIR)
+ myddfile = os.path.join(mypath, DDFILE)
+ logger.info("path: %s", myddpath)
+ dd_set = DataDictionarySet()
+ for file in os.listdir(myddpath):
+ logger.info("file: %s", file)
+ if file.endswith(".json"):
+ with open(os.path.join(myddpath, file), "r") as dd_file: # type file
+ dd_json: dict = json.loads(dd_file.read())
+ logger.info("DD: %s", dd_json)
+ dd_set.add(DataDictionary(dd_json))
+ logger.info("DD Length: %d", dd_set.length)
+ dd_set.upload()
+ logger.info("******** Open Blueprint *******")
+ cbafile = os.path.join(mypath, CBAFILE)
+ artifactfile = os.path.join(mypath, ARTIFACT_FILE_PATH)
+ blueprint = Blueprint.load_from_file(cbafile)
+ enriched_blueprint = blueprint.enrich() # returns enriched blueprint object
+ enriched_blueprint.save(artifactfile)
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("******** SERVICE DESIGN *******")
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("******** Onboard Vendor *******")
+ vendor = Vendor(name=VENDOR)
+ vendor.onboard()
+ logger.info("******** Onboard VSP *******")
+ vspfile = os.path.join(mypath, VSPFILE)
+ vsp = Vsp(name=VSPNAME, vendor=vendor, package=open(vspfile, 'rb'))
+ vsp.onboard()
+ logger.info("******** Onboard VF *******")
+ vf = Vf(name=VFNAME)
+ vf.vsp = vsp
+ vf.create()
+ if vf.status == const.DRAFT:
+ logger.info("******** Extract Artifact Data *******")
+ data = open(artifactfile, 'rb').read()
+ logger.info("******** Upload Artifact *******")
+ vf.add_deployment_artifact(artifact_type=ARTIFACT_TYPE,
+ artifact_name=ARTIFACT_NAME,
+ artifact_label=ARTIFACT_LABEL,
+ artifact=artifactfile)
+ vf.onboard()
+ svc = Service(name=SERVICENAME,instantiation_type=ServiceInstantiationType.MACRO)
+ svc.create()
+ if svc.status == const.DRAFT:
+ svc.add_resource(vf)
+ logger.info("******** Set SDNC properties for VF ********")
+ component = svc.get_component(vf)
+ prop = component.get_property("sdnc_model_version")
+ prop = component.get_property("sdnc_artifact_name")
+ prop.value = SDNC_ARTIFACT_NAME
+ prop = component.get_property("sdnc_model_name")
+ prop.value = SDNC_TEMPLATE_NAME
+ prop = component.get_property("controller_actor")
+ prop.value = "CDS"
+ prop = component.get_property("skip_post_instantiation_configuration")
+ prop.value = False
+ logger.info("******** Onboard Service *******")
+ svc.checkin()
+ svc.onboard()
+ logger.info("******** Check Service Distribution *******")
+ distribution_completed = False
+ nb_try = 0
+ nb_try_max = 10
+ while distribution_completed is False and nb_try < nb_try_max:
+ distribution_completed = svc.distributed
+ if distribution_completed is True:
+ logger.info("Service Distribution for %s is sucessfully finished",svc.name)
+ break
+ logger.info("Service Distribution for %s ongoing, Wait for 60 s",svc.name)
+ time.sleep(60)
+ nb_try += 1
+ if distribution_completed is False:
+ logger.error("Service Distribution for %s failed !!",svc.name)
+ exit(1)
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("***** RUNTIME PREPARATION *****")
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("******** Create Complex *******")
+ cmplx = Complex.create(
+ physical_location_id=COMPLEX_PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID,
+ data_center_code=COMPLEX_DATA_CENTER_CODE,
+ )
+ logger.info("******** Create CloudRegion *******")
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion.create(
+ cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER,
+ cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION,
+ orchestration_disabled=False,
+ in_maint=False,
+ cloud_type=CLOUD_TYPE,
+ cloud_zone="z1",
+ sriov_automation=False,
+ owner_defined_type="t1",
+ cloud_region_version=CLOUD_VERSION
+ )
+ logger.info("******** Link Complex to CloudRegion *******")
+ cloud_region.link_to_complex(cmplx)
+ logger.info("******** Add ESR Info to CloudRegion *******")
+ cloud_region.add_esr_system_info(
+ esr_system_info_id=str(uuid4()),
+ user_name=VIM_USERNAME,
+ password=VIM_PASSWORD,
+ system_type="VIM",
+ service_url=VIM_SERVICE_URL,
+ cloud_domain="Default",
+ ssl_insecure=False,
+ system_status="active",
+ default_tenant=TENANT_NAME
+ )
+ logger.info("******** Register CloudRegion to MultiCloud *******")
+ cloud_region.register_to_multicloud()
+ logger.info("******** Check MultiCloud Registration *******")
+ time.sleep(60)
+ tenant_found = False
+ availability_zone_found = False
+ registration_completed = False
+ nb_try = 0
+ nb_try_max = 10
+ while registration_completed is False and nb_try < nb_try_max:
+ for tenant in cloud_region.tenants:
+ logger.debug("Tenant %s found in %s_%s",tenant.name,cloud_region.cloud_owner,cloud_region.cloud_region_id)
+ tenant_found = True
+ for az in cloud_region.availability_zones:
+ logger.debug("A-Zone %s found",az.name)
+ availability_zone_found = True
+ if availability_zone_found and tenant_found:
+ registration_completed = True
+ if registration_completed is False:
+ time.sleep(60)
+ nb_try += 1
+ if registration_completed is False:
+ logger.error("Registration of Cloud %s_%s failed !!",cloud_region.cloud_owner,cloud_region.cloud_region_id)
+ exit(1)
+ else:
+ logger.info("Registration of Cloud %s_%s successful !!",cloud_region.cloud_owner,cloud_region.cloud_region_id)
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("**** SERVICE INSTANTIATION ****")
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("******** Create Customer *******")
+ customer = None
+ for found_customer in list(Customer.get_all()):
+ logger.debug("Customer %s found", found_customer.subscriber_name)
+ if found_customer.subscriber_name == GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID:
+ logger.info("Customer %s found", found_customer.subscriber_name)
+ customer = found_customer
+ break
+ if not customer:
+ customer = Customer.create(GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID,GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID, "INFRA")
+ logger.info("******** Find Service in SDC *******")
+ service = None
+ services = Service.get_all()
+ for found_service in services:
+ logger.debug("Service %s is found, distribution %s",found_service.name, found_service.distribution_status)
+ if found_service.name == SERVICENAME:
+ logger.info("Found Service %s in SDC",found_service.name)
+ service = found_service
+ break
+ if not service:
+ logger.error("Service %s not found in SDC",SERVICENAME)
+ exit(1)
+ logger.info("******** Check Service Subscription *******")
+ service_subscription = None
+ for service_sub in customer.service_subscriptions:
+ logger.debug("Service subscription %s is found",service_sub.service_type)
+ if service_sub.service_type == SERVICENAME:
+ logger.info("Service %s subscribed",SERVICENAME)
+ service_subscription = service_sub
+ break
+ if not service_subscription:
+ logger.info("******** Subscribe Service *******")
+ customer.subscribe_service(SERVICENAME)
+ logger.info("******** Get Tenant *******")
+ cloud_region = CloudRegion(cloud_owner=CLOUD_OWNER, cloud_region_id=CLOUD_REGION,
+ orchestration_disabled=True, in_maint=False)
+ tenant = None
+ for found_tenant in cloud_region.tenants:
+ logger.debug("Tenant %s found in %s_%s",found_tenant.name,cloud_region.cloud_owner,cloud_region.cloud_region_id)
+ if found_tenant.name == TENANT_NAME:
+ logger.info("Found my Tenant %s",found_tenant.name)
+ tenant = found_tenant
+ break
+ if not tenant:
+ logger.error("tenant %s not found",TENANT_NAME)
+ exit(1)
+ logger.info("******** Connect Service to Tenant *******")
+ service_subscription = None
+ for service_sub in customer.service_subscriptions:
+ logger.debug("Service subscription %s is found",service_sub.service_type)
+ if service_sub.service_type == SERVICENAME:
+ logger.info("Service %s subscribed",SERVICENAME)
+ service_subscription = service_sub
+ break
+ if not service_subscription:
+ logger.error("Service subscription %s is not found",SERVICENAME)
+ exit(1)
+ service_subscription.link_to_cloud_region_and_tenant(cloud_region, tenant)
+ logger.info("******** Add Business Objects (OE, P, Pl, LoB) in VID *******")
+ vid_owning_entity = OwningEntity.create(OWNING_ENTITY)
+ vid_project = Project.create(PROJECT)
+ vid_platform = Platform.create(PLATFORM)
+ vid_line_of_business = LineOfBusiness.create(LINE_OF_BUSINESS)
+ logger.info("******** Add Owning Entity in AAI *******")
+ owning_entity = None
+ for oe in AaiOwningEntity.get_all():
+ if oe.name == vid_owning_entity.name:
+ owning_entity = oe
+ break
+ if not owning_entity:
+ logger.info("******** Owning Entity not existing: create *******")
+ owning_entity = AaiOwningEntity.create(vid_owning_entity.name, str(uuid4()))
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## VFModule parameters ##############################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ vfm_base=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ vfm_vsn=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ vfm_vfw=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ vfm_vpkg=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET)
+ ]
+ base_paras=VfmoduleParameters("base_template",vfm_base)
+ vpkg_paras=VfmoduleParameters("vpkg",vfm_vpkg)
+ vsn_paras=VfmoduleParameters("vsn",vfm_vsn)
+ vfw_paras=VfmoduleParameters("vfw",vfm_vfw)
+ ###########################################################################
+ ######## VNF parameters ###################################################
+ ###########################################################################
+ vnf_vfw=[
+ InstantiationParameter(name="onap_private_net_id", value=ONAP_PRIVATE_NET),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="onap_private_subnet_id", value=ONAP_PRIVATE_SUBNET),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="pub_key", value="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDFBOB1Ea2yej68aqIQw10kEsVf+rNoxT39qrV8JvvTK2yhkniQka1t2oD9h6DlXOLM3HJ6nBegWjOasJmIbminKZ6wvmxZrDVFJXp9Sn1gni0vtEnlDgH14shRUrFDYO0PYjXRHoj7QXZMYxtAdFSbzGuCsaTLcV/xchLBQmqZ4AGhMIiYMfJJF+Ygy0lbgcVmT+8DH7kUUt8SAdh2rRsYFwpKANnQJyPV1dBNuTcD0OW1hEOhXnwqH28tjfb7uHJzTyGZlTmwTs544teTNz5B9L4yT3XiCAlMcaLOBMfBTKRIse+NkiTb+tc60JNnEYR6MqZoqTea/w+YBQaIMcil"),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="image_name", value=IMAGE_NAME),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="flavor_name", value=FLAVOR_NAME),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="sec_group", value=TENANT_SEC_GROUP),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="install_script_version", value="1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="demo_artifacts_version", value="1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="cloud_env", value=CLOUD_TYPE),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="public_net_id", value=PUBLIC_NET),
+ InstantiationParameter(name="aic-cloud-region", value=CLOUD_REGION)
+ ]
+ vnf_paras=VnfParameters("vfwcds_VF", vnf_vfw,
+ [base_paras, vpkg_paras, vsn_paras, vfw_paras])
+ # You must define for each VNF and its vFModule the parameters,
+ # otherwise they stay empty.
+ # The matching critera are:
+ # - VnfParameters.name must match VNF ModelInstanceName
+ # (see above "vfwcds_VF")
+ # - VfmoduleParameters.name must match substring in vfModule "instanceName"
+ # (e.g. "vfwcds_vf0..VfwcdsVf..vsn..module-1")
+ logger.info("******** Instantiate Service *******")
+ service_instantiation = ServiceInstantiation.instantiate_macro(
+ service,
+ cloud_region,
+ tenant,
+ customer,
+ owning_entity,
+ vid_project,
+ vid_line_of_business,
+ vid_platform,
+ service_instance_name=SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME,
+ vnf_parameters=[vnf_paras]
+ )
+ if service_instantiation.wait_for_finish():
+ logger.info("Success")
+ else:
+ logger.error("Instantiation failed, check logs")
+ exit(1)
+ service_instance = None
+ for se in service_subscription.service_instances:
+ if se.instance_name == SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME:
+ service_instance = se
+ break
+ if not service_instance:
+ logger.error("******** Service %s instantiation failed",SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME)
+ exit(1)
+ logger.info("*****************************************")
+ logger.info("**** No Deletion requested, finished ****")
+ logger.info("*****************************************")
+ exit(0)
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ logger.info("**** SERVICE DELETION *********")
+ logger.info("*******************************")
+ time.sleep(30)
+ logger.info("******** Delete Service %s *******",service_instance.name)
+ service_deletion = service_instance.delete()
+ nb_try = 0
+ nb_try_max = 30
+ while not service_deletion.finished and nb_try < nb_try_max:
+ logger.info("Wait for Service deletion")
+ nb_try += 1
+ time.sleep(10)
+ if service_deletion.finished:
+ logger.info("Service %s deleted",service_instance.name)
+ else:
+ logger.error("Service deletion %s failed",service_instance.name)
+ exit(1)