path: root/doc/chained-ci-install.md
diff options
authorAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2022-09-16 16:02:29 +0200
committerAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2022-09-16 16:37:03 +0200
commit81ccf6da68a2861666c88d62fc3ea1b4243419c6 (patch)
tree3657e6fbf5518f37e995168e7a4adfa0e4a3707e /doc/chained-ci-install.md
parentdbd0a11229207f99c1b515b88a5b58e21f23922d (diff)
[GITLAB] Initial content for gitlab project chained-ci
Issue-ID: INT-2150 Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de> Change-Id: Id5dc270b6a7c25189b4e09c4227b806323711d72
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/chained-ci-install.md')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/chained-ci-install.md b/doc/chained-ci-install.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d27939d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/chained-ci-install.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Creation of an own chained-ci project
+In our environment we want to use Chained-CI to automate the ONAP Lab
+installation and testing.
+On an own development client host:
+* install ansible
+ sudo apt-get install ansible
+* Create a Git project (LabInstallation/chained-ci) in git.sdp.telekom.de
+and checked it out.
+ git clone git@gitlab.devops.telekom.de:tnap/onapcommunity/integrationproject/onapdeployment/chained-ci.git
+* In my DevEnv I cloned the chained-ci example project:
+ git clone https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/ci_cd/chained-ci-examples.git
+* Copy the example code to chained-ci
+ cp -r chained-ci-examples/* chained-ci
+* Add submodules in chained-ci and checkin all
+ cd chained-ci
+ git submodule add -b alpine-ansible https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/ci_cd/chained-ci-roles.git roles
+ git submodule add https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/ci_cd/chained-ci-vue.git chained-ci-vue
+ git add *
+ ...
+ git commit -a
+ git push
+* Extract submodules
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule update
+* Setup own chain
+ * Create entry in ```pod_inventory/infrastructure``` (e.g. pod-test)
+ * Add ```pod_inventory/hostvars/pod-test.yml``` file for the chain-steps and jumphost
+ * Modify the ```pod_inventory/group_vars/all.yml```
+* Modifications in ```pod_inventory/group_vars/all.yml```
+ * add image and image_tag in runner section
+ * remove not needed git_projects
+ * add gitlab settings
+ * create project settings
+ * create a trigger token on the target project (in CI/CD settings) and copy token
+ * generate encrypted trigger_token password
+ ```
+ echo '...password...' > .vault
+ ```
+ ```
+ ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file .vault '...token...' --name 'trigger-token'
+ ```
+ * add encrypted trigger_token to all.yml
+ tags:
+ - gitlab-org
+ env_vars:
+ CHAINED_CI_SRC: https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/tnap/onapcommunity/integrationproject/onapdeployment/chained-ci.git
+ docker_proxy:
+ image: registry.gitlab.com/orange-opensource/lfn/ci_cd/docker_ansible
+ image_tag: latest
+ pipeline:
+ delay: 15
+ base_url: https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de
+ api_url: https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/api/v4
+ private_token: "{{ lookup('env','CI_private_token') }}"
+ git_projects:
+ config:
+ stage: config
+ url: https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/tnap/onapcommunity/integrationproject/onapdeployment/chained-ci.git
+ branch: "{{ lookup('env','config_branch')|default('master', true) }}"
+ path: pod_config
+ cloud-infra:
+ stage: infra_install
+ api: https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/api/v4/project/32660
+ url: https://gitlab.devops.telekom.de/tnap/onapcommunity/integrationproject/onapdeployment/cloud-infra
+ trigger_token: !vault |
+ 66386364383232303832656238636130373430633539613566646337313164323733333138666163
+ 3766623563303133393231663237353633353365633063350a653231393436313961613733643036
+ 37393262363864393734323532383662663263663863646233366639633130323731343237653661
+ 6265323237306634620a376166616564663135316363333136356135613336646665386532616263
+ 64373537346235386438633130656363386633383337626337656234646361366263
+ branch: "{{ lookup('env','cloud-infra_branch')|default('master', true) }}"
+ get_artifacts: config
+ pull_artifacts:
+ timeout: 300
+ parameters:
+ ansible_verbose: "{{ lookup('env','ansible_verbose') }}"
+* Create .gitlab-ci.yml
+ ansible-playbook -vvv --vault-password-file ~/git/LabInstallation/chained-ci/.vault -i ./pod_inventory/inventory ./gitlab-ci-generator.yml
+* Checkin all modified files
+* Add in chained-ci project CI/CD the following variables:
+ ```ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD``` -> a secret for the Vault password
+ ```CI_private_token``` -> API token to access Gitlab (see User-Settings-Access Tokens)
+How to create own project pipelines:
+* [DTs Chained-ci pipelines](chained-ci-pipeline.md)