path: root/tox.ini
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-04-13Update tox.ini with allowlist_externals for 4.x compatibilityMarek Szwałkiewicz1-1/+4
2023-03-24Change on onaptests_bench to run stability tests on sm envMichal Jagiello1-4/+2
2022-09-22Force py3.8 in tox.iniLukasz Rajewski1-2/+2
2021-09-29Remove indirect depsCédric Ollivier1-3/+2
2021-09-28Adds 2 upper-constraints to pin all the dependencies.Cédric Ollivier1-1/+4
2020-04-15Fix rst errorsmrichomme1-1/+3
2020-04-10WIP: Add rst and md linters in toxmrichomme1-1/+17
2020-03-06Setup Python linters in toxBartek Grzybowski1-1/+7
2020-03-02Add setup for YAML/JSON files lintingBartek Grzybowski1-0/+29