path: root/deployment/heat/onap-rke
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-24Bump helm/kubectl versions to match OOMGary Wu4-111/+4
2019-04-24Lock down docker install to 18.09.5Gary Wu3-3/+9
2019-04-18Update integration-override parameterYang Xu1-0/+2
2019-04-17Enable shared mariadb in integration-overrideYang Xu2-0/+4
2019-04-15Temporarily disable portal URL override in RKEGary Wu2-17/+2
2019-04-11Reduce probe rate for Portal CassandraYang Xu1-0/+5
2019-04-11Reduce probe rate for sdc cassandraYang Xu1-0/+5
2019-04-11Go back to 12 x 16 GB k8s VMsGary Wu2-1/+481
2019-04-11Change windriver k8s VM flavorGary Wu1-10/+12
2019-04-10Enable Cassandra liveness probeYang Xu1-2/+4
2019-04-10Reduce Cassandra CPU usage by less probeYang Xu1-0/+8
2019-04-09Disable cassandra cluster in integration overrideYang Xu1-5/+8
2019-04-08Workarounds to reduce CPU consumptionGary Wu1-5/+10
2019-04-05Use Robot password workaround also for RKEGary Wu2-2/+5
2019-03-27Clean up RKE scriptsGary Wu5-186/+55
2019-03-26First draft of k8s deployment using RKEGary Wu32-0/+2811