path: root/actn-topo-generator
diff options
authorsunjun <>2021-02-11 10:54:59 -0500
committerJun sun <>2021-02-18 02:41:45 +0000
commit11ce7f76b620bb632de91d4f57e103b90a8178f5 (patch)
treeed8482cccc00faae70a69a45388e7e9ddf286284 /actn-topo-generator
parente5451bdc1d5dae34c964864c76ba995584c5daaf (diff)
First upload of the Feature code of one of the ACTN tool chain in the new repo The code of this repos deals with "ACTN Topo Generator" tool It provides the features to design multi-domain OTN networks graphically and automatically generate ACTN topology data in JSON format that would be further used by another tool "ACTN PNC Simulator". It is used by the use cases of transport private line and transport slicing. Issue-ID: INT-1857 Change-Id: I075bf66da635365260bfc52b0fe13ac3cb69c3c6 Signed-off-by: Jun Sun <>
Diffstat (limited to 'actn-topo-generator')
2 files changed, 652 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actn-topo-generator/ongen.js b/actn-topo-generator/ongen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbd6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actn-topo-generator/ongen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ACTN tool - Topo Generator
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+"use strict";
+Draw.loadPlugin(function (ui) {
+ const { app, dialog, BrowserWindow } = require("electron").remote;
+ const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow();
+ const fs = require("fs");
+ const path = require("path");
+ const ongenDir = path.dirname(app.getPath("exe")) + "/ongen/";
+ var graph = ui.editor.graph;
+ var model = ui.editor.graph.model;
+ const tsNumbers = new Map([
+ ["ODU1", 2],
+ ["ODU2", 8],
+ ["ODU3", 32],
+ ["ODU4", 80]
+ ]);
+ const getBitmap = (ts) =>
+ Buffer.alloc(Math.ceil(ts / 8), 255).toString("base64");
+ const btoa = (b) => Buffer.from(b, "utf8").toString("base64");
+ const http = require("http");
+ // Adds resource and menu for action
+ mxResources.parse("actnJSON=Export to ACTN JSON files");
+ mxResources.parse("initPNC=Initialize PNC Simulators");
+ mxResources.parse("collapseAll=Collapse Containers");
+ mxResources.parse("expandAll=Expand Containers");
+ mxResources.parse("assignNodeId=Auto-assign Node IDs");
+ mxResources.parse("loadSetting=Load Default Settings");
+ mxResources.parse("saveSetting=Save Current Settings");
+ var menu = ui.menus.get("extras");
+ var oldFunct = menu.funct;
+ menu.funct = function (menu, parent) {
+ oldFunct(menu, parent);
+ ui.menus.addMenuItems(
+ menu,
+ [
+ "-",
+ "actnJSON",
+ "initPNC",
+ "collapseAll",
+ "expandAll",
+ "assignNodeId",
+ "loadSetting"
+ ],
+ parent
+ );
+ };
+ // Adds action of collpaseAll
+ ui.actions.addAction(
+ "collapseAll",
+ function () {
+ var cells = model.filterDescendants(
+ (cell) => !!cell.getAttribute("te_node_id")
+ );
+ var nodeAllCollapsed = true;
+ cells.forEach((cell) => (nodeAllCollapsed &= cell.collapsed));
+ if (!nodeAllCollapsed) {
+ graph.cellsFolded(cells, true, false, true);
+ } else {
+ graph.selectVertices(null, true);
+ graph.cellsFolded(graph.getSelectionCells(), true, false, true);
+ graph.clearSelection();
+ }
+ },
+ null,
+ null,
+ "Ctrl+J"
+ );
+ ui.keyHandler.bindAction(74, !0, "collapseAll", !1);
+ // Adds action of expandAll
+ ui.actions.addAction(
+ "expandAll",
+ function () {
+ graph.selectVertices(null, true);
+ graph.cellsFolded(graph.getSelectionCells(), false, false, true);
+ graph.clearSelection();
+ },
+ null,
+ null,
+ "Ctrl+K"
+ );
+ ui.keyHandler.bindAction(75, !0, "expandAll", !1);
+ // Adds action of loadSetting
+ ui.actions.addAction("loadSetting", function () {
+ var plugins = mxSettings.getPlugins();
+ mxSettings.parse(DEFAULT_SETTING);
+ mxSettings.setPlugins(plugins);
+ ui.setDatabaseItem(
+ null,
+ [
+ {
+ title: ".scratchpad",
+ size: SCRATCHPAD.length,
+ lastModified:,
+ type: "L"
+ },
+ { title: ".scratchpad", data: SCRATCHPAD }
+ ],
+ null,
+ null,
+ ["filesInfo", "files"]
+ );
+ notify("Restart the App to take effect.");
+ });
+ // Adds hidden action with CTRL+H
+ ui.actions.addAction("saveSetting", function () {
+ win.webContents.toggleDevTools();
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ ongenDir + "default-settings.json",
+ JSON.stringify(mxSettings.settings)
+ );
+ });
+ ui.keyHandler.bindAction(72, !0, "saveSetting", !1);
+ // Adds action for actn JSON
+ ui.actions.addAction("actnJSON", function () {
+ var domains = generateJson();
+ if (!domains) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //Get file base name
+ var fileDir = dialog.showOpenDialogSync(win, {
+ title: "Choose A Directory to Save ACTN JSON Data Files",
+ buttonLabel: "Yes",
+ properties: ["openDirectory"]
+ });
+ if (!fileDir) {
+ return;
+ }
+ domains.forEach(function (domain) {
+ var fileName = fileDir + "/" + (domain._port_ || domain.te_name);
+ fs.writeFileSync(fileName + "{otn-topo}.json", domain._data_);
+ });
+ dialog.showOpenDialogSync(win, {
+ title: "Generated ACTN JSON Data Files",
+ defaultPath: fileDir + "/*",
+ buttonLabel: "Ok",
+ filters: [{ name: "DATA", extensions: ["json", "xlsx"] }],
+ properties: ["multiSelections", "dontAddToRecent"]
+ });
+ });
+ // Adds action for initializing PNC simulators
+ ui.actions.addAction("initPNC", function () {
+ var domains = generateJson();
+ if (!domains) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //Send PUT messages to each PNC simulator
+ var reqNum = 0;
+ domains.forEach(function (domain) {
+ reqNum++;
+ const options = {
+ host: domain._ip_,
+ port: parseInt(domain._port_),
+ path: "/pncsimu/v1/reload-data",
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
+ };
+ const req = http.request(options, function (res) {
+ if (res.statusCode != 201 && res.statusCode != 200) {
+ notify(
+ `${res.statusCode} Error from ${}:${options.port}`
+ );
+ return res.resume();
+ }
+ if (!--reqNum) {
+ notify(`${domains.length} PNC simulators initialized`);
+ }
+ });
+ req.write(domain._data_);
+ req.end();
+ });
+ });
+ // Adds action: Auto assign node id of all nodes
+ ui.actions.addAction("assignNodeId", function () {
+ var domains = model.filterDescendants(
+ (cell) => !!cell.getAttribute("network_types")
+ );
+ var i = 1;
+ graph.clearSelection();
+ model.beginUpdate();
+ domains.forEach(function (domain) {
+ var nodes = model.getChildVertices(domain);
+ var j = 1;
+ var k = 1;
+ nodes.forEach(function (node) {
+ if (!node.hasAttribute("te_node_id")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var newXmlValue = node.value.cloneNode(false);
+ newXmlValue.setAttribute("te_node_id", "10." + i + "." + j + "." + k);
+ model.setValue(node, newXmlValue);
+ graph.addSelectionCell(node);
+ if (k < 254) {
+ k++;
+ } else {
+ k = 1;
+ j++;
+ }
+ });
+ i++;
+ });
+ model.endUpdate();
+ });
+ function generateJson() {
+ //prepare js object arrays for domains, nodes, TP&links
+ var domainNetworks = [];
+ var domains = model.filterDescendants(
+ (cell) => !!cell.getAttribute("network_types")
+ );
+ var domainMap = new Map();
+ graph.clearSelection();
+ try {
+ domains.forEach(function (domain) {
+ checkObjId("Domain", "te_name", domainMap, domain);
+ var otnTopo = xml2js(domain.value);
+ var ethTopo = { ...otnTopo };
+ ethTopo["network_types"] = "eth-tran-topology";
+ var nodes = model.getChildVertices(domain);
+ var nodeMap = new Map();
+ (otnTopo.nodes = []), (ethTopo.nodes = []);
+ (otnTopo.links = []), (ethTopo.links = []);
+ nodes.forEach(function (node) {
+ checkObjId("Node", "te_node_id", nodeMap, node);
+ let otnNode = xml2js(node.value);
+ let ethNode = { ...otnNode };
+ (otnNode.tps = []), (ethNode.tps = []);
+ otnTopo.nodes.push(otnNode);
+ ethTopo.nodes.push(ethNode);
+ let tps = model.getChildVertices(node);
+ let tpMap = new Map();
+ tps.forEach(function (tp) {
+ checkObjId("TP", "te_tp_id", tpMap, tp);
+ let newTpLink = xml2js(tp.value);
+ newTpLink["te_node_id"] = otnNode["te_node_id"];
+ if (newTpLink["otn_odu_type"])
+ newTpLink.ts_number =
+ tsNumbers.get(newTpLink["otn_odu_type"]) || 0;
+ let links = model.getConnections(tp);
+ let inniLinkNumber = 0,
+ enniLinkNumber = 0;
+ for (let link of links) {
+ if (link.hasAttribute("te_inter_domain_plug_id")) {
+ if (!link.getAttribute("te_inter_domain_plug_id")) {
+ link.setAttribute(
+ "te_inter_domain_plug_id",
+ link.getId().substr(-8)
+ );
+ }
+ enniLinkNumber++;
+ } else if (link.hasAttribute("te_delay_metric")) {
+ inniLinkNumber++;
+ } else {
+ notify("unknown link!");
+ graph.addSelectionCell(link);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inniLinkNumber + enniLinkNumber > 1) {
+ notify("NNI TP has more than one link!");
+ graph.addSelectionCell(tp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newTpLink["otn_odu_type"] && links.length == 1) {
+ xml2js(links[0].value, newTpLink);
+ newTpLink.bitmap = getBitmap(newTpLink.ts_number);
+ let dest_tp = model.getOpposites(links, tp, true, true);
+ if (dest_tp.length != 0) {
+ if (
+ newTpLink["otn_odu_type"] !=
+ dest_tp[0].getAttribute("otn_odu_type")
+ ) {
+ notify(
+ "The two TPs of the link don't have the same odu_type!"
+ );
+ graph.addSelectionCell(tp);
+ graph.addSelectionCell(links[0]);
+ graph.addSelectionCell(dest_tp[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ let dest_node = dest_tp[0].parent;
+ if (
+ dest_node != null &&
+ dest_node != undefined &&
+ node.parent == dest_node.parent
+ ) {
+ newTpLink["dest_node"] = dest_node.getAttribute("te_node_id");
+ newTpLink["dest_tp"] = dest_tp[0].getAttribute("te_tp_id");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (newTpLink["otn_odu_type"]) {
+ otnNode.tps.push(newTpLink);
+ otnTopo.links.push(newTpLink);
+ } else if (newTpLink["eth_bandwidth"]) {
+ ethNode.tps.push(newTpLink);
+ ethTopo.links.push(newTpLink);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ //generate JSON data for each domain
+ let jsonData = jjsRender(ONGEN_TMPL, {
+ networks: [otnTopo, ethTopo],
+ btoa: btoa
+ });
+ otnTopo._data_ = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(jsonData), null, 3);
+ domainNetworks.push(otnTopo);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ return notify(e.message);
+ }
+ if (domainNetworks.length == 0) return notify("No domain network exists");
+ return domainNetworks;
+ }
+ function notify(message) {
+ dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, { title: "ongen", message: message });
+ }
+ //convert data from xml node to js object
+ function xml2js(xmlNode, jsObj = {}) {
+ for (let attr of xmlNode.attributes) {
+ if ( != "label" && != "placeholders") {
+ attr.value = attr.value.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gm, "");
+ jsObj[] = attr.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return jsObj;
+ }
+ //check the id of a new object: null, undefined or conflicts with other's
+ function checkObjId(objName, objIdName, objMap, newObj) {
+ let newObjValue = newObj.getAttribute(objIdName);
+ if (!newObjValue) {
+ graph.addSelectionCell(newObj);
+ throw new Error(objName + " " + objIdName + " is missing!");
+ }
+ if (objMap.has(newObjValue)) {
+ graph.addSelectionCell(newObj);
+ graph.addSelectionCell(objMap.get(newObjValue));
+ throw new Error("Same " + objName + " " + objIdName + "!");
+ }
+ objMap.set(newObjValue, newObj);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function jjsRender(tmpl, data, debug = false) {
+ // generate variable part
+ var i = 2,
+ res = [""];
+ Object.keys(data).forEach((k) => (res[0] += `var ${k} = __data['${k}'];`));
+ res[1] = "var __i = 0, __res = []\n__res[__i++] = `";
+ // generate body part
+ var sRegex = /<</g,
+ eRegex = />>/g;
+ while (sRegex.test(tmpl)) {
+ res[i++] = tmpl.slice(eRegex.lastIndex, sRegex.lastIndex - 2);
+ eRegex.lastIndex = sRegex.lastIndex;
+ if (!eRegex.test(tmpl)) throw new Error(`>> not found.`);
+ res[++i] = tmpl.slice(sRegex.lastIndex, eRegex.lastIndex - 2);
+ res[i - 1] = /[\{\}]/.test(res[i++]) ? "`\n" : "`\n__res[__i++] = ";
+ res[i++] = "\n__res[__i++] = `";
+ sRegex.lastIndex = eRegex.lastIndex;
+ }
+ res[i++] = tmpl.slice(eRegex.lastIndex);
+ // generate return part
+ res[i] = "`\nreturn __res.join('')";
+ if (debug) return res.join("");
+ return Function("__data", res.join(""))(data);
+ }
+const DEFAULT_SETTING = `{"language":"","configVersion":null,"customFonts":[],"libraries":"","customLibraries":["L.scratchpad"],"recentColors":["999999","B3B3B3"],"formatWidth":240,"createTarget":false,"pageFormat":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1169,"height":827},"search":true,"showStartScreen":true,"gridColor":"#d0d0d0","darkGridColor":"#6e6e6e","autosave":false,"resizeImages":null,"openCounter":272,"version":18,"unit":1,"isRulerOn":false,"ui":"dark"}`;
+const SCRATCHPAD = `<mxlibrary>[{"xml":"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","w":435,"h":240,"aspect":"fixed","title":"Network"},{"xml":"dVPRbsIwDPyavKKQCtBeKYyXTZrYB6C08dqgNKlSA2VfP6dJoUwgtZJ9d87VdsqyvOl3Xrb1p1NgWLZlWe6dwxg1fQ7GMMG1YtmGCcHpZeL9BTsfWN5KDxafFLjiCCWSwsgimG0GcoFwsLIBiphYGipcF56iKkSJpo87kEtQDA5GllA7o8B3D9YTbYT5LD13PlgNZFBGeJSLkD721uHVJD0Buu0oWV9qjfDd0kcQc6HxEVZjE1qaU/ijjcmdcZ5y62yoKJ1FqS34JPFQnnynz7CHTv+GY3hUWZqQLMyINIByqzSmMus+0ugCOYzxSyqlbZUg6FtpVUpic2fwCP3LDc0nPe/AkaG/kuSiFdZR8RaXyGvQVY2PmEzzr26Vt8P2oRNbUSuCj/arVHZN817MVmmlE7/lEz/xz08aBG8lwtqdrOqmt4yCSSd3aFjomKarOKb3Kx+rp3/EHw==","w":90,"h":90,"aspect":"fixed","title":"Node"},{"xml":"dVJNb4MwDP01OXYK4aPsuEHX07TDtDNKwZRsAaPgjvLvF0jaUmklQkree36OHbMwa897I/vmHSvQLNyxMDOI5HbtOQOtmeCqYmHOhOD2Z+LtARssLO+lgY7+CcDDN5RkFVoe5mT5QsYEBfWFNRGxN9CyhAZ1BWa4c74qHSjWaCdb8PjGL0cjdQVWp4Km3gs+8q/oxpVa2esWtSxVd3SCWuoBnOKSbMl1X/ZAk/aOBk9dBbM0YOHr2CiCz94WYYHRdtdiDbXa07XSOkONZokNEy6fg63FBzL4AytG5NuE8zkCO1rh9fJZvAWSu0qRN0abUtFkT/EcJbXG8cUYHOcuzogr6RcMwfnhkwWrSveANoeZrGRybPyUpFEYBWma8NQuAZvAN3NUFTVOFfqnaUAdG+8r+FPkldI/6/FqfxsSu/Edvhz92FyOt/FcpHfT+wc=","w":32,"h":20.44,"aspect":"fixed","title":"OTN NNI"},{"xml":"dVJNb4MwDP01uVZ8qEM9rtD2NGm3bacqEAuyBVIFt4V/PyeEQrQVCcnPz89fMUvzdjgZfmnetADF0gNLc6M1TlY75KAUSyIpWFqwJInoZ8nxCRs7NrpwAx3+I9DlN1RIEYqXtljhSCdRvIJGKwGmD3IhnKkvPp5bQCOrgJvLuhxhRz2OCiYWOvFqjL4T6nRHzn2DrS0ek0nkUSqLIkLV1dxAeKpHo3/gQwpsyEMF9tQCPwiJPhrI5KUr41INEj9X9pcN22w9KoZZZcHowTQHiBqeLjBeDXcCbdcwUsjd90Xsdtpx1ICsGwx9hnaH8ham537F9SPdo8K7lp19oNG/3ibLdsuXJVmYoddXU4EXrQ9jzjNMcS+7UIfc1IB/dGSshlxc7lFn6I9ohsuxTur1Lf8C","w":69,"h":1,"aspect":"fixed","title":"INNI Link"},{"xml":"dVNNb4MwDP01XCcKarXrSj9Ok3Zbd0KBGMgWSGXcFv79TEjaoK0HJD8/28+xTZRm7XBEcW7ejQQdpfsozdAYmq12yEDrKImVjNJdlCQxf1FyeMKuLBufBUJH/ySY4htK4ggtiklsZ0mbokUJjdESsF/UIshVR4C5NK1QXX7Wlzr3enOIRxYuG+tp1DCz0Mk3RHNj1JmOnduG2qmHFZtMHpSeUMyovOAVpKN6QvMDn0pSwx4W2LZAYi8VuWhgUxRWxpYaFJ0C+2sKe1k7tBt81gRGByrWzow2aFtNq6pKyvKuHTByU2zWG9sw4XjytSYQ6EzwIWSRV5onBrKGpxtbBWM8guHX4sghNzcBZtfzUuMGVN3Q0oegBanrsrxwO63v5e4KH4bXG4T05oIlOG94aj5wcJWT12VtElgD/UlkI3jGw2UPxEN3lx4+7n/ODn+PXw==","w":128,"h":1,"aspect":"fixed","title":"ENNI Link"},{"xml":"dVJNb8IwDP01OW5KEzF2XmGcph2mnavQuDQsjatgBv33c5sARRqNKsXvPdvxh9Bld95E07cfaMELvRa6jIiUbt25BO+Fks4KvRJKSf6Fen/AFhMrexMh0D8OuN1DTazwZjsmW03kgqCivuIgapEDeFNDi95CPNxFvionUBVqDgfTQVY/5ZNopFChPVY09FnwufpWN672jt9bNaZ2YZcEFI+QBNdko3lf9oEGnwNGPAYLo7QQ+u3UOoKvnotg4MTdZaylzme6cd6X6DFOvvrFSNk0jB8o4g/MGL2UsixHDww0w5vpY7wDMmvrKAdGTuloYGsh2awxBO632U6vHJFU0i9EgvPDkRWzSjeAnCMOLDk5S21S6DRV2YLbtdlLyefXZYJNHtru6nxbAb7k/l3MvBQX87Z8k/RuN/8A","w":30,"h":20.87,"aspect":"fixed","title":"OTN UNI"},{"xml":"dVLbbsIwDP2aPIJyaVFfRwc87WkfgFJiSLc0qYI36N/PTQMUaSSKFB8fH8eOmaq76y7q3n4EA46pDVN1DAGnW3etwTkmeWuYemdScjpMbl94RfLyXkfw+E9AaL7ggMRwuhmTvSdnibDHfk8isswCTh/ABmcgnp+U78wElkLOYa87yOxF3pMb0O4b7c2lNWgzg09rItwEk9xzaWccXFaN4ccbGKmCqfXFtgifPT2UgAt1kDCLncvuY+tcHVyIKVaJRgsg7fUZY/iGmYfz1eZtO0YEjzP8mBbhHaDemBazcKCULQ5klZzMQ/Ceeqqb9MoRmUr6hYhwffktYlbpDgLliANRhtzY5aoqVCGqasUr2hIWophEZj1UuXsW2pPNupIvi8zU+etOd/nHINAld/hm5tG4mY8RTNSnCf0D","w":30,"h":20.44,"aspect":"fixed","title":"ETH UNI"}]</mxlibrary>`;
+const ONGEN_TMPL = `
+ "ietf-network:networks": {
+ "network": [
+ << networks.forEach((network, i)=> { >>
+ << i ? ',' : '' >>
+ {
+ "network-id": "providerId-<< network.domain_id >>-clientId-0-topologyId-<< i+1 >>",
+ "ietf-te-topology:te": {
+ "name": "<< network.te_name >>"
+ },
+ "ietf-te-topology:provider-id": << network.domain_id >>,
+ "ietf-te-topology:client-id": 0,
+ "ietf-te-topology:te-topology-id": "<< i+1 >>",
+ "network-types": {
+ "ietf-te-topology:te-topology": {
+ << if (network.network_types == "otn-topology") { >>
+ "ietf-otn-topology:<< network.network_types >>": {}
+ << } else if (network.network_types == "eth-tran-topology") { >>
+ "ietf-eth-te-topology:<< network.network_types >>": {}
+ << } >>
+ }
+ },
+ "node": [
+ << network.nodes.forEach((node, i)=> { >>
+ << i ? ',' : '' >>
+ {
+ "node-id": "<< node.te_node_id >>",
+ "ietf-te-topology:te-node-id": "<< node.te_node_id >>",
+ "ietf-network-topology:termination-point": [
+ << node.tps.forEach((tp, i)=> { >>
+ << i ? ',' : '' >>
+ {
+ "tp-id": "<< tp.te_tp_id >>",
+ "ietf-te-topology:te-tp-id": << tp.te_tp_id >>,
+ << if (tp.eth_bandwidth) { >>
+ "ietf-eth-te-topology:svc": {
+ "client-facing": true,
+ "supported-classification": {
+ "port-classification": true,
+ "vlan-classification": {
+ "outer-tag": {
+ "supported-tag-types": [
+ "ietf-eth-tran-types:classify-c-vlan",
+ "ietf-eth-tran-types:classify-s-vlan"
+ ],
+ "vlan-bundling": false,
+ "vlan-range": "1-4094"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ << } >>
+ "ietf-te-topology:te": {
+ "name": "<< tp.te_tp_name >>",
+ "admin-status": "up",
+ "oper-status": "up",
+ << if (tp.te_inter_domain_plug_id) { >>
+ "inter-domain-plug-id": "<< btoa(tp.te_inter_domain_plug_id) >>",
+ << } >>
+ << if (tp.otn_odu_type) { >>
+ "ietf-otn-topology:client-facing": << tp.otn_client_facing >>,
+ "interface-switching-capability": [
+ {
+ "encoding": "ietf-te-types:lsp-encoding-oduk",
+ "switching-capability": "ietf-te-types:switching-otn",
+ "max-lsp-bandwidth": [
+ {
+ "priority": 7,
+ "te-bandwidth": {
+ "ietf-otn-topology:odu-type": "ietf-otn-types:prot-<< tp.otn_odu_type>>"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ << } >>
+ << if (tp.eth_bandwidth) { >>
+ "interface-switching-capability": [
+ {
+ "encoding": "ietf-te-types:lsp-encoding-ethernet",
+ "switching-capability": "ietf-te-types:switching-l2sc",
+ "max-lsp-bandwidth": [
+ {
+ "priority": 7,
+ "te-bandwidth": {
+ "ietf-eth-te-topology:eth-bandwidth": << tp.eth_bandwidth >>
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ << } >>
+ }
+ }
+ << }) >>
+ ],
+ "ietf-te-topology:te": {
+ "oper-status": "up",
+ "te-node-attributes": {
+ "admin-status": "up",
+ "name": "<< node.te_name >>"
+ }
+ << if (network.network_types == "otn-topology") { >>,
+ "tunnel-termination-point": [
+ << let $i = 0; node.tps.forEach((tp, i)=> { >>
+ << if (tp.otn_client_facing == "false") { >>
+ << $i ? ',' : ''; $i = 1 >>
+ {
+ "tunnel-tp-id": "<< btoa(tp.te_tp_id) >>",
+ "admin-status": "up",
+ "oper-status": "up",
+ "encoding": "ietf-te-types:lsp-encoding-oduk",
+ "name": "<< tp.te_tp_name >>",
+ "protection-type": "ietf-te-types:lsp-protection-unprotected",
+ "switching-capability": "ietf-te-types:switching-otn",
+ "local-link-connectivities": {
+ "local-link-connectivity": [
+ {
+ "is-allowed": true,
+ "link-tp-ref": "<< tp.te_tp_id >>"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ << } }) >>
+ ]
+ << } >>
+ }
+ }
+ << }) >>
+ ],
+ "ietf-network-topology:link": [
+ << network.links.forEach((link, i)=> { >>
+ << i ? ',' : '' >>
+ {
+ "link-id": "<< link.te_node_id >>-<< link.te_tp_id >>",
+ "source": {
+ "source-node": "<< link.te_node_id >>",
+ "source-tp": "<< link.te_tp_id >>"
+ },
+ << if (link.dest_node) { >>
+ "destination": {
+ "dest-node": "<< link.dest_node >>",
+ "dest-tp": "<< link.dest_tp >>"
+ },
+ << } >>
+ "ietf-te-topology:te": {
+ "oper-status": "up",
+ "te-link-attributes": {
+ "access-type": "point-to-point",
+ "admin-status": "up",
+ "name": "<< link.te_node_id >>-<< link.te_tp_id >>",
+ << if (link.te_delay_metric) { >>
+ "te-delay-metric": << link.te_delay_metric >>,
+ << } >>
+ << if (link.ts_number) { >>
+ << if (link.te_inter_domain_plug_id) { >>
+ "label-restriction": [
+ {
+ "inclusive-exclusive": "inclusive",
+ "index": 1,
+ "label-end": {
+ "te-label": {
+ "ietf-otn-topology:tpn": << link.ts_number >>
+ }
+ },
+ "label-start": {
+ "te-label": {
+ "ietf-otn-topology:tpn": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "label-step": 1,
+ "range-bitmap": "<< link.bitmap >>"
+ }
+ ],
+ << } >>
+ "max-link-bandwidth": {
+ "te-bandwidth": {
+ "ietf-otn-topology:odulist": [
+ {
+ "odu-type": "ietf-otn-types:prot-ODU0",
+ "number": << link.ts_number >>
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "unreserved-bandwidth": [
+ {
+ "priority": 7,
+ "te-bandwidth": {
+ "ietf-otn-topology:odulist": [
+ {
+ "number": << link.ts_number >>,
+ "odu-type": "ietf-otn-types:prot-ODU0"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ << } >>
+ << if (link.eth_bandwidth) { >>
+ "max-link-bandwidth": {
+ "te-bandwidth": {
+ "ietf-eth-te-topology:eth-bandwidth": << link.eth_bandwidth >>
+ }
+ },
+ "unreserved-bandwidth": [
+ {
+ "priority": 7,
+ "te-bandwidth": {
+ "ietf-eth-te-topology:eth-bandwidth": << link.eth_bandwidth >>
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ << } >>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ << }) >>
+ ]
+ }
+ << }) >>
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/actn-topo-generator/readme.txt b/actn-topo-generator/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32640ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actn-topo-generator/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+This tool is a plugin of desktop application.
+It can automatically generate ACTN topology JSON data from graph.
+Installation and initialization:
+1) Extract the file
+2) Run in folder
+3) Click menu Extras->Plugins…
+4) Import the plugin file named "ongen.js"
+5) Click menu Extras->Load Default Settings
+Design ACTN multi-domain OTN topology and generate JSON data.
+1) Add network, node, port or link via drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.
+2) Collapse or expand containers by shortcut "CTRL+J" and "CTRL+K"
+3) Assign the node id of all nodes automatically by clicking the menu Extras->'Auto-assign Node Id'
+4) Export to ACTN JSON data by clicking the menu Extras->'Export as ACTN JSON'.