path: root/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common')
3 files changed, 21 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/README.md b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/README.md
index 736ed4819..13cbd46fd 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/README.md
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/README.md
@@ -28,13 +28,9 @@ dfc instance to start. DFC app will get a name like 'dfc_app0' to 'dfc_app4'.
**kill_dfc \<dfc-instance-id>**:
Stop and remove the dfc app container with the instance id.
-**consul_config_app \<dfc-instance-id> \<json-file-path>**:
-Configure consul with json file with app config for a dfc instance using the dfc
-instance id and the json file.
-**consul_config_dmaap \<dfc-instance-id> \<json-file-path>**:
-Configure consul with json file with dmaap config for a dfc instance using the dfc
-instance id and the json file.
+**dfc_config_app \<dfc-instance-id> \<yaml-file-path>**:
+Apply app configuration for a dfc instance using the dfc
+instance id and the yaml file.
Stop and remove the DR simulator container
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/test_env.sh b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/test_env.sh
index 35d82ab53..f76af323f 100644
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/test_env.sh
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/test_env.sh
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ DFC_PORT=8100 #Up to five dfc apps can be used, dfc_app
DFC_PORT_SECURE=8433 #Up to five dfc apps can be used, dfc_app0 will be mapped to 8433 on local machine for hhtps, dfc_app1 mapped to 8434 etc
DFC_LOGPATH="/var/log/ONAP/application.log" #Path the application log in the dfc container
DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME="dfcnet" #Name of docker private network
-CONSUL_HOST="consul-server" #Host name of consul
-CONSUL_PORT=8500 #Port number of consul
CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE="config-binding-service" #Host name of CBS
MR_PORT=2222 #MR simulator port number http
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/testcase_common.sh b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/testcase_common.sh
index 601c093e1..ba665f655 100755
--- a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/testcase_common.sh
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/common/testcase_common.sh
@@ -181,8 +181,6 @@ echo "DR redir simulator: " $(docker images | grep drsim_common)
echo "SFTP: " $(docker images | grep atmoz/sftp)
echo "FTPES: " $(docker images | grep ftpes_vsftpd)
echo "HTTP/HTTPS/HTTPS no auth: " $(docker images | grep http_https_httpd)
-echo "Consul: " $(docker images | grep consul)
-echo "CBS: " $(docker images | grep platform.configbinding)
echo ""
#Configure MR sim to use correct host:port for running dfc as an app or as a container
@@ -391,7 +389,7 @@ __start_dfc_image() {
docker network ls| grep "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME" > /dev/null || docker network create "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME"
echo "Starting DFC: " $appname " with ports mapped to " $localport " and " $localport_secure " in docker network "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME
- docker run -d --volume $(pwd)/../simulator-group/tls/:/opt/app/datafile/etc/cert/ -p $localport":8100" -p $localport_secure":8433" --network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME -e CONSUL_HOST=$CONSUL_HOST -e CONSUL_PORT=$CONSUL_PORT -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT -e HOSTNAME=$appname --name $appname $DFC_IMAGE
+ docker run -d --volume $(pwd)/../simulator-group/tls/:/opt/app/datafile/etc/cert/ --volume $(pwd)/../simulator-group/dfc_config_volume/:/app-config/ -p $localport":8100" -p $localport_secure":8433" --network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT -e HOSTNAME=$appname --name $appname $DFC_IMAGE
sleep 3
set +x
@@ -489,8 +487,6 @@ __wait_for_dfc() {
echo "The app is expected to listen to http port ${http} and https port ${https}"
- echo "The app shall use 'localhost' and '8500' for CONSUL_HOST and CONSUL_PORT."
- echo "The app shale use 'config-binding-service-localhost' for CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE"
echo "The app shall use ${1} for HOSTNAME."
read -p "Press enter to continue when app mapping to ${1} has been manually started"
@@ -584,12 +580,12 @@ start_dfc() {
-# Configure consul with dfc config, args <dfc-instance-id> <json-file-path>
+# Configure volume with dfc config, args <dfc-instance-id> <yaml-file-path>
# Not intended to be called directly by test scripts.
-__consul_config() {
+__dfc_config() {
if [ $# != 2 ]; then
- __print_err "need two args, <dfc-instance-id> <json-file-path>"
+ __print_err "need two args, <dfc-instance-id> <yaml-file-path>"
exit 1
@@ -598,26 +594,27 @@ __consul_config() {
exit 1
if ! [ -f $2 ]; then
- __print_err "json file does not extis: "$2
+ __print_err "yaml file does not exist: "$2
exit 1
- echo "Configuring consul for " $appname " from " $2
- curl -s${CONSUL_PORT}/v1/kv/${appname}?dc=dc1 -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data-binary "@"$2 >/dev/null
+ echo "Applying configuration for " $appname " from " $2
+ mkdir $(pwd)/../simulator-group/dfc_config_volume/
+ cp $2 $(pwd)/../simulator-group/dfc_config_volume/application_config.yaml
-# Configure consul with dfc app config, args <dfc-instance-id> <json-file-path>
-consul_config_app() {
+# Configure volume with dfc app config, args <dfc-instance-id> <yaml-file-path>
+dfc_config_app() {
if [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then
- echo "Replacing 'mrsim' with 'localhost' in json app config for consul"
- sed 's/mrsim/localhost/g' $2 > .tmp_app.json
- echo "Replacing 'drsim' with 'localhost' in json dmaap config for consul"
- sed 's/drsim/localhost/g' .tmp_app.json > .app.json
- __consul_config $1 .app.json
+ echo "Replacing 'mrsim' with 'localhost' in yaml app config"
+ sed 's/mrsim/localhost/g' $2 > .tmp_app.yaml
+ echo "Replacing 'drsim' with 'localhost' in yaml dmaap config"
+ sed 's/drsim/localhost/g' .tmp_app.yaml > .app.yaml
+ __dfc_config $1 .app.yaml
- __consul_config $1 $2
+ __dfc_config $1 $2
@@ -645,6 +642,8 @@ kill_dfc() {
elif [ $START_ARG == "manual-app" ]; then
__wait_for_dfc_gone $appname
+ rm -rf $(pwd)/../simulator-group/dfc_config_volume
# Stop and remove the DR simulator container
@@ -1222,8 +1221,6 @@ store_logs() {
docker logs $appname > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/${1}_${appname}.log 2>&1
- docker logs dfc_consul > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_consul.log 2>&1
- docker logs dfc_cbs > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_cbs.log 2>&1
# Check the dfc application log, for all dfc instances, for WARN and ERR messages and print the count.
check_dfc_logs() {