path: root/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/auto-test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/auto-test/')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/auto-test/ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/auto-test/
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index 000000000..09001d068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/auto-test/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+## Running automated test case and test suites
+Test cases run a single test case and test suites run one or more test cases in a sequence.
+##Overall structure and setup
+Test cases and test suites are written as bash scripts which call predefined functions in two other bash scripts
+located in ../common dir.
+The functions are described further below.
+The integration repo is needed as well as docker.
+If needed setup the ``DFC_LOCAL_IMAGE`` and ``DFC_REMOTE_IMAGE`` env var in to point to the dfc images (local registry image or next registry image) without the image tag.
+The predefined images should be ok for current usage:
+If the test cases/suites in this dir are not executed in the auto-test dir in the integration repo, then the ``SIM_GROUP`` env var need to point to the ``simulator-group`` dir.
+See instructions in the The ../common dir is needed as well in the case. That is, it is possible to have auto-test dir (and the common dir) somewhere
+than in the integration repo but the simulator group dir need to be available.
+##Test cases and test suites naming.
+Each file filename should have the format ``<tc-id>.sh`` for test cases and ``<ts-id>.sh`` for test suite. The tc-id and ts-id are the
+identify of the test case or test suite. Example, FTC2 is the id of the test case. Just the contents of the files determines if
+it is a test case or test suite so good to name the file so it is easy to see if it is a test case or a test suite.
+A simple way to list all test cases/suite along with the description is to do ``grep ONELINE_DESCR *.sh`` in the shell.
+##Logs from containers and test cases
+All logs from each test cases are stored under ``logs/<tc-id>/``.
+The logs include the application.log and the container log from dfc, the container logs from each simulator and the test case log (same as the screen output).
+Test cases and test suites are executed by: ``./<tc-id or ts-id>.sh local | remote | remote-remove | manual-container | manual-app``</br>
+**local** - uses the dfc image pointed out by ``DFC_LOCAL_IMAGE`` in the test_env, should be the dfc image built locally in your docker registry.</br>
+**remote** - uses the dfc image pointed out by ``DFC_REMOTE_IMAGE`` in the test_env, should be the dfc nexus image in your docker registry.</br>
+**remote-remove** - uses the dfc image pointed out by ``DFC_REMOTE_IMAGE`` in the test_env, should be the dfc nexus image in your docker registry. Removes the nexus image and pull from remote registry.</br>
+**manual-container** - uses dfc in a manually started container. The script will prompt you for manual starting and stopping of the container.</br>
+**manual-app** - uses dfc app started as an external process (from eclipse etc). The script will prompt you for manual start and stop of the process.</br>
+##Test case file##
+A test case file contains a number of steps to verify a certain functionality.
+A description of the test case should be given to the ``TC_ONELINE_DESCR`` var. The description will be printed in the test result.
+The empty template for a test case files looks like this:
+(Only the parts noted with < and > shall be changed.)
+TC_ONELINE_DESCR="<test case description>"
+. ../common/ $1 $2
+#### TEST BEGIN ####
+<tests here>
+#### TEST COMPLETE ####
+store_logs END
+The ../common/ contains all functions needed for the test case file.
+The following is a list of the available functions in a test case file. Please see some of the defined test case for examples.
+Print the env variables needed for the simulators and their setup
+Stop and remove all containers including dfc app and simulators
+Start all simulators in the simulator group
+Start the dfc application
+Stop and remove the dfc app container
+Stop and remove the DR simulator container
+Stop and remove the DR redir simulator container
+Stop and remove the MR simulator container
+Stop and remove the SFTP container
+Stop and remove the FTPS container
+**mr_print <vaiable-name>**</br>
+Print a variable value from the MR simulator.
+**dr_print <vaiable-name>**</br>
+Print a varialle value from the DR simulator.
+**drr_print <vaiable-name>**</br>
+Print a variable value from the DR redir simulator.
+**mr_read <vaiable-name>**</br>
+Read a variable value from MR sim and send to stdout
+**dr_read <vaiable-name>**</br>
+Read a variable value from DR sim and send to stdout
+**drr_read <vaiable-name>**</br>
+Read a variable value from DR redir sim and send to stdout
+**sleep_wait <sleep-time-in-sec>**</br>
+Sleep for a number of seconds
+**sleep_heartbeat <sleep-time-in-sec>**</br>
+Sleep for a number of seconds and prints dfc heartbeat output every 30 sec
+**mr_equal <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator is equal to a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+equal to the targer or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target
+value or not.
+**mr_greater <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator is greater than a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+greater the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value is greater than the target
+value or not.
+**mr_less <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator is less than a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+less than the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value is less than the target
+value or not.
+**mr_contain_str <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the MR simulator contains a substring target and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable contains
+the target substring or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value contains the target
+substring or not.
+**dr_equal <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator is equal to a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+equal to the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target
+value or not.
+**dr_greater <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator is greater than a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+greater the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value is greater than the target
+value or not.
+**dr_less <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the DR simulator is less than a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+less than the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value is less than the target
+value or not.
+**drr_equal <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the DR Redir simulator is equal to a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+equal to the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target
+value or not.
+**drr_greater <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the DR Redir simulator is greater than a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+greater the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value is greater than the target
+value or not.
+**drr_less <variable-name> <target-value> [<timeout-in-sec>]**</br>
+Tests if a variable value in the DR Redir simulator is less than a target value and and optional timeout.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value>`` - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is
+less than the target or not.
+</br>Arg: ``<variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec>`` - This test waits up to the timeout seconds
+before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value is less than the target
+value or not.
+**dfc_contain_str <variable-name> <substring-in-quotes>**</br>
+Test is a variable in the DFC contains a substring.
+**store_logs <log-prefix>**</br>
+Store all dfc app and simulators log to the test case log dir. All logs gets a prefix to
+separate logs stored at different steps in the test script.
+If logs need to be stored in several locations, use different prefix to easily identify the location
+when the logs where taken.
+Check the dfc application log for WARN and ERR messages and print the count.
+Print the test result. Only once at the very end of the script.
+Print all variables from the simulators and the dfc heartbeat.
+In addition, comment in the file can be added using the normal comment sign in bash '#'.
+Comments that shall be visible on the screen as well as in the test case log, use ``echo "<msg>"``.
+##Test suite files##
+A test suite file contains one or more test cases to run in sequence.
+A description of the test case should be given to the TS_ONELINE_DESCR var. The description will be printed in the test result.
+The empty template for a test suite files looks like this:
+(Only the parts noted with ``<`` and ``>`` shall be changed.)
+. ../common/
+############# TEST CASES #################
+run_tc <tc-id or ts-id>.sh $1 $2
+The ../common/ contains all functions needed for a test suite file.
+The following is a list of the available functions in a test case file. Please see a defined test suite for examples.
+Sets up the test suite and print out a heading.
+**run_tc <tc-script> <$1 from test suite script> <$2 from test suite script>**</br>
+Execute a test case with arg from test suite script
+Print out the overall result of the executed test cases. \ No newline at end of file