path: root/test/csit/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/csit/tests')
45 files changed, 1826 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Create_Holmes_model.robot b/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Create_Holmes_model.robot
index 305044cb0..e8b1429d0 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Create_Holmes_model.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Create_Holmes_model.robot
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Set Properties for HolmesModel1
Select From List By Label id=vf vFirewall 0
Select From List By Label id=actionSet VNF
Select From List By Label id=location Data Center 2 Data Center 3
+ Input Text locator=deployParameters text={}
Click Button locator=Save
Set Policy Box properties for HolmesModel1
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Create_TCA_model.robot b/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Create_TCA_model.robot
index 0dc0a8abb..bdc537eab 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Create_TCA_model.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Create_TCA_model.robot
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Set Properties for TCAModel1
Select From List By Label id=vf vLoadBalancer 0
Select From List By Label id=actionSet VNF
Select From List By Label id=location Data Center 1 Data Center 3
+ Input Text locator=deployParameters text={}
Click Button locator=Save
Set Policy Box properties for TCAModel1
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/__init__.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/__init__.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0a96dbc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/__init__.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary
+Library ConsulLibrary
+Library VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary
+Suite Setup HV-VES Collector Suites Setup
+*** Keywords ***
+HV-VES Collector Suites Setup
+ Log Started Suite: HV-VES
+ Configure collector
+ Configure Dcae App
+ Log Suite setup finished
+Configure collector
+Configure Dcae App
+ Set Suite Variable ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGE_RESET_URL} children=True
+ Set Suite Variable ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} children=True
+ Set Suite Variable ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_VALIDATION_URL} children=True
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 10 sec 5 sec
+ ... Configure Dcae App Simulator To Consume Messages From Topics ${DCAE_APP_API_TOPIC_CONFIGURATION_URL} ${ROUTED_MESSAGES_TOPIC}
+*** Variables ***
+${HTTP_METHOD_URL} http://
+${DCAE_APP_CONTAINER_HOST} dcae-app-simulator
+${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_PATH} /messages/all
+${ROUTED_MESSAGES_TOPIC} test-hv-ran-meas
+${VES_HV_RESOURCES} %{WORKSPACE}/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/authorization.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/authorization.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b832f27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/authorization.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary
+Resource resources/common-keywords.robot
+Suite Setup Client Authorization Suite Setup
+Suite Teardown VES-HV Collector Suite Teardown
+Test Teardown VES-HV Collector Test Shutdown
+*** Keywords ***
+Client Authorization Suite Setup
+ Log Started Suite: VES-HV Client Authorization
+ ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}= Create List 7000
+ Configure Invalid xNF Simulators On Ports ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}
+ Log Suite setup finished
+*** Test Cases ***
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should not authorize XNF with invalid certificate and not route any message
+ ... to topics
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Invalid xNF Simulators 1
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_0}
+*** Variables ***
+${VES_HV_SCENARIOS} %{WORKSPACE}/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios
+${XNF_VALID_MESSAGES_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/authorization/xnf-valid-messages-request.json
+${AMOUNT_0} 0
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/ConsulLibrary.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/ConsulLibrary.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52d7e0eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/ConsulLibrary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from robot.api import logger
+import HttpRequests
+CONSUL_NAME = "Consul"
+class ConsulLibrary:
+ def publish_hv_ves_configuration_in_consul(self, consul_url, consul_configuration_filepath):
+ logger.info("Reading consul configuration file from: " + consul_configuration_filepath)
+ file = open(consul_configuration_filepath, "rb")
+ data = file.read()
+ file.close()
+ logger.info("PUT at: " + consul_url)
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().put(consul_url, data=data, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, CONSUL_NAME) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab3b1e21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import HttpRequests
+from robot.api import logger
+class DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary:
+ def configure_dcae_app_simulator_to_consume_messages_from_topics(self, app_url, topics):
+ logger.info("PUT at: " + app_url)
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().put(app_url, data={'topics': topics}, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, DCAE_APP_NAME)
+ def assert_DCAE_app_consumed(self, app_url, expected_messages_amount):
+ logger.info("GET at: " + app_url)
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().get(app_url, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, DCAE_APP_NAME)
+ assert resp.content == expected_messages_amount, \
+ "Messages consumed by simulator: " + resp.content + " expecting: " + expected_messages_amount
+ def assert_DCAE_app_consumed_less_equal_than(self, app_url, messages_threshold):
+ logger.info("GET at: " + app_url)
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().get(app_url, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, DCAE_APP_NAME)
+ logger.debug("Messages consumed by simulator: " + resp.content +
+ " expecting more than 0 and less/equal than " + messages_threshold)
+ assert 0 < int(resp.content) <= int(messages_threshold), \
+ "Messages consumed by simulator: " + resp.content + \
+ " expecting more than 0 and less/equal than " + messages_threshold
+ def reset_DCAE_app_simulator(self, app_url):
+ logger.info("DELETE at: " + app_url)
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().delete(app_url, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, DCAE_APP_NAME)
+ def assert_DCAE_app_consumed_proper_messages(self, app_url, message_filepath):
+ logger.info("POST at: " + app_url)
+ file = open(message_filepath, "rb")
+ data = file.read()
+ file.close()
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().post(app_url, data=data, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, DCAE_APP_NAME)
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/HttpRequests.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/HttpRequests.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d1d928b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/HttpRequests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import requests
+from robot.api import logger
+def session_without_env():
+ session = requests.Session()
+ session.trust_env = False
+ return session
+def checkStatusCode(status_code, server_name):
+ if status_code != 200:
+ logger.error("Response status code from " + server_name + ": " + str(status_code))
+ raise (Exception(server_name + " returned status code " + status_code)) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..989a796ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+from time import time
+from robot.api import logger
+import os.path
+import docker
+from io import BytesIO
+from os.path import basename
+from tarfile import TarFile, TarInfo
+LOCALHOST = "localhost"
+class VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary:
+ def get_consul_api_access_url(self, method, image_name, port):
+ return self.create_url(
+ method,
+ self.get_instance_address(image_name, port)
+ )
+ def get_xnf_sim_api_access_url(self, method, host):
+ if is_running_inside_docker():
+ return self.create_url(method, host)
+ else:
+ logger.info("File `/.dockerenv` not found. Assuming local environment and using localhost.")
+ port_from_container_name = str(host)[-4:]
+ return self.create_url(method, LOCALHOST + ":" + port_from_container_name)
+ def get_dcae_app_api_access_url(self, method, image_name, port):
+ return self.create_url(
+ method,
+ self.get_instance_address(image_name, port)
+ )
+ def get_instance_address(self, image_name, port):
+ if is_running_inside_docker():
+ return image_name + ":" + port
+ else:
+ logger.info("File `/.dockerenv` not found. Assuming local environment and using localhost.")
+ return LOCALHOST + ":" + port
+ def create_url(self, method, host_address):
+ return method + host_address
+def is_running_inside_docker():
+ return os.path.isfile("/.dockerenv")
+def copy_to_container(container_id, filepaths, path='/etc/ves-hv'):
+ with create_archive(filepaths) as archive:
+ docker.APIClient('unix:///var/run/docker.sock') \
+ .put_archive(container=container_id, path=(path), data=archive)
+def create_archive(filepaths):
+ tarstream = BytesIO()
+ tarfile = TarFile(fileobj=tarstream, mode='w')
+ for filepath in filepaths:
+ file = open(filepath, 'r')
+ file_data = file.read()
+ tarinfo = TarInfo(name=basename(file.name))
+ tarinfo.size = len(file_data)
+ tarinfo.mtime = time()
+ tarfile.addfile(tarinfo, BytesIO(file_data))
+ tarfile.close()
+ tarstream.seek(0)
+ return tarstream
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/XnfSimulatorLibrary.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/XnfSimulatorLibrary.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2466d7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/libraries/XnfSimulatorLibrary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+from VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary import copy_to_container
+import HttpRequests
+import os
+import docker
+from robot.api import logger
+from time import sleep
+SIMULATOR_IMAGE_NAME = "onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.hv-ves.hv-collector-xnf-simulator"
+certificates_dir_path = WORKSPACE_ENV + "/test/csit/plans/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testsuites/ssl/"
+collector_certs_lookup_dir = "/etc/ves-hv/"
+class XnfSimulatorLibrary:
+ def start_xnf_simulators(self, list_of_ports, valid_certs=True):
+ logger.info("Creating " + str(len(list_of_ports)) + " xNF Simulator containers")
+ dockerClient = docker.from_env()
+ cert_name_prefix = "" if valid_certs else "invalid_"
+ self.pullImageIfAbsent(dockerClient)
+ logger.info("Using image: " + SIMULATOR_IMAGE_FULL_NAME)
+ simulators_addresses = self.create_simulators(dockerClient, list_of_ports, cert_name_prefix)
+ self.assert_containers_startup_was_successful(dockerClient)
+ dockerClient.close()
+ return simulators_addresses
+ def pullImageIfAbsent(self, dockerClient):
+ try:
+ dockerClient.images.get(SIMULATOR_IMAGE_FULL_NAME)
+ except:
+ logger.console("Image " + SIMULATOR_IMAGE_FULL_NAME + " will be pulled from repository. "
+ "This can take a while.")
+ dockerClient.images.pull(SIMULATOR_IMAGE_FULL_NAME)
+ def create_simulators(self, dockerClient, list_of_ports, cert_name_prefix):
+ simulators_addresses = []
+ for port in list_of_ports:
+ container = self.run_simulator(dockerClient, port,
+ collector_certs_lookup_dir + cert_name_prefix + "client.crt",
+ collector_certs_lookup_dir + cert_name_prefix + "client.key",
+ collector_certs_lookup_dir + cert_name_prefix + "trust.crt"
+ )
+ logger.info("Started container: " + container.name + " " + container.id)
+ simulators_addresses.append(container.name + ":" + port)
+ return simulators_addresses
+ def run_simulator(self, dockerClient, port, client_crt_path, client_key_path, client_trust_store):
+ xNF_startup_command = ["--listen-port", port,
+ "--ves-host", "ves-hv-collector",
+ "--ves-port", "6061",
+ "--cert-file", client_crt_path,
+ "--private-key-file", client_key_path,
+ "--trust-cert-file", client_trust_store]
+ xNF_healthcheck_command = {
+ "interval": 5 * ONE_SECOND_IN_NANOS,
+ "timeout": 3 * ONE_SECOND_IN_NANOS,
+ "retries": 1,
+ "test": ["CMD", "curl", "--request", "GET",
+ "--fail", "--silent", "--show-error",
+ "localhost:" + port + "/healthcheck"]
+ }
+ logger.info("Startup command: " + str(xNF_startup_command))
+ logger.info("Healthcheck command: " + str(xNF_healthcheck_command))
+ return dockerClient.containers.run(SIMULATOR_IMAGE_FULL_NAME,
+ command=xNF_startup_command,
+ healthcheck=xNF_healthcheck_command,
+ detach=True,
+ network="ves-hv-default",
+ ports={port + "/tcp": port},
+ volumes=self.container_volumes(),
+ name="ves-hv-collector-xnf-simulator" + port)
+ def container_volumes(self):
+ return {certificates_dir_path: {"bind": collector_certs_lookup_dir, "mode": 'rw'}}
+ def assert_containers_startup_was_successful(self, dockerClient):
+ checks_amount = 6
+ check_interval_in_seconds = 5
+ for _ in range(checks_amount):
+ sleep(check_interval_in_seconds)
+ all_containers_healthy = True
+ for container in self.get_simulators_list(dockerClient):
+ all_containers_healthy = all_containers_healthy and self.is_container_healthy(container)
+ if (all_containers_healthy):
+ return
+ raise ContainerException("One of xNF simulators containers did not pass the healthcheck.")
+ def is_container_healthy(self, container):
+ container_health = container.attrs['State']['Health']['Status']
+ return container_health == 'healthy' and container.status == 'running'
+ def stop_and_remove_all_xnf_simulators(self, suite_name):
+ dockerClient = docker.from_env()
+ for container in self.get_simulators_list(dockerClient):
+ logger.info("Stopping and removing container: " + container.id)
+ log_filename = WORKSPACE_ENV + "/archives/containers_logs/" + \
+ suite_name.split(".")[-1] + "_" + container.name + ".log"
+ file = open(log_filename, "w+")
+ file.write(container.logs())
+ file.close()
+ container.stop()
+ container.remove()
+ dockerClient.close()
+ def get_simulators_list(self, dockerClient):
+ return dockerClient.containers.list(filters={"ancestor": SIMULATOR_IMAGE_FULL_NAME}, all=True)
+ def send_messages(self, simulator_url, message_filepath):
+ logger.info("Reading message to simulator from: " + message_filepath)
+ file = open(message_filepath, "rb")
+ data = file.read()
+ file.close()
+ logger.info("POST at: " + simulator_url)
+ resp = HttpRequests.session_without_env().post(simulator_url, data=data, timeout=5)
+ HttpRequests.checkStatusCode(resp.status_code, XNF_SIMULATOR_NAME)
+class ContainerException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ super(ContainerException, self).__init__(message)
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/message-routing.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/message-routing.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6153afa0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/message-routing.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary
+Library XnfSimulatorLibrary
+Library VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary
+Library Collections
+Resource resources/common-keywords.robot
+Suite Setup Message Routing Suite Setup
+Suite Teardown VES-HV Collector Suite Teardown
+Test Teardown VES-HV Collector Test Shutdown
+*** Keywords ***
+Message Routing Suite Setup
+ Log Started Suite: VES-HV Message Routing
+ ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}= Create List 7000
+ Configure Valid xNF Simulators On Ports ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}
+ Log Suite setup finished
+*** Test Cases ***
+Correct Messages Routing
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should route all valid messages to topics specified in configuration
+ ... and do not change message payload generated in XNF simulator
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Valid xNF Simulators 1
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_25000}
+Too big payload message handling
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should interrupt the stream when encountered message with too big payload
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Valid xNF Simulators 1
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed Less Equal Than ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_25000}
+Invalid wire frame message handling
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should skip messages with invalid wire frame
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Valid xNF Simulators 1
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_50000}
+Invalid GPB data message handling
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should skip messages with invalid GPB data
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Valid xNF Simulators 1
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_50000}
+Unsupported domain message handling
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should skip messages with unsupported domain
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Valid xNF Simulators 1
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_50000}
+*** Variables ***
+${HTTP_METHOD_URL} http://
+${XNF_SIM_API_PATH} /simulator/async
+${VES_HV_SCENARIOS} %{WORKSPACE}/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios
+${XNF_FIXED_PAYLOAD_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/fixed-payload/xnf-fixed-payload-request.json
+${XNF_TOO_BIG_PAYLOAD_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/too-big-payload/xnf-too-big-payload-request.json
+${XNF_INVALID_WIRE_FRAME_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/invalid-wire-frame/xnf-invalid-wire-frame-request.json
+${XNF_INVALID_GPB_DATA_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/invalid-gpb-data/xnf-invalid-gpb-data-request.json
+${XNF_UNSUPPORTED_DOMAIN_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/unsupported-domain/xnf-unsupported-domain-request.json
+${DCAE_FIXED_PAYLOAD_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/fixed-payload/dcae-fixed-payload-request.json
+${DCAE_INVALID_WIRE_FRAME_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/invalid-wire-frame/dcae-invalid-wire-frame-request.json
+${DCAE_INVALID_GPB_DATA_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/invalid-gpb-data/dcae-invalid-gpb-data-request.json
+${DCAE_UNSUPPORTED_DOMAIN_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/unsupported-domain/dcae-unsupported-domain-request.json
+${AMOUNT_25000} 25000
+${AMOUNT_50000} 50000
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/multiple-clients.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/multiple-clients.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..862a2bc6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/multiple-clients.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library DcaeAppSimulatorLibrary
+Resource resources/common-keywords.robot
+Suite Setup Multiple Clients Handling Suite Setup
+Suite Teardown VES-HV Collector Suite Teardown
+Test Teardown VES-HV Collector Test Shutdown
+*** Keywords ***
+Multiple Clients Handling Suite Setup
+ Log Started Suite: VES-HV Multiple Clients Handling
+ ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}= Create List 7000 7001 7002
+ Configure Valid xNF Simulators On Ports ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}
+ Log Suite setup finished
+*** Test Cases ***
+Handle Multiple Connections
+ [Documentation] VES-HV Collector should handle multiple incoming transmissions
+ ${SIMULATORS_LIST}= Get Valid xNF Simulators 3
+ Wait until keyword succeeds 60 sec 5 sec
+ ... Assert Dcae App Consumed ${DCAE_APP_API_MESSAGES_COUNT_URL} ${AMOUNT_15000}
+*** Variables ***
+${VES_HV_SCENARIOS} %{WORKSPACE}/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios
+${XNF_SMALLER_PAYLOAD_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/multiple-simulators-payload/xnf-simulator-smaller-valid-request.json
+${DCAE_SMALLER_PAYLOAD_REQUEST} ${VES_HV_SCENARIOS}/multiple-simulators-payload/dcae-smaller-valid-request.json
+${AMOUNT_15000} 15000
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/common-keywords.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/common-keywords.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc03de232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/common-keywords.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library XnfSimulatorLibrary
+Library VesHvContainersUtilsLibrary
+Library Collections
+*** Keywords ***
+Configure Valid xNF Simulators On Ports
+ [Arguments] ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}
+Configure Invalid xNF Simulators On Ports
+ [Arguments] ${XNF_PORTS_LIST}
+Get Valid xNF Simulators
+ [Arguments] ${AMOUNT}
+ [Return] ${SIMULATORS}
+Get Invalid xNF Simulators
+ [Arguments] ${AMOUNT}
+ [Return] ${SIMULATORS}
+Send Messages From xNF Simulators
+ \ ${XNF_SIM_API_ACCESS}= Get xNF Sim Api Access Url ${HTTP_METHOD_URL} ${HOST}
+ \ Send messages ${XNF_SIM_API_URL} ${MESSAGE_FILEPATH}
+VES-HV Collector Test Shutdown
+VES-HV Collector Suite Teardown
+ Stop And Remove All Xnf Simulators ${SUITE NAME}
+*** Variables ***
+${HTTP_METHOD_URL} http://
+${XNF_SIM_API_PATH} /simulator/async
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios/authorization/xnf-valid-messages-request.json b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios/authorization/xnf-valid-messages-request.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c71793d7d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ {
+ "commonEventHeader": {
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 500000
+ }
+] \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb53f50ec
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
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+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "FIXED_PAYLOAD",
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+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb53f50ec
--- /dev/null
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+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "FIXED_PAYLOAD",
+ "messagesAmount": 25000
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..772b03bef
--- /dev/null
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
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+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 50000
+ }
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
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+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
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+ {
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+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
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+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
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+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
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+ }
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index 000000000..772b03bef
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 50000
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88d4e325d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ {
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+ "startEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "INVALID_WIRE_FRAME",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 25000
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d34a7e24
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "FIXED_PAYLOAD",
+ "messagesAmount": 15000
+ }
+] \ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ {
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+ "startEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "FIXED_PAYLOAD",
+ "messagesAmount": 5000
+ }
+] \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1c727a0c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
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+ "messagesAmount": 25000
+ },
+ {
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "TOO_BIG_PAYLOAD",
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+ {
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+ "eventType": "sample-event-type",
+ "startEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 25000
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..772b03bef
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
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+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 50000
+ }
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index 000000000..e37e20d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/scenarios/unsupported-domain/xnf-unsupported-domain-request.json
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ {
+ "commonEventHeader": {
+ "version": "sample-version",
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+ "eventType": "sample-event-type",
+ "startEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 25000
+ },
+ {
+ "commonEventHeader": {
+ "version": "sample-version",
+ "domain": "FAULT",
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+ "priority": 1,
+ "eventId": "sample-event-id",
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+ "eventType": "sample-event-type",
+ "startEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "commonEventHeader": {
+ "version": "sample-version",
+ "domain": "HVRANMEAS",
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+ "priority": 1,
+ "eventId": "sample-event-id",
+ "eventName": "sample-event-name",
+ "eventType": "sample-event-type",
+ "startEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "lastEpochMicrosec": 120034455,
+ "nfNamingCode": "sample-nf-naming-code",
+ "nfcNamingCode": "sample-nfc-naming-code",
+ "reportingEntityId": "sample-reporting-entity-id",
+ "reportingEntityName": "sample-reporting-entity-name",
+ "sourceId": "sample-source-id",
+ "sourceName": "sample-source-name"
+ },
+ "messageType": "VALID",
+ "messagesAmount": 25000
+ }
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/ves-hv-configuration.json b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/ves-hv-configuration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3235a0c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2-collectors-hv-ves/testcases/resources/ves-hv-configuration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "kafkaBootstrapServers": "kafka:9092",
+ "routing": [
+ {
+ "fromDomain": 11,
+ "toTopic": "test-hv-ran-meas"
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index e69de29bb..f13ba6df8 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/__init__.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/__init__.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Integration - PRH suite \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/prh_tests.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/prh_tests.robot
index b7013c4a2..5150a4b35 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/prh_tests.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/prh_tests.robot
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Resource resources/prh_library.robot
${PRH_URL} http://${PRH}
-${EVENT_WITH_ALL_VALID_REQUIRED_FIELDS} {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002E", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
+${EVENT_WITH_ALL_VALID_REQUIRED_FIELDS} {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"NOK6061ZW1"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
${Not_json_format} ""
*** Test Cases ***
@@ -19,28 +19,18 @@ Valid DMaaP event can be converted to PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH Valid event
[Template] Valid event processing
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002G", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002F", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Ericsson", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC5400000", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85b3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"NOK6061ZW2"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"ERI6061ZW3"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8b2e:0370:7334"}}}
Invalid DMaaP event cannot be converted to PNF_READY notification
[Documentation] PRH get invalid event from DMaaP with missing required fields - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH Invalid event
[Template] Invalid event processing
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002E", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"Nokia", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002E", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002E", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002E", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"QTFCOC540002E", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
- {"event": {"otherFields": {"pnfVendorName":"", "pnfSerialNumber":"", "pnfOamIpv4Address":"", "pnfOamIpv6Address":""}}}
- ${Not_json_format}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"NOK6061ZW4"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2a:0370:7334"}}}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8b2f:0370:7334"}}}
+ {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
Get valid event from DMaaP and record in AAI does not exist
[Documentation] PRH get valid event from DMaaP with all required fields and in AAI record doesn't exist - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
@@ -48,7 +38,13 @@ Get valid event from DMaaP and record in AAI does not exist
[Timeout] 30s
Set PNF name in AAI wrong_aai_record
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.exceptions.AAINotFoundException: Incorrect response code for continuation of tasks workflow
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log java.io.IOException: Connection closed prematurely
+Event in DMaaP is not JSON format
+ [Documentation] PRH get not JSON format event from DMaaP - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
+ [Tags] PRH
+ Set event in DMaaP ${Not_json_format}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log |java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not a JSON Array:
Get valid event from DMaaP and AAI is not responding
[Documentation] PRH get valid event from DMaaP with all required fields and AAI is not responding - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
@@ -56,4 +52,4 @@ Get valid event from DMaaP and AAI is not responding
[Timeout] 180s
Stop AAI
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log java.net.NoRouteToHostException: Host is unreachable (Host unreachable)
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log java.net.UnknownHostException: aai
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/PrhLibrary.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/PrhLibrary.py
index ac3fba46e..c2a8b78a2 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/PrhLibrary.py
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/PrhLibrary.py
@@ -21,16 +21,18 @@ class PrhLibrary(object):
def create_pnf_ready_notification(json_file):
json_to_python = json.loads(json_file)
- ipv4 = json_to_python["event"]["otherFields"]["pnfOamIpv4Address"]
- ipv6 = json_to_python["event"]["otherFields"]["pnfOamIpv6Address"]
- pnf_name = _create_pnf_name(json_file)
- str_json = '{"pnf-name":"' + pnf_name + '","ipaddress-v4-oam":"' + ipv4 + '","ipaddress-v6-oam":"' + ipv6 + '"}'
+ ipv4 = json_to_python["event"]["pnfRegistrationFields"]["oamV4IpAddress"]
+ ipv6 = json_to_python["event"]["pnfRegistrationFields"]["oamV6IpAddress"]
+ header = json_to_python["event"]["commonEventHeader"]["sourceName"]
+ str_json = '{"sourceName":"' + header + '","ipaddress-v4-oam":"' + ipv4 + '","ipaddress-v6-oam":"' + ipv6 + '"}'
python_to_json = json.dumps(str_json)
return python_to_json.replace("\\", "")[1:-1]
def create_pnf_name(json_file):
- return _create_pnf_name(json_file)
+ json_to_python = json.loads(json_file)
+ header = json_to_python["event"]["commonEventHeader"]["sourceName"]
+ return header
def stop_aai():
@@ -38,9 +40,7 @@ class PrhLibrary(object):
container = client.containers.get('aai_simulator')
-def _create_pnf_name(json_file):
- json_to_python = json.loads(json_file)
- vendor = json_to_python["event"]["otherFields"]["pnfVendorName"]
- serial_number = json_to_python["event"]["otherFields"]["pnfSerialNumber"]
- return vendor[:3].upper() + serial_number
+ def create_invalid_notification(self, json_file):
+ return self.create_pnf_ready_notification(json_file).replace("\":", "\": ")\
+ .replace("ipaddress-v4-oam", "oamV4IpAddress").replace("ipaddress-v6-oam", "oamV6IpAddress")\
+ .replace("}", "\\\\n}")
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/docker-compose.yml b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/docker-compose.yml
index b1f84fda2..67921e8e0 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/docker-compose.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
version: '3'
- image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.prh-app-server
+ image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.prh-app-server:latest
command: >
- --dmaap.dmaapConsumerConfiguration.dmaapPortNumber=2222
- --dmaap.dmaapProducerConfiguration.dmaapPortNumber=2222
- --aai.aaiClientConfiguration.aaiHostPortNumber=3333
- --aai.aaiClientConfiguration.aaiProtocol=http
+ --dmaap.dmaapConsumerConfiguration.dmaapHostName=dmaap
+ --dmaap.dmaapConsumerConfiguration.dmaapPortNumber=2222
+ --dmaap.dmaapProducerConfiguration.dmaapHostName=dmaap
+ --dmaap.dmaapProducerConfiguration.dmaapPortNumber=2222
+ --aai.aaiClientConfiguration.aaiHostPortNumber=3333
+ --aai.aaiClientConfiguration.aaiHost=aai
+ --aai.aaiClientConfiguration.aaiProtocol=http
- java
- -Dspring.profiles.active=dev
@@ -18,10 +21,10 @@ services:
- "8433:8433"
container_name: prh
- - dmaap_simulator
- - aai_simulator
+ - dmaap
+ - aai
- dmaap_simulator:
+ dmaap:
context: simulator
dockerfile: DMaaP_simulator
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ services:
- "2222:2222"
container_name: dmaap_simulator
- aai_simulator:
+ aai:
context: simulator
dockerfile: AAI_simulator
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/prh_library.robot b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/prh_library.robot
index 10bc26c18..fa8c0d052 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/prh_library.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/prh_library.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
*** Settings ***
Library RequestsLibrary
Library Collections
+Library PrhLibrary.py
*** Keywords ***
Create header
@@ -17,8 +18,10 @@ Invalid event processing
[Arguments] ${input_invalid_event_in_dmaap}
[Timeout] 30s
Set event in DMaaP ${input_invalid_event_in_dmaap}
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 100ms Check PRH log INFO 1 --- [pool-2-thread-1] o.o.d.s.prh.tasks.DmaapConsumerTaskImpl \ : Consumed model from DmaaP: ${input_invalid_event_in_dmaap}
+ ${invalid_notification}= Create invalid notification ${input_invalid_event_in_dmaap}
+ ${notification}= Catenate SEPARATOR= \\\\n |org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.exceptions.DmaapNotFoundException: Incorrect json, consumerDmaapModel can not be created: ${invalid_notification}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 100ms Check PRH log ${notification}
Valid event processing
[Arguments] ${input_valid_event_in_dmaap}
[Timeout] 30s
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI.py
index e70d8d30f..c57903c30 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI.py
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ pnfs = 'Empty'
class AAIHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_PUT(self):
if re.search('/set_pnfs', self.path):
global pnfs
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI_simulator b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI_simulator
index 013cd0a65..89a266ebe 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI_simulator
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/AAI_simulator
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
-FROM python:3
+FROM alpine:3.8
+RUN apk add --no-cache python3 && \
+ python3 -m ensurepip && \
+ rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip && \
+ pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools && \
+ if [ ! -e /usr/bin/pip ]; then ln -s pip3 /usr/bin/pip ; fi && \
+ if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python; fi && \
+ rm -r /root/.cache
ADD AAI.py /
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP.py b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP.py
index 210378421..96e22a141 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP.py
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ received_event_to_get_method = 'Empty'
class DMaaPHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_PUT(self):
if re.search('/set_get_event', self.path):
global received_event_to_get_method
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ class DMaaPHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
- if re.search('/events/unauthenticated.SEC_OTHER_OUTPUT/OpenDcae-c12/c12', self.path):
+ if re.search('/events/unauthenticated.VES_PNFREG_OUTPUT/OpenDcae-c12/c12', self.path):
elif re.search('/events/pnfReady', self.path):
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP_simulator b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP_simulator
index cf4160c89..9cf21dc92 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP_simulator
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dcaegen2/prh-testcases/resources/simulator/DMaaP_simulator
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
-FROM python:3
+FROM alpine:3.8
+RUN apk add --no-cache python3 && \
+ python3 -m ensurepip && \
+ rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip && \
+ pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools && \
+ if [ ! -e /usr/bin/pip ]; then ln -s pip3 /usr/bin/pip ; fi && \
+ if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python; fi && \
+ rm -r /root/.cache
ADD DMaaP.py /
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dmaap-buscontroller/with_dr/orig b/test/csit/tests/dmaap-buscontroller/with_dr/orig
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fcac20263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dmaap-buscontroller/with_dr/orig
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library requests
+Library Collections
+Library String
+*** Variables ***
+${TARGET_URL} https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443
+${TARGET_URL_FEED} https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/feed/1
+${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIBE} https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/subscribe/1
+${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION} https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/subs/1
+${TARGET_URL_PUBLISH} https://${DR_NODE_IP}:8443/publish/1/csit_test
+${CREATE_FEED_DATA} {"name": "CSIT_Test", "version": "m1.0", "description": "CSIT_Test", "business_description": "CSIT_Test", "suspend": false, "deleted": false, "changeowner": true, "authorization": {"classification": "unclassified", "endpoint_addrs": [], "endpoint_ids": [{"password": "rs873m", "id": "rs873m"}]}}
+${UPDATE_FEED_DATA} {"name": "CSIT_Test", "version": "m1.0", "description": "UPDATED-CSIT_Test", "business_description": "CSIT_Test", "suspend": true, "deleted": false, "changeowner": true, "authorization": {"classification": "unclassified", "endpoint_addrs": [], "endpoint_ids": [{"password": "rs873m", "id": "rs873m"}]}}
+${SUBSCRIBE_DATA} {"delivery":{ "url":"https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8080/", "user":"rs873m", "password":"rs873m", "use100":true}, "metadataOnly":false, "suspend":false, "groupid":29, "subscriber":"sg481n"}
+${UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA} {"delivery":{ "url":"https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8080/", "user":"sg481n", "password":"sg481n", "use100":true}, "metadataOnly":false, "suspend":true, "groupid":29, "subscriber":"sg481n"}
+${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE} application/vnd.att-dr.feed
+${SUBSCRIBE_CONTENT_TYPE} application/vnd.att-dr.subscription
+${PUBLISH_FEED_CONTENT_TYPE} application/octet-stream
+*** Test Cases ***
+Run Feed Creation
+ [Documentation] Feed Creation
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ ${resp}= PostCall ${TARGET_URL} ${CREATE_FEED_DATA} ${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE} rs873m
+ log ${TARGET_URL}
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Subscribe to Feed
+ [Documentation] Subscribe to Feed
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Publish Feed
+ [Documentation] Publish to Feed
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ Sleep 10s Behaviour was noticed where feed was not created in time for publish to be sent
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Update Subscription
+ [Documentation] Update Subscription to suspend and change delivery credentials
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} "password":"sg481n","user":"sg481n"
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Update Feed
+ [Documentation] Update Feed description and suspend
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+ ${resp}= GetCall ${TARGET_URL_FEED} ${FEED_CONTENT_TYPE} rs873m
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} "UPDATED-CSIT_Test"
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Delete Subscription
+ [Documentation] Delete Subscription
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ ${resp}= DeleteCall ${TARGET_URL_SUBSCRIPTION} sg481n
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+Run Delete Feed
+ [Documentation] Delete Feed
+ [Timeout] 1 minute
+ ${resp}= DeleteCall ${TARGET_URL_FEED} rs873m
+ log ${resp.text}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
+ log 'JSON Response Code:'${resp}
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${data} ${content_type} ${user}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user} Content-Type=${content_type}
+ ${resp}= Evaluate requests.post('${url}',data='${data}', headers=${headers},verify=False) requests
+ [Return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${data} ${content_type} ${user}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user} Content-Type=${content_type} Authorization=Basic cnM4NzNtOnJzODczbQ==
+ ${resp}= Evaluate requests.put('${url}',data='${data}', headers=${headers},verify=False) requests
+ [Return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${content_type} ${user}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user} Content-Type=${content_type}
+ ${resp}= Evaluate requests.get('${url}', headers=${headers},verify=False) requests
+ [Return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${user}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ATT-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user}
+ ${resp}= Evaluate requests.delete('${url}', headers=${headers},verify=False) requests
+ [Return] ${resp}
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/dmaap-buscontroller/with_dr/test1.robot b/test/csit/tests/dmaap-buscontroller/with_dr/test1.robot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3aef42b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/dmaap-buscontroller/with_dr/test1.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Resource ../../common.robot
+Library Collections
+Library json
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
+Library String
+*** Variables ***
+${MESSAGE} Hello, world!
+${DBC_URI} webapi
+${DBC_URL} http://${DMAAPBC_IP}:8080/${DBC_URI}
+${LOC} csit-sanfrancisco
+${PUB_CORE} "dcaeLocationName": "${LOC}", "clientRole": "org.onap.dmaap.client.pub", "action": [ "pub", "view" ]
+${SUB_CORE} "dcaeLocationName": "${LOC}", "clientRole": "org.onap.dmaap.client.sub", "action": [ "sub", "view" ]
+${PUB} { ${PUB_CORE} }
+${SUB} { ${SUB_CORE} }
+${FEED1_DATA} { "feedName":"feed1", "feedVersion": "csit", "feedDescription":"generated for CSIT", "owner":"dgl", "asprClassification": "unclassified" }
+${FEED2_DATA} { "feedName":"feed2", "feedVersion": "csit", "feedDescription":"generated for CSIT", "owner":"dgl", "asprClassification": "unclassified" }
+${PUB2_DATA} { "dcaeLocationName": "${LOC}", "username": "pub2", "userpwd": "topSecret123", "feedId": "2" }
+${SUB2_DATA} { "dcaeLocationName": "${LOC}", "username": "sub2", "userpwd": "someSecret123", "deliveryURL": "https://${DMAAPBC_IP}:8443/webapi/noURI", "feedId": "2" }
+${TOPIC2_DATA} { "topicName":"singleMRtopic2", "topicDescription":"generated for CSIT", "owner":"dgl", "clients": [ ${PUB}, ${SUB}] }
+${TOPIC3_DATA} { "topicName":"singleMRtopic3", "topicDescription":"generated for CSIT", "owner":"dgl"}
+#${PUB3_DATA} { "fqtn": "${TOPIC_NS}.singleMRtopic3", ${PUB_CORE} }
+#${SUB3_DATA} { "fqtn": "${TOPIC_NS}.singleMRtopic3", ${SUB_CORE} }
+*** Test Cases ***
+Url Test
+ [Documentation] Check if www.onap.org can be reached
+ Create Session sanity http://onap.readthedocs.io
+ ${resp}= Get Request sanity /
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Create Feed w no clients POST ${DBC_URI}/feeds endpoint
+ ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/feeds ${FEED1_DATA}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Create Feed w clients POST ${DBC_URI}/feeds endpoint
+ ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/feeds ${FEED2_DATA}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Add Publisher to existing feed
+ ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/dr_pubs ${PUB2_DATA}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 201
+ ${tmp}= Get Json Value ${resp.text} /pubId
+ ${tmp}= Remove String ${tmp} \"
+ Set Suite Variable ${pubId} ${tmp}
+ [Documentation] Add Subscriber to existing feed
+ ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/dr_subs ${SUB2_DATA}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 201
+ ${tmp}= Get Json Value ${resp.text} /subId
+ ${tmp}= Remove String ${tmp} \"
+ Set Suite Variable ${subId} ${tmp}
+ [Documentation] List existing feeds
+ Create Session get ${DBC_URL}
+ ${resp}= Get Request get /feeds
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Documentation] Delete existing subscriber
+ ${resp}= DelCall ${DBC_URL}/dr_subs/${subId}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 204
+ [Documentation] Delete existing publisher
+ ${resp}= DelCall ${DBC_URL}/dr_pubs/${pubId}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 204
+# [Documentation] Create Topic w pub and sub clients POST ${DBC_URI}/topics endpoint
+# ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/topics ${TOPIC2_DATA}
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 201
+# [Documentation] Create Topic w no clients and then add a client POST ${DBC_URI}/mr_clients endpoint
+# ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/topics ${TOPIC3_DATA}
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 201
+# ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/mr_clients ${PUB3_DATA}
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+# ${resp}= PostCall ${DBC_URL}/mr_clients ${SUB3_DATA}
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+# [Documentation] Query for all topics and specific topic
+# Create Session get ${DBC_URL}
+# ${resp}= Get Request get /topics
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+# ${resp}= Get Request get /topics/${TOPIC_NS}.singleMRtopic3
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+# [Documentation] Delete a subscriber
+# Create Session get ${DBC_URL}
+# ${resp}= Get Request get /topics/${TOPIC_NS}.singleMRtopic3
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+# ${tmp}= Get Json Value ${resp.text} /clients/1/mrClientId
+# ${clientId}= Remove String ${tmp} \"
+# ${resp}= DelCall ${DBC_URL}/mr_clients/${clientId}
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 204
+# [Documentation] Delete a publisher
+# Create Session get ${DBC_URL}
+# ${resp}= Get Request get /topics/${TOPIC_NS}.singleMRtopic3
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+# ${tmp}= Get Json Value ${resp.text} /clients/0/mrClientId
+# ${clientId}= Remove String ${tmp} \"
+# ${resp}= DelCall ${DBC_URL}/mr_clients/${clientId}
+# Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 204
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Arguments] ${path}
+ Directory Should Exist ${path}
+ [Arguments] ${session} ${path} ${expect}
+ ${resp}= Get Request ${session} ${path}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} ${expect}
+ [Arguments] ${url} ${data}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Evaluate requests.post('${url}',data='${data}', headers=${headers},verify=False) requests
+ [Return] ${resp}
+ [Arguments] ${url}
+ ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json
+ ${resp}= Evaluate requests.delete('${url}', headers=${headers},verify=False) requests
+ [Return] ${resp}
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/music/music-suite/music-test.robot b/test/csit/tests/music/music-suite/music-test.robot
index 9f8e435c8..9fc937e49 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/music/music-suite/music-test.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/music/music-suite/music-test.robot
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ Library json
*** Variables ***
${MESSAGE} {"ping": "ok"}
+${BASIC} Basic
+${Authorization} ${BASIC} ${AUTHVALUE}
#global variables
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ Music AddOnBoarding
[Documentation] It sends a REST POST request to Music to Onboard a new application
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}onboard.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Post Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/admin/onboardAppWithMusic data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ Music CreateKeyspace
[Documentation] It sends a REST POST request to Music to create a new keyspace in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}createkeyspace.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Post Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ Music CreateTable
[Documentation] It sends a REST POST request to Music to create a new Table in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}createtable.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Post Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ Music InsertRow
[Documentation] It sends a REST POST request to Music to create a new row in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}insertrow_eventual.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Post Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable/rows/?row=emp1 data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ Music InsertRow
Music ReadRowJustInserted
[Documentation] It sends a REST GET request to Music to Read the row just inserted in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Get Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable/rows?name=emp1 headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ Music UpdateRowInAtomicWay
[Documentation] It sends a REST PUT request to Music to create a new row in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}updaterow_atomic.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Put Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable/rows?name=emp1 data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ Music UpdateRowInAtomicWay
Music ReadRowAfterUpdate
[Documentation] It sends a REST GET request to Music to Read the row just inserted in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Get Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable/rows?name=emp1 headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ Music DeleteRow
[Documentation] It sends a REST DELETE request to Music to delete a row in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}deleterow_eventual.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Delete Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable/rows?name=emp1 data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ Music DropTable
[Documentation] It sends a REST Delete request to Music to drop one existing Table in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}droptable.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Delete Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace/tables/MusicOnapTable data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ Music DropKeyspace
[Documentation] It sends a REST DELETE request to Music to drop one existing keyspace in Cassandra
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}dropkeyspace.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Delete Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/keyspaces/MusicOnapKeyspace data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
@@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ Music DeleteOnBoarding
[Documentation] It sends a REST DELETE request to Music to remove a previosly onboarded application
Create Session musicaas ${MUSIC_HOSTNAME}:${MUSIC_PORT}
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}onboard.json
- &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 userId=music password=music aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary ns=lb7254 Authorization=${Authorization} aid=${generatedAID} Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
${resp}= Delete Request musicaas /MUSIC/rest/v2/admin/onboardAppWithMusic data=${data} headers=${headers}
Log To Console *********************
Log To Console response = ${resp}
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/optf-has/has/optf_has_test.robot b/test/csit/tests/optf-has/has/optf_has_test.robot
index 815ffa850..deba6470e 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/optf-has/has/optf_has_test.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/optf-has/has/optf_has_test.robot
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ Get Root Url
Log To Console response = ${resp}
Log To Console body = ${resp.text}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Sleep 10s Wait For 10 seconds
Conductor AddHealthcheck Row Into Music
[Documentation] It sends a REST PUT request to Music to inject healthcheck plan
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/policy/suite1/global_properties.robot b/test/csit/tests/policy/suite1/global_properties.robot
index f406bbf3d..911fdaff9 100644
--- a/test/csit/tests/policy/suite1/global_properties.robot
+++ b/test/csit/tests/policy/suite1/global_properties.robot
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} Rackspace
${GLOBAL_VM_PRIVATE_KEY} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/keys/robot_ssh_private_key.pvt
# policy info - everything is from the private oam network (also called ecomp private network)
-${GLOBAL_POLICY_PASSWORD} zb!XztG34 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/docker-compose.yml b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93b317001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+version: '3'
+ vid-server:
+ image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/vid:latest
+ environment:
+ - VID_MYSQL_DBNAME=vid_openecomp_epsdk
+ - VID_MYSQL_PASS=Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U
+ ports:
+ - "8080:8080"
+ container_name: vid-server
+ links:
+ - vid-mariadb:vid-mariadb-docker-instance
+ vid-mariadb:
+ image: mariadb:10
+ environment:
+ - MYSQL_DATABASE=vid_openecomp_epsdk
+ - MYSQL_USER=vidadmin
+ - MYSQL_PASSWORD=Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U
+ container_name: vid-mariadb
+ volumes:
+ - ${WORKSPACE}/data/clone/vid/lf_config/vid-my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
+ - ${WORKSPACE}/data/clone/vid/lf_config/vid-schema.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/vid-schema.sql
+ - /var/lib/mysql
+ sdc_simulator:
+ build:
+ context: simulators
+ dockerfile: SDC_simulator
+ ports:
+ - "8443:8443"
+ container_name: sdc_simulator \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/SDC.py b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/SDC.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e99a0bdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/SDC.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import ssl
+from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
+from sys import argv
+class SDCHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
+ self.response_on_get = self._read_on_get_response()
+ super().__init__(request, client_address, server)
+ def do_GET(self):
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self._set_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(self.response_on_get.encode("utf-8"))
+ return
+ def _set_headers(self):
+ self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
+ self.end_headers()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _read_on_get_response():
+ with open('sdc_get_response.json', 'r') as file:
+ return file.read()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ SDCHandler.protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
+ httpd = HTTPServer(('', DEFAULT_PORT), SDCHandler)
+ httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, server_side=True, certfile='cert.pem', keyfile='key.pem')
+ httpd.serve_forever()
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/SDC_simulator b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/SDC_simulator
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c099787dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/SDC_simulator
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+FROM alpine:latest
+RUN apk add --no-cache python3 && \
+ python3 -m ensurepip && \
+ rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip && \
+ pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools && \
+ if [ ! -e /usr/bin/pip ]; then ln -s pip3 /usr/bin/pip ; fi && \
+ if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python; fi && \
+ rm -r /root/.cache
+ADD SDC.py /
+EXPOSE 8443
+CMD [ "python", "./SDC.py" ]
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/cert.pem b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/cert.pem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cea1e37a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/cert.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Bag Attributes
+ friendlyName: 1
+ localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 35 33 35 36 31 39 34 30 35 39 30 38
+subject=/C=US/ST=Michigan/L=Southfield/O=ATT Services, Inc./OU=ASDC/CN=mtanjv9sdcf51.aic.cip.att.com
+issuer=/C=US/O=Symantec Corporation/OU=Symantec Trust Network/CN=Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
+Bag Attributes
+ friendlyName: CN=Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4,OU=Symantec Trust Network,O=Symantec Corporation,C=US
+subject=/C=US/O=Symantec Corporation/OU=Symantec Trust Network/CN=Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
+issuer=/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
+-----END CERTIFICATE----- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/key.pem b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..641d13fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/sdc_get_response.json b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/sdc_get_response.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f7e118c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csit/tests/vid/resources/simulators/sdc_get_response.json
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ "service": {
+ "uuid": "2763bc78-8523-482f-895b-0c0db7364224",
+ "invariantUuid": "abb2dc66-b211-49d2-ab2f-8774694136fa",
+ "name": "Bare2",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "toscaModelURL": null,
+ "category": "Network L1-3",
+ "serviceType": "",
+ "serviceRole": "",
+ "description": "Bare2",
+ "serviceEcompNaming": "true",
+ "instantiationType": "ClientConfig",
+ "inputs": {}
+ },
+ "vnfs": {
+ "95e654c0-676b-4386-8a69 0": {
+ "uuid": "d6395498-7ecb-4eba-bf84-4380f6e9cdcf",
+ "invariantUuid": "16262b97-bcb1-4033-8f9f-a3016eaf1ec3",
+ "description": "vendor software product",
+ "name": "95e654c0-676b-4386-8a69",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "customizationUuid": "34a3b91d-8d73-4412-bf4e-c6456741007f",
+ "inputs": {},
+ "commands": {},
+ "properties": {
+ "vf_module_id": "vTrafficPNG",
+ "repo_url_blob": "https://nexus.onap.org/content/sites/raw",
+ "unprotected_private_subnet_id": "zdfw1fwl01_unprotected_sub",
+ "public_net_id": "PUT THE PUBLIC NETWORK ID HERE",
+ "vfw_private_ip_0": "",
+ "onap_private_subnet_id": "PUT THE ONAP PRIVATE NETWORK NAME HERE",
+ "onap_private_net_cidr": "",
+ "image_name": "PUT THE VM IMAGE NAME HERE (UBUNTU 1404)",
+ "flavor_name": "PUT THE VM FLAVOR NAME HERE (m1.medium suggested)",
+ "vnf_id": "vPNG_Firewall_demo_app",
+ "vpg_name_0": "zdfw1fwl01pgn01",
+ "vpg_private_ip_1": "",
+ "vsn_private_ip_0": "",
+ "vpg_private_ip_0": "",
+ "protected_private_net_cidr": "",
+ "unprotected_private_net_cidr": "",
+ "nf_naming": "{ecomp_generated_naming=true}",
+ "multi_stage_design": "false",
+ "onap_private_net_id": "PUT THE ONAP PRIVATE NETWORK NAME HERE",
+ "unprotected_private_net_id": "zdfw1fwl01_unprotected",
+ "availability_zone_max_count": "1",
+ "demo_artifacts_version": "1.2.1",
+ "pub_key": "PUT YOUR PUBLIC KEY HERE",
+ "key_name": "vfw_key",
+ "repo_url_artifacts": "https://nexus.onap.org/content/repositories/releases",
+ "install_script_version": "1.2.1",
+ "cloud_env": "PUT openstack OR rackspace HERE"
+ },
+ "type": "VF",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "95e654c0-676b-4386-8a69 0",
+ "vfModules": {
+ "95e654c0676b43868a690..95e654c0676b43868a69..base_vpkg..module-0": {
+ "uuid": "12082e9d-a854-48cc-8243-e24b26199856",
+ "invariantUuid": "239419df-3375-49fe-9dd4-73b3393858ba",
+ "customizationUuid": "32c824f7-5910-4d7a-88ad-188d4905675d",
+ "description": null,
+ "name": "95e654c0676b43868a69..base_vpkg..module-0",
+ "version": "1",
+ "volumeGroupAllowed": false,
+ "commands": {},
+ "modelCustomizationName": "95e654c0676b43868a69..base_vpkg..module-0",
+ "properties": {
+ "min_vf_module_instances": {
+ "name": "min_vf_module_instances",
+ "value": 1,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "The minimum instances of this VF-Module",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "vf_module_label": {
+ "name": "vf_module_label",
+ "value": "base_vpkg",
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Alternate textual key used to reference this VF-Module model. Must be unique within the VNF model\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "max_vf_module_instances": {
+ "name": "max_vf_module_instances",
+ "value": 1,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "The maximum instances of this VF-Module",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "vfc_list": {
+ "name": "vfc_list",
+ "value": null,
+ "entrySchema": {
+ "description": "<vfc_id>:<count>",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Identifies the set of VM types and their count included in the VF-Module\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "map"
+ },
+ "vf_module_type": {
+ "name": "vf_module_type",
+ "value": "Base",
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "vf_module_description": {
+ "name": "vf_module_description",
+ "value": null,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Description of the VF-modules contents and purpose (e.g. \"Front-End\" or \"Database Cluster\")\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "initial_count": {
+ "name": "initial_count",
+ "value": 1,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "The initial count of instances of the VF-Module. The value must be in the range between min_vfmodule_instances and max_vfmodule_instances. If no value provided the initial count is the min_vfmodule_instances.\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "volume_group": {
+ "name": "volume_group",
+ "value": false,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "\"true\" indicates that this VF Module model requires attachment to a Volume Group. VID operator must select the Volume Group instance to attach to a VF-Module at deployment time.\n",
+ "default": false,
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "availability_zone_count": {
+ "name": "availability_zone_count",
+ "value": null,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Quantity of Availability Zones needed for this VF-Module (source: Extracted from VF-Module HEAT template)\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "isBase": {
+ "name": "isBase",
+ "value": false,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Whether this module should be deployed before other modules",
+ "default": false,
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "volumeGroups": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "networks": {},
+ "configurations": {},
+ "serviceProxies": {},
+ "vfModules": {
+ "95e654c0676b43868a690..95e654c0676b43868a69..base_vpkg..module-0": {
+ "uuid": "12082e9d-a854-48cc-8243-e24b26199856",
+ "invariantUuid": "239419df-3375-49fe-9dd4-73b3393858ba",
+ "customizationUuid": "32c824f7-5910-4d7a-88ad-188d4905675d",
+ "description": null,
+ "name": "95e654c0676b43868a69..base_vpkg..module-0",
+ "version": "1",
+ "volumeGroupAllowed": false,
+ "commands": {},
+ "modelCustomizationName": "95e654c0676b43868a69..base_vpkg..module-0",
+ "properties": {
+ "min_vf_module_instances": {
+ "name": "min_vf_module_instances",
+ "value": 1,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "The minimum instances of this VF-Module",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "vf_module_label": {
+ "name": "vf_module_label",
+ "value": "base_vpkg",
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Alternate textual key used to reference this VF-Module model. Must be unique within the VNF model\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "max_vf_module_instances": {
+ "name": "max_vf_module_instances",
+ "value": 1,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "The maximum instances of this VF-Module",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "vfc_list": {
+ "name": "vfc_list",
+ "value": null,
+ "entrySchema": {
+ "description": "<vfc_id>:<count>",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Identifies the set of VM types and their count included in the VF-Module\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "map"
+ },
+ "vf_module_type": {
+ "name": "vf_module_type",
+ "value": "Base",
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "vf_module_description": {
+ "name": "vf_module_description",
+ "value": null,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Description of the VF-modules contents and purpose (e.g. \"Front-End\" or \"Database Cluster\")\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "initial_count": {
+ "name": "initial_count",
+ "value": 1,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "The initial count of instances of the VF-Module. The value must be in the range between min_vfmodule_instances and max_vfmodule_instances. If no value provided the initial count is the min_vfmodule_instances.\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "volume_group": {
+ "name": "volume_group",
+ "value": false,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "\"true\" indicates that this VF Module model requires attachment to a Volume Group. VID operator must select the Volume Group instance to attach to a VF-Module at deployment time.\n",
+ "default": false,
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "availability_zone_count": {
+ "name": "availability_zone_count",
+ "value": null,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": false,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Quantity of Availability Zones needed for this VF-Module (source: Extracted from VF-Module HEAT template)\n",
+ "default": null,
+ "type": "integer"
+ },
+ "isBase": {
+ "name": "isBase",
+ "value": false,
+ "entrySchema": null,
+ "required": true,
+ "constraints": [],
+ "description": "Whether this module should be deployed before other modules",
+ "default": false,
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "volumeGroups": {},
+ "pnfs": {}
+} \ No newline at end of file