path: root/docs/docs_CCVPN.rst
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+Sevice used for CCVPN
+- SOTNVPNInfraService, SDWANVPNInfraService and SIteService:
+- WanConnectionService ( Another way to describe CCVPN in a single service form which based on ONF CIM ):
+Cross-domain, cross-layer VPN (CCVPN) is one of the use cases of the ONAP Casablanca release. This release demonstrates cross-operator ONAP orchestration and interoperability with third party SDN controllers and enables cross-domain, cross-layer and cross-operator service creation and assurance.
+The demonstration includes two ONAP instances, one deployed by Vodafone and one by China Mobile, both of which orchestrate the respective operator underlay OTN networks and overlay SD-WAN networks and peer to each other for cross-operator VPN service delivery.
+The CCVPN Use Case Wiki Page can be found here:
+The projects covered by this use case include: SDC, A&AI, UUI, SO, SDNC, OOF, Policy, DCAE(Holmes), External API, MSB
+How to Use
+Design time
+SOTNVPNInfraService, SDWANVPNInfraService and SIteService service Design steps can be found here:
+WanConnectionService ( Another way to describe CCVPN in a single service form which based on ONF CIM ):
+Run Time:
+All opertion will be triggerd by UUI, inlcuding service creation and termination, link management and topology network display.
+More details can be fonud here:
+Test Status and Plans
+All test case covered by this use case:
+And the test status can be found:
+Known Issues and Resolutions
+1) AAI-1923. Link Management, UUI can't delete the link to external onap otn domain.
+For the manual steps provided by A&AI team, we should follow the steps as follow
+the only way to delete is using the forceDeleteTool shell script in the graphadmin container.
+First we will need to find the vertex id, you should be able to get the id by making the following GET request.
+GET /aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/createAndDelete/esr-system-info/test-esr-system-info-id-val-0?format=raw
+"results": [
+"id": "20624",
+"node-type": "pserver",
+"url": "/aai/v13/cloud-infrastructure/pservers/pserver/pserverid14503-as988q",
+"properties": {
+Same goes for the ext-aai-network:
+GET /aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/createAndDelete?format=raw
+Retrieve the id from the above output as that will be the vertex id that you want to remove.
+Run the following command multiple times for both the esr-system-info and ext-aai-network:
+kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -lapp=aai-graphadmin -n onap --template 'range"\n"end' | head -1) -n onap gosu aaiadmin /opt/app/aai-graphadmin/scripts/ -action DELETE_NODE -userId YOUR_ID_ANY_VALUE -vertexId VERTEX_ID
+From the above, remove the YOUR_ID_ANY_VALUE and VERTEX_ID with your info.
+2) SDC-1955. Site service Distribution
+To overcome the Service distribution, the SO catalog has to be populated with the model information of the services and resources.
+a) Refering to the Csar that is generated in the SDC designed as per the detailes mentioned in the below link:
+b) Download the Csar from SDC thus generated.
+c) copy the csar to SO sdc controller pod and bpmn pod
+ kubectl -n onap get pod|grep so
+ kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-so-so-sdc-controller-c949f5fbd-qhfbl /bin/sh
+ mkdir null/ASDC
+ mkdir null/ASDC/1
+ kubectl -n onap cp service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-58796498cf-6pzmz:null/ASDC/1/service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar
+ kubectl -n onap cp service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-58796498cf-6pzmz:ASDC/1/service-Sdwanvpninfraservice-csar.csar
+d) populate model information to SO db
+ the db script example can be seen in
+The same would also be applicable for the integration of the client to create the service and get the details.
+Currently the testing has been performed using the postman calls to the corresponding APIs.
+3) SDC-1955 & SDC-1958. Site serivce parsing Error
+UUI: stored the csar which created based on beijing release under a fixed directory, If site serive can't parsed by SDC tosca parser, UUI will parse this default csar and get the input parameter
+a) Make an available csar file for CCVPN use case.
+b) Replace uuid of available files with what existing in SDC.
+c) Put available csar files in UUI local path (/home/uui).
+4) SO-1248. Csar needs to be manually placed into the bpmn corresponding directory
+After SDC distribution success, copy all csar files from so-sdc-controller:
+ connect to so-sdc-controller( eg: kubectl.exe exec -it -n onap dev-so-so-sdc-controller-77df99bbc9-stqdz /bin/sh )
+ find out all csar files ( eg: find / -name '*.csar' )
+ the csar files should be in this path: /app/null/ASDC/ ( eg: /app/null/ASDC/1/service-Sotnvpninfraservice-csar.csar )
+ exit from the so-sdc-controller ( eg: exit )
+ copy all csar files to local derectory ( eg: kubectl.exe cp onap/dev-so-so-sdc-controller-6dfdbff76c-64nf9:/app/null/ASDC/tmp/service-DemoService-csar.csar service-DemoService-csar.csar -c so-sdc-controller )
+Copy csar files, which got from so-sdc-controller, to so-bpmn-infra
+ connect to so-bpmn-infra ( eg: kubectl.exe -n onap exec -it dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-54db5cd955-h7f5s -c so-bpmn-infra /bin/sh )
+ check the /app/ASDC deretory, if doesn't exist, create it ( eg: mkdir /app/ASDC -p )
+ exit from the so-bpmn-infra ( eg: exit )
+ copy all csar files to so-bpmn-infra ( eg: kubectl.exe cp service-Siteservice-csar.csar onap/dev-so-so-bpmn-infra-54db5cd955-h7f5s:/app/ASDC/1/service-Siteservice-csar.csar )
+5) Manual steps in closed loop Scenario:
+Following steps were undertaken for the closed loop testing.
+a. Give controller ip, username and password, trust store and key store file in restconf collector
+b. Updated DMAAP ip in cambria.hosts in DmaapConfig.json in restconf collector and run restconf collector
+c. Followed the steps provided in this link( to push CCVPN rules to holmes
+d. Followed the steps provided in this link( as reference to push CCVPN policies to policy module and updated sdnc.url, username and password in environment(/opt/app/policy/config/
+As per wiki (Policy on OOM), script is used to install policies. but I observed that CCVPN policy is not added in this script. So merged CCVPN policy using POLICY-1356 JIRA ticket. but policy is pushed by using script during integration test.
+It is found that the changes made were overwritten and hence had to patch the DG manually. This will be tracked by the JIRA SDNC-540.
+all above manual steps can be found \ No newline at end of file