path: root/plans/so
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plans/so')
-rwxr-xr-xplans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/distribution-test-zip/unzipped/unzipped_cnf_csar/v1/catalog/services/EricssonDemoService1/1.0/artifacts/service-EricssonDemoService1-csar.csarbin0 -> 332839 bytes
17 files changed, 1343 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/.gitignore b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44793d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/distribution-test-zip/unzipped/unzipped_cnf_csar/v1/catalog/services/EricssonDemoService1/1.0/artifacts/service-EricssonDemoService1-csar.csar b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/distribution-test-zip/unzipped/unzipped_cnf_csar/v1/catalog/services/EricssonDemoService1/1.0/artifacts/service-EricssonDemoService1-csar.csar
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7c8223e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/distribution-test-zip/unzipped/unzipped_cnf_csar/v1/catalog/services/EricssonDemoService1/1.0/artifacts/service-EricssonDemoService1-csar.csar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/env b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/env
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9614940c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/env
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+SO_CNFM_AS_LCM=1.9.0-SNAPSHOT \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/api-handler-infra/onapheat/override.yaml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/api-handler-infra/onapheat/override.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..327e7987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/api-handler-infra/onapheat/override.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ port: 8080
+ tomcat:
+ max-threads: 50
+ssl-enable: false
+ msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
+ logPath: logs
+ site-name: onapheat
+ adapters:
+ requestDb:
+ endpoint: http://request-db-adapter:8083
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ catalog:
+ db:
+ spring:
+ endpoint: http://catalog-db-adapter:8082
+ db:
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ config:
+ path: /src/main/resources/
+ infra:
+ default:
+ alacarte:
+ orchestrationUri: /mso/async/services/ALaCarteOrchestrator
+ recipeTimeout: 180
+ testApi: VNF_API
+ service:
+ macro:
+ default:
+ testApi: GR_API
+ camundaURL: http://bpmn-infra:8081
+ camundaAuth: AE2E9BE6EF9249085AF98689C4EE087736A5500629A72F35068FFB88813A023581DD6E765071F1C04075B36EA4213A
+ async:
+ core-pool-size: 50
+ max-pool-size: 50
+ queue-capacity: 500
+ sdc:
+ client:
+ auth: F3473596C526938329DF877495B494DC374D1C4198ED3AD305EA3ADCBBDA1862
+ activate:
+ instanceid: test
+ userid: cs0008
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:28090
+ tenant:
+ isolation:
+ retry:
+ count: 3
+ aai:
+ endpoint: https://aai-simulator:9993
+ auth: 221187EFA3AD4E33600DE0488F287099934CE65C3D0697BCECC00BB58E784E07CD74A24581DC31DBC086FF63DF116378776E9BE3D1325885
+ extApi:
+ endpoint: http://nbi.onap:8080/nbi/api/v3
+ so:
+ operational-environment:
+ dmaap:
+ username: testuser
+ password: VjR5NDcxSzA=
+ host: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:28090
+ auth: 51EA5414022D7BE536E7516C4D1A6361416921849B72C0D6FC1C7F262FD9F2BBC2AD124190A332D9845A188AD80955567A4F975C84C221EEA8243BFD92FFE6896CDD1EA16ADD34E1E3D47D4A
+ publisher:
+ topic: com.att.ecomp.mso.operationalEnvironmentEvent
+ health:
+ auth: Basic bXNvX2FkbWlufHBhc3N3b3JkMSQ=
+ endpoints:
+ - subsystem: apih
+ uri: http://bpmn-infra:8081
+ - subsystem: catalogdb
+ uri: http://catalog-db-adapter:8082
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/catalogdb
+ username: cataloguser
+ password: catalog123
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: catdb-pool
+ registerMbeans: true
+ jpa:
+ show-sql: true
+ hibernate:
+ dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
+ ddl-auto: validate
+ naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
+ enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true
+ jersey:
+ type: filter
+ security:
+ usercredentials:
+ -
+ username: sitecontrol
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: SiteControl-Client
+ -
+ username: gui
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: GUI-Client
+ -
+ username: infraportal
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: InfraPortal-Client
+ -
+ username: InfraPortalClient
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: InfraPortal-Client
+ -
+ username: bpel
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: BPEL-Client
+ -
+ username: mso_admin
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: ACTUATOR
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb
+ username: requestuser
+ password: request123
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: reqdb-pool
+ registerMbeans: true
+ onap:
+ so:
+ cloud-owner: CloudOwner
+ adapters:
+ network:
+ encryptionKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
+ auth: 221187EFA3AD4E33600DE0488F287099934CE65C3D0697BCECC00BB58E784E07CD74A24581DC31DBC086FF63DF116378776E9BE3D1325885
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/bpmn-infra/onapheat/override.yaml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/bpmn-infra/onapheat/override.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4389154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/bpmn-infra/onapheat/override.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ auth: 221187EFA3AD4E33600DE0488F287099934CE65C3D0697BCECC00BB58E784E07CD74A24581DC31DBC086FF63DF116378776E9BE3D1325885
+ dme2:
+ timeout: '30000'
+ endpoint: https://aai-simulator:9993
+ workflowAaiDistributionDelay: PT30S
+ pnfEntryNotificationTimeout: P14D
+ endpoint: blueprints-processor
+ port: 9111
+ auth: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==
+ timeout: 60
+ bpm:
+ admin-user:
+ id: admin
+ password: so_Admin123
+ history-level: full
+ job-execution:
+ max-pool-size: 30
+ core-pool-size: 3
+ packagesToScan: com
+ dmaap:
+ host: message-router
+ port: 3904
+ protocol: http
+ uriPathPrefix: events
+ topicName: unauthenticated.PNF_READY unauthenticated.PNF_UPDATE
+ consumerGroup: consumerGroup
+ consumerId: consumerId
+ topicListenerDelayInSeconds: 5
+bpelURL: http://bpmn-infra:8081
+msb-ip: msb-iag
+msb-port: 80
+ msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
+ config:
+ path: /var/csar/
+ correlation:
+ timeout: 60
+ logPath: logs
+ async:
+ core-pool-size: 50
+ max-pool-size: 50
+ queue-capacity: 500
+ aai:
+ endpoint: https://aai-simulator:9993
+ adapters:
+ completemsoprocess:
+ endpoint: http://bpmn-infra:8081/CompleteMsoProcess
+ requestDb:
+ endpoint: http://request-db-adapter:8083
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ db:
+ auth: 33293332AEC4930F655D8E2E8BB08937
+ password: wLg4sjrAFUS8rfVfdvTXeQ==
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8083/services/RequestsDbAdapter
+ spring:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8083
+ network:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/NetworkAdapter
+ rest:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/rest/v1/networks
+ openecomp:
+ db:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8083/services/RequestsDbAdapter
+ po:
+ auth: 33293332AEC4930F655D8E2E8BB08937
+ password: B8EBDE0311F0AF355CF3F2FD505A8CAD
+ sdnc:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8086/adapters/SDNCAdapter
+ rest:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8086/adapters/rest/v1/sdnc
+ timeout: PT60M
+ tenant:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/TenantAdapter
+ vnf:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/VnfAdapter
+ rest:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/rest/v1/vnfs
+ volume-groups:
+ rest:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/rest/v1/volume-groups
+ vnf-async:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/services/VnfAdapterAsync
+ vfc:
+ rest:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8084/services/v1/vfcadapter
+ workflow:
+ message:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage
+ apihandler:
+ endpoint : http://so.api-handler-infra:8080
+ auth: Basic SW5mcmFQb3J0YWxDbGllbnQ6cGFzc3dvcmQxJA==
+ bpmn:
+ process:
+ historyTimeToLive: '30'
+ callbackRetryAttempts: '5'
+ catalog:
+ db:
+ endpoint: http://catalog-db-adapter:8082/ecomp/mso/catalog
+ spring:
+ endpoint: http://catalog-db-adapter:8082
+ db:
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ default:
+ adapter:
+ namespace: http://org.onap.mso
+ healthcheck:
+ log:
+ debug: 'false'
+ infra:
+ customer:
+ id: testCustIdInfra
+ po:
+ timeout: PT60M
+ request:
+ db:
+ endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8083/
+ rollback: 'true'
+ sdnc:
+ password: 3141634BF7E070AA289CF2892C986C0B
+ service:
+ agnostic:
+ sniro:
+ endpoint: /sniro/api/v2/placement
+ host: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:30253
+ site-name: CamundaEngine
+ sniro:
+ auth: test:testpwd
+ callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8086/adapters/rest/SDNCNotify
+ endpoint: http://replaceme:28090/optimizationInstance/V1/create
+ timeout: PT30M
+ oof:
+ auth: test:testpwd
+ callbackEndpoint: http://bpmn-infra:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage
+ endpoint: http://oof.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8698/api/oof/v1/placement
+ timeout: PT30M
+ workflow:
+ CreateGenericVNFV1:
+ aai:
+ volume-group:
+ uri: /aai/v6/cloud-infrastructure/volume-groups/volume-group
+ default:
+ aai:
+ version: '14'
+ cloud-region:
+ version: '14'
+ generic-vnf:
+ version: '14'
+ v14:
+ customer:
+ uri: /aai/v14/business/customers/customer
+ generic-query:
+ uri: /aai/v14/search/generic-query
+ generic-vnf:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf
+ l3-network:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/l3-networks/l3-network
+ network-policy:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/network-policies/network-policy
+ nodes-query:
+ uri: /aai/v14/search/nodes-query
+ route-table-reference:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference
+ tenant:
+ uri: /aai/v14/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne/tenants/tenant
+ vce:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/vces/vce
+ vpn-binding:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding
+ sp-partner:
+ uri: /aai/v14/business/sp-partners/sp-partner
+ device:
+ uri: /aai/v14/network/devices/device
+ v11:
+ customer:
+ uri: /aai/v11/business/customers/customer
+ generic-query:
+ uri: /aai/v11/search/generic-query
+ generic-vnf:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf
+ l3-network:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/l3-networks/l3-network
+ network-policy:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/network-policies/network-policy
+ nodes-query:
+ uri: /aai/v11/search/nodes-query
+ route-table-reference:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference
+ tenant:
+ uri: /aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne/tenants/tenant
+ vce:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/vces/vce
+ vpn-binding:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding
+ v8:
+ configuration:
+ uri: /aai/v11/network/configurations/configuration
+ customer:
+ uri: /aai/v8/business/customers/customer
+ generic-query:
+ uri: /aai/v8/search/generic-query
+ l3-network:
+ uri: /aai/v8/network/l3-networks/l3-network
+ network-policy:
+ uri: /aai/v8/network/network-policies/network-policy
+ nodes-query:
+ uri: /aai/v8/search/nodes-query
+ route-table-reference:
+ uri: /aai/v8/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference
+ tenant:
+ uri: /aai/v8/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner/RegionOne/tenants/tenant
+ vce:
+ uri: /aai/v8/network/vces/vce
+ vpn-binding:
+ uri: /aai/v8/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding
+ v9:
+ cloud-region:
+ uri: /aai/v9/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/CloudOwner
+ generic-vnf:
+ uri: /aai/v9/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf
+ retry:
+ attempts: '1'
+ deleteCinderVolumeV1:
+ aai:
+ volume-group:
+ uri: /aai/v6/cloud-infrastructure/volume-groups/volume-group
+ global:
+ default:
+ aai:
+ namespace: http://org.onap.aai.inventory/
+ version: 14
+ message:
+ endpoint: http://bpmn-infra:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage
+ notification:
+ name: GenericNotificationServiceATT
+ sdnc:
+ replication:
+ delay: PT60S
+ sdncadapter:
+ callback: http://bpmn-infra:8081/mso/SDNCAdapterCallbackService
+ vnfadapter:
+ create:
+ callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
+ delete:
+ callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
+ query:
+ callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
+ rollback:
+ callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.onap.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify
+ use:
+ qualified:
+ host: false
+ global:
+ dmaap:
+ username: testuser
+ password: alRyMzJ3NUNeakxl
+ host:
+ publisher:
+ topic: replaceme
+ naming:
+ endpoint: http://naming.demo.onap.com:8081/web/service/v1/genNetworkElementName
+ auth: Basic bTA0NzY4QG5vbi1wcm9kLm1zby5lY29tcC5hdHQuY29tOkF0dG0wNDc2OExpZmUhQA==
+ auth: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==
+ default:
+ disposition: Skip
+ client:
+ auth: Basic bTAzNzQzOnBvbGljeVIwY2sk
+ endpoint: https://localhost:8081/pdp/api/
+ environment: TEST
+ auth: Basic YWRtaW46S3A4Yko0U1hzek0wV1hsaGFrM2VIbGNzZTJnQXc4NHZhb0dHbUp2VXkyVQ==
+ host: http://sdnc-simulator:9994
+ path: /restconf/operations/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API
+ si:
+ svc:
+ dmaap:
+ host: ueb1.simpledemo.onap.org:3904
+ timeout: 30000
+ lcm:
+ path: '/restconf/operations/LCM:'
+ actionTimeout: 300000
+ dmapp:
+ readTopic: SDNC-LCM-WRITE
+ writeTopic: SDNC-LCM-READ
+ client:
+ topic:
+ read:
+ timeout: 360000
+ write: APPC-LCM-READ
+ sdnc:
+ write: SDNC-LCM-READ
+ response:
+ timeout: 360000
+ key: VIlbtVl6YLhNUrtU
+ secret: 64AG2hF4pYeG2pq7CT6XwUOT
+ service: ueb
+ poolMembers: ueb1.simpledemo.onap.org:3904,ueb2.simpledemo.onap.org:3904
+ conductor:
+ enabled: true
+ host: http://sniro-emulator:80
+ uri: /v1/release-orders
+ headers.auth: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0cHdk
+ manager:
+ timeout: PT30M
+ host: http://sniro-emulator:80
+ uri.v1: /sniro/api/v2/placement
+ uri.v2: /sniro/api/placement/v2
+ headers.auth: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0cHdk
+ headers.patchVersion: 1
+ headers.minorVersion: 1
+ headers.latestVersion: 2
+ port: 8081
+ tomcat:
+ max-threads: 50
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/camundabpmn
+ username: camundauser
+ password: camunda123
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: bpmn-pool
+ registerMbeans: true
+ security:
+ usercredentials:
+ -
+ username: apihBpmn
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: BPMN-Client
+ -
+ username: sdncaBpmn
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: BPMN-Client
+ -
+ username: poBpmn
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: BPMN-Client
+ -
+ username: wmaBpmn
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: BPMN-Client
+ -
+ username: sniro
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: SNIRO-Client
+ -
+ username: mso_admin
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: ACTUATOR
+ vnfm:
+ adapter:
+ url: http://so-etsi-sol003-adapter.onap:9092/so/vnfm-adapter/v1/
+ auth: Basic dm5mbTpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ onap:
+ so:
+ cloud-owner: CloudOwner
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/catalog-db-adapter/onapheat/override.yaml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/catalog-db-adapter/onapheat/override.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4e28b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/catalog-db-adapter/onapheat/override.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ port: 8082
+ tomcat:
+ max-threads: 50
+ssl-enable: false
+ logPath: logs
+ site-name: onapheat
+ catalog:
+ db:
+ spring:
+ endpoint: http://catalog-db-adapter:8082
+ db:
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/catalogdb
+ username: cataloguser
+ password: catalog123
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: catdb-pool
+ registerMbeans: true
+ flyway:
+ baseline-on-migrate: false
+ url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/catalogdb
+ user: cataloguser
+ password: catalog123
+ outOfOrder: true
+ validateOnMigrate: false
+ jpa:
+ generate-ddl: false
+ show-sql: false
+ hibernate:
+ ddl-auto: validate
+ naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
+ enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true
+ database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
+ security:
+ usercredentials:
+ -
+ username: bpel
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: BPEL-Client
+ -
+ username: mso_admin
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: ACTUATOR
+ context-path: /manage
+ identity_services:
+ identity_url: "https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0"
+ admin_tenant: "dummy"
+ member_role: "admin"
+ tenant_metadata: true
+ identity_server_type: "KEYSTONE"
+ identity_authentication_type: "RACKSPACE_APIKEY"
+ project_domain_name: "PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME"
+ user_domain_name: "USER_DOMAIN_NAME"
+ identity_url: "dummy"
+ mso_id: "dummy"
+ mso_pass: "dummy"
+ admin_tenant: "dummy"
+ member_role: "admin"
+ tenant_metadata: true
+ identity_server_type: "KEYSTONE"
+ identity_authentication_type: "USERNAME_PASSWORD"
+ project_domain_name: "dummy"
+ user_domain_name: "dummy"
+ cloud_sites:
+ Dallas:
+ region_id: "DFW"
+ clli: "DFW"
+ aic_version: "2.5"
+ identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE"
+ Northern Virginia:
+ region_id: "IAD"
+ clli: "IAD"
+ aic_version: "2.5"
+ identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE"
+ Chicago:
+ region_id: "ORD"
+ clli: "ORD"
+ aic_version: "2.5"
+ identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE"
+ RegionOne:
+ region_id: "RegionOne"
+ clli: "RegionOne"
+ aic_version: "2.5"
+ identity_service_id: "DEFAULT_KEYSTONE"
+ region_id: "dummyRegionId"
+ clli: "dummyClli"
+ aic_version: "2.5"
+ identity_service_id: "DEFAULT_KEYSTONE" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/sdc-controller/onapheat/override.yaml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/sdc-controller/onapheat/override.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b65530a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/sdc-controller/onapheat/override.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
+ port: 8085
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/catalogdb
+ username: cataloguser
+ password: catalog123
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: catdb-pool
+ registerMbeans: false
+ security:
+ usercredentials:
+ -
+ username: asdc
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: Asdc-Client
+ -
+ username: mso_admin
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: ACTUATOR
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb
+ username: requestuser
+ password: request123
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: reqdb-pool
+ registerMbeans: false
+ msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7
+ logPath: ./logs/asdc
+ catalog:
+ db:
+ spring:
+ endpoint: http://catalog-db-adapter:8082
+ db:
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ site-name: onapheat
+ camundaURL: http://bpmn-infra:8081/
+ adapters:
+ requestDb:
+ endpoint: http://request-db-adapter:8083
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ aai:
+ endpoint: https://aai.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443
+ asdc-connections:
+ asdc-controller1:
+ user: mso
+ consumerGroup: SO-OpenSource-Env11
+ consumerId: SO-COpenSource-Env11
+ environmentName: AUTO
+ asdcAddress: c2.vm1.sdc.simpledemo.onap.org:8443
+ password: 76966BDD3C7414A03F7037264FF2E6C8EEC6C28F2B67F2840A1ED857C0260FEE731D73F47F828E5527125D29FD25D3E0DE39EE44C058906BF1657DE77BF897EECA93BDC07FA64F
+ pollingInterval: 60
+ pollingTimeout: 60
+ relevantArtifactTypes: HEAT,HEAT_ENV,HEAT_VOL
+ useHttpsWithDmaap: false
+ activateServerTLSAuth: false
+ keyStorePassword:
+ keyStorePath:
+ watchDogTimeout: 100
+ isFitlerInEmptyResources: true
+ messageBusAddress: vm1.mr.simpledemo.onap.org,vm1.mr.simpledemo.onap.org
+ asdc:
+ config:
+ activity:
+ endpoint: http://sdc-wfd-be:8080
+ key: 566B754875657232314F5548556D3665
+ components:
+ count: 0,
+ componentNames:
+ scheduling:
+ enabled: false \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/so-cnfm/onapheat/override.yaml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/so-cnfm/onapheat/override.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..529cde22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/so-cnfm/onapheat/override.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ auth: 2A11B07DB6214A839394AA1EC5844695F5114FC407FF5422625FB00175A3DCB8A1FF745F22867EFA72D5369D599BBD88DA8BED4233CF5586
+ version: v19
+ endpoint: https://aai-simulator:9993
+ datasource:
+ hikari:
+ camunda:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/camundabpmn
+ username: ${DB_USERNAME}
+ password: ${DB_PASSWORD}
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: bpmn-pool
+ registerMbeans: true
+ cnfm:
+ jdbcUrl: jdbc:mariadb://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/cnfm
+ username: ${DB_ADMIN_USERNAME}
+ password: ${DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
+ driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
+ pool-name: cnfm-pool
+ registerMbeans: true
+ port: 9888
+ tomcat:
+ max-threads: 50
+ bpm:
+ history-level: full
+ job-execution:
+ max-pool-size: 30
+ core-pool-size: 3
+ deployment-aware: true
+ username: mso
+ password: 76966BDD3C7414A03F7037264FF2E6C8EEC6C28F2B67F2840A1ED857C0260FEE731D73F47F828E5527125D29FD25D3E0DE39EE44C058906BF1657DE77BF897EECA93BDC07FA64F
+ key: 566B754875657232314F5548556D3665
+ endpoint: http://sdc-simulator:9991
+ endpoint: http://so-cnfm-lcm:9888 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/so-monitoring/onapheat/override.yaml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/so-monitoring/onapheat/override.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62d8c9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/config/override-files/so-monitoring/onapheat/override.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ port: 30224
+ tomcat:
+ max-threads: 4
+ssl-enable: false
+ rest:
+ api:
+ url: http://bpmn-infra:8081/sobpmnengine/engine/
+ engine: default
+ auth: Basic YXBpaEJwbW46cGFzc3dvcmQxJA==
+ database:
+ rest:
+ api:
+ url: http://request-db-adapter:8083/infraActiveRequests/
+ auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk
+ security:
+ usercredentials:
+ -
+ username: gui
+ password: '$2a$10$Fh9ffgPw2vnmsghsRD3ZauBL1aKXebigbq3BB1RPWtE62UDILsjke'
+ role: GUI-Client \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/docker-compose.local.yml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/docker-compose.local.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09c7ab33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/docker-compose.local.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+version: '3'
+ mariadb:
+ image: mariadb:${MARIADB_VERSION}
+ catalog-db-adapter:
+ image: onap/so/catalog-db-adapter:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ request-db-adapter:
+ image: onap/so/request-db-adapter:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ sdc-controller:
+ image: onap/so/sdc-controller:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ bpmn-infra:
+ image: onap/so/bpmn-infra:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ api-handler-infra:
+ image: onap/so/api-handler-infra:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ so-admin-cockpit:
+ image: onap/so/so-admin-cockpit:${SO_ADMIN_COCKPIT_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ so-cnfm-lcm:
+ image: onap/so/so-cnfm-as-lcm:${SO_CNFM_AS_LCM}
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/docker-compose.yml b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4404875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+version: '3'
+ mariadb:
+ ports:
+ - "3306:3306"
+ volumes:
+ - /var/lib/mysql
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/mariadb/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d
+ environment:
+ - MYSQL_USER=etsicatalog
+ - MYSQL_PASSWORD=etsicatalog
+ - MYSQL_DATABASE=etsicatalog
+ hostname:
+ mariadb.so.testlab.onap.org
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ catalog-db-adapter:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/catalog-db-adapter:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ ports:
+ - "8082:8082"
+ volumes:
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/so/ca-certificates/onapheat:/app/ca-certificates
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/override-files/catalog-db-adapter/onapheat:/app/config
+ environment:
+ - APP=catalog-db-adapter
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ - DB_HOST=mariadb
+ - DB_PORT=3306
+ - DB_USERNAME=so_user
+ - DB_PASSWORD=so_User123
+ - DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=so_admin
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=so_Admin123
+ hostname:
+ catalog-db-adapter.so.testlab.onap.org
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ user: root
+ entrypoint: /bin/sh -c '/app/wait-for.sh -q -t "300" mariadb:3306 -- "/app/start-app.sh"'
+ request-db-adapter:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/request-db-adapter:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ ports:
+ - "8083:8083"
+ volumes:
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/so/ca-certificates/onapheat:/app/ca-certificates
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/so/config/request-db-adapter/onapheat:/app/config
+ environment:
+ - APP=request-db-adapter
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ - DB_HOST=mariadb
+ - DB_PORT=3306
+ - DB_USERNAME=so_user
+ - DB_PASSWORD=so_User123
+ - DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=so_admin
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=so_Admin123
+ hostname:
+ request-db-adapter.so.testlab.onap.org
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - catalog-db-adapter
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ user: root
+ entrypoint: /bin/sh -c '/app/wait-for.sh -q -t "300" catalog-db-adapter:8082 -- "/app/start-app.sh"'
+ sdc-controller:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/sdc-controller:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ ports:
+ - "8085:8085"
+ volumes:
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/so/ca-certificates/onapheat:/app/ca-certificates
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/distribution-test-zip:/distribution-test-zip
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/override-files/sdc-controller/onapheat:/app/config
+ environment:
+ - APP=sdc-controller
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ - DB_HOST=mariadb
+ - DB_PORT=3306
+ - DB_USERNAME=so_user
+ - DB_PASSWORD=so_User123
+ - DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=so_admin
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=so_Admin123
+ hostname:
+ sdc-controller.so.testlab.onap.org
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - catalog-db-adapter
+ - request-db-adapter
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ user: root
+ entrypoint: /bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p /distribution-test-zip/unzipped && tar -xvzf /distribution-test-zip/zipped_cnf_csar.tar.gz -C /distribution-test-zip/unzipped && chmod 777 -R /distribution-test-zip/ && /app/wait-for.sh -q -t "300" request-db-adapter:8083 -- "/app/start-app.sh"'
+ bpmn-infra:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/bpmn-infra:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ ports:
+ - "8081:8081"
+ volumes:
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/override-files/bpmn-infra/onapheat:/app/config
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/certificates/bpmn-infra-certs:/app/bpmn-infra-certs
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/certificates/truststore/root-ca.crt:/app/ca-certificates/root-ca.crt
+ environment:
+ - APP=bpmn-infra
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ - DB_HOST=mariadb
+ - DB_PORT=3306
+ - DB_USERNAME=so_user
+ - DB_PASSWORD=so_User123
+ - DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=so_admin
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=so_Admin123
+ hostname:
+ bpmn-infra.so.testlab.onap.org
+ links:
+ - "so-cnfm-lcm:so-cnfm-lcm.onap"
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - catalog-db-adapter
+ - request-db-adapter
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ user: root
+ entrypoint: /bin/sh -c '/app/wait-for.sh -q -t "300" request-db-adapter:8083 -- "/app/start-app.sh"'
+ api-handler-infra:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/api-handler-infra:${SO_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ #${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/api-handler-infra:${TAG}
+ ports:
+ - "8080:8080"
+ volumes:
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/override-files/api-handler-infra/onapheat:/app/config
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/certificates/truststore/root-ca.crt:/app/ca-certificates/root-ca.crt
+ environment:
+ - APP=api-handler-infra
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ - DB_HOST=mariadb
+ - DB_PORT=3306
+ - DB_USERNAME=so_user
+ - DB_PASSWORD=so_User123
+ - DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=so_admin
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=so_Admin123
+ hostname:
+ api-handler-infra.so.testlab.onap.org
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - catalog-db-adapter
+ - request-db-adapter
+ - bpmn-infra
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ user: root
+ entrypoint: /bin/sh -c '/app/wait-for.sh -q -t "300" bpmn-infra:8081 -- "/app/start-app.sh"'
+ so-admin-cockpit:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/so-admin-cockpit:${SO_ADMIN_COCKPIT_IMAGE_VERSION}
+ ports:
+ - "30224:30224"
+ volumes:
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/override-files/so-monitoring/onapheat:/app/config
+ environment:
+ - APP=so-admin-cockpit
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ hostname:
+ so-admin-cockpit.so.testlab.onap.org
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - catalog-db-adapter
+ - request-db-adapter
+ so-cnfm-lcm:
+ image: ${NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO_MSO}/onap/so/so-cnfm-as-lcm:${SO_CNFM_AS_LCM}
+ ports:
+ - "9888:9888"
+ volumes:
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH_CNFM}/override-files/so-cnfm/onapheat:/app/config
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/certificates/truststore/root-ca.crt:/app/ca-certificates/root-ca.crt
+ - ${TEST_LAB_DIR}/volumes/so/ca-certificates/onapheat:/app/ca-certificates
+ environment:
+ - APP=so-cnfm-lcm
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ - DB_HOST=mariadb
+ - DB_PORT=3306
+ - DB_USERNAME=so_user
+ - DB_PASSWORD=so_User123
+ - DB_ADMIN_USERNAME=so_admin
+ - DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=so_Admin123
+ hostname:
+ so-cnfm-lcm.so.testlab.onap.org
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - catalog-db-adapter
+ - request-db-adapter
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ user: root
+ entrypoint: /bin/sh -c '/app/wait-for.sh -q -t "300" bpmn-infra:8081 -- "/app/start-app.sh"'
+ kind-cluster:
+ image: kind-cluster:latest
+ ports:
+ - "30001:30001"
+ depends_on:
+ - so-cnfm-lcm
+ user: root
+ privileged: true
+ sdc-simulator:
+ image: simulators/sdc-simulator:latest
+ ports:
+ - "9991:9991"
+ environment:
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ hostname:
+ sdc-simulator
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - so-cnfm-lcm
+ - kind-cluster
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ aai-simulator:
+ image: simulators/aai-simulator:latest
+ ports:
+ - "9993:9993"
+ environment:
+ - JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx512m
+ hostname:
+ aai-simulator
+ depends_on:
+ - mariadb
+ - so-cnfm-lcm
+ - kind-cluster
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "30m"
+ max-file: "5"
+ populate-aai-config:
+ image: jobs/workaround-job-container:latest
+ ports:
+ - "9995:9995"
+ volumes:
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/populate-aai-simulator.sh:/config/populate-aai-simulator.sh
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/wait-for.sh:/config/wait-for.sh
+ - ${CONFIG_DIR_PATH}/aai-simulator-populate-data:/config/aai-simulator-populate-data/
+ environment:
+ - AAI_SIMULATOR_HOST=aai-simulator
+ - TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS=300 #5 mins
+ depends_on:
+ - aai-simulator
+ command:
+ - "/config/populate-aai-simulator.sh"
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/setup.sh b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8f651831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2023 Nordix Foundation.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# @author Waqas Ikram (waqas.ikram@est.tech)
+SCRIPT_HOME="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
+INTEGRATION_ETSI_TESTING_DIR="$(realpath "$SCRIPT_HOME"/../integration-etsi-testing)"
+MVN_CLEAN_INSTALL="$MVN clean install"
+echo "Running $SCRIPT_HOME/$SCRIPT_NAME ..."
+export $(egrep -v '^#' $ENV_FILE | xargs)
+ do
+ if [ -z "${!var}" ]; then
+ echo "Missing mandatory attribute $var in $ENV_FILE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [[ ! "$TEMP_DIR_PATH" || ! -d "$TEMP_DIR_PATH" ]]; then
+ echo "Creating temporary directory $TEMP_DIR_PATH"
+ mkdir $TEMP_DIR_PATH
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Could not create $TEMP_DIR_PATH"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Will use ${TEMP_DIR_PATH} directory"
+if [[ ! "$MAVEN_DIR" || ! -d "$MAVEN_DIR" ]]; then
+ echo "Creating temporary maven directory $MAVEN_DIR"
+ mkdir $MAVEN_DIR
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Could not create $MAVEN_DIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Will use ${MAVEN_DIR} directory for maven install"
+if [[ ! "$INSTALLED_MAVEN_DIR" || ! -d "$INSTALLED_MAVEN_DIR" ]]; then
+ echo "Installing maven ..."
+ CURL=`which curl`
+ if [[ ! "$CURL" ]]; then
+ echo "curl command is not installed"
+ echo "Unable to execute test plan"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ TAR=`which tar`
+ if [[ ! "$TAR" ]]; then
+ echo "tar command is not installed"
+ echo "Unable to execute test plan"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ tar -xzvf $MAVEN_TAR_FILE
+ echo "Finished installing maven ..."
+echo "Maven installed under directory $INSTALLED_MAVEN_DIR"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Unable to run mvn -v command"
+ exit 1
+echo "Will build simulator project using $MVN_CLEAN_INSTALL -f $SIMULATOR_MAVEN_PROJECT_POM --settings $MVN_SETTINGS_XML"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Maven build failed"
+ exit 1
+echo "Will clone docker-config project ... "
+if [[ -d "$TEST_LAB_DIR_PATH" ]]; then
+ echo "$TEST_LAB_DIR_PATH already exists"
+ echo "Removing $TEST_LAB_DIR_PATH directory ..."
+git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/so/docker-config.git $TEST_LAB_DIR_PATH
+echo "Replacing $CAMUNDA_SQL_SCRIPT_NAME ..."
+if [ "$DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT" == "remote" ]; then
+ echo "Starting docker containers with remote images ..."
+ docker-compose -f $DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE_PATH -p $PROJECT_NAME up -d
+elif [ "$DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT" == "local" ]; then
+ echo "Starting docker containers with local images ..."
+ echo "DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT not set correctly in $ENV_FILE. Allowed values: local | remote"
+ exit 1
+echo "Sleeping for 3m"
+sleep 3m
+docker ps -a
+echo "Will execute $WAIT_FOR_POPULATE_AAI_SCRIPT script"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Will stop running docker containers . . ."
+ exit 1
+PODS_NAMES=( "api-handler-infra" "so-cnfm-lcm" "kind-cluster")
+for pod in "${PODS_NAMES[@]}"
+ do
+ echo "Will execute $WAIT_FOR_CONTAINER_SCRIPT to wait for $pod container to start up"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: $WAIT_FOR_CONTAINER_SCRIPT for pod: $pod failed"
+ echo "Will stop running docker containers . . ."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+echo "Finished executing $SCRIPT_HOME/$SCRIPT_NAME" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/teardown.sh b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/teardown.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2cecba5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/teardown.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2023 Nordix Foundation.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# @author Waqas Ikram (waqas.ikram@est.tech)
+SCRIPT_HOME="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
+INTEGRATION_ETSI_TESTING_DIR="$(realpath "$SCRIPT_HOME"/../integration-etsi-testing)"
+echo "Running $SCRIPT_HOME/$SCRIPT_NAME ..."
+export $(egrep -v '^#' $ENV_FILE | xargs)
+if [ "$DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT" == "remote" ]; then
+ echo "Tearing down docker containers from remote images ..."
+ docker-compose -f $DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE_PATH -p $PROJECT_NAME down
+elif [ "$DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT" == "local" ]; then
+ echo "Tearing down docker containers from local images ..."
+ echo "Couldn't find valid property for DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT in $ENV_FILE."
+ echo "Attempting normal teardown ..."
+ docker-compose -f $DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE_PATH -p $PROJECT_NAME down
+echo "Finished executing $SCRIPT_HOME/$SCRIPT_NAME"
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/testplan.txt b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/testplan.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9c00b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/so/integration-cnfm-testing/testplan.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Test suites are relative paths under [integration/csit.git]/tests/.
+# Place the suites in run order. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/Dockerfile.kind-cluster b/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/Dockerfile.kind-cluster
index be2bcbb5..8d9f8c87 100644
--- a/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/Dockerfile.kind-cluster
+++ b/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/Dockerfile.kind-cluster
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM library/alpine:3.8
+FROM library/alpine:latest
RUN apk -U upgrade && apk add ca-certificates util-linux gnupg curl make kmod procps bash && gpg --keyserver https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg --recv-keys && apk update && apk add docker openrc && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy || true && update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy || true && update-alternatives --set arptables /usr/sbin/arptables-legacy || true
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ EXPOSE 30001
COPY entrypoint-original.sh /entrypoint-original.sh
RUN chmod 777 /entrypoint-original.sh
-ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
+ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/entrypoint.sh; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 'Successfully created kind cluster'; else echo 'Failed creating kind cluster'; fi"]
CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint-original.sh b/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint-original.sh
index 488f7543..21dd1982 100644
--- a/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint-original.sh
+++ b/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint-original.sh
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fi
# Check cgroupfs.
# Verify the filesystem.
if [ ! -d /sys/fs/cgroup/ ]; then
- echo >&2 'Cgroupfs is not mounted'
+ echo >&2 'ERROR: Cgroupfs is not mounted'
exit 1
diff --git a/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint.sh b/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint.sh
index 4e4e75ec..a9af9a83 100644
--- a/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint.sh
+++ b/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing/so-simulators/package/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/kind-cluster/entrypoint.sh
@@ -69,4 +69,5 @@ done < "$HOME/.kube/config"
+echo "Finished Setting up KIND cluster $CONFIG_ADDRESS"
exec "$@"