path: root/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/README.md
diff options
authorTamasBakai <tamas.bakai@est.tech>2019-02-15 08:38:16 +0000
committerTamas Bakai <tamas.bakai@est.tech>2019-02-15 09:47:28 +0000
commit9b780338eb8b85fc713f272a7cae865f1265f109 (patch)
tree864c1ba60eff8625f1f5c79567da0914e5e8ed65 /test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/README.md
parent01c69ab28550d775239697067588e3b2063188a1 (diff)
Simulator scripts for datafile-collector
Change-Id: Idff5fb9e4406f42208367860b3d02fc2ed4a9bad Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1225 Signed-off-by: TamasBakai <tamas.bakai@est.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/README.md')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/README.md b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b04b9ec64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/datafilecollector-testharness/mr-sim/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+## Developer workflow
+1. ```sudo apt install python3-venv```
+2. ```source .env/bin/activate/```
+3. ```pip3 install "anypackage"``` #also include in source code
+4. ```pip3 freeze | grep -v "pkg-resources" > requirements.txt``` #to create a req file
+5. ```FLASK_APP=mr-sim.py flask run```
+ or
+ ```python3 mr-sim.py ```
+6. Check/lint/format the code before commit/amed by ```autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive mr-sim.py```
+## User workflow on *NIX
+When cloning/fetching from the repository first time:
+1. `git clone`
+2. `cd "..." ` #navigate to this folder
+3. `source setup.sh ` #setting up virtualenv and install requirements
+ you'll get a sourced virtualenv shell here, check prompt
+4. `(env) $ python3 mr-sim.py --help`
+ alternatively
+ `(env) $ python3 mr-sim.py --tc1`
+Every time you run the script, you'll need to step into the virtualenv by following step 3 first.
+## User workflow on Windows
+When cloning/fetching from the repository first time:
+1. 'git clone'
+2. then step into the folder
+3. 'pip3 install virtualenv'
+4. 'pip3 install virtualenvwrapper-win'
+5. 'mkvirtualenv env'
+6. 'workon env'
+7. 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt' #this will install in the local environment then
+8. 'python3 dfc-sim.py'
+Every time you run the script, you'll need to step into the virtualenv by step 2+6. \ No newline at end of file